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沪教版2020年九年级英语中考模拟试卷(一)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) (2016七上盱眙月考) What are these? _ Miss Zhangs tapes.A . These areB . It isC . They areD . Their are2. (2分) do you the kite? Its very beautiful and I like it very much.A . How; think aboutB . How; think ofC . What; think aboutD . What; like3. (2分) He refused my book,so I was very angry A . returnB . returningC . to returnD . returned4. (2分) (2017八下吉林期中) Could I use your ruler?I left mine at home. Yes, you _.A . mustB . canC . needD . should5. (2分) (2015八上长春月考) The worlds population is growing _and there is _land and water for growing rice A . more;lessB . larger;fewerC . larger;lessD . more;fewer6. (2分) (2016七上芜湖期末) My mothers favorite is red. A . colorB . fruitC . sportD . subject7. (2分) (2018八上龙岩期末) How can we protect ourselves _ the earthquake?We can ask our teacher for help.A . forB . withC . from8. (2分) (2019襄阳) I enjoy walking on the clean streets in the morning. You know they by the hard-working cleaners every day. A . cleanB . are cleanedC . are cleaningD . will clean9. (2分) What about playing football this afternoon, Sam? I would rather at home than football. Its too hot outside.A . stay; playingB . stay; playC . to stay; to playD . to stay; playing10. (2分) (2016八上鞍山期末) What _ if they _ to the class late? A . will happen, goB . will happen, will goC . will be happening, will goD . will be happened, go11. (2分) (2018八下广州期末) Her illness has had a bad effect on her work. Youd better ask her to stop working and go to see a doctor.A . good healthB . diseaseC . disability12. (2分) _coat is this? Is it Marys?The coat _be Marys. Its for men.A . Who; mustB . Who; cantC . Whose;cantD . Whose; must13. (2分) Hainan is known _ its beautiful beaches.A . asB . ofC . withD . for14. (2分) Have you found your watch ?Yes,I haveI found it in my school bag A . already,five minutes agoB . yet,five minutes agoC . already,five minutes beforeD . yet,five minutes before15. (2分) (2017九上普宁期中) Which city is your favorite?Xiamen, of course. Its the best place _ I want to visit.A . thatB . whereC . which二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) (2017九上达州期末) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。In a small town lives an old man. He has a nice house with a large 1. The old man takes care of his flowers every day. The garden is 2beautiful that every passer-by will stop to have a good look.One day a young painter went by the old mans garden. He looked at the garden, thinking how 3he would be if he lived in such a beautiful place. Then suddenly he found the old gardener was blind. The painter was 4and went to the old man. He asked, “You cant see the flowers. 5are you making them so beautiful?”The blind gardener smiled, “I can tell you four 6.First, I was a gardener when I was young. Although I become blind now, I am still good at gardening. Second, although I cant see these flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can 7the sweetness of them. At last, thats you. Its true that I dont know you. But I know many people will stop by the garden and the beauty of my garden will make 8happy. It also gives me a chance to 9with you here and enjoy these flowers together.”Every flower has eyes. 10the eyes they can see the kindness of the old man. The blind man also grows in his heart. Failing to see the beautiful flowers come out, he surely can hear the sound of them.(1)A . zoo B . garden C . river D . museum (2)A . so B . very C . quite D . too (3)A . angry B . busy C . sad D . happy (4)A . excited B . relaxed C . surprised D . bored (5)A . When B . How C . Where D . Why (6)A . hobbies B . reasons C . problems D . decisions (7)A . feel B . sound C . look D . smell (8)A . us B . you C . them D . him (9)A . argue B . talk C . help D . live (10)A . With B . From C . For D . About 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17. (10分) (2018九上彝良期末) 根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出正确选项Nobody knows how many different languages there are in the world. The most widely used language is English. Its used by business people, airline pilots all over the world. Its also the first language of sports and science. So its very important for us to learn English.English is most widely spoken in the world, while Chinese has the largest number of speakers. There are not only over one billion people living in China, but also many Chinese people living outside China. You can find large or small groups of Chinese people living in almost every country in the world.There are some other important languages in the world, too. Chinese is of course very important, especially in Asia. Arabic is widely spoken in many parts of Asia and Africa. Russian is spoken both in Europe and Asia. French is widely understood, not only in Europe, but also in parts of Canada, Africa and Asia. Spanish has a growing number of speakers all over the world, especially in Central and South Africa.What language do people speak in the United Nations? There are so many different languages in the world, but they decide to use only six of them. They are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. Everything spoken or written in one language is translated into the other five.(1) Whats the first language of sports and science? A . Chinese.B . English.C . Russian.D . French.(2) The underlined word in the passage shows that A . English is spoken by the most peopleB . Chinese is spoken in very parts of the worldC . English is spoken in most parts of the worldD . Chinese is spoken by the most people(3) According to the passage, has the least speakers in Asia. A . RussianB . SpanishC . FrenchD . Arabic(4) How many languages are used in the United Nations? A . Four.B . Five.C . Six.D . Seven.(5) The best title for this passage is A . Different Countries, Different LanguagesB . The Importance of EnglishC . The Number of Languages in the WorldD . Languages Used in the United Nations18. (10分) Alex Rawlings, from Oxford University, Has been named the UKs most multilingual(说多种语言的)person. The 21-year-old British student can speak 11 language and is learning a 12th, He knows English, Greek, German, French, Dutch, Afrikaans, Spanish,Catalan,ltalian, Russian and Hebrew.Rawlings mother, who is half Greek, spoke to him in English, Greek and some French when he was growing up. Rawlings is studying German and Russian at university now. He taught himself other languages like Dutch because he wanted to talk to people on his travels or simply because he thought the language was interesting or beautiful.“When I was a kid, I always wanted to speak different languages,” Rawlings said. “My parents often took me to my moms family in Greece. My dad worked in Japan for four years. I was always frustrated that I couldnt talk to other kids in those countries because of the language. ”Thanks to his talent for languages, Rawliings has made many friends. He also thinks that picking up new languages getseasier over time.Rawlings plans to perfect his Russian while studying in the small Russian city of Yaroslavi and the next language he plans to learn is Arabic.“No matter how many languages I Iearn, my favorite language is always Greek because I have spoken it since childhood,” he said.(1) Where does Alex Rawlings come from?A . The UK.B . The USA.C . Germany.D . Italy.(2) Alex Rwlings mother spoke to him in the following languages EXCEPT when he was young.A . GreekB . DutchC . FrenchD . English(3) How is Alex Rawlings going to improve his Russian?A . By getting a Russian tutor.B . By reading Russian books.C . By watching Russian moviesD . By studying in a Russian city.(4) Alex Rawlings likes Greek best because .A . his parents speak itB . he thinks its interestingC . he thinks its easy to learnD . he has spoken it since childhood(5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . Alex Rawlings fathers family is in Japan.B . Chinese is the next language Alex Rawlings plans to learn.C . Alex Rawlings showed great interest in learning languages from a young age.D . Learning new languages becomes more and more difficult for Alex Rawlings.19. (8分) (2017九上南京竞赛) 根据下列短文内容,选择正确答案。Mark Twain is someone Americans are taught to love. Older relatives, English teachers and the media always praise him. But when you actually take the time to read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, you find that his work is more wonderful than you could ever imagine.The novel describes a young boy named Tom Sawyer growing up in a small town along the Mississippi River. He explores the countryside on a riverboat with his friends, falls in love with girls, starts secret clubs and searches for treasure. Twains idea of childhood is magical a time of imagination, wonder and, of course, adventure.More importantly, through the eyes of Tom Sawyer, Twain cleverly makes fun of US culture. For example, Tom hates going to church, and Twain uses scenes of Tom there to mock religion and its old traditions.Twains writing is full of these kinds of critical (批判的) points about culture and politics. Thats why he is so loved in the US he wasnt afraid to state his opinions, and he did so clearly.He also believed strongly in womens right to vote in elections and gave a famous speech on the subject, called Votes for Women, in 1901.Tom was a great hero once more the pet of the old, the envy of the young, Twain writes in Tom Sawyer. But he could just as well be describing himself.(1) According to the writer, after reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, you are likely to think _. A . its not worth all the praiseB . its as wonderful as you imaginedC . its better to read it with teachersD . its even better than you imagined(2) What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A . A brief description of the novel.B . Where Twains idea of childhood comes from.C . How naughty and adventurous Tom Sawyer is.D . What makes Tom Sawyers adventures so wonderful.(3) What does the underlined word mock mean? A . make changes to.B . make fun of.C . give reasons for.D . give examples of.(4) Why is Twain so loved in the US according to the article? A . He supported womens right to vote.B . He wrote bad things about US wars abroad.C . He criticized American culture and society clearly and cleverly.D . He showed readers a magical childhood that everyone would love.四、 用所给单词的正确形式填空 (共5题;共5分)20. (1分) You should do your homework now and play computer games _ (late). 21. (1分) (2018烟台) Town Cinema has _ (comfort) seats than Guangming Cinema. 22. (1分) It took them half an hour _ (visit) the museum last week. 23. (1分) (2016七上扬州月考) Lets _ (go) swimming after school.24. (1分) Look at the _ stamp from the left! Its about the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. (five) 五、 用单词的正确形式完成句子 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分) (2019达州) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺,每词限用一次。 have; true; say; as; patient; well; like; I; do; runLast year I was 14 years old. I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings(缺点). Day by day her list grew: I was very thin; I was _; I sometimes didnt respect the teachers, I talked too much: I was too proud, and so on. At last, I couldnt stand it. I cried and_to my father. He listened to me quietly. Then he asked, Alfred, are the things she says true or not? Didnt you ever wonder what you are really_? Well, you now have that girls opinion. Go and make a list of everything she_and find out the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things you heard.I did _my father told. To my surprise, I discovered that about half the things were true. Some of them I couldnt change (like being very thin), but a large number I could and suddenly I wanted to change. For the first time I got a fairly clear picture of _.I brought the list back to Daddy. He refused to take it. Its just the case for you, he said, you know better than anyone the _about yourself But you have to learn to listen, not just close your ears in anger and feeling hurt. When something said about you is true, youll find it will be of great help to you. Our world is full of people who think they know your duty. Dont shut your ears, listen to them all, but hear the fact only and do what you know is right thing_.In my life. Ive never _a better piece of advice. Thanks for the shortcomings that someone has pointed out for us. They can make us know ourselves more and improve us_as we grow up.六、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)26. (1分) Lillian felt very _ (bore) so her mother asked her to look after her baby sister. 七、 填空 (共1题;共25分)27. (25分) (2017八下启东开学考) 任务型阅读。The power of natureThere are some things in nature that we cannot stop from happening. We cannot stop the power of nature. A flood comes when there is too much water on the land. Sometimes, it is after a big storm when too much rain falls on the land. Sometimes it is after a big storm at sea, when too much sea water comes onto the land. The fast flood water can hurt us and can hurt our homes. We cannot stop a flood from coming, but we can try to stop the water from coming into our homes. We can try to stop the water by making a wall. We can use sandbags to make the wall.An earthquake comes when the land moves. The land goes up and down and in different directions. Then land can crack(断裂). An earthquake can hurt us. We can get hurt by things that fall down in an earthquake. Falling things can start fires. We cannot stop an earthquake from coming, but we can try to make our homes strong so that they will not fall down in an earthquake.A tornado(龙卷风)is fast air that goes around and around over the land. A tornado can pick up anything. It can break anything that is in the way. A hurricane(飓风)is a big storm with fast winds and strong rain. It begins at the sea and can come onto the land. Its fast winds can hurt us and our homes. We cannot stop a tornado or a hurricane from coming, but we can get out of its way. We cannot stop the power of nature, but we can go to places where we can be safe.(1) When does a flood come? (2) Why should we try to make our homes strong? (3) How can we try to stop the water? (4) Where does a hurricane begin? (5) When facing a tornado or a hurricane, what can we do? 八、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共30分)28. (30分) Answer the questions. Now it was Jerrys turn. And Jerry would ride Wild Lady!I watched Jerry in the chute. Jerry dropped down on the horses back. He was ready to go. Outside! He called.The gate of the chute opened. And then nothing. Wild Lady didnt move. What was the matter?Suddenly Wild Lady jumped out like a tiger. She jumped-with all four feet off the ground. She was quick, still I could see Jerrys spurs(马刺). He had them in the right place. Again Wild Lady jumped, kicking and turning. Then she began a quick turn. Now I knew why all the riders were afraid of her. Around and around she went. Again and again she dug her front legs into the ground and kicked up behind. Jerrys neck moved back each time the horse jumped. Now Wild Lady was turning fast-so fast that Jerry looked like part of her. Once I saw Jerry bounce(单起)up high, off to one side, Thats it! I thought. But no! She was still riding. I was trying to count off the seconds with my fingers. But I was lost in the watching. I dug my nails(指甲)into my hand until it hurt. Wild Lady jumped higher and higher. Again the horse threw Jerry into the air. The people around me stood up. I couldnt see what was happening. But I heard, Come on! That was Jerry landing on the horses back. Everybody was shouting. And they were still shouting when the bell rang. It was all over. Jerry had stayed on that horse for eight long seconds. Now I had seen Jerry ride. I dont know how he felt while he was on that horse. But I know how I felt watching him. That eight seconds was a long time for Jerry. It was a long time for me too!(1) Whose turn was it? (2) What did the writer come for? (3) Why were all the riders afraid of Wild Lady? (4) It wasnt hard to ride Wild Lady, was it? (5) How did Wild Lady make all the riders feel? (6) How many times did Jerry nearly fall off the horse when riding? 九、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分) 假如你有一只宠物狗Dongdong.请根据下表介绍一下你的宠物狗。年龄性格作息时间能力关系2聪明,友好,但有时懒惰6:20起床8:45睡觉会立着行走 会跳舞 会和我一起看电影放学回家时它跟我玩,当我有空时,去遛狗I have a pet dog. Its name is Dongdong.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略四、 用所给单词的正确形式填空 (共5题;共5分)20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略五、 用单词的正确形式完成句子 (共1题;共10分)25、答案:略六、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)26、答案:略七、 填空 (共1题;共25分)27、答案:略八、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共30分)28、答案:略九、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29、答案:略

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