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北师大版(三起)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(三)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Iwatchbirds_thewoods. ( )AinBonCat2 . Mikes friend_playing basketball. ( )AareBisCamDbe3 . Its two oclock in the afternoon. The child _ the floor. ( )Ais sweepingBare sweepingCsweepsDsweep4 . This is my sister. ( )A这是我的哥哥。B这是我的姐姐。5 . She _ that blue dress. ( )Adont likeBdoesnt likeCdoesnt likes6 . Juice, water and milk_ healthy drinks but Coke _not a healthy drink.Ais; isBare; isCare; are7 . 选出与所给单词同类的一项:shop ( )AeastBwantCzoo8 . My sister wants _ in the afternoon. ( )Ato swimBswimmingCswimDswims9 . Look _ me. ( )AofBatCin10 . This toy dog isyou. ( )AtoBinCfor11 . _ these your shorts? ( )ADoBAreCIs选出画线部分读音与其他不同的一项12 . AlakeBclassroomCdanceDdoctor13 . AcakeBcoatCcomeDcinema14 . AafraidBhaveChappyDcat15 . AbedBhelpCbesideDthen16 . AforestBfindCgreatDstudent17 . There are _ plastic bags in the playground. ( )Atoo muchBso muchCtoo many二、完形填空看图片,读故事,选择正确的选项补全短文。My mum _ last night. Today, she is very _ and she is sleeping now. After school, I feel very hungry. I think my mum is hungry, _. I can _ some things for her. Then I _ lunch for my mum and me. I also _ the clothes and _ the room. Mum _ at 12:30. We _ lunch together(一起). Mum is very happy. She says I am a _ boy. 18 . AworkBworksCworked19 . AthirstyBtiredChot20 . AalsoBtoCtoo21 . AdoingBdoCdoes22 . AhaveBeatCcook23 . AwashBplayCeat24 . AcleanBdoChave25 . Aget upBgets upCgoes to bed26 . AplayBgoCeat27 . AgoodBfunCbad三、情景交际28 . 你想邀请朋友一起玩捉迷藏的游戏,应该这样说:( )ALets go!BLets play hide and seek.四、填空题29 . 把下列单词分类,每空一词rabbit laugh Tuesday cloudy sky panda Monday moon rainy parrot star cry Thursday snowy zebra shout work sunny Wednesday sun1.天气: _ _ _ _2.动物:_ _ _ _3.动词:_ _ _ _4.自然:_ _ _ _5.星期:_ _ _ _30 . 根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空使句子完整。1. Whichseason_ (do)Amylikebest?2. Weare(swim)_intheriver.3. ChenJieis_ (have)anEnglishclass.4. Im_ (swim).5. Thisis_book,Its_ (your)6. Thetigeris_(run)7. Themonkeysare_ (climb).8. Whatarethe_ (lion)doing?9. Theelephants_ (be)drinkingwater.10. _ (She)brothersbirthdayisonOct.1st.五、排序题31 . 给下列一段对话排序( ) Hello. This is Sally.( ) Where are you?( ) Lets meet at the cinema.( ) See you.( ) Hello, Sally.( ) Oh, I want to go there, too.( ) Im on my way to the cinema.( ) OK. See you.32 . 下面是一组打乱顺序的对话,请你将正确的排序写在括号内。Plant trees?Thats great!What are you going to do this weekend?Yes. I need some plants. So Im going to buy a magazine about plants.Im going to plant trees.六、任务型阅读根据对话内容,判断正(T)误(F)。A:Welcome to our school.B:Thank you.A:Look! This is our classroom.B:How nice! How many boys and girls are there in your class?A:Nineteen boys and eighteen girls.B:Oh, I see. Look! Whats that behind the door?A:Let me see. Its a football. Do you like it?B:Yes. I can play football very well.A:Me too. Lets go and play football.B:Great!33 . They are in the school.(_)34 . There are eighteen girls in the class. (_)35 . The basketball is behind the door. (_)36 . They can play football very well. (_)37 . There are seventeen boys in the class. (_)阅读短文,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)与短文相符。Look at the picture. There are two olds in the picture. There are my grandparents. My grandpa was a bus driver in the past. And my grandma was an English teacher then. But they dont work now because they are too old. These days grandparents learn to cook together. And my grandma teaches my grandpa to learn English. They borrowed some books from the library. The library is big and the people in the library are very kind. They are very happy to read books in the library.38 . My grandpa was a bus driver in the past. (_)39 . These days my grandparents learn to dance together.(_)40 . My grandpa teaches my grandma to learn English.(_)41 . They borrowed some books from the library.(_)42 . The library is big but the people in the library are not very kind.(_)七、选内容补全对话选择合适的句子补全对话。A. What do you often do?B. Which season do you like best?C. Why do you like it?D. What do you often do in winter?E. When do you get up on the weekend?A. Excuse me, can I ask you some questions?B: Sure.A: 43 . B: I often get up at 7:00.A: 44 . B: I often have a dancing class in the day. I often go for a walk with my mother inthe evening.A: Do you always go for a walk in winter?B: No, it is too cold.45 . AI often stay at home and watch TV.B: 46 . A: Spring.B: 47 . A: Because its warm and we can play games.八、匹配题给下列图片选择相应的句子。(填序号)AI cant jump far.BIm hungry. CI have got a headache.DIm going to visit my grandfather. EIm reading a book.FWe use chopsticks. GHes eating. H. Can you sing?I. Im going to the zoo.48 . (_)49 . (_)50 . (_)51 . (_)52 . (_)九、书面表达53 . 作文同学们,你们现在心中是否已经有一份长大后的理想职业,比如:科学家、老师、歌手、厨师.能和我谈谈你们的理想吗?请以“I want to be a/an.”为题目。要求:不少于50个词。不得出现真实人名和学校信息。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完形填空1、三、情景交际1、四、填空题1、2、五、排序题1、2、六、任务型阅读1、2、七、选内容补全对话1、八、匹配题1、九、书面表达1、

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