人教精通版六年级英语下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷新编

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人教精通版六年级英语下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷新编_第1页
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人教精通版六年级下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . -_did the men catch the lion? ( )-In the forest.AHowBWhatCWhere2 . ( )可表示“中国共产党”的英文缩略词是_.ANBA BCPC CABCDAPC3 . I dont like the colour. Can you show me_ trousers?AthoseBthemCthis4 . I the new clothes in the clothes shop just now. ( )Atry onBtriedCtried onDtries on5 . It_ a panda kite.AisBareCdoes6 . There _some English books on the table just now. ( )AamBwereCisDwas7 . 找出读音不同的单词。_ A. thank B. three C. tree_ A. video B. white C. wheel_ A. purse B. girl C. eye_ A. arm B. star C. hat8 . ( )May I open the window?_.AYes,it isBNo,it isC Yes,I am D Of course9 . They want _ the zoo very much.Ato goBto go toCgo toDgoing to选出每组单词中不同类的一项。10 . AcouldBgoodCrode11 . AyesterdayBtodayCgift12 . AcanBlaughedClicked13 . AwentBbasketCate14 . AmuleBlaughCdinosaur15 . I swim_, but she swims_. ( )Agood; badlyBgood; wellCbadly; well二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案,并将序号填入题前括号内。Last Saturday,a monkey,a tiger and an elephant had a raceThe monkey said,“Lets run to that tall tree and see who gets there first”They started to runIt was a long wayAt first the tiger ran faster than the elephant and the monkeyThe elephant ran as fast as the monkeyBut soon the elephant was tiredHe asked the monkey to have a restThe monkey said,“Its not very farIts about one kilometre awayCome onplease”But suddenly the elephant got a bad cough. The tiger turned back and laughed at him. At last the monkey got firstThe tiger could not laugh again16 . There areanimals in the story( )A. one B. two C. three17 . Theylast Saturday( )A. have a race B. had a running race C. had a chat18 . ran faster than the other animals at first( )A. The monkey B. The tiger C. The elephant19 . The elephant( )A. got a cold B. got a bad cough C. got a fever20 . got first at last( )A. The monkey B. The tiger C. The elephant三、完形填空完形填空。Mr John lives in a small town, but he works in an office in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comes back _the same way.One morning when he _his newspapers on the train, a man behind him came up to him. Mr John didnt know him. The man said “_” to him and then _to talk to him. The man said, “Your _isnt interesting, is it? You get on the same train at the same station at the same time _morning and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspapers.”When Mr John _this, he put his newspapers down, turned around and _to the man angrily, “How did you know all that about me?”“Because I always _in the same seat behind _,” the man answered.21 . AfamilyBhomeCvillage22 . AsawBreadClooked23 . ASorryBThanksCHello24 . AstoppedBbeganCwould25 . AlifeBworkCoffice26 . AoneBeveryCthis27 . AheardBlistenedCfound28 . AaskedBsaidCtold29 . AsitBsitsCsat30 . AhimBherCyou四、填空题31 . Fill in the blanks.按课文原文内容选择正确的单词完成下面两篇短文。1.Wu Yifan _(had, has) a race with his father and Max. There_ (was, were) many people there. His father _ (run, ran) very fast, but Wu Yifan could not. There was nothing he could do. He was so _(happy, worried).“I could run fast at school,” he thought .”Why am I so_(fast, slow) now?”2.Today was a sunny day. In the morning, we _(ride, rode) a bike for three people. Max_(sit, sat) in a basket on the front of the bike. That was fun! We _(took, take)many pictures of the beautiful countryside. We _(bought, buy) some gifts and _(eat, ate) some delicious food.五、任务型阅读阅读理解。The ant and the dove(鸽子)An ant was thirsty. He wanted to drink some water from the river, but he slipped into it. “Help! Help!” the ant cried. A dove in the tree threw him a leaf. “That leaf can help you. Climb onto it,” said the dove. The ant climbed onto the leaf. The wind blew the leaf to the bank. The ant was safe. “Thank you, Dove. I wish I could do something for you some day,” said the ant.One day, the dove was building her nest. A man pointed his gun at her. The ant saw this. He ran quickly up the mans leg. “Ouch!” The man felt a sharp pain and dropped his gun. The dove flew away. The man picked up his gun and left.The dove came back to the ant. “Thank you, my friend,” said the dove happily,“You were so great!” The ant was happy too because he could help his friend.32 . 将句子“He ran quickly up the mans leg.” 译成中文:_33 . 根据短文内容,判断正误,用 “ T ” 或 “ F ” 表示。(1)The ant was thirsty and he wanted to drink some water from the bottle. (_)(2)The dove helped the ant with a leaf. (_)(3)At last, the man caught the dove. (_)(4)The ant and the dove became friends. (_)(5)The ant and the dove were happy because they could help each other. (_)六、汉译英根据中文提示,完成下列句子或对话。34 . 深洞里有那么多球。There _so _balls in the _hole.35 . 你打算去哪里?我打算去森林里。_are you going?Im going to the_.36 . 狮子大声地嘲笑老鼠。然后,他让老鼠离开了。The lion _at the mouse_. Then, he _the mouse go.37 . 狮子用他锋利的牙齿咬洞,但是那没有什么帮助。The lion _the net _his sharp teeth, but _did not_.38 . 今早他看起来很伤心。He _very _this morning.七、英汉混合39 . 英汉互译。1. play table tennis _2.在家_3. big and fat _4.去购物_5. on the phone _八、匹配题40 . 为下列句子选出合适的答语。( )1. What do you want?( )1. Whose things are they?( )1. Can I have the blue one?( )4. Do you have a cap?( )5. What are you doing?AIm selling things.BYes ,I do.CThey are my things.DI want a purse.EHere you are.九、书面表达41 . 书面表达 假如你是Sally,请给你的笔友John写一封信,介绍你的小学。注意:开头已给出,全文80词左右。框里所给词语供选用。Dear John,How are you recently?Im writing to introduce my new school to you.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、任务型阅读1、六、汉译英1、七、英汉混合1、八、匹配题1、九、书面表达1、

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