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冀教版(三起)六年级下册小升初综合训练英语试卷(二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Johns dog is missing.He is very _. ( )AhappilyBsadlyCsad2 . My grandpa will _ a walk after dinner. ( )AtakeBtakingCtakes3 . I _ two then. ( )AwasBwereCam4 . Will you choose _ in the front of the bus _ in the back? ( )Ato sit; andBsitting; butCsit; orDto sit; or5 . Let _ buy some bananas. ( )AisBweCus二、填空题用所给单词的适当形式填空6 . I can see some _(dictionary) in the bookstore.7 . My parents will _(visit) my uncle next week.8 . Jack likes _(dance) very much.9 . I have to _(wash) my clothes this afternoon.10 . Can you go _(swim) with me?用所给词的适当形式填空。11 . That is not _ kite. It is very small. _ is very big.(I)12 . My holiday is very _(interest).13 . The traffic _(be)very heavy and the streets are _(crowed).14 . _(we)dresses are red. What colour are _(you)?15 . I cant wait _(are)back home and see all my _(friend).三、单词拼写16 . 根据汉语提示完成句子:Do you _ (想要) go to Chinatown?四、阅读回答问题阅读短文,填空。Hi!Welcome to my shop.Many things are on sale(大减价) today.All socks and gloves are four yuan.They are very cheap.We have many pretty hats and sweaters.They are red,blue,white,yellow and more.A hat is only eight yuan.A sweater is thirty yuan.Scarves are cheap and nice,too. A scarf is only ten yuan.We have many pretty colours for you.17 . Many things are on _in the shop.18 . A pair of socks and a pair of gloves are _yuan.19 . A _ is 8 yuan.20 . Two sweaters are _yuan.21 . Scarves are _and nice.五、任务型阅读22 . 阅读理解Hi, Im Mac, an apple tree.I like spring because its warm. I get pink and white flowers. I get new leaves. The bees visit me. Ah, spring!I like summer because its hot. My apples get bigger and bigger. My leaves are greener and greener. People sit under me. Oh, summer!I like autumn because it is cool. My apples become red. My leaves are orange and yellow. People come and pick my red apples. Wow, autumn!I have no leaves or apples any more. But I like winter because of the white and clean snow. I can sleep and wait for spring. Zzzz, winter!根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。【小题1】Mac is an apple tree.(_)【小题2】Mac likes spring because he has apples in spring.(_)【小题3】People come and pick the red apples in summer.(_)【小题4】Macs apples are red in autumn.(_)【小题5】Mac likes winter because it is cold.(_)六、判断题判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写T,不同的写F。23 . familybreakfast(_)24 . funnylovely(_)25 . longcool(_)26 . bird door(_)七、选内容补全对话选择合适的句子,补全对话。A.This is my new pet.B.How are you?C.Its white and black.D.Nice to meet you.E.Lets go.Sam: Hello, Mike. 27 . Mike: Nice to meet you.Sam: 28 . Mike: Im fine. How about you?Sam: Very well.29 . Mike: Its so cute.Sam: Yes, 30 . Mike: Lets go to the park together.Sam: OK.31 . 八、看图题32 . Look and finish the word: t_ car九、连词成句33 . 连词成句。1. have, things, so, they, for, many, their, picnic (.)_2. my, with, have, party, I, will, a, friends (.)_3. us, go, for, let, out, picnic, a (.)_4. afternoon, will, to, I, music, lesson, this, go, my (.)_5. would, I, like, rice, and, some, bread (.)_十、书面表达34 . 小练笔。这个周日可以约几个同学去公园。发出你的邀请吧!开头已给出。Hello friends,Lets have fun this Saturday!_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、填空题1、2、三、单词拼写1、四、阅读回答问题1、五、任务型阅读1、六、判断题1、七、选内容补全对话1、八、看图题1、九、连词成句1、十、书面表达1、


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