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1 2017 北京高三一模情景文和应用文汇总 2017 海淀一模 假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华 上周你接待了加拿大交换生 Jack 请按照以 下四幅图的先后顺序 以 A Taste of Beijing Roast Duck 为题 给校刊 英语园地 写一篇稿 件 介绍你和家人陪 Jack 去了解 品尝北京烤鸭的过程 注意 词数不少于 60 Last week my family hosted an exchange student Jack from Canada and together we explored many places in Beijing among which the experience of tasting Beijing Roast Duck in Quanjude stood out When we arrived at the gate of Quanjude Jack was immediately attracted by its Chinese style architecture design And as we walked in he was even more surprised to find a photo wall Seeing his confusion as well as interest I introduced to him the long history of Beijing Roast Duck and how this time honored brand pursued perfection in cooking which made Jack more eager to have a try After entering the dining hall we immediately ordered an all duck banquet and before it was served the ducks being processed drew our attention The shining color of the ducks in the hung oven was so mouth watering and the chef s skill of slicing the duck was just like an art performance Seeing all these Jack couldn t help expressing his amazement from time to time The moment finally came for us to really have a try Considering Jack s inexperience pancake in hand I led him to take a piece of meat dipping it in the sweet bean sauce and then put it in with some spring onion and cucumber With just one bite he fell in love and shared with us the taste of its crispy skin and tender meat melting in his mouth We were so glad that he loved it and talked merrily over the whole dinner This meal left Jack a deep impression and inspired his love for Chinese food as well as respect for Chinese people s pursing perfection which I can t help feeling proud of and will try my best to inherit and promote 2 2017 西城一模 第二节 20 分 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华 上周爷爷过生日 请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序 写一篇周记 记述你自制相册作为礼物并送出的过程 注意 词数不少于 60 Last Monday while checking the calendar I realized my grandpa s birthday was approaching What would be a good surprise gift for him this year While I was racking my brain for an idea memories of the time I spent with Grandpa fishing and playing football or chess all flooded back It suddenly hit me that I could make a photo album to record those precious moments Without any delay I threw myself into the creation of the album I turned on the computer carefully selected some photos and designed each page Finally an album of love was born Looking at each photo I couldn t help imagining how delighted Grandpa would be At the birthday party when I presented the album to Grandpa he hugged me affectionately tears welling up in his eyes My parents smiled happily The album serves not only as a gift to show my respect and appreciation to my dear Grandpa on this special day but reminds me that I should spend more time with him 3 2017 东城一模 第二节 20 分 假如你是红星中学高三 1 班的李华 请按以下四幅图的顺序 给你校 英语园地 投稿 介绍上个月你们班参加学校组织的 原创诗词大赛 的比赛过程 注意 词数不少于 60 Last month our class took part in the Campus Poetry Contest held in our school 第二节 One possible version Last month our class took part in the Campus Poetry Contest held in our school Our headmaster announced the start of the contest and the topic Our Colorful School Life He also required that every class should create one poem of any length and any type and then present it in front of the whole school We listened attentively showing great interest When we were back to our classroom we discussed what to write about our poem Some of my classmates contributed brilliant ideas others set about writing Right after our poem was completed we started to practice for the coming show Everybody worked hard and did our bit Our teacher also offered us help Finally the big day came The hall was full of excitement When it was our turn I standing on the stage with my classmates led the reading of our poem In the end when our headmaster announced the winners the whole place burst out with clapping and cheering It was really fun 4 2017 朝阳一模 第二节 20 分 假设你是红星中学高三 1 班学生李华 上周末你和同学到公园游览 请根据以下四 幅图的先后顺序 以 My Experience in the Park 为题 给校刊 英语角 写一篇英文稿件 介 绍游园过程中发生的一件事 注意 词数不少于 60 提示词 拱桥 arch bridge My Experience in the Park 第二节 One possible version My Experience in the Park Last weekend my classmates and I went to a nearby park for relaxation As we entered the park we found so many tourists enjoying the beauty of spring Some were taking photos of colorful flowers Some were sitting comfortably in the sun chatting When we came to an arch bridge we noticed a grandpa struggling to push a wheelchair onto the bridge A grandma was sitting in it Seeing this my classmate and I rushed forward to give them a hand Two of us tried hard to push the wheelchair while another classmate walked across the bridge with the grandpa The elderly couple were very grateful and spoke highly of us Some tourists standing nearby also praised us with their thumbs up We enjoyed the natural beauty of spring today and most importantly we were happy that we could be of help to others 5 2017 丰台一模 第二节 20 分 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华 请你根据以下四幅图的先后顺序 给学校英语报投 稿 叙述你上周五早晨在上学路上经历的一次意外 注意 词数不少于 60 提示词 后视镜 rearview mirror 第二节 One possible version Last Friday as I rose late I rode my bike super fast on my way to school passing by cars for fear of being late Seeing my classmates riding ahead I breathed a sigh of relief But what happened next was something I wasn t prepared for The handlebars of my bike accidentally hit the rearview mirror of a car parked by the roadside and broke the mirror I knew that I was in big trouble panicked not knowing what to do Should I run or wait for the car owner to come Hesitating for a moment I left a note that included my cellphone number and explained what happened For the rest of the day I had a tremendous amount of anxiety When I got home I nervously told my parents about the accident expecting a storm of criticism Much to my surprise and relief they approved of how I dealt with it This accident taught me a great lesson take responsibility which is exactly how we should face our mistakes and grow 173 words 6 2017 石景山一模 第二节 20 分 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华 你校昨天举办了高三学生成人仪式 请按照以下四 幅图的先后顺序 以 A Memorable Adulthood Ceremony 为题 给校刊 英语角 写一篇英文 稿件 介绍活动全过程 注意 词数不少于 60 提示词 宣誓 take an oath A Memorable Adulthood Ceremony Yesterday our school held a memorable adulthood ceremony themed growth gratitude and responsibility I was honoured to be the host of the ceremony together with a girl It the beginning on behalf of all the students we expressed our gratitude to our parents and teachers Then a parent representative made a speech expressing the best wishes and expectations to us which made us feel the love and care from our teachers and parents Afterwards we took an oath facing the national flag showing our determination to be a qualified citizen and work hard for our country Finally hand by hand we went through a so called Adulthood Gate which symbolized that we are all grown up After the ceremony I know more about the meaning of the word adult which attaches a responsibility to myself to my family and to the society 7 2017 海淀一模 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华 你的英国笔友 Jim 在给你的邮件中提到他很想了解 你的职业规划 请你给 Jim 回信 内容包括 1 你希望从事的职业 2 你选择该职业的原因 3 你打算为之做何准备 注意 1 词数不少于 50 2 开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词数 Dear Jim How is everything going I am glad to receive your e mail in which you asked me about my career plan for the future Now I am writing to share it with you in details I made up my mind to be a journalist when I visited the Xinhua News Agency the top one in China last year I chose it as my career based on the following two reasons First it is a job that can get me exposed to new things every day and thus keep me energetic and passionate all the time since I really hate to follow the same routine every day Second working as a journalist can help realize my childhood dream of being a hero by fighting against evil and spreading justice To achieve this goal I plan to apply for the Communication University of China whose major Journalism has been ranked the first for many years in a row across the whole country After getting my Bachelor Degree of Journalism I will continue my study in a world famous university to broaden my horizons to better fit my future post That is all about my career plan What do you think of it I am looking forward to hearing yours if you have got one Yours Li Hua 2017 西城一模 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华 你的英国朋友 Jim 在给你的邮件中提到他想看一个 关于中国文化方面的展览 并请你推荐 请给他回信 内容包括 1 介绍展览的相关内容 例如 时间 地点 主题等 2 说明你推荐该展览的原因 3 询问对方的意向 注意 1 词数不少于 50 2 开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词数 Dear Jim It s great to hear from you Knowing you want to see an exhibition about Chinese culture I d like to recommend one to you The exhibition of Chinese folk arts and crafts is now on at the Capital Museum and will last until April 30th with free admission Artists from all over the country bring their masterpieces Nianhua paintings from Tianjin kites from Weifang paper cuts from Shaanxi and so on I strongly suggest you visit this exhibition for it will totally immerse you in Chinese culture You will have a great chance to watch the artists create their works up close Moreover there is even a hands on area for you to make your own art Does this exhibition appeal to you If you are interested log onto the museum s official website to make a reservation You won t be disappointed I promise Yours Li Hua 8 2017 东城一模 第一节 15 分 假设你是红星中学高三 1 班学生李华 你的美国笔友 Jim 在邮件中提到他作为交 换生要来中国学习 他将住在中国接待家庭 他询问住在中国家庭会是否会有文化差异 请你给 Jim 回信 内容包括 1 表示祝贺 2 说明可能会遇到的文化差异 3 提出建议 注意 1 词数不少于 50 Dear Jim I m happy to know that you will come to China to study and stay with a host family Congratulations It will be a great chance to learn Chinese culture However I would like to remind you that some cultural shocks do exist Take greeting people for example when you first meet someone in your country you might hug and kiss him or her But in China it is not a common practice I think the best way of greeting is to shake hands Shaking hands is a friendly greeting in Chinese situation If you are unsure what to do it is wise to remember the saying When in Rome do as the Romans do and you ll be quite well accepted by Chinese Hope you have a pleasant stay in China Best wishes Li Hua 2017 朝阳一模 第一节 15 分 假设你是红星中学高三 1 班学生李华 你校将在下周五举办 校园文化节 Campus CultureFestival 系列活动 请给你班留学生 Jim 写封邮件 邀请他参加 邮件的内容包 括 1 介绍你选择的活动内容 2 说明参加该活动的理由 3 询问是否愿意参加该活动 注意 1 字数不少于 50 2 邮件的开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词数 Dear Jim I m writing to invite you to the annual Campus Culture Festival to be held next Friday This year the festival will provide various activities As a lover of traditional culture I d like to choose kite flying There will be pictures poems and proverbs about kites when the time comes We will also have the chance to learn how to make kites from folk artists Besides a competition for kite flying will be held I m sure we ll develop our awareness of traditional culture and practical ability during this activity If you are interested in it please let me know Hope to meet at the Campus Culture Festival Yours Li Hua 9 2017 丰台一模 第一节 15 分 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华 你的美国笔友 Chris 在给你的邮件中提到他最近在 准备 SAT 考试 美国高考 心理压力很大 很苦恼 希望得到你的帮助 请你给他回信 内容包括 1 安慰对方 2 分析心理压力过大会导致的后果 3 给出相应的建议及其理由 注意 词数不少于 50 Dear Chris I m sorry to learn that you ve been under a lot of pressure lately due to the upcoming SAT test Anyone in your situation would suffer a certain amount of stress But don t worry too much or you may find yourself having problems with sleep appetite or even memory Here are some ways I think that can deal with stress The first thing you can try is to exercise Exercises like walking or running not only boost energy but also build confidence Another way is to enjoy some games with friends which can take your mind off the stress and make you more relaxed It might also be a good idea to talk to someone who is a good listener having someone to listen to your problems can make you feel better I believe it will all work out Cheer up Let me know if I can help further Yours Li Hua 2017 石景山一模 第 1 节 15 分 假定你是红星中学高三学生李华 你的美国朋友 Jim 在给你的邮件中提到他对中国新 近出现的一种共享单车 mobike 很感兴趣 并请你做个简要介绍 请你给 Jim 回信 内容 包括 1 这种单车的使用方法 如 APP 查看车辆 扫码开锁等 2 这种单车的优势 3 你对这种单车的看法 注意 1 词数不少于 50 2 开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词数 提示词 智能手机 smartphone 二维码 the QR code Dear Jim I m writing to tell you more about the new form of sharing bike mobike mentioned in your latest letter It s very convenient to use if you have a smart phone What you do is find a nearest mobike through the APP scan the QR code on the bike and enjoy your trip Compared to other forms of sharing bike the greatest advantage of mobike is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it It is becoming a new trend as a means of transportation which relieves the 10 traffic pressure and does good to the environment as well Hope to ride a mobike with you in China Yours Li Hua

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