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2019-2020学年外研版(三起)四年级上册期中测试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Are you Mike? ( )Yes, .AI amBshe isChe is2 . What colour _? ( )Red.Athe hatBis itCare they3 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AjustBbehindCunder4 . _do you go back to school _lunch? ( )At 2:30AWhen; inBHow; forCWhen; after5 . Can you draw a lion? ( )Its difficult, _ I can try.AandBbutCso6 . Amy has big _and a small mouth. ( )AeyesBeyeCan eye7 . -Can you ride fast? -_.( )AYes, I cantBYes, I canCNo, I can8 . - Is it a mouse? ( )- _.AYes, it isBNo, it isCYes, it isnt9 . -_you going to swim this afternoon? ( )-Yes, I _.AAm; amBDo; doCDo; amDAre; am10 . _ play basketball. ( )ALetBLetsCLets11 . -_is my seat? -Its near the door. ( )AWhere.BWhatCWho二、填空题根据句意,选择适当的短语完成句子,填序号。A. zebra crossing B. Ocean Park C. on your leftD. dirty and messy E. watch fireworks F. From then on12 . Ill go to Hong Kong next month. Ill go to Disneyland and _.13 . _, they became friends.14 . What are you going to do this evening? Were going to _.15 . Excuse me, wheres the cinema?Look, its _.16 . To cross the road safely, you should look for a _.17 . Who made the room _?The dog.按课文Unit 1 Big or Small内容填空。18 . the parkLook!19 . big.Yes.20 . big.Look! Jenny21 . small.Yes.22 . small.23 . big.24 . small.Look!25 . sad.Hes26 . .Thank you.三、任务型阅读阅读材料Hello, my name is Lisa. I have a pet. Its a rabbit. Its name is Tiantian. Its black. Its eyes are big and round. Its two years old. It likes carrots very much. It can jump. It can run, too. We often run and jump in the garden. I love it.能力测试根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”27 . The rabbit is black. (_)28 . The rabbit is three years old. (_)29 . The rabbit likes juice very much. (_)30 . The rabbit can fly. (_)31 . It has big and round eyes. (_)四、匹配题给下列句子选择正确的翻译。A. 那张床挨着窗户。B. 她在厨房。C. 我想吃米饭和菜。D. 他又高又瘦。E. 将你的数学书放到书包底下。32 . He is tall and thin. (_)33 . Put your maths book under your schoolbag. (_)34 . She is in the kitchen. (_)35 . The bed is near the window. (_)36 . Id like some rice and vegetables. (_)五、看图题看图片,将排列错乱的字母重新组成单词。37 . r e g i t _38 . r e i c _39 . a l b l _40 . e k s d _41 . r i g l _六、连词成句42 . 连词成句。(注意句子首字母大写,句末加标点)1. like I monkeys ( . )_2. at look those lions fat ( . )_3. basketball you play can ( ? )_4. make fruit a lets salad ( . )_5. not Ijump can ( . )_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、填空题1、2、三、任务型阅读1、四、匹配题1、五、看图题1、六、连词成句1、

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