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沪教版备战2020年中考英语复习专题固定搭配(真题)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1. (2分)He donated his money to poor people, so we realized that he had a heart _ love.A . full ofB . is full ofC . fill withD . is filled with2. (2分)Youd better _ short passages every day.A . to practice readingB . practice readingC . practicing readingD . practice read3. (2分)Its ten at night. Im very tired. I would rather _ than _ TV. A . to sleep; watchB . sleep; to watchC . sleep; watchingD . sleep; watch4. (2分)She _ live with her grandparents, but she doesnt now.A . used toB . is used toC . was used to5. (2分)I couldnt complete _the house _your support. A . decorating; withB . to decorate; withC . decorating; withoutD . to decorate; without6. (2分)You have much time _ photos. Yes. What _ can you see in the photo?A . taking; elseB . to take; otherC . to take; elseD . taking; other7. (2分)The seeds must be covered with _ earth.A . a layer ofB . a lay ofC . a layer withD . a lay with8. (2分)I think_ necessary _ to take more exercise. A . it, for Jim and meB . its, to Jim and meC . that , for Jim and ID . thats, to Jim and me9. (2分)To surprise, all the passengers agreed with him.A . he; goB . his; to goC . him; goingD . him; go10. (2分) I dont know the meaning of the word.You can just _ in the dictionary.A . look up itB . look it upC . look them upD . look up them11. (2分)It took people three months to build this great building.A . two hundredsB . hundred ofC . hundreds ofD . two hundred of12. (2分)Mary takes _ her mother.Yes. She is similar_ her mother.A . for;asB . to;withC . after;toD . away;from13. (2分)There is hotel _ right of the park. A . inB . onC . toD . at14. (2分)Zhou Libo is _ to make all the audience _.A . enough funny, laughB . funny enough, laughC . enough funny, to laughD . funny enough, to laugh15. (2分)We expect others to behave a certain way so we can feel good about ourselves. A . atB . inC . toD . of16. (2分)The mouse saw the cat and quickly a minute ago. A . run awayB . ran awayC . running awayD . runs away17. (2分) If we dont protect some valuable animals, they will_ . So we should try our best _ them.A . die away; protectB . die away; to protectC . die out; to protectD . die out; protect18. (2分)Jenny is fond of _, but Jane prefers _. A . travel; readB . travelling; readingC . to travel; to readD . travelling; read19. (2分)If you _ a cup with tea, you put the tea into it to make it full. A . fillB . mixC . take20. (2分)Mr. Smith asked us some flowers in the garden last week. A . to growB . growC . grew21. (2分)一Can you hear her in the next room?YesShe sings well A . singsB . to singC . sangD . singing22. (2分) What a valuable book it is! So it is. Its worth _.A . readsB . to readC . readD . reading23. (2分)There is a hungry monkey food here A . look forB . findingC . looking forD . find24. (2分) I hope not to forget my promise to come to your party next Friday. Dont worry. You will _ the time one day earlier.A . remindB . be remindedC . remind ofD . be reminded of25. (2分)Ten percent of us watch TV three four a week. A . or; timeB . but; timesC . and; timeD . or; times26. (2分)My grandfather me jokes to make me happy when l was sad A . was used to tellB . is used to tellingC . used to tellD . used to telling27. (2分)There are lots of reasons _ his being late for school. A . withB . toC . atD . for28. (2分)Whats the matter _ your younger sister?She has a cough.A . forB . atC . withD . On29. (2分)The two books are There are a few between them A . different;differentB . different;differencesC . differences;differentD . differences;differences30. (2分)I saw Li Ming _ near the river on my way home just now.A . playsB . playingC . to playD . played31. (2分)Once the concert starts, nobody is_ to enter the concert hall.Oh, it will begin in ten minutes. Hurry up!A . allowedB . agreedC . asked32. (2分)I repaired your computer. Would you like _?A . giving it a tryB . to give it a tryC . to take it a try33. (2分)I really hope you can use your own to help the local people.A . advantagesB . disadvantagesC . advantageousD . advantaged34. (2分)Li Lei is as at running as me.A . betterB . wellC . good35. (2分)The book was written in _ easy English _ even primary school students could understand it.A . so, thatB . such, thatC . too, toD . enough, to36. (2分) Why was the manager angry Tim?Because he made a mistake in his work.A . to; seriousB . at; seriouslyC . with; seriousD . in; seriously37. (2分)Lets go and _ a snake. A . to seeB . seeingC . seeD . sees38. (2分)I used to _ to work. To keep healthy, I am used to _ to work now.A . drive; walkingB . driving; walkingC . drive; walkD . driving; walk39. (2分) Do you play_ping-pong?Yes, its_.A . a; boringB . /; interestingC . the; difficultD . /; interested40. (2分)I have only two tickets of Kong Fu. you he can go with me. A . Either; orB . Neither; norC . Both; and第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、

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