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第 1 页 共 12 页 西师大版 2020 届九年级英语专题练习 形容词的比较级和最高级 B 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 2016 年全湖北省 2017 届九年级英语专题练习 形容词的比较 共 40 题 共 80 分 1 2 分 2016 衡阳 Bob is a smart boss Yes so he is He knows how to cut the cost of the project And he always does the work with money and people A less less B fewer less C less fewer 2 2 分 The world s river is the Nile which is about 6 671 kilometers long A long B longer C longest D the longest 3 2 分 I am sorry this coat is not big enough I want a one A bigger B big C smaller D small 4 2 分 2017 黑龙江模拟 Keep on Don t stop The you climb the you will see A highest farthest 第 2 页 共 12 页 B high far C higher farther 5 2 分 What do you think of the movie Zootopia It is one I ve ever seen 我曾经看过 A mote excited B more exciting C the most excited D the most exciting 6 2 分 The little boy often feels nervous when he talks to other people He is too A shy B high C angry 7 2 分 2018 孝感 Miss Yang are you this afternoon I d like to ask you some questions Yes I will wait for you in my office A afraid B available C absent D active 8 2 分 2019 广东会考 Venus 金星 is the planet to the earth in space It is only 42 million kilometers A near away 第 3 页 共 12 页 B nearest far C nearest away D near far 9 2 分 2017 八上 沙雅期中 Mom this shirt is too small for me Would you like to buy me a one OK A small B smaller C bigger D biggest 10 2 分 Home is place wherever you go East or west home is the best A warm B warmer C warmest D the warmest 11 2 分 Who will you ask to help with the work Lucy or Lily Lily She is much A careful B more careful C most careful 12 2 分 Customers with broad waists will look good in cold colored clothes It will make them look 第 4 页 共 12 页 A slim B slimly C slimmer D fat 13 2 分 kids learn to be independent it is for their future A Earlier better B The earlier the better C The earliest the best 14 2 分 2017 八上 岳池期中 Lin Shuhao is now one of basketball players in the NBA A popular B more popular C most popular D the most popular 15 2 分 2019 闵行模拟 Many people think China is one of countries in the world A safe B safest C the safest D safer 16 2 分 Jack is 1 8 meters tall and he is boy in our class A tall B taller 第 5 页 共 12 页 C tallest D the tallest 17 2 分 2015 八上 永嘉期中 Debbie is growing fast She is even than her mother A tall B taller C tallest D the tallest 18 2 分 2017 遵义 How can you study in the living room when other people are talking loudly I think you need a place A quiet B quieter C quietest 19 2 分 2018 八上 荔湾期末 I think Guangzhou is one of cities in China A beautiful B more beautiful C most beautiful D the most beautiful 20 2 分 Of the two pairs of jeans I chose one because I hadn t enough money on me A expensive B more expensive C the less expensive D the most expensive 第 6 页 共 12 页 21 2 分 I am sorry this coat is not big enough I want a one A bigger B big C smaller D small 22 2 分 2018 九上 德惠月考 The teacher tells us that careful we are mistakes we will make A the more the more B the more the fewer C the fewer the more D the less the fewer 23 2 分 Which province is the one in winter It should be Hainan Province I think A coldest B wetter C warmest D cooler 24 2 分 Who is teacher in your school Mary is A friendlier B friend C the friendliest 第 7 页 共 12 页 D friendly 25 2 分 2017 八上 萧山期中 Peter is the third boy in our class A tall B taller C tallest D much taller 26 2 分 Which is a bicycle or a computer A expensive B more expensive C the most expensive D expensiver 27 2 分 The relation between the two countries gets A war seems to break out soon I hope they will make peace with each other A worse and worse B better and better C more and more peaceful 28 2 分 The river has become much than before because of the waste water from the factories A dirty B dirtier C dirtiest 第 8 页 共 12 页 29 2 分 This kind of lamp is much than that kind of lamp A expensive B more expensive C most expensive D the most expensive 30 2 分 The streets in my hometown are than before but the air is so we should try to reduce the air pollution A cleaner cleaner B dirtier cleaner C cleaner dirtier D dirtier dirtier 31 2 分 What do you think of his teaching No one teaches A good B well C better D the best 32 2 分 The movie LostinThailand is one that I ve ever seen these years A funny B the funniest C funnier 33 2 分 Which province is the one in winter 第 9 页 共 12 页 It should be Hainan Province I think A coldest B wetter C warmest D cooler 34 2 分 2017 八上 雁江期中 They did work with money and people A more less fewer B less fewer less C more fewer more D less less less 35 2 分 It s getting We should go now A dark and dark B darker and darker C more and more dark D more and more darker 36 2 分 2016 八下 桥东期末 People used to communicate on the phone but now they are used on Wechat because it makes communication A to chatting much easier B to chat much easily C to chat much easier D to chatting much more easily 37 2 分 Have you ever been to Paris one of cities in Europe 第 10 页 共 12 页 No But one day I might go there on vacation A the pleasant B the most excited C more wonderful D the liveliest 38 2 分 Mr King is teacher I ve met A kind B friendlier C most loving D the funniest 39 2 分 Try to sing English songs and you will find it interesting to learn English A more B much C little D most 40 2 分 I got money than the others did They had 20 but I only had 5 A more B better C less 第 11 页 共 12 页 参考答案 一 2016 年全湖北省 2017 届九年级英语专题练习 形容词的比较 共 40 题 共 80 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 16 答案 略 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 19 答案 略 20 答案 略 第 12 页 共 12 页 21 答案 略 22 答案 略 23 答案 略 24 答案 略 25 答案 略 26 答案 略 27 答案 略 28 答案 略 29 答案 略 30 答案 略 31 答案 略 32 答案 略 33 答案 略 34 答案 略 35 答案 略 36 答案 略 37 答案 略 38 答案 略 39 答案 略 40 答案 略

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