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鲁教版中考模拟(二模)英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 听选信息 (共4题;共24分)1. (4分)听第一段对话,回答两个问题。(1)Who does the boy want to buy flowers for?A . His grandmother.B . His father.C . His mother.(2)How much should the boy pay? A . Five yuan.B . Six yuan.C . Thirty yuan.2. (10分)听独白,回答问题。 (1)Who is the speaker? A . A directorB . A student.C . A writer.(2)How many volunteers are needed? A . 3.B . 5.C . 7.(3)What skill should the volunteers have? A . WritingB . Speaking.C . Painting.(4)How often does the newspaper come out? A . Every day.B . Four times a week.C . Five times a week.(5)What is the best reason for working for the school newspaper? A . To make a lot of money.B . To be an excellent student.C . To get interesting experiences.3. (4分)听长对话,回答问题。 (1)What does the woman want to buy? A . A skirt.B . A T-shirt.C . A blouse.(2)What size does the woman wear? A . Size L.B . Size M.C . Size S.4. (6分)请听独白,回答问题。 (1)How long did the writer spend walking to school every morning? A . half an hourB . one hourC . one and a half hours(2)Who could the writer meet on the way to school? A . my friendsB . my parentsC . nobody(3)How many students were there in the writers class? A . Six.B . Only one.C . Twenty.二、 信息转述及询问 (共1题;共5分)5. (5分)听短文,写单词。 Joining the clubWe have a music club, a _ club and an art club.Doing something good for the societyPlease call us at _ from Monday to Friday.Meeting a new familyTwo families exchange their _ for a certain time.An English campYou can make friends _ here. You can _ your English in the camp.三、 词汇测试。根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。 (共8题;共16分)6. (2分)I havent _ my parents for a long time. I miss them very much. A . hear ofB . heard ofC . hear aboutD . heard from7. (2分) I noticed Lily _ a pink dress at the party. I think she looks better_ red.A . wearing; inB . dresses; onC . dressed; inD . wear; on8. (2分)Did you _the Futian Model United Nation Competition (模联比赛)last month? Yes. Its_! I really enjoyed it.A . take part in; fantasticB . look up; meaningfulC . come from; traditional9. (2分)I didnt call you yesterday. The is that I was so busy. A . habitB . reasonC . questionD . message10. (2分)Mr. Smith arrived at the station_.A . at timeB . on timeC . on the timeD . in the time11. (2分)The population of Liupanshui is over 3 million.A . less thanB . almostC . nearlyD . more than12. (2分)Let me _your phone number and Ill call you when Im free. A . cut downB . turn downC . look downD . write down13. (2分)There are _books in the school library.A . different kinds ofB . different kindsC . a kindD . all kinds四、 词汇测试。从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 (共7题;共14分)14. (2分) I wonder how he _ stone _ gold. Come on. Its just a magic show.A . turned; intoB . compared; withC . turned; downD . compared; to15. (2分)means very old, or having existed for a long time.A . AncientB . EducationalC . Main16. (2分)The chicken _ good. Do you want some? A . tastesB . watchesC . eatsD . sees17. (2分)Many of the visitors Beijing two days ago. A . reached inB . get toC . arrived atD . arrived in18. (2分)Are there any _ on the table? A . foodB . breadC . vegetablesD . cake19. (2分)There_ a lot of rubbish there in the past. But now it has turned into a clean place.A . used to beB . used to haveC . was used to beingD . was used to having20. (2分)Were tiredWe need to have a good rest , but we still have lots of homework to doA . Oh,wellB . Thats all rightC . Hurry upD . Thats it五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空As l was passing by the elephants,I suddenly stoppedI was1 by the fact that a small rope(绳子)is holding these 2 animalsThe rope was tied to their front legsIt was true that the elephants could3 the rope at any timeBut they did notI asked the trainer nearby4 these elephants just stood there and didnt try to get away“Well,he said,“when they are very young and much smallerwe use the same size rope to 5themAt that age,its enough to hold themAs they grow up,they are used to6 that they cannot break awayThey believe the rope can still hold them,so they never try to break free”l was amazedThese animals could7 any time break free from their bonds,but because they believed they couldnt,they were 8right where they wereLike the 9 ,some of us hang onto a belief that we cannot do something,only because we10 at it once before (1)A . surprised B . glad C . sad D . satisfied (2)A . huge B . small C . clever D . fat (3)A . get rid B . break away from C . run out D . keep away from (4)A . how B . why C . when D . that (5)A . cheat B . treat C . play D . tie (6)A . hoping B . wondering C . believing D . doubting (7)A . within B . for C . for D . at (8)A . stuck B . placed C . buried(埋) D . tied (9)A . elephants B . tigers C . birds D . lions (10)A . succeeded B . failed C . lost D . won 六、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共52分)22. (6分)阅读理解 Found: WatchIs this your watch?Call Cindy at 4489012.Lost: My yellow ring(戒指)My name is Linda.Phone number :2023506Found: JacketIs this your jacket?It is a red jacket.Please call Mona.The telephone number is 6789921.(1)Cindy finds(找到) a _. A . watchB . ringC . jacketD . telephone(2)What color is the jacket? A . WhiteB . BlueC . YellowD . Red(3)Which is TRUE(对的)? A . Linda lost a watch.B . Mona finds a jacket.C . Cindy lost a ring.D . You can call Mona at 2023506.23. (8分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。DNow we have comfortable buses in New York. I would like to describe to you how comfortable they are. The number of the seats on a bus has been reduced(减少) from 44 to 19.In the beginning, they just changed the normal(正常的) seats to airplane seats and took off 10 seats on the bus. However, every passenger (乘客)wanted to have a more comfortable seat on the bus when he took long distance trips by bus. Also, the bus manager wanted to get more profits (利润),so they changed the airplane seats to sofas, and the number of the seats becomes 19.The new buses are coming out, but the prices are going up too. The owners have many ideas which you have probably never thought about before. Now they have bus attendants (服务员)who serve water, snacks, newspapers and towels.Also, you can change the direction of the sofas so that you can feel more comfortable, and they have a service bell on each sofa. Whats more, some companies play some videos on the bus. In addition, when you take a long distance trip, they provide luxurious buses that have an LCD (液晶彩色显示器)on each seat. That is not the only surprising thing on the bus一一they also have three different video channels, and seventy TV games for killing time when you are on the bus.In a word, we want to be more comfortable when we are on a trip. That is the reason why we have sofas on the buses. Maybe we will have beds on the buses in the future.(1)How many seats did they take off in the beginning? A . 44B . 19C . 10D . 34(2)What does the word luxurious mean in the passage? A . 豪华的B . 坚固的C . 明亮的D . 宽敞的(3)They provide TV programs and games on the bus to . A . cut the price of the busB . make the trip not boringC . get people interested in drivingD . let the passengers know the latest news(4)What would be the best title for this passage? A . Fewer seats, more bus faresB . A comfortable long distance tripC . Buses, a usable (可用的) form of travelingD . Comfortable bus seats make travel life good24. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Forgetful NickAfter school on Friday, when Nick got home, he saw Grandpas car! Nick smiled and walked quickly up the front sidewalk.He reached the door and said hello to Grandpa. Then Mom called from the kitchen. “Put away your schoolbag first.”Nicks smile vanished(消失). “Oh, no,” he said, “I forgot to bring my schoolbag home.”Mom was angry. “Nick, you forgot your schoolbag again! You need to be more careful!”Grandpa turned to Nick and winked(眨眼), “Im afraid you inherited(遗传) your forgetfulness from me, Nick. Your grandma used to call me Forgetful Jones.”Grandpas words made Nick feel a little better. But he still felt mad at himself.After dinner, Grandpa suggested going for a walk. As they walked around the corner, Grandpa said, “Ill tell you a little secret, Nick. Were the same. We like to do things, make things and have fun! Thats why we sometimes forget things.”“But Grandpa, how did you stop forgetting? How can I stop forgetting?” Nick asked.“Well,” said Grandpa, “I know a few tricks(窍门). I use them to help me remember important things. For example, its important to turn off my car lights when I park the car. So every time I get in the car, I put my notebook in my lap(大腿).”“I saw it!” said Nick. “I always wondered why you did that!”“Now you know my secret,” said Grandpa, “Its a simple little trick, but it works. Why dont we put our heads together and come up with a schoolbag-remembering trick?”(1)Nicks smile vanished when he knew .A . his grandpa cameB . his mom was in the kitchenC . he forgot his schoolbagD . his mom was angry(2)Who used to call Nicks grandpa “Forgetful Jones”?A . Nick.B . Nicks mom.C . Nicks dad.D . Nicks grandma.(3)What did Nick and his grandpa do after dinner?A . They went for a walk.B . They turned off the car lights.C . They bought a notebook.D . They looked for Nicks schoolbag.(4)From the story, we can know Nicks grandpa is .A . strangeB . helpfulC . strictD . proud25. (10分)阅读理解Americansliketovisitthenationalparks.In1996,over250,000,000peoplevisitedareaswhicharemanagedbytheNationalParkService.Expertssaythatby2012,500,000,000peopleperyear willvisittheparks.Asaresult,peoplearetryingtothinkofwaystoprotecttheparksfromthecrowd. Thecrowdingoftheparkshascausedseveralproblems.Oneisthatthereisnotenoughspaceforallofthepeoplewhowanttousetheparks.Todealwiththisproblem,youmayhavetobookyour ticketsafewmonthsaheadoftime.TheParkServicemayalsoraiseentrancefees(费).Anotherproblemcausedbyincreasedparkuseispollution.Somegarbageandwastecanbecleanedup,and thecleanupcanbepaidforbyincreasedentrancefees.Tocutdownonnoisepollutionandairpollution,thenumberofcarsallowedinparksmaybelimited.Ifthishappens,peoplemayusebusestotravelaroundtheparks.Officialsmayalsolimittheuseofjet-skis,snow-mobiles,motor-boats,andsightseeinghelicoptersandplanes.Theparksmayalsobeindangerbecauseofdevelopmentthatisgoingonaroundthem.Forexample,aroundYellowStonePark,manyhotels,golfcourses,resorts,andothertouristattractions havebeenbuilt.Someofthesedevelopmentshaveeffectonareasthatareusedbyanimals.Peoplewillhavetolearntoagreeaboutwaystoprotecttheparks.Iftheydonot,therewillsoonbenoreasontovisitthesenationaltreasures. (1)Accordingtoexperts,by2012thenumberofvisitors_.A . maybedoubledB . mayriseto50%C . willreach250millionD . willgoupbyasecond(2)Whichofthefollowingistrueaccordingtothetext? A . Visitorswillpaylessthanbefore.B . Theparksarenotbigenoughtoholdallvisitors.C . Visitorsmaynotnecessarilybuyticketsaheadoftime.D . Onlybusesareallowedtoentertheparks.(3)Entrancefeesmaybeincreased_. A . becausetheNationalParkServiceareshortofmoneyB . onlyforthedevelopmentofthenationalparksC . toprotecttheanimalsD . mainlytolimitthenumberofvisitors(4)Whatisthemostpossiblemeaningoftheunderlinedword“limited”inParagraph3?A . Enlarged.B . Admitted.C . Controlled.D . Concerned.(5)Whatcanbeinferredfromthepassage? A . Highfeesmayprobablykeepsomepeopleoutofparks.B . HelicoptersandplaneswillnotbeusedinparksanylongerC . Thebuswillbecometheonlytoolinparksinordertocutdownpollution.D . NationalParkServicewillalwayswelcomeasmanyvisitorsaspossible.26. (20分)阅读理解ADear Liza,I will be ten years old on Friday, 22nd July. To celebrate my birthday, I will invite several friends and I hope that all of you will be able to come to the party on that day.There will be two parts in my party. The first part will be at the swimming pool near our school. Please bring your swimsuit (游泳衣) and a change of clothes. We have planned some pool games. My parents will be at the pool to protect the swimmers. The pool party will be from 2 to 3 p.m.The second part of the party will be at my house. A bus will take us all from the pool to my house. A singer is coming to my house. He will sing popular songs for us. I am sure you will enjoy them. The home party may last till 5 p.m.Please let me know by Friday, 15th July, whether you will come to my party, so that I will know how much food to prepare.Love,Tracy(1)How old will Tracy be? A . Seven.B . Eight.C . Nine.D . Ten.(2)How old will Tracy be? A . Seven.B . Eight.C . Nine.D . Ten.(3)Where will the first part of the party be? A . At Lizas house.B . At Tracys house.C . At the swimming pool.D . At a cinema.(4)Where will the first part of the party be? A . At Lizas house.B . At Tracys house.C . At the swimming pool.D . At a cinema.(5)How long will the pool party last? A . For 1 hour.B . For 2 hours.C . For 3 hours.D . For 4 hours.(6)How long will the pool party last? A . For 1 hour.B . For 2 hours.C . For 3 hours.D . For 4 hours.(7)How will they go to Tracys house from the pool? A . On foot.B . By bus.C . By car.D . By bike.(8)How will they go to Tracys house from the pool? A . On foot.B . By bus.C . By car.D . By bike.(9)Why does Tracy want to know earlier whether her friends will come? A . Her parents can protect the swimmers.B . She will know what games to prepare.C . The singer can prepare the songs.D . She will know how much food to prepare.(10)Why does Tracy want to know earlier whether her friends will come? A . Her parents can protect the swimmers.B . She will know what games to prepare.C . The singer can prepare the songs.D . She will know how much food to prepare.七、 语法填空. (共1题;共2分)27. (2分)He is very _ when he knows the _ news. (excite) 八、 书面表达. (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)假如你是许婷, 请根据下面的提示内容写一篇短文,向你的笔友Alice介绍一下你的住房及所在的小区的环境。内容可适当发挥,要求不少于50个单词。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。1.你家住在一楼,前面有个小花园,家里有一个客厅,三个卧室,一个厨房和两个卫生间。2.你所在的小区大约有20栋楼,环境很安静,离超市和公交车站不远。Dear Alice,Yours,Xu Ting第 24 页 共 24 页参考答案一、 听选信息 (共4题;共24分)1-1、1-2、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、4-1、4-2、4-3、二、 信息转述及询问 (共1题;共5分)5-1、三、 词汇测试。根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。 (共8题;共16分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、四、 词汇测试。从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 (共7题;共14分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)21-1、六、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共52分)22-1、22-2、22-3、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、26-6、26-7、26-8、26-9、26-10、七、 语法填空. (共1题;共2分)27-1、八、 书面表达. (共1题;共5分)28-1、


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