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人教版(PEP)2020版五年级下册期末测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选出画线部分发音与其它不同的选项,将正确选项填在括号里。(5分)( )He had a lot of brea(A)d for brea(B)kfast yesterday. It was grea(C)t fun. ( )Nancy waters(A) trees and picks(B) apples on the farm, but Jim listens(C) to music.( )My un(A)cle likes oran(B)ges and apples. He thin(c)ks they are nice. ( )These visitor(A)s took photos in the spor(B)ts field this mor(C)ning. ( )Oh, dear(A)! The bear(B) is under the pear(C) tree in the park. 二、填空题2 . 根据图片,回答问题:-What is this? -Its a _. 3 . 选词填空,补全句子。yours hers ours mine【小题1】This is your eraser, where is _ ?【小题2】Your classroom is clean, _ is clean, too.【小题3】- Is this Sarahs new bike?- No, _ is yellow.【小题4】My pencil-box is too small. What about _ ?三、阅读回答问题4 . 阅读短文,回答问题。I am Sarah. I have three good friends. They are Amy, John and Tom. Amy likes winter, because her birthday is in February. She likes music. She is listening to music now. Johns birthday is on April 4th. Ha, its April Fools Day. He likes sports. Look! He is playing basketball. Toms birthday is in October. So he likes autumn, and he can pick apples in autumn. Is he picking apples? No, he is eating apples. I like spring because spring is very beautiful. What am I doing? I am reading a book.【小题1】How many friends does Sarah have?_ .【小题2】Why dose Amy like winter?_ .【小题3】Is Johns birthday on April Fools Day?_ .【小题4】Is Tom picking apples now?_ .【小题5】What is Sarah doing?_ .四、选内容补全对话5 . 读一读,选择句子补全对话。AIts windy and cold in December.BDo you like December, Sue?CIts always rainy in April.DI like swimming in July.Bob: Its snowy today. I like the weather in December. 1._Sue: No, I dont like December. 2._I like April. Its warm in April. Do you like April, Tina?Tina: No, I dont. 3._I dont like rainy days. I like July. Its hot and sunny.Sue: What do you like doing in July, Tina?Tina: 4._And my birthday is in July too!五、匹配题6 . 根据问句选答句。(_) 1. When do you eat dinner?AI often pick apples.(_) 2.What do you often do in the autumn?BAt 6:00.(_) 3. Do you like summer?CIts in March.(_) 4. When is Tree Planting Day?DNo, I dont.(_) 5. Is Christmas in December?EYes, it is.六、连词成句7 . Think and order:myApplesarefavourite_.七、书面表达8 . 看图写作。现在是星期天上午十一点三十,根据图片介绍你的家庭成员正在干什么。可适当发挥。至少写五句话。开头已写好,不算入五句话内。It is 11:30 on Sunday morning now._第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、二、填空题1、2、三、阅读回答问题1、四、选内容补全对话1、五、匹配题1、六、连词成句1、七、书面表达1、

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