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陕旅版(三起)五年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Linda and Peter like _ kites. ( )AridingBflyCflying2 . -_ he? ( )-_our music teacher.AWhose, HesBWhos, HisCWhos, Hes3 . _, she became a great writer.ALateBLaterCAfter4 . Beijingisthecapital_China.( )AonBinCof5 . Your red T-shirts are _the line. ( )AonBinCat6 . I like _. Its _. ( )Aapples; coldBcarrots; hotCice cream; sweet7 . I have two pens. One is red and _ is black. ( )AotherBthe otherCtwo8 . Mary is a _ girl. She always laughs _. ( )Ahappy; happyBhappily; happyChappy; happily9 . We can go in autumn.( )AclimbBclimbsCclimbing10 . _ notebooks do you have? ( )Sixteen.AWhatBWhereCHow many11 . I usually go homefour. ( )AatBonCin12 . She _going to the park _her mother. ( )Ais, andBcan, withCis, with13 . She _ some mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Festival . ( )Awants to makeBwants makeCwant to make14 . This is _ father. ( )AWang FangBWang FangsCWang fangs15 . A: Haveyougot_email _Amy?( )B: Yes,Ihave.Aan,toBan,fromCa, from16 . I _have some soup. ( )Awants toBwant toCwant二、填空题17 . Read, look and fill in the blanks:My father is a_. He works on a_.用所给词的适当形式填空。18 . Ben _(pick) a lot of apples yesterday.19 . It was very nice _(get) some flowers.20 . We can move some _(factory) away from our city.21 . It _(mean) No parking.22 . He _(bring) some bread for my lunch yesterday.三、任务型阅读阅读理解。From Monday to Friday, school always begins at 8 oclock, but I always get at 7:50, so I am always late. At school we have Chinese, English, and Math every day. Sometimes we have sports.At the weekend, we dont have any classes. So I always get up late. In the morning, I play with my dog. Eddy has an e-dog(电子狗). Its name is Hobo. We all like Hobo very much. It is a funny e-pet (电子宠物). In the afternoon, I go to the school Reading Club and read books. I like reading very much. Sometimes, I go to see my cousin Mike. He plays basketball very well and he is in the school basketball team.23 . I am often late for school. (_)24 . We have Chinese, English and Math on Sundays and Saturdays. (_)25 . I have an e-dog named Eddy. (_)26 . I like reading bookss in the Reading Club. (_)27 . My cousin Mike likes playing basketball very much. (_)四、匹配题读句子,选择对应的图片。ABCDEF28 . I often wash my socks on Saturday mornings.(_)29 . There is a big dog between the two dog houses.(_)30 . My father can cook. He can make pizza! The pizza is delicious. (_)31 . There is a river in the nature park.(_)32 . This is my music teacher, Miss Chen. She is hard-working.(_)33 . My big brother can play football. Hes a football player. (_)五、其他34 . 根据实际情况回答问题1. How many children are there in your class? _.2. How many desks are there in your class? _.3. How many English teachers are there in your school?_.4. How many pens are there in your pencil box?_.5. Are there any maps on the walls in your classroom?_.6. How many books are there in your school bag?_.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、填空题1、2、三、任务型阅读1、四、匹配题1、五、其他1、


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