牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册Module 1 Unit 2 Going to school 练习卷

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牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册Module 1 Unit 2 Going to school 练习卷_第1页
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牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册Module 1 Unit 2 Going to school 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . do you come to school?( )AHowBWhatCWho2 . 在机场( )Ain the planeBat the airportCto the airport3 . There isunderground stationGreen Street. ( )Aa, onBan, inCan, on看图,选择正确的句子。4 . ( )AI like monkeys.BI like dogs.5 . ( )ALook at this tiger.BLook at this lion.6 . ( )AThis is a panda.BThis is a horse.7 . ( )ALittle monkey is under the tree.BLittle monkey is in the tree.8 . ( )ALook at these animals.BLook at these fruit.9 . ( )AmeatBappleCorange二、阅读选择10 . 阅读,选择正确答案A train stops at a station(车站). A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy. Can you go and get us two hamburgers, one for you and one for me? Here are two dollars. Great! says the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. Where is my hamburger? asks the young man. Oh, there is only one hamburger left. So Im eating mine. Here is your dollar. 【小题1】Where is the young man ? ( )AAt a station.BUnder a big umbrella.COn the train.【小题2】What does the young man want to buy? ( )AUmbrella.BHamburgers.CDollars.【小题3】Who helps the young man ? ( )AA boy.BA man.CNobody.【小题4】Does the young man get a hamburger?( )ANo, he doesnt.BYes, he does.CNo, he does.【小题5】Is the boy clever(聪明的) ? ( )AYes, he isnt.BYes, he is.CNo, Im not.三、完形填空完形填空。Li Ming and Joan_my good_. Li Ming_from England and Joan is _China. We_ in the same_but_classes. Li Ming_singing and Joan likes singing, _.We all_very hard.11 . AisBamCare12 . AfriendBfriendsCfriendes13 . AisBamCare14 . AtoBcomeCfrom15 . AareBisCam16 . AschoolBclassesCgrades17 . AsomeBsameCdifferent18 . AlikeBlikesClikes to19 . AalsoBtooCeither20 . AworkBworksCworking四、填空题根据中文提示,补全句子。21 . We should sleep _(至少)8 hours each night.22 . Dont eat _(太多)sweet or oily food.23 . The child _(从自行车上摔下来)yesterday.24 . _(去年)they went on a trip to Beijing.25 . Ben stayed at home _(一整天)last Sunday.26 . The doctor told me to take the medicine _(三次)a day.27 . We can play _(许多不同的游戏)in this park.五、判断题28 . 判断下列画线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。1. breakfastbread( )2. remember camera ( ) 3. ago roll( )4. bearnear ( )5. filmtiger( ) 6. therewhere( )六、选内容补全对话选择合适的句子,补全对话。AWhere will you go this afternoon?BCan I go with you?CMaybe I go there by bus.DSee you then!EIs the park far from your home?A:29 . B: I will go to the Central Park.A:30 . B: Yes, it is a little far.A: How do you go to the park?B: Let me see.31 . A:Which bus stop will you get off?B: I will get off at Sunshine Street.A:32 . B: Of course.33 . A: See you!34 . 选词填空(词汇运用)by near come foot farTim: Hi, Ann. Where do you live?Ann: I live on Green Street. Its 1._from our school.Tim: How do you 2._to school?Ann: I come to school 3._bus. How do you come to school, Tim?Tim: I come to school on 4._.I live 5._the school.七、书面表达35 . 书面表达。写一写你的家人或朋友上班或上学的方式,不少于五句话,注意书写规范。_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、判断题1、六、选内容补全对话1、2、七、书面表达1、

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