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人教版(PEP)四年级上册期末专题复习:易错题归纳姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . your mother an actress? ( )AAreBIsCDoes根据图意,选出你对图中小朋友的建议,将其大写字母编号写在括号内。2 . ( )AWash your feet.BTouch your feet.3 . ( )AClean your eyes.BClean your ears.4 . ( )AWash your face.BClean your nose.5 . ( )AWash your hair.BWash your hands.6 . ( )AWash your hair.BTouch your hair.7 . He is happy his friends. ( )AseeBto seeCseeing8 . _ foolish man! ( )AHowBWhat aCWhat9 . What can you do? I can _ly( )AaBfCbDh10 . -What is Danny doing? ( )-Hes doing _ homework.AaBanyChis11 . Some_. ( )AcakeBcakesCa cake12 . - Are those cows? ( )- _.AYes, they are.BYes, it is.CNo, it isnt.13 . - _ do you live? ( )- I live in Lanzhou.AWhatBHowCWhere14 . _ can I get to the zoo?( )Sorry, I dont know.AWhereBHowCWhat15 . -Goodbye! -_ALets goBSee you tomorrow! CIm sorry.选出不同的一项。16 . AfishBbowlCknife17 . AforkBspoonCbeef18 . AsaladBvegetablesCspoon19 . AjuiceBriceCmilk20 . AbeefBforkCchopsticks21 . This tree is short, _ that one is tall. ( )AandBbutCor22 . Hismotheris_nurse.( )AaBanCDsome23 . Its timego home. ( )AtoB/Cfor24 . There isnt _ juice in the glass. Would you like _ milk? ( )Aany; anyBany; someCsome; any25 . -Whats_ address? ( )-201 Zhongshan Road.AyouByourCyours26 . My little brother always plays _ the dog after dinner. ( )AwithBandCto27 . Whos that little girl? ( )Its _.AIBmeCmy28 . My friend eats_ sweet food at a time. ( )Aa fewBa littleCmanyDlot29 . Im reading story. Its interesting story. ( )Aa, anBan, aCthe, the30 . Is that the music room? ( )_AI like it.BNo, it isnt.CIts a computer.31 . The old man has two sons, but_of them lives with him. ( )AbothBnoneCneitherDall32 . -How many elephants are there?( )- _.ATwoBthree33 . The tree_ are yellow in autumn. ( )AleafsBleavesCleaf34 . They are too _ and cheer for it _. ( )Aexcited;loudBexcited;loudlyCexcitedly;loudly35 . How tigers? ( )AmanyBmuch36 . -Its a fat pig. ( )-I like _.AitBthatCpig37 . - What _ do you like? ( ) - I like English. It is fun.AsubjectBsubjectsCa subject38 . Let _ go to school. ( )AweBusCour39 . Do you see _ birds in the tree?No, but I see _ monkeys in it.Asome; anyBany; someCany; any二、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空40 . Look, there is some_(milk) on the table.41 . -Can you_(swim) in the river?-Yes, I can.42 . Dont push_(I)! Its too high.43 . There is a river between the_(hill).44 . Mikes dog_(have) a fat body. Its very lovely.45 . Yang Ling is good at_(dance).46 . There isnt_(some) juice in the glass.47 . My classroom is on the_(two) floor.48 . _(it) body is very hard.49 . -How many_(art room) are there in the school?-Two.三、汉译英50 . 将下列句子翻译成英语1.我通常在周末和我的阿姨一起去购物。(with)_2.这是我们的家谱。_3.今天是你的生日。祝你生日快乐。_4.我们家里有六口人。我们是一个大家庭。(there be)_ 5.你有几个叔叔阿姨?_四、判断题51 . 判断下面句子中单词画线部分的读音是否相同。(_) 1. A. desk B. askAskate(_) 2. A.sheB.bed(_) 3. A.wallB.ball(_) 4. A.fast B. have五、连词成句52 . 连词成句, 注意标点符号和大小写:is, fish, my, where(?)_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、二、填空题1、三、汉译英1、四、判断题1、五、连词成句1、

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