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2019-2020学年教科版(广州)四年级上册期期末水平测试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、情景交际1 . 老师请你拍手,用英语该这样说:( )AClapyourhands.BClapmyhands.CSnapyourfingers.2 . 当你想询问别人那是否是他的钢笔时,你会说:AThat is your pen.BIs that your pencil?CIs that your pen?3 . 当你想要买一支铅笔时,你会和售货员说?( )AI like the pencil.BHow much is the pencil?CI want to buy a pencil.4 . 当你想看对方的钢笔时,你会说:AShow me your pen!BI have a pen!二、填空题选出合适的单词填入横线上job people meet player uncle5 . How many_ are there in your family?6 . Whats your aunts _?7 . This is my _. He is tall and strong.8 . Hi, _ my family!9 . My father is a football _.三、任务型阅读10 . Read and judge (阅读短文,判断句子,用T表示相符,F表示不相符) Hello, I am Tom. I am a boy. I am nine. I am fat. I can run, but I cant run fast. I like meat and sweets. This is my little sister, Mary. She is five. She is thin. She can sing and dance. She can draw dogs, too. This is my mother. Shes big and tall. She is a good teacher. ( ) 1. Tom is two.( ) 2. Tom is thin.( ) 3. Mary can draw cats.( ) 4. Tom is Marys brother.( ) 5. Mother is small and short.阅读理解。My father is at homeOne afternoon John is playing football in front of a house with his friends.A young woman comes up and asks him, “John, is your father at home?” “Yes,he is.He is reading a book in his bedroom,”answers John.Then the young woman goes to ring the doorbell.The bell rings and rings, but no one comes to open the door.The young woman gets angry and calls him, “You tell me your father is at home, dont you?” “Yes, my father is at home.But my home isnt here.”11 . 阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。1.John is playing football beside a house. (_)2.Ayoung woman comes to find Johns mother. (_)3.The woman is very angry after she rings the doorbell. (_)4.John tells a lie. (_)5.Johns father is not at home. (_)12 . 阅读短文回答问题。1.What is John doing?_2.What is.Johns father doing?_3.Is there someone opening the door?_13 . 阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格。Bill has a big family. There are five people in his family-Mr Brown, Mrs Brown, Jack, Linda and him. Mr Brown, his father, likes playing basketball, but he doesnt like playing the piano. Mrs Brown, his mother, enjoys singing and dancing, but she doesnt enjoy playing football. Bills hobby is painting and playing the drum(鼓), but he doesnt like playing volleyball. Jack, his brother, is interested in playing the guitar(吉他)and singing, but he isnt interested in playing chess(棋), Linda, his sister, likes playing the violin(小提琴)and dancing, but she doesnt like swimming. This is a happy family.NameWhat does he/she like doing?What doesnt he/she like doing?Mr Brown1._playing the pianoMr Brown2._playing footballBillpainting and playing the drum3._Jackplaying the guitar and singing4._5._playing the violin and dancingswimming四、看图题14 . 根据图片补全单词:phot_五、书面表达15 . 书面表达。你的房间里都有些什么呢?他们都在哪里呢?请完成不少于50字的小练笔。第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、情景交际1、2、3、4、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、2、3、四、看图题1、五、书面表达1、

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