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2016 年 6 月英语六级考试真题试卷附答案和解析 第 1 套 Directions For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people s daily lives You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words Section A Directions In this section you will hear two long conversations At the end of each conversation you will hear four questions Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A B C and D Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre 注意 此部分试题请在答题卡 1 上作答 Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard 1 A Project organizer B Public relations officer C Marketing manager D Market research consultant 2 A Quantitative advertising research B Questionnaire design C Research methodology D Interviewer training 3 A They are intensive studies of people s spending habits B They examine relations between producers and customers C They look for new and effective ways to promote products D They study trends or customer satisfaction over a long period 4 A The lack of promotion opportunity B Checking charts and tables C Designing questionnaires D The persistent intensity Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard 5 A His view on Canadian universities B His understanding of higher education C His suggestions for improvements in higher education D His complaint about bureaucracy in American universities 6 A It is well designed B It is rather inflexible C It varies among universities D It has undergone great changes 7 A The United States and Canada can learn from each other B Public universities are often superior to private universities C Everyone should be given equal access to higher education D Private schools work more efficiently than public institutions 8 A University systems vary from country to country B Efficiency is essential to university management C It is hard to say which is better a public university or a private one D Many private university in the U S are actually large bureaucracies Section B Directions In this section you will hear two passages At the end of each passage you will hear three or four questions Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A B C and D Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre Passage One Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard 9 A Government s role in resolving an economic crisis B The worsening real wage situation around the world C Indications of economic recovery in the United States D The impact of the current economic crisis on peopled life 10 A They will feel less pressure to raise employees wages B They will feel free to choose the most suitable employees C They will feel inclined to expand their business operations D They will feel more confident in competing with their rivals 11 A Employees and companies cooperate to pull through the economic crisis B Government and companies join hands to create jobs for the unemployed C Employees work shorter hours to avoid layoffs D Team work will be encouraged in companies Passage Two Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard 12 A Whether memory supplements work B Whether herbal medicine works wonders C Whether exercise enhances one s memory D Whether a magic memory promises success 13 A They help the elderly more than the young B They are beneficial in one way or another C They generally do not have side effects D They are not based on real science 14 A They are available at most country fairs B They are taken in relatively high dosage C They are collected or grown by farmers D They are prescribed by trained practitioners 15 A They have often proved to be as helpful as doing mental exercise B Taking them with other medications might entail unnecessary risks C Their effect lasts only a short time D Many have benefited from them Section C Directions In this section you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions The recordings will be played only once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A B C and D Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre Recording One Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard 16 A How catastrophic natural disasters turn out to be to developing nations B How the World Meteorological Organization studies natural disasters C How powerless humans appear to be in face of natural disasters D How the negative impacts of natural disasters can be reduced 17 A By training rescue teams for emergencies B By taking steps to prepare people for them C By changing people s views of nature D By relocating people to safer places 18 A How preventive action can reduce the loss of life B How courageous Cubans are in face of disasters C How Cubans suffer from tropical storms D How destructive tropical storms can be Recording Two Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard 19 A Pay back their loans to the American government B Provide loans to those in severe financial difficulty C Contribute more to the goal of a wider recovery D Speed up their recovery from the housing bubble 20 A Some banks may have to merge with others B Many smaller regional banks are going to fail C It will be hard for banks to provide more loans D Many banks will have to lay off some employees 21 A It will work closely with the government B It will endeavor to write off bad loans C It will try to lower the interest rate D It will try to provide more loans 22 A It won t help the American economy to turn around B It won t do any good to the major commercial banks C It will win the approval of the Obama administration D It will be necessary if the economy starts to shrink again Recording Three Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard 23 A Being unable to learn new things B Being rather slow to make changes C Losing temper more and more often D Losing the ability to get on with others 24 A Cognitive stimulation B Community activity C Balanced diet D Fresh air 25 A Ignoring the signs and symptoms of aging B Adopting an optimistic attitude towards life C Endeavoring to give up unhealthy lifestyles D Seeking advice from doctors from time to time Section A Directions In this section there is a passage with ten blanks You are requir ed to select oneword for each blank from a list of choices given in a word ban k following the passage Read thepassage through carefully before making yo ur choices Each choice in the bank is identified bya letter Please mark the c orresponding letter for each item on Answer Street 2 with a singleline throug h the centre You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage Let s say you love roller skating Just the thought of 26 on your roller skates brings asmile to your face You also know that roller skating is excellent exercise You have a 27 attitude toward it This description of roller skating 28 the three components of an attitude affect cognition and be havior You love the activity it s great fun These feelings 29 the affectiv eor emotional component they are an important ingredient in attitudes The knowledge wehave about the object constitutes the cognitive compone nt of an attitude You understandthe health 30 that the activity can bri ng Finally attitudes have a behavioral component Our attitudes 31 us to go outside to enjoy roller skating Now we don t want to leave you with the 32 that these three component s always worktogether 33 They don t sometimes they clash For example let s say you love pizza aff ective component however you have high cholesterol and understand k nowledgecomponent that eating pizza may be bad for your health Which b ehavior will your attituderesult in eating pizza or 34 it The answer depe nds on which component happens to bestronger If you are walking past a pi zza restaurant at lunchtime your emotions and feelingsprobably will be stron ger than your knowledge that pizza may not be the best food for yourhealth I n that instance you have pizza for lunch If you are at home trying to decide where togo for dinner however the knowledge component may 35 and you decide to go whereyou can eat a healthier meal A avoiding B benefits C highlight D illustrates E impression F improves G inquiring H perfectly I positive J prevail K primarily L prompt M specifications N strapping O typical Section B Directions In this section you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived You may choose a paragraph more than once Each paragraph is marked with a letter Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 The Changing Generation A It turns out today s teenagers aren t so scary after all Results of USA WEEKEND S Teens even a minor improvement cost on average 18 000 Exclusivity more familiar in the world of high fashion has reached the kitche n Robinson Cornish a British manufacturer of custom made kitchens offers a Georgian style onewhich would cost 145 000 155 000 excluding building plumbing and electrical work Its bigselling point is that n obody else will have it You won t see this kitchen anywhere else in theworld The elevation of the room that once belonged only to the servants to that of design showcasefor the modem family tells the story of a century of social ch ange Right into the early 20thcentury kitchens were smoky noisy places ge nerally located underground or to the back ofthe house and as far from livin g space as possible That was as it should be kitchens were forservants and the aspiring middle classes wanted nothing to do with them But as the working classes prospered and the servant shortage set in housek eeping became amatter of interest to the educated classes One of the pionee rs of a radical new way of thinkingabout the kitchen was Catharine Esther B eecher sister of Harriet Beecher Stowe In AmericanWoman s Home publishe d in 1869 the Beecher sisters recommended a scientific approach tohouseho ld management designed to enhance the efficiency of a woman s work and promoteorder Many contemporary ideas about kitchen design can be traced back to anot her American Christine Frederick who set about enhancing the efficiency of the housewife Her 1919 work Household Engineering Scientific Management in the Home was based on detailedobservation of a housewife s daily rout ine She borrowed the principle of efficiency on thefactory floor and applied it to domestic tasks on the kitchen floor Frederick s central idea that stove sink and kitchen table must be placed i n such a relationthat useless steps are avoided entirely inspired the first ful ly fitted kitchen designed in the1920s by Margarete Sch tter Lihotsky It was a modernist triumph and many elementsremain central fe atures of today s kitchen 51 What does the author say about the kitchen of today A It is where housewives display their cooking skills B It is where the family entertains important guests C It has become something odd in a modem house D It is regarded as the center of a modem home 52 Why does the Georgian style kitchen sell at a very high price A It is believed to have tremendous artistic value B No duplicate is to be found in any other place C It is manufactured by a famous British company D No other manufacturer can produce anything like it 53 What does the change in the status of the kitchen reflect A Improved living conditions B Women s elevated status C Technological progress D Social change 54 What was the Beecher sisters idea of a kitchen A A place where women could work more efficiently B A place where high technology could be applied C A place of interest to the educated people D A place to experiment with new ideas 55 What do we learn about today s kitchen A It represents the rapid technological advance in people s daily life B Many of its central features are no different from those of the 1920s C It has been transformed beyond recognition D Many of its functions have changed greatly Directions For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2 深圳是中国广东省一座新开发的城市 在改革开放之前 深圳不过是一个渔村 仅有三万 多人 20 世纪 80 年代 中国政府创建了深圳经济特区 作为实施社会主义市场经济的试 验田 如今 深圳的人口已超过 1 000 万 整个城市发生了巨大的变化 到 2014 年 深圳的人均 per capita GDP 已达 25 000 美元 相当于世界上一些发达国 家的水平 就综合经济实力而言 深圳居于中国顶尖城市之列 由于其独特的地位 深圳 也是国内外企业家创业的理想之地 写作参考答案 People nowadays use social networking sites very frequently such as Weibo and Wechat whichhave made us more connected than ever Yet for all this cl ose contact we are becoming moresocially awkward The harm of replacing real life contact with virtual conversation in myopinion involves two aspects it made us put on masks and hold up shields In a virtual world we tend to create an image that rarely looks like us We p ost messages orpictures to show we are humorous with a good taste and li ving a fabulous life As a result wefail to present our real self and dare not to be ourselves Another unpleasant thing aboutvirtual conversation is that it encourages unimaginable violence of language The Internet hasbecome a s hield in many ways exempting us from the consequence we should takere sponsibility for even though we make dreadful and malicious comments som etimes Thisundoubtedly mins the quality of social interaction that we nee d as human beings All in all if we spend too much time interacting virtually we will dedicate littl e effort to real world bonding Consequently our interpersonal relationship weakens graduall y and we will endup with unprecedented alienation 解析 本题讨论的是 虚拟社交越来越频繁 真实社交却越来越贫乏 这一社会现象 考生需要阐 述这一问题将导致的结果 根据题目要求 可以采取以下布局 第一段 提出虽然人们的生活充斥着社交网站 但却变得越来越不善于社交 这都是因为 过度依赖虚拟网络 而忽略了面对面交流的重要性 第二段 从两方面阐述虚拟社交如何影响人的社交质量 在虚拟社交中人们喜欢伪装自己 同时建立起一块无形的盾牌躲避彼此 第三段 总结全文 虚拟社交影像我们真实情感的建立 导致人际关系破裂 人性异化 听力 Section A 参考答案 1 What seems to have been very successful according to the woman speaker A 解析 对话开头 女士就说迈克在 CucinTech 负责了一个创新项目 并接着说到 项目似乎非常成功 由此 可选定 A 项 男士在 CucinTech 负责的项目 干扰项排除 根据选项关键词 project technology career 以及 company 可推 测问题可能与工作相关 对话主要探讨的是战略上的创新 而 B 项 CucinTech 的技术 革新 只是利用对话里的关键词 innovation 进行干扰 C 项 男士转换到新的职业上 在 对话中并未提及 对话谈论的是男士在 CucinTech 的工作情况 与女士公司无关 故排 除 D 项 她公司的重组 2 What did the company lack before the man s scheme was implemented B 解析 女士问到是否 CucinTech 命运的逆转完全归功于战略创新 男士作了肯定 回答 并表达了他对 CucinTech 的看法 认为这个公司以前只是一味地随大流 重复别 人的做法 由此可见 CucinTech 以前缺乏战略创新 所以选 B 项 干扰项排除 从选项的内容来看 题目涉及公司的情况 A 项 人才 是该公司的优 势而不是它欠缺的 男士认为该公司在产品研发上有很大潜力 但并未提及产品是否具有 竞争力 故 C 项 具有竞争力的产品 排除 D 项 有效的促销 在对话中并没有提及 3 What does the man say he should do in his business C 解析 对话围绕战略创新展开 男士表达了自己对创新的看法 即 我们需要不断地 创新 以跟上时代的步伐 停滞不前就等于落后 接着他指出 作为公司战略 创新没有 止境 所以在商业领域他应该做的就是 C 项 不断创新 干扰项排除 选项均为原形动词短语 推测问题可能与行为 动作有关 A 项 扩大 市场 在对话中未提及 B 项 招聘更多人才 和 D 项 留心竞争对手 则利用对话中出现的 talent 和 competitor 来作干扰 4 What does the man say is the risk of innovation D 解析 对于创新 男士提出他的担忧 即经常导致被模仿 所以 D 项 被竞争对手 模仿 正确 干扰项排除 根据选项中的 bankruptcy conflicts difficulties competitors 等 关键词可推测题目与某个困境相关 A 项 可能破产 B 项 难以预见的困难 和 C 项 公司内部的冲突 在对话中均未提及 5 What are the speakers mainly talking about A 解析 对话开头就开门见山地介绍了一位口译嘉宾 接下来两人围绕着嘉宾的工作 展开了一系列讨论 因此 选 A 项 一位口译者的工作 干扰项排除 选项均为名词短语 可推测问题可能与对话的主题相关 对话中提到 过口译者的压力 但这只是对话中的一部分 而且对话并未提及其他专业人士的压力问题 故 B 项 专业人士感受到的压力 排除 对话中虽然提到了口译中语言熟练的问题 但这不 是对话的核心 C 项 语言熟练程度的重要性 太过片面 D 项 有效沟通的最好方式 在对 话中未提及 6 What does the man think of Dana s profession B 解析 男士明确表明了他对 Dana 的工作充满了钦佩 故选 B 项 令人钦佩的 干扰项排除 选项均为表主观感受的形容词 推测题目问态度或看法 A 项 有希望 的 C 项 值得的 和 D 项 有意义的 均不是男士对女士工作的看法 7 What does Dana say about the interpreters she knows B 解析 对话中 Dana 用一个双重否定句强调 她所认识的口译工作者都取得了专业 资质 并经过专业训练 所以 B 项 他们都具有专业资质 正确 干扰项排除 选项的主语都是 They 且均关于具备的某种素质或能力 听音时留意 相关信息 A 项 他们都对语言很感兴趣 不选 口译者们是否对语言有强烈的兴趣并未 在对话中提及 女士并没有提到他们是否都通过了语言能力测试 故 C 项错误 而 D 项 他们都学习过跨文化差异 在对话中未提及 8 What do most interpreters think of consecutive interpreting C 解析 对话中 女士说大多数口译者都认为 与同声传译相比 交替传译更有压力 故选 C 项 它比同声传译更有压力 干扰项排除 选项主语均为 It 且每个句子都有表示比较的词汇 听音时注意有关对比 的信息 A 项 它要求更多的词汇量 和 B 项 它 更看重准确性 在对话中没有提及 根据 对话 交替传译更考验人的短时记忆 D 项 它考验人在更大压力下的长时记忆 与此相悖 故应排除 Section B 参考答案 9 What is the long held view about mothers sleeping with newborn babies C 解析 录音首句就指出 多年来妈妈们一直被警告 与新生儿睡在一起不好 因为 这会增加婴儿夜间意外死亡的风险 由此可选定 C 项 干扰项排除 选项主语均为 It 且根据选项关键词 mother infants 等可推测题目 询问某事对妈妈 婴儿的影响 A 项 它可能影响妈妈的健康 是以色列研究者得出的最 新发现 而不是长期以来的一种观点 B 项 它可能妨碍婴儿睡眠 和 D 项 它可能使妈妈 精神上更加苦闷 在短文中未提及 10 What do Israeli researchers findings show D 解析 以色列研究者发现 即使与婴儿睡在同一个房间 也会对妈妈产生负面影响 D 项中的 impact 是文中 consequence 的同义替换 为正确答案 干扰项排除 根据选项关键词 mothers babies sleep 等可推测题目询问的是关 于睡眠与妈妈或婴儿的关系 录音中只是提到很多被调查的妈妈都是母乳喂养 并没有 提及母乳喂养对妈妈睡眠的影响 A 项 母乳喂养的妈妈入睡更困难 没有依据 录音指出 与婴儿一起睡影响妈妈睡眠 B 项 与婴儿一起睡的妈妈每晚需要更多睡眠 属于过度推断 录音中只是提及爸爸的睡眠模式可能影响妈妈 但是 C 项 妈妈的睡眠模式极大地影响新 生儿的健康 在短文中并未提及 11 What does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend mothers do B 解析 为了减少婴儿猝死的风险 美国儿科学会建议妈妈们不要跟婴儿同床睡 但 可以睡在一个房间 所以选 B 项 干扰项排除 选项均为原形动词短语 推测问题可能与行为 动作有关 A 项 改变 睡眠模式以适应她们的新生宝宝 并不是儿科学会建议的内容 C 项 与宝宝睡在同一个家 但不同的房间 不符合美国儿科学会的建议 D 项 采取预防措施以减少婴儿猝死的风险 属 过度推断 录音中没有涉及预防措施 12 What do we learn from the report A 解析 短文讲的是很多美国本土语言濒临灭绝的困境 第一句话就指出 美国已经 丢失了超过 1 3 的本土语言 由此可选定 A 项 美国很多本土语言已经灭绝 干扰项排除 根据选项关鍵词 native languages US died out preserve 等可 推测题目与美国本土语言的困境有关 美国现有 192 种语言濒临灭绝 但录音并未提 及这个数字为世界之最 B 项 美国濒危语言的数量最多 属过度推断 美国印第安人国家 博物馆的 Fred Nahwooksy 说 让这些濒危语言回归到日常使用正在进展当中 可排除 C 项 保护印第安语的努力被证明是徒劳的 Fred Nahwooksy 也说到 我们需要需要钱 使这些语言复活 而不仅仅是记录它们 所以 D 项 需要更多的钱来记录美国的本土语言 可排除 13 For what purpose does Fred Nahwooksy appeal for more funding D 解析 录音中引用美国原住民博物馆的 Fred 的话说 我们需要更多的资金并付出更 大的努力以让这些语言重新回到日常使用中来 需要钱使这些语言复活 而不仅仅是记 录它们 可选定 D 项 干扰项排除 选项均为不定式 推测问题与行为动作或目的相关 A 项 建立更多的 语言学校 属过度推断 文中指出通过学校教育可以拯救这些濒危语言 但没有提及创建更 多新学校 B 项 记录濒危语言 是现有的做法 不是 Nahwooksy 呼吁的目的 C 项 教 育美国土著孩子 是拯救濒危语言取得成效的途径之一 不是目的 也与更多资金没有直接 的关联 14 What is the historical cause of the decline in the American Indian Langua ges A 解析 美国印第安语言的衰落有其历史根源 在 19 世纪中叶 美国政府采取了美 国化印第安儿童的政策 即将印第安人的孩子赶出他们的家园 将他们与其文化隔绝 由 此 可选定 A 项 干扰项排除 根据选项关键词 American US government Indian 等可推测问题 与美国印第安人的情况有关 B 项 美国印第安语没有取得官方地位 C 项 美国政府不 愿花钱教育印第安人 和 D 印第安人长期与外界隔绝 均利用个别原词拼凑而成 录音中都 未提及 15 What does the speaker say about television C 解析 就电视对于本土语言的危害 短文末尾指出 电视将英语带入家庭 挤掉传 统的家庭讲故事时间 从而加速了本土语言的灭绝 C 项中的 speed up 与该句中的 accelerating 同义 为答案 干扰项排除 选项均以 It 开头 且根据关键词 native languages 可预测问题关于 某物与本土语言的关系 A 项 它被利用来教授本土语言 和 D 项 它被广泛用于浸润式 语言学校 在短文中均没有提及 而 B 项 它在家庭聚会时间讲传统故事 与短文说法相悖 在家庭聚会时间讲传统故事是被电视挤掉的事情 Section C 参考答案 16 How does unemployment insurance help the unemployed A 解析 录音以 Rosen 为例讲述了美国失业者的困境 其前段提到 Rosen 借助失 业保险购买日用品 支付房款 在找工作期间 失业保险支付他们原来工资的一半 因此 A 项 在找工作期间 失业保险支付他们原来工资的一半 正确 干扰项排除 选项均以 It 开头 且根据关键词 pay they work living expenses 等可推测题目与一群人的工作生活有关 B 项 它给他们支付 99 周的抵押贷款和医药 费 没有在录音中提到 录音提到 失业保险后来中断了对 Rosen 的救助 表明救助是有 时限的 故 C 项 它一直支付他们的生活费直到他们找到另一份工作 不准确 D 项 它提 供给他们基本的生活必需品 在录音中找不到根据 17 What is local director Elizabeth Walsh of the Bucks County CareerLink doi ng B 解析 录音中段 Elizabeth Walsh 表示 他们提供培训和指导以帮助失业者在当地 谋差事 由此 B 为失业工人提供培训和指导 正确 干扰项排除 由题目选项可知 本题可能与为失业工人提供的帮助有关 A 项 为庞 大的失业人群创造就业岗位 和 D 项 筹措资金帮助那些没有失业保险的人们 均与 Elizabeth Walsh 透露的信息无关 C 项 说服当地立法者延长失业救济 是 99ers 联盟 的目标 也不正确 18 What does Pennsylvania State Representative Scott Petri say is the best w ay to help thelong term unemployed C 解析 录音后段女士提到 Scott Petri 认为 要救助那些长期失业者 最好的办法 是允许普通公民在当地建厂办公司 以创造更多就业岗位 因此 C 项 通过鼓励私人投资 在当地建立企业来创造更多工作岗位 正确 干扰项排除 选项均为不定式短语 推测问题与行为动作或目的相关 A 项 提供给 他们自主创业所需要的贷款 B 项 允许他们延迟偿还每月的抵押贷款 以及 D 项 鼓励大 公司重新雇用那些靠政府救济生活的人 三项表述均缺乏录音依据 19 What did Pen Huddle and his team do in the Arctic Ocean D 解析 录音开头就指出 Pen Huddle 及其团队在北冰洋上艰苦跋涉了 3 个月 对 冰进行测量和记录 由此可选定 D 项 他们对冰进行调查 干扰项排除 选项均以 They 开头 且描述的都是行为状态 推测题目询问的是某人 群的相关行为 A 项 他们测量了海水的深度 B 项 他们分析了水含量 和 C 项 他们 勘探了海底 均与 Pen Hu

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