湘少版(三起)英语六年级下册Unit 5 Our earth looks like this in space第一课时练习卷

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湘少版(三起)英语六年级下册Unit 5 Our earth looks like this in space第一课时练习卷_第1页
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湘少版(三起)英语六年级下册Unit 5 Our earth looks like this in space第一课时练习卷_第3页
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湘少版(三起)英语六年级下册Unit 5 Our earth looks like this in space第一课时练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . The lion asked _ “Who can help me?”AhappyBsadCsadly2 . - David, can you _ a sentence _ “bread”? ( )- I think I can. Let me try.Amake, withBdo, forCget, onDwrite, to3 . Can I _at that dictionary.AlookingBlookClooks4 . It looks _ a big tree. ( )AlikeBlikesCliking5 . What do you _ doing?AlikedBlikeClikes二、任务型阅读阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。Sun: Hello, Im the sun. Im strong. I give light to the earth. Im No.1.Moon: Hello, Im the moon. At night give light to the earth. Im stronger. Im No.1Sun: Your light is from me, isnt it?Cloud: Dont quarrel. When I am over the earth, you cant give light to the earth. So everyone has his strong point. We are one family.Sun Moon: Yes, youre right. We are one family. We should help each other and take care of each other.6 . The sun gives light to the earth at night. (_)7 . The moon gives light to the earth at night. (_)8 . The suns light is not from the earth. (_)9 . When the cloud is over the earth, the sun can give light to the earth, too. (_)10 . They should help each other.What are the children doing? (_)三、英汉混合11 . 英汉互译。1. 衬衣_2. T-shirt _3. 蓝色的_4. 短裤_5. dress _四、改错12 . 照例子,选择并改错For example(例如),Please lookatI(C)me1. We cant pick the flowers on the park.(_)_A B C2. Danny isgeting ready to go shopping.(_)_A B C3. Whatis you doing?(_)_A B C4. How many day are there in a week? (_)_A B C5. A apple a day keeps the doctor away. (_)_A B C五、匹配题13 . 看图片,给小男孩的身体部位标上相应的序号。1. head 2. face 3. nose 4. hand 5. eye 6. ear 7. leg 8. arm 9. foot 10. mouth第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、任务型阅读1、三、英汉混合1、四、改错1、五、匹配题1、

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