外研版(一起)英语六年级上册Module 1 Unit 1练习卷

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外研版(一起)英语六年级上册Module 1 Unit 1练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Tell me more _ your country. ( )AaboutBinCat2 . They are _ lots of fun. ( )AhaveBhavingChaveingDhas3 . _ is your school? ( ) Its forty years old.AHow longBHow oldCHow big4 . -will Jean stay in Nanjing? ( )-For about three weeks.AWhatBWhereCHow longDHow二、填空题5 . 根据图片提示,补全句子:A: _is the river? B: Its more than ten thousand kilometres. 6 . 按要求写单词。(1)tall(反义词)-_(2)tree(复数形式)-_(3)plant(现在分词)-_(4)stand(现在分词)-_(5)question(复数形式)-_(6)eight(序数词)-_(7)seventh(基数词)-_(8)listen(现在分词)-_7 . Read and write:The Great Wall is five thousand _ (kilometre)!8 . 请根据课本内容介绍帝国大厦,补写单词。(1)This is the _.(2)Its an _ _.(3)Its _ _ eighty years _.(4)And its _ _ four hundred _ _.(5)Its really _!将正确的选项填在题中横线上。A. HowB. WhoC. How manyD. How oldE. Where9 . -_ are you? -I am ten years old.10 . -_ are you, Miss White? -I am fine. Thank you.11 . -_ is your mother? -She is in the living room.12 . -_ people are there in your family? -Four.13 . - _ is your best friend? -Mike.三、匹配题交际用语。A. She has a skating lesson.B. You are welcome.C. Me too.D. OK.E. Seven.F. At seven.G. Yes, I can. H. English.I. Its Friday.J. No, I dont.14 . What day is it today? (_)15 . Do you go to school on Sunday? (_)16 . Nice to meet you. (_)17 . When do you get up? (_)18 . How many lessons do you have every day? (_)19 . What subject do you like? (_)20 . Can you sing a song? (_)21 . Lets watch TV. (_)22 . Thank you very much. (_)23 . What about Mary? (_)四、看图题观察图片,和你的同桌运用所学句型和短语创编对话吧。例如:A: My best friend is24 . .B: What are his/her hobbies?A: He/She likes 25 . and26 . .仿照例子写句子,补全对话。A:Whatstheweatherlike? B:Itsrainytoday.27 . A:Whatstheweatherlike? B:_28 . A:Whatstheweatherlike? B:_29 . A:Whatstheweatherlike? B:_30 . A: Whatstheweatherlike? B:_根据图片写单词。31 . Its a _.32 . Here is my _.33 . Use the _.观察图片,提出3个问题并作答。例如: -How many apples are there on the tree?- There are 15 apples.34 . _._.35 . _._.36 . _._.根据图片,写单词。37 . _38 . _39 . _40 . _41 . _看图,写出每个季节对应的三个月份以及天气情况。42 . _The weather is _and _.43 . _Its _and _.44 . _Its _and _.45 . _Its _and _.看图完成下列句子46 . We use wood to make_.47 . We use wood to_.48 . We use_.49 . We also_.50 . _.51 . 根据图片提示,完成句子:Now she is listening to the _. 52 . 看一看,写一写。1. Eg:We have a party.It is Lilys birthday.She is very happy.The birthday cake is yummy.2._3. _第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、三、匹配题1、四、看图题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、

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