外研版九年级英语上册Module 5 Museums Unit2练习题

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外研版九年级英语上册Module 5 Museums Unit2练习题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、完型填空There was a man who had four sons. He hoped that his sons could learn not to judge(评判) things too _. So he gave them each of his four sons a question, asking them to go and look at a pear tree during different _. The first son set out in the winter,the second in the spring,the third in the summer and the youngest son in the autumn.When all of them returned home, he called them together to _what they saw. The first son said the tree was ugly and there was _there. The second son said the tree was covered with _buds and full of hope. The third son didnt have the same idea as his two brothers, saying that it was full of _. He said they smelled sweet and looked beautiful. The last son_ with all of them, saying that there were lots of fruit_the tree, and the tree was full of life.The man told his sons that they were all right, _each of them only saw the tree during one season. He told his sons that they cannot judge a tree only by one season. If you give up during the coldness of winter, youll miss the_of spring, the beauty of summer,and harvest of autumn in your life.1 . AclearlyBslowlyCquicklyDcarefully2 . AyearsBseasonsCmonthsDweeks3 . AdescribeBdrawCdiscussDdecide4 . AeverythingBsomethingCanythingDnothing5 . AgreenBblackCpurpleDblue6 . AleavesBpearsCflowersDbirds7 . AagreedBdisagreedChelpedDshared8 . AwithBtoCatDon9 . AifBwhileCwhenDbecause10 . AhopeBlifeCbeautyDfuture二、阅读单选Even kids know that we should wait for the traffic light to turn green before crossing a road, but not everybody follows this basic rule.“Chinese style road crossing” has become a hot expression recently. Chinese people “cross roads without thinking about traffic lights, so long as they are part of a crowd”, said a post on Sina Weibo.A CCTV news program showed that in only an hour, more than 600 people ran red lights when crossing a road in Shijiazhuang, Hebei.Many people say that they jaywalk (乱穿马路) because the red light lasts too long. Such an opinion is supported by a research team at Tongji University.The team did research on peoples waiting times at different road crossings from 2008 to 2010. They found that Chinese people would wait for 70 to 90 seconds before they lost their patience.“People are likely to run the red light when the waiting time is longer than they can bear (忍受),”said Ni Ying, a member of the research team.However, a survey on Sina Weibo shows that nearly half of respondents (调查对象) believe that people jaywalk mainly because they disregard (忽视) rules.“I always obey(遵守) traffic rules. Time is important but safety should come first,”wrote “Qixiaoe”on Weibo.Many countries give out punishments to jaywalkers. In Singapore, the maximum can be three months in prison. Some Chinese cities have started taking some actions, too. For example, the first three people in a jaywalking group will be fined (罚款) 50 yuan in Shijiazhuang.But calling on people to respect rules is more important. “To completely solve the problem, everyone should realize the importance of obeying the traffic rules,”Wang Jianping, a professor at Sichuan University, said to Huaxi Metropolis Daily.11 . What does the phrase“the team”in Paragraph 5 refer to(指的是)?AA CCTV news program.BA research group at Tongji UniversityCA post on Sina Weibo.DHuaxi Metropolis Daily.12 . How long will Chinese people wait for to cross the road before they lose patience?ALess than one minute.BAbout five minutes.CLess than one and a half minutes.DMore than ten minutes.13 . In the sentence“People are likely to run the red light, we can use _ to take the place of “be likely to.AmayBlove toCbe able toDbe going to14 . Why do people jaywalk according to the survey on Sina Weibo?ABecause there are too many people on the road.BBecause the red light lasts too long.CBecause people dont pay much attention to rules.DBecause people have less patience.15 . Wang Jianping suggests that we should _ to solve the problem of jaywalking.Apunish the jaywalkersBdisregard the traffic rulesCreduce the time of red lightsDcall on people to obey the traffic rules三、用所给单词的正确形式填空16 . When _he _(start) to work? Last month.17 . To _ (him) surprise, she is good at English.18 . There are a lot of _ (mouse) in the old building.19 . Whats Jill doing?Shes reading a book. And shes _(interest) in reading.20 . _(lucky), Peter was at home when I called.四、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。21 . 致青春是最受欢迎的电影之一。So Young is_ the most popular_ .22 . 李明因为生病缺席了今天的会议。Li Ming _the meeting today because of his illness.23 . 他从来不给自己惹麻烦。He never _for himself.24 . 你应该亲自检查你的试卷。You should check your test paper_.25 . 昨天吉娜在这次比赛中很自信。Gina _in the match yesterday.五、单词填空When you go to England you may find the traffic is different from ours. As a f26 . you must be c27 . in the streets, because the traffic d28 . on the left. You must look to the right and then the left before you cross a street.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very b29 . . Traffic is most d30 . then.When you take a bus in England, you have to take care, too. Always r31 . that the traffic m32 . on the left. You have to t33 . a look first., or you maybe go to a w34 . way.In many English cities there are big buses with two f35 . . You can sit on the second one. There you can see the city very well.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、完成句子1、五、单词填空1、

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