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外研版八年级英语上语法专练 Module 1 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时和现在进行时的区分 单项选择 1 There a football match on TV this evening A will have B is going to be C has D is going to have 2 Look The boys football on the playground A plays B play C are playing D played 3 Mr Black is going to marry a girl he in Japan last year A meets B met C has met D would meet 4 Where s Tom His mother him now A is looking for B will look for C has looked for D looks for 5 When again I don t know But when he I ll let you know A he comes will come B will he come will come C he comes will come D will he come comes 用所给动词的适当形式填空 6 He go swimming in the river every day in summer 7 Just a minute My brother wash his car in the garden 8 It is very cold I think it rain 9 I need some paper I bring some for you 10 I can t find my pen Who take it Modules 2 3 形容词 副词的比较级和副词用法 单项选择 1 Tom is than any other player in the school team A tall B taller C tallest D more tall 2 Which do you like tea or milk A the good B better C the better D good 3 Lily isn t as as Peter She often makes mistakes in her homework A careless B careful C carefully D carelessly 4 Things are on the moon than on the earth A much lighter B much heavier C the heaviest D the lightest 5 Sam is at Chinese than Jim A good B well C better D gooder 6 He is than before A happy B happyer C happier D happiest 7 Could you please speak a little more I can t follow you A quietly B quickly C loudly D slowly 8 Ted was hard working His success made him work A harder B hardest C more quickly D most quickly 9 I am good at math but his English is than mine A much better B more better C very better D pretty better 10 He said he would go but then he drove very fast A early B quickly C directly D slowly 11 Work and you will do it very well A careful B careless C carefully D carelessly 12 It was very hot yesterday but it is today A even hotter B more hotter C much more hot D much hot 13 I think science is than Japanese A much important B important C much more important D more much important 14 I think the story is not so as that one A interesting B interested C more interesting D most interesting 15 When we speak to people we should be A as polite as possible B as polite as possibly C as politely as possible D as politely as possibly 16 This box is that one A heavy than B so heavy than C heavier as D as heavy as 17 Do you think math is than English A difficult B as difficult C more difficult D most difficult 18 Lucy does homework than Tim A carefully B more careful C more carefully D careful 19 The more you smile the you will feel A happy B happily C happier D more happily 20 The you work at your lessons the grades you will get A hard good B harder good C hard better D harder better Module 4 形容词 副词的最高级 单项选择 1 Breakfast is meal of the day A important B more important C the most important D very important 2 Who gets up of you all in the dormitory Tony Jimmy does A early B earlier C earliest D most early 3 Wembley Stadium 温布利大球场 is one of the soccer fields in the world A famous B more famous C most famous D the most famous 4 Who listens Tom Jack or Bill A the most carefully B more carefully C the most careful D more careful 5 Hainan is a very large island It s the second island in China A large B most large C larger D largest 6 Who jumped of all A far B farther C farthest D the most far 7 I am twelve Mike is fourteen Mary is thirteen So Mike is the of the three A old B older C oldest D the oldest 8 Of all Gong Linna s songs I like her Uneasy 忐忑 A well B better C best D the best 9 No one can run as fast as John in his class The sentence means A John runs fastest in his class B John runs faster than any other boy in his class C John runs more slowly than any girl in his class D John runs as fast as others in his class 10 Which do you like tea orange or water A good B well C best D better Modules 5 6 动词不定式和双宾语 单项选择 1 She hopes you next weekend A see B sees C to see D seeing 2 China plans to let tourists the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea this year A visit B visits C visiting D visited 3 a book in the library enter a key word into the computer A To find B Find C To write D Write 4 We must do everything we can our earth clearer and safer A made B to making C make D to make 5 Water Park is a good place A to have fun B have fun C having fun D to have a fun 6 Why did you buy a radio English A Learns B Learning C To learn D Be learning 7 It s dangerous the forest alone A to across B to go through C through D across 8 The books are too heavy A to carry them B carrying them C to carry D carry them 9 Do you know Liu Yang Yes She is China s first woman into space A fly B flies C to fly D flew 10 If prices rise too high the government has to do something it A stop B stopped C stopping D to stop 11 Lisa is a little poor at Chinese I think she needs it every day A practise to speak B to practise speaking C practise speaking D to practise to speak 12 Remember off the lights when you leave the classroom A turn B to turn C turning D turned 13 Mr Li asks the students in the river because it s too dangerous A swim B to swim C not to swim D to not swim 14 Last night his mother made a cake him A to B for C at D with 15 Tony showed his model plane me A for B to C on D at 用所给动词的适当形式填空 16 We decide go to the zoo 17 They tried win the football game yesterday 18 I would like eat fast food 19 We don t want do so much homework at the weekend 20 He wishes have such a big house in the future Modules 7 8 过去进行时 单项选择 1 Jenny in the kitchen when you called her at 5 o clock this afternoon A is cooking B was cooking C cooks D cooked 2 Sandy I called you at 9 00 last night but nobody answered the phone I m sorry We a birthday party Jerry A had with B were having for C are having for D had for 3 Mother while father his car A was cooking washed B cooked was washing C cooking washed D was cooking was washing 4 I went to visit you at seven yesterday evening but nobody was in Oh I in the library at that time A read B reading C am reading D was reading 5 What at eight o clock this morning A is she doing B does she do C did she D was she doing 6 The students the Art Festival when I passed by their school A celebrate B were celebrating C will celebrate D have celebrated 7 I was in the US I made a lot of American friends A While B Although C Unless D Until 8 We were swimming in the lake suddenly the storm started A when B while C until D before 9 the day went on the weather got worse A When B As C For D While 10 We heard a cry when we TV last night A were watching B would watch C watch D watched Module 9 冠词和数字 单项选择 1 Kate do you have pen friend Yes I do I have one in China A a B an C the D 2 I missed the beginning of cartoon The Lion King What a pity You should leave school half hour earlier A a an B the a C the an D an the 3 Perhaps the famous football star won t play football any longer A a B an C the D 4 What do you want to be in the future Lucy I want to be pilot It is exciting job A a a B a an C a the D the an 5 Would you like red dress as birthday present Mary Sorry mom I prefer orange one A an an B a a C an a D a an 6 Tony what s matter with you I have toothache A a the B the a C the D the 7 I have dog dog is brown A a the B a a C the a D the the 8 Can you write the number one million seven hundred and fifty five thousand six hundred and forty six Yes it is A 1 755 646 B 10 755 646 C 17 055 646 D 1 705 646 9 Hurry up fans are waiting for me at the concert A Million B Millions C Million of D Millions of 10 of the students are Chinese A Two third B Two thirds C Two three D Second three Modules 10 11 情态动词 单项选择 1 It might sunny tomorrow A be B to be C being D been 2 He told me he be late for this meeting A might B may C can D could 3 How long may I keep the book You keep it for three weeks A may B must C will D need 4 I take some photos in the hall No you A Can needn t B Must mustn t C Could won t D May mustn t 5 The watch doesn t work There be something wrong with it A maybe B possible C may D will 6 Mr Smith is coming It be him Mr Smith is much taller A mustn t B must C can t D needn t 7 I can t go to the cinema with you because I stay here until my mother comes back A can B could C may D must 8 Can you ride a horse No I A needn t B may not C can t D mustn t 9 May I smoke here please I am afraid you A can B can t C may D may not 10 Must we leave now No we We still have two more hours A can t B mustn t C needn t D shouldn t 11 When the traffic lights are red we stop and wait A should B might C must D may 12 You drive on the right hand side of the road in Britain A can B must C mustn t D needn t 13 I leave the little girl by herself because she is too young A can B may C can t D mustn t 14 How long the book be kept For two weeks but you return it on time A can may B can must C may need D must need 15 Tom you play with the knife You hurt yourself A won t can t B mustn t may C shouldn t must D can t shouldn t 16 You be happy with the strong public support you ve received Yes you re right I m really excited A may B can C must D need 17 You be serious You re actually going to lend him money again A needn t B can t C shouldn t D mustn t 18 Is Jim coming by train I m not sure He drive his car A must B need C may D will 19 Is that your teacher That be Mr Wang He has gone to Japan with his wife A can t B mustn t C may not D needn t 20 Oh it s raining hard Be careful The road be wet A could B must C might D can Module 12 祈使句 单项选择 1 Let s football shall we A play B plays C to play D playing 2 Keep it a secret don t others A telling B told C tell D tells 3 Look at the sign it says No A smoke B smoking C smokes D to smoke 4 to me carefully I have something important to say A Listen B Listens C Listening D To listen 5 Sorry for being late again here on time next time or you ll be punished A Be B Being C To be D Been 6 please K E Y A What s this B Spell it C Can you spell it D What is it 7 I m leaving now you turn off the lights and the computer A To make sure B Make sure C Made sure D Making sure 8 Don t forget to close the door after school A OK I won t B OK I will C Yes I do D No I don t 9 Please don t make a noise I ll be as quiet as a mouse A Yes I do B No I don t C Yes I will D No I won t 10 Please because this is a reading room A quiet B to be quiet C to quiet D be quiet 外研版八年级英语上语法专练参考答案 Module 1 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时和现在进行时的区分 1 5 BCBAD 6 goes 7 is washing 8 will rain 9 will bring 10 took Modules 2 3 形容词 副词的比较级和副词用法 1 5 BBBAC 6 10 CDAAD 11 15 CACAA 16 20 DCCCD Module 4 形容词 副词的最高级 1 5 CCCAD 6 10 CCCAC Modules 5 6 动词不定式和双宾语 1 5 CAADA 6 10 CBCCD 11 15 BBCBB 16 to go 17 to win 18 to eat 19 to do 20 to have Modules 7 8 过去进行时 1 5 BBDDD 6 10 BAABA Module 9 冠词和数字 1 5 ACDBD 6 10 BAADB Modules 10 11 情态动词 1 5 AAADC 6 10 CDCBC 11 15 CCCBB 16 20 CBCAB Module 12 祈使句 1 5 ACBAA 6 10 BBADC

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