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广州版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(八)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题选出划线部分发音不同的一项。1 . AheadBeatCbread2 . AhillBillCsmile3 . A threeB theseCthose4 . AbyByesCfly5 . AnoBnoseChot6 . Do snakesmusic? ( )AlikesBlikeCliking7 . Im going to _ near a lake. ( )AwalkBwalkingCwalks8 . I_ last night. ( )Adid homeworkBdo homeworkCdoing homework9 . _ you _ us a talk this afternoon? ( )AAre, givingBAre, givenCWill, giveDWere, going to give10 . How many cherries there?AareBisCdoes11 . When is World Environment Day? ( )AOn 22nd April.BOn 5th June.COn 4th July.12 . Do you know inventions in China? ( )Aa lotBmuchCany13 . What_ Wu Yifan do last weekend? ( )AdoBdidCdoes14 . school bag ( )A书包B铅笔盒15 . Its in winter in Jiangsu. ( )AhotBcoolCcold16 . _China, Childrens Day is in June. ( )AInBAtCFor17 . He _ his mobile phone at home.AleaveBleavesCleft18 . This is _ red shirt. ( )AAmyBmineCyour19 . 选出每组中不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. green B. red C. light(_) 2. A. wait B. go C. is(_) 3. A. where B. stop C. what(_) 4. A. bus B. street C. bike(_) 5. A. restaurant B. zoo C. far二、完形填空完形填空。A week ago, I_a piece of paper. People wrote_both sides of me. I knew a lot of words. Then I_an envelope, a boy put a letter_me. But he left me in the street, and a street cleaner collected me._ , I went to a factory, and a big machine made me into a new box.20 . AamBwasCwere21 . AonBinCto22 . AbecomeBbecameCbecomes23 . AwithBfromCin24 . AFirstBOneCFinally三、填空题25 . 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. We have two new _(friend) in our class. 2. -Whats _(you) name? -_(I) name is Kate.3. Does Carla like _(sing) ? Yes, she does.4. Bens brother _(be) from France.5. -Where_(be) Tom and Bob from? -They are from Australia.6. Where _ ( be ) you from? 7. Zhou Pei _ ( come ) from Beijing.8. My new friend, Cathy, _ (like) living in China.9. Peter likes _ ( play ) the piano.10. Who _ ( be ) that man over there?四、排序题26 . 把下列句子重新排序,组成一段新的对话。AAt our school.BGood luck to you and your team!CWho are you going to play?DWhere are you going to play?E. Thank you.F. A team from No. 2 Middle School.G. We are going to have a basketball match tomorrow afternoon._27 . 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(_)Its a robot.(_)Happy birthday, Sam! This is for you.( 4 )How nice! Would you like a pie?(_)Yes, please.(_)No, thank you. I dont like cakes.(_)Thank you, Mike. Whats this?(_)What about a cake?五、任务型阅读28 . Read and finish. 认真阅读短文,完成下面的句子。My name is Deng Ming. This is my village. It is in the mountains. There are many small houses and a river. There are many fish in the river. There is a road beside the river. There are many flowers near the road. There is green grass and many trees. We can run on the grass. There is a lake near my village. The water is clean. Its a beautiful village.1. My is in the mountains.2. There are many in the river.3. There are many near the road.4. There is green grass and many in the village.5. The lake near my village is .根据短文内容判断对错Hi, I am Mike. There are five people in my family. My grandma, my father, my mother, me and my little puppy. There are three birthdays in February and two birthdays in September. My grandmas birthday is in February. My birthday is on September 10th. It is also Teachers Day. My mother is a teacher. On September 10th, my mum usually buys me a big birthday cake. I often help her cook dinner. She usually cooks noodles for me. I feel happy. I love my mother very much.29 . There are four people in Mikes family.(_)30 . There are three birthdays in September. (_)31 . Mikes mum is a cook. (_)32 . Mikes grandmas birthday is in February. (_)六、选内容补全对话选择合适的选项补全对话。A.Why do you like it?B.You are welcome.C.When is your birthday?D.Whats your favourite food?E.What do you usually do on that day?A: Hello, Mike. 33 . B: My birthday is on October 6th.A: 34 . B: I usually climb mountains.A: 35 . B: My favourite food is chicken.A: 36 . B: Because its delicious.A: Thank you for telling me.B: 37 . 七、匹配题38 . 选择合适的单词填空。cinema museum zoo1._2._3._找出与所给句子相对应的答句。AHow nice!BGood morning.CGreen.DYes, please.EYes, I am.FIts yellow.GHello, Mike.H. Good afternoon, Miss Li.39 . Would you like an apple?(_)40 . What colour is your dress?(_)41 . Look at my white cap. (_)42 . Good afternoon, Mike.(_)43 . Good morning. (_)44 . Blue or green? (_)45 . Are you Wang Bing? (_)46 . This is Mike. (_)第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、四、排序题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、选内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、2、

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