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人教(新版)五年级上册期末综合素质检测英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . What _he_ ? ( )Hes tall.Adoes; likeBis; likeCdo; like2 . Look! Its in desk. ( )AyouByour3 . Lets meet at the park _ 9:00 a.m.( )AatBonCduring4 . I _ my family.AAmBlove5 . How is he? ( )AmanyBmuchCold选出每组中不同类的单词。6 . AwindowBdoorCnear7 . AcolourBfloorCcomputer8 . AnotebookBteacherCstudent9 . AfriendBgirlCboy10 . AkitchenBsportsCstudy11 . AdeskBscienceCmusic12 . AsofaBhomeCshelf13 . AonBwhereChow14 . AnoodlesBjuiceCmilk15 . AdoctorBfatherCnurse16 . that Mrs. Green? ( )AIsBAreCDoe根据图意,选词填空,将其大写字母编号写在横线上。17 . A:_this?B:Its a picture.AWhatsBWhos18 . A:_is she?B:She is my sister.AWhatBWho19 . A:Please put the ball _the chair.B:OK.AunderBon20 . A:May I use _eraser?B:OK. Here you are.A. Thank you. A. youAyour21 . A:_you have a toy rabbit?B:Yes , I do.ADoBDoes22 . A:_it a bus?B:Yes , it is.AIsBAre23 . A:Lets be _B:OK.AfriendsBfriend24 . Is there a boat? ( )No, _.Ait isBthere areCthere isnt25 . -Is your maths teacher kind?-Yes, _.Ahe areBhis isChe is26 . Have you got a football? ( )_AYes, I do.BYes, I have.CYes, I havent.二、单词拼写单词拼写。27 . The butterfly is _a green leaf.28 . I can see a doctor at the h_.29 . We _ some friends last year.30 . Will you go to the _ (图书馆)?三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,正确的在括号内写(T), 错误的写(F)。Yesterday was Saturday. It was sunny. I got up at 7:30. After breakfast, I went to the beach(海滩)with Alice. There were many people on the beach. We ran, jumped and played volleyball(排球)on the sands(沙滩). We swam in the sea. Some men fished on a boat. We had a good time. We were tired, but happy.31 . Yesterday was Sunday. (_)32 . The weather was sunny. (_)33 . I got up at half past seven. (_)34 . I went to the beach with Peter. (_)35 . We played volleyball on the sands. (_)四、匹配题36 . 给问句选出合适的答语。(_) 1. Can I write to you?(_) 2. What can you do?(_) 3. Who can be your pen friend?(_) 4. Why do you like the dog?(_) 5. Can you play the piano?AYes, I can. And I can play it very well. BJim can. CYes, of course. This is my address. DBecause its very cute. EI can speak English and sing English songs.五、音标题37 . 找出画线部分发音不同的单词。(_)1.A. window B. yellow C. flower(_)2.A. house B. goat C. boat(_)3.A. young B. how C. count(_)4.A. tasty B. salty C. grape(_)5.A. fresh B. vegetable C. menu六、连词成句连词成句。38 . it, yes, is, (, .)_39 . is, it, dog, a, (.)_40 . was, his, Bin-go, name, (.)_41 . there, a, who, was, a, farmer, dog, had, (.)_42 . is, there, chicken, the, a, on, farm(.)_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、单词拼写1、三、阅读回答问题1、四、匹配题1、五、音标题1、六、连词成句1、

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