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人教版九年级上英语12月考试卷A卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) (2017八下江苏期末) Is Doctor Green_ORBIS doctor?No, he is_UNICEF volunteer. But he sometimes works with ORBIS.A . a; anB . an; aC . an; anD . a; a2. (2分) (2017七下长丰期中) The Nike bag is not the right _for me.You are very lucky. There is a discount(折扣) on it today.A . colourB . sizeC . styleD . price3. (2分) Do you like chatting with your friends on the telephone or MSN?_. I use QQ.A . NeitherB . EitherC . BothD . None4. (2分) (2016九上龙岗期末) - What about going on a picnic tomorrow?- Great, but it _ all the weather.A . depends onB . takes placeC . feels like5. (2分) (2016连云模拟) _ Kobe Bryants fans watched his final match and _ of them are men.A . Million of; three-fourthsB . Millions of; three-fourthsC . Three millions; third-fourD . Three million; third-fours6. (2分) This is my first trip Beijing.A . inB . toC . atD . for7. (2分) May I go to Jinbao Park with you next Sunday? No, you cant, _ you have a ticket. I have only one ticket.A . ifB . untilC . unlessD . as soon as8. (2分) (2017八下潮州期中) My _ sister is 2 years _than me . A . elder; olderB . elder; elderC . older; olderD . older; elder9. (2分) Before stamps, people didnt for the letters they sent, but for the letters they received.A . payB . costC . spendD . take10. (2分) (2018黄浦模拟) Humans are_ to live up to more than 150 years in the future. A . proudlyB . likelyC . finallyD . possibly11. (2分) Be quiet! The students _ a class now. A . is havingB . haveC . are havingD . has12. (2分) 一 We all went to the cinema except you last night. Why didnt you come?一 Because I that movie twice.A . have watchedB . had watchedC . was watchingD . would watch13. (2分) Its necessary and important for them students at school to join the Clean Plate Campaign. Its good for them to form good habits. Sure. We should try to _ all the food that weve ordered.A . give upB . eat upC . turn upD . show up14. (2分) (2017七上平川期中) This is your new sweater. Please _ A . put it onB . put on itC . turn it onD . turn on it15. (2分) (2017广东) Do you know _ yesterday?Yes. He went for the boat race.A . why didnt Peter go to schoolB . why doesnt Peter go to schoolC . why peter didnt go to schoolD . why peter doesnt go to school二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分) (2017九上抚宁期中) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Mr. Young has a big shop in the center of the city. He tells all his employees(雇员) to be1to the buyers and he gets a lot of2. One day an old woman went to the shop to3a silk blouse. When she came out of the shop with the blouse, she 4her wallet in it. A girl picked it up and5there were nearly five hundred dollars in it. She looked around and 6saw it. She put it into her pocket 7. Soon the old woman came back to look for it, of course she failed. That evening Mr. Young 8about it. He was very 9and sent the girl away. Then he decided to employ an honest man to take her10. Several young men came, but 11of them could satisfy him.This morning a young man came to his 12. He asked, Do you smoke, sir? No, sir, answered the young man.Do you 13? No, sir.Mr. Young asked him the other questions, and the young mans 14satisfied him. Before he employed him, he asked him 15question, You have no shortcoming(缺点), do you? No, I dont, sir. said the young man. I only like telling lies.”(1)A . strict B . friendly C . strange D . terrible (2)A . knowledge B . surprise C . money D . hope (3)A . buy B . borrow C . look for D . lend (4)A . threw B . put C . placed D . left (5)A . found B . knew C . understood D . wanted (6)A . somebody B . anybody C . nobody D . everybody (7)A . quick B . quickly C . polite D . politely (8)A . did tell B . tells C . told D . was told (9)A . sad B . angry C . happy D . worried (10)A . place B . seat C . table D . chair (11)A . both B . all C . neither D . none (12)A . house B . car C . office D . factory (13)A . dress B . drink C . eat D . sleep (14)A . answer B . clothes C . knowledge D . face (15)A . first B . last C . the first D . the last 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17. (10分) 阅读理解 When his mum fainted(昏厥) and knocked herself out, unconscious, four year old Henry Davies knew just what to do thanks to a storybook.He calmly dialled 999 and told the emergency services how to get to his home and then phoned his father.The boy told the doctors what had happened and directed them to the house in Coundon, Coventry, and even offered the doctors a drinkWhen they arrived. Henry also offered to look after his 12 month old brother Noah.His father, Iran, 35, said, Chloe has been unwell with a high fever which has made her feel quite poorly. I left for work early at about 7:30 am and as she got up after I left she felt quite dizzy and faint. The next thing she remembers is fainting down on the floor and hearing Henry talking to someone. He had seen her fall and hit her head on the table, but he couldnt wake her up. So he picked up the phone and dialled 999 for an ambulance.Chloe said, Henry has a storybook, Ambulance Crew, on what to do in an emergency, which weve read a few times. He even put a blanket over me. The ambulance crew were amazed. Were very proud of him.(1) How old was Henry? A . 1.B . 2.C . 3.D . 4.(2) What was the matter with Henrys mother? A . She fainted on the floor.B . She was shot by a gun.C . She was badly ill.D . She was hurt badly.(3) How did Henry know the knowledge of saving his mother? A . By watching TV.B . By reading a book.C . His teacher taught him.D . By WeChat.(4) The underlined words emergency services mean _ in Chinese. A . 紧急应变机构B . 突发事件C . 急诊室D . 医疗(5) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . There are 4 people in Henrys family.B . Henry prepared a drink for the doctors.C . Henrys father is very proud of Henry.D . His father is 29 years old.18. (8分) Last month when I was taking part in a US college interview, I was asked, “ what makes you special ? ” In fact I had answered questions likes this many times since I decided to go to college in the US .college paid special attention to different achievement . For example, a person who is very good at math can go to a famous college but also can be a good football player .This experience made me think again that I must try to find where my own interests might lead me . To be honest, it was not easy . However, I never felt sorry to choose this way because it helped me understand myself . If I took the College Entrance Examination,as we call it gaokao in China, it could never possibly do .When I entered high school, I took gaokao seriously because it seemed to me a great way to show how good at my lessons . However,as I grew older, I realized gaokao did make me work hard at my lessons, but the pressure also pushed many other activities out of my life, like guitarplaying . Although I had no time for it, I will still get to it in the future .No doubt, gaokao provides a way of choosing those who are successful in their studies . But it is really important for all of us to rethink what “ talent ” really is today . This is because we now live in a world in which all of our other human qualities ( 品质)are needed for success, not just the high grade .Ken Robinson once said, “ the society depends on different kinds of talents . ” However, gaokao pays too attention to a persons grades but little to his other qualities. And it is these qualities that makes life colorful and fun .As high school students, we can not change the present situation of eduction, but we are always free to think outside of the box . Although good school grade is still useful, I hope one day we will see our education also welcomes the amazing possibilities in different people .(1) The US College pay special attention to _.A . studentsfamily background .B . the different achievementC . studentsideas about way of life .D . the school a student is from .(2) When at high school, the writer _.A . had a lot of activitiesB . did not work hard at her lessonsC . did well in gaokaoD . had no time to play the guitar .(3) From the passage, we know that the writer may _.A . go to college in AmericaB . give up the US college interview .C . become a good football player in the US.D . change the present situation of eduction .(4) Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A . My school life abroad.B . Different exams in the US.C . My view on gaokaoD . The importance of school grades19. (10分) (2017九下射阳期末) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Do you need useful and interesting books? Here weve got plenty for you.Successful FishermenFishing is a healthy hobby. You can enjoy fresh air when you go fishing in the countryside. This book will teach you how to choose fishing places and how to make good fishing rods (竿) easily. Many kinds of fishing skills are shown in the book. Read it and you will become a more successful fisherman.Best LearnersThis book can give you the answers to the questions most often asked by parents, teachers and students themselves. Read this book and learn:What the three difficulties in study are and what to do with them.What to do if you are not interested in a subject you are studying.Twenty-six simple exercises to help you study easily and fast.You will get more from this book. For younger students, you can buy Learn in Study for Beginners. It is easier to understand.How to Keep PetsA pet can be our best friend. Do you have pets in your house? Are they in good shape? This book not only offers you many colorful pictures of lovely pets, but also provides you with the knowledge about: How to choose right pets for yourself. How to build houses or nests (窝) for your pets. How to feed the pets and how to keep them clean.Buy this book and you will learn more.We have many other books on sale. For more information enter www.knowbetter.com. If you buy two or more books at a time, youll get 10% off.(1) What can you learn from the book Successful Fishermen?A . When to go to the countryside.B . Where to buy fishing rods.C . How to cook fish.D . How to choose fishing places.(2) Which book has many pictures?A . Best Learners.B . Successful Fishermen.C . How to Keep Pets.D . Learn to Study for Beginners.(3) How can you get more information about other books according to the passage?A . By calling the writer.B . By going to the shop.C . By searching the Internet.D . By asking the shopkeeper.(4) Whats the writers purpose of writing this passage?A . To increase sales of the books.B . To buy useful and interesting books.C . To tell people how to keep pets.D . To teach students to study easily and fast.(5) Where can you most probably find this passage?A . In a story.B . In a newspaper.C . In a novel.D . In a report.四、 七选五 (共1题;共25分)20. (25分) (2017九下邵阳竞赛) 根据短文理解,完成下列各题。Wugang is the political, education, medical health services and cultural center of southwestern Hunan Province. It has a gross area of 1549 square kilometers, with a population of 832,500. The urban area takes 16.52 square kilometers, with 266,000 urban residents.This city has a long history and splendid culture. It was a county built in Western Han Dynasty more than 2200 years ago. It has spectacular landscapes, beautiful and natural scenery. Religions are free and prosperous here. Let me show you a few examples, Yunshan mountain (literal means Cloudland Mountain) is not only famous for its vagaries of clouds, but also known as one of the 72 Buddhist Holly Lands in China, Faxiang Carved Stone (A branch of Buddhism which came from Indian), Sun Yat- sen Memorial Hall, Xuanfeng City Gate Tower, Lingyun Tower (Built in 1225). All of these are showing the rich cultural heritage of this ancient yet vibrant city.This land is blessed with unsurpassed natural resources. Coal, Manganese, Iron and other 38 kinds of mineral are proved to be highly productive. Especially, Coal reserves account for 70 percent of proved reserves in Southwest Hunan. Whats more, the Marinated Food gains great reputation both at home and abroad. Besides, Virus-free orange and corn are also Wugangs local specialties with high-yield and high-quality.Welcome to Wugang.(1) Where is Wugang? (2) Whats the urban population of Wugang? (3) When was the Lingyun Tower built? (4) What kind of local specialty fruit talked about in this passage? (5) The Marinated Food doesnt gain great reputation, does it? 五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整。quiet, rain, on, however, so, walk, they, but, smell, enjoyableI live in a small_nice village. I love it because its _, and there are a lot of trees. My friends and I often play football _the field near my house._, after it_, the field is too wet to play on. We like to _along the river. We can_the flowers and listen to the birds. It is very _. My village is a comfortable place to live in. When my friends come to visit, I always have _much to show _.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分) 假设澳大利亚一所中学的部分师生将来你校参观,请你根据表格提示的内容向外宾介绍你校体育活动方面的情况。70词左右(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)。活动时间下午4:306:00项目球类:足球、篮球、乒乓球其他:跑步、跳高、跳远比赛方式1、一年一度的学校运动会;2、和其他学校举行比赛益处1、增强体质(build sb. up);2、交更多的朋友;3、有利于学习Hello, everyone! Welcome to our school!第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略四、 七选五 (共1题;共25分)20、答案:略五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)21、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22、答案:略

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