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北师大版2020届九年级下学期英语5月适应性考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Jenny, do Chinese people celebrate Easter Day?No. This is the first time Ive celebrated festival.A . the; theB . the; aC . /; theD . /; a2. (2分)一Alice,when did you buy this radio?一Oh,its really oldI it for lo yearsA . have boughtB . boughtC . have hadD . had3. (2分)I have got beef for lunch, but I havent got tomatoes. A . any; someB . some; anyC . any; anyD . some; some4. (2分)Mom,can you come to help me?一SorryI dinner in the kitchen.A . makeB . makesC . am makingD . is making5. (2分) Which country do you think will win the first prize of the _FIFA World Cup?You mean the football match will be held in _?A . twenty-one; RussiaB . twenty-first; RussianC . twenty-first; RussiaD . twenty-one; Russian6. (2分)A woman fell _ the boat _ the water. A . off; intoB . at; belowC . down; underD . away; in7. (2分)He is good at English, _ we all know.A . thatB . asC . whomD . what8. (2分) What languages _ in that country?German and English.A . are speakingB . are spokenC . speakD . is spoken9. (2分)Were discussing why _ for our healthA . are fast food badB . fast foods are badC . fast food is badD . is fast food bad10. (2分)You look pale I m not feeling well.A . Are you sure?B . Never mind!C . Pretty good!D . Are you all right?二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空“The world is so big, and I want to see more of it.”21-year-old Liang Juan Shared in WeChat.Liang Juan lives in Huaizi, 1mountain village(山村). She had a bad disease(疾病) when she was 3 years old. She often shares her feelings 2the Internet, 3no one knows she has never walked out of her home. She needs her mothers4to do almost everything because she cant stand up or5. But she can use her cell phone.Every day Liangs mother carries her from her bed 6the living room, washes her face and combs her hair. Then Liang spends her day 7in a chair when her mother is at work. Most of the time, she 8TV. She learns to read and sing from TV. She is 9good at cross stitch(十字绣). She doesnt tell her Internet friends about her disease because she doesnt want 10to pity(同情) her.(1)A . an B . a C . the D . / (2)A . from B . with C . on D . in (3)A . or B . so C . because D . but (4)A . words B . help C . cards D . worry (5)A . visit B . sit C . catch D . walk (6)A . and B . next C . to D . behind (7)A . sit B . siting C . to sit D . sitting (8)A . sees B . watches C . looks D . listens (9)A . too B . either C . also D . only (10)A . they B . them C . we D . him 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)12. (10分) Mrs. Black was a poor old woman and she lived in a small village. Her husband died ten years ago. But she had a 24-year-old daughter. Her name was Alice. She worked in New York and lived there. It was far away from her mothers village, and she was not happy about this. One day Alice said to her mother, Ive found a good job in Boston, and I can make a lot of money there, so I will go to work in Boston next week. But dont worry, Mum. Ill send you some money every week. A month later, Mrs. Black was very angry. She decided to go to see her daughter in Boston on a train. When she saw her daughter, she said, Alice, why do you never call me?Alice laughed, But mother, she said, you havent got a telephone.No, she answered, I havent, but you have got one. (1)Mrs. Black lived _.A . in CanadaB . in AustraliaC . in EnglandD . in America(2)Mrs. Black lived _.A . aloneB . with her husbandC . with her daughterD . with her mother(3)Alice decided to work in Boston because _.A . New York was too far from her mothers villageB . Boston was near her mothers villageC . she had found a good job thereD . she thought Boston was a quiet and nice place(4)A month later, Mrs. Black went to see her daughter in Boston _.A . by airB . by trainC . by busD . by sea(5)Alice had never telephoned her mother because _.A . she didnt have time to do soB . her mother didnt have a telephoneC . she didnt want to spend money on callingD . her mother didnt know how to make a telephone call13. (10分)阅读理解Student Science FairFor Students in Grades 7-9Dates: October 30-31Location: Sunshine Secondary School GymExplore Your World Think Like a ScientistThe Student Science Fair offers a great way for you to put your science knowledge to use!Science Fair EventsThere is plenty to do during the science fair. Of course, you will want to take a look at all of the students projects. There will be other exciting things too. These events will highlight(亮点)the wonderful world of science. The announcement of the winners will take place at the awards ceremony(典礼)on Friday afternoon. Several of the other events are listed below.Meet a Robot!Can people and robots work together? The answer is “Yes”. Scientists will be at the fair on Thursday October 30, with Modo. Modo is a robot helper being developed to help people with jobs they do. Lets learn how Modos large blue eyes are able to “see” things. Watch Modo take and hold objects and move them from side to side. Then see how Modo puts the objects on a shelf. Touch Modo on the arm. Watch what happens! It will respond to your touch. If you push it too hard, it will say, “Ouch”!Our Own !As is known to all, William Shakespeare is well-known to almost all writers while Thomas Edison is familiar to the inventors. Here comes our local Thomas Edison. Make sure youre in the gym at 10:00 a.m. on Friday. Thats when local genius Ray Allen will give a talk about his life as an inventor. He will also show what his inventions can do.SCIENCE FAIR SCHEDULE(日程表)Registration October 27 7:30 A.M.- 5:00 P.MSet-up of Projects October 28 - 29 10:00 A.M.- 3:00 P.M.Science Fair Viewing October 30 - 31 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 PMAwards Presentation October 31 1:00 PM(1)When will the Sunshine Secondary School Science Fair be held? A . From October 27 to 28.B . From October 28 to 29.C . From October 29 to 30.D . From October 30 to 31.(2)Why will many students be in the gym at 1:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon? A . Modo will appear.B . Registration will take place.C . The winners will be announced.D . Ray Allen will give an interview.(3)What information can we tell from Meet a Robot! A . Scientists are still developing Modo.B . Modo falls over easily.C . Scientists will be at the fair on Friday.D . Modo robots will be for sale.(4)Which of the following can be put in the blank of “Our Own _” ? A . ModoB . RobotC . William ShakespeareD . Thomas Edison(5)Which of the following belongs to the empty box below? A . A School Science FairB . A Public AppearanceC . An Awards Ceremony.D . A Schedule of Events14. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。For thousands of years, people have lived with dogs. Ancient paintings on the walls of caves show people living with dogs. Almost a third of the homes in the United States and England have dogs, and these dogs come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes,The largest dog in the world was a dog named Zorba. When Zorba, a mastiff, was seven years old in 1989, he was 94 centimeters (37inches) tall. In other words, Zorba was more than half as tall as an adult man. At his largest, Zorba weighed more than a heavy weight boxer at 156 kilometers (343 pounds).In comparison, the smallest dog was a Yorkshire terrier from England. This dog was only the size of a matchbox, measuring 7.1 centimeters (2.8 inches) tall and 9.5 centimeters (3.75 inches) from nose to tail. It weighed about as much as a common book, and even a young child could easily pick it up with one hand. It passed away in 1945 when it was only two years old.Some dogs are wonderful, not for their sizes, but for their brains. One incredible(难以置信的)dog is Parton who has used a wheelchair since a car accident in 1991.In 2001, Parton was hit by a car while crossing a road with Endal, and thrown out of his chair. Endal quickly moved Parton into the recovery place, covered him with a blanket(毯子), and pushed his mobile phone close enough for him to reach. Then, once he saw that Parton was all right, Endal ran back and forth to a nearby hotel, barking until people came out to help.Endal was rewarded for his bravery by being awarded a medal, and he has been the subject of a number of TV documentaries.(1)Why do people have dogs as pets? A . Dogs used to live in caves.B . Dogs are easy to be taken care of.C . Dogs come in all shapes and sizes.D . The passage doesnt tell us about it.(2)The underlined word “mastiff” in Paragraph 2 probably means _A . a kind of paintingB . a kind of dogC . a place in EnglandD . a kind of accident(3)The worlds smallest dog weighed half as much as _ according to the passage.A . a childs handB . a matchboxC . a common bookD . a car(4)What is the right order that Endal saved Parton according to the passage?a. Moving Parton into a recovery place.b. Running back and forth to a nearby hotel.c. Covering Parton with a blanket.d. Pushing Partons phone close for him to each.A . a b c dB . b c d aC . a c d bD . a c b d15. (8分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。On a hot day,it can be hard to know what to do to feel goodPlaying in water is one way to feel coolerTaking a cool bath or a shower can feel really good on a hot dayIt is also important for us to drink waterIf you feel thirsty,you should drink water immediatelyOn hot days,you can lose about 16 glasses of water in one day,so many doctors advise that you should try to drink at least that much every dayMixing a little fruit juice into your water is a fun way to help you drink plenty of waterThe food we eat also makes a difference in how we feel in the heatCold food,such as ice cream and drinks with some ice,can cool down our bodiesHowever, eating spicy (辛辣的) food makes our bodies even warmerThe clothes we wear can help us feel cooler as wellLight-coloured,light-weight clothes feel cooler in the sun than dark,heavy onesLoose (宽松的) clothes are more comfortable in the heat than tight (紧身的) onesEven though it is not healthy to run around during the hottest time of the day, that doesnt mean a hot day is not fun! You can read stories in your roomYou can also paint or draw without moving your body too muchThese are just some of many cool things to do on a hot day(1)How much water do we need in one hot day?A . Only 16 glasses of waterB . Less than 16 glasses of waterC . At least 16 glasses of waterD . As much as possible(2)What cant you do on a hot day if you want to feel good?A . Read a bookB . Eat ice creamC . Swim in the poo1D . Eat spicy food(3)What kind of clothes can help us feel cooler on a hot day?A . Loose clothesB . Dark clothesC . Tight clothesD . Heavy clothes(4)Whats the main idea of the passage?A . A hot day is funB . Entertainments on hot daysC . We dont know what to do on a hot dayD . There are many things to do to feel good on a hot day四、 选择合适的选项补全短文 (共1题;共3分)16. (3分) Have you been back to the place where your ancestors lived, worked, studied and played? Robert Qian , a Chinese Canadian, already has.Now in China, he has found that his family is like a tall tree with long roots.Robert is just one young overseas Chinese who has come to visit his ancestors homeland, as part of the In Search of Roots summer camp program. The program is organized by the local government of Guangdong Province. This program started in 1980, and so far has brought thousands of overseas Chinese students to China to look for their families roots. The young people are usually between 16 and 25 years old. (1) Most, like Robert, can hardly speak any Chinese and have never been to China before.The students mainly visit parts of Guangdong Province in southern China. During the two-week camp, they study Chinese culture, see changes that have happened in that area, and visit interesting sights. (2) Going to their ancestors village is often the most exciting part of the trip.The students feel that they are part of the village, and experience village life. They drink from the village well, go for walks through the countryside, and watch the villagers do their daily activities.Cathy Qian, a young American student, had this to say, “ Thanks to In Search of Roots, I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots and who I am. It has been a great trip, and I have so many memories of China to take with me .”The program leaders believe strongly in the program and say that the purpose of it is to give young overseas Chinese the chance to learn more about themselves. “Ive really enjoyed the trip so far,” says Robert.“This has been a big step for me, and Im looking forward to finding out more about my roots during my time here.”_将(1)处划线部分译成汉语。_根据(2)处完成下面的句子。often the most exciting part of the trip their ancestorsvillage._根据短文内容完成下面的句子。The program In Search of Roots has helped Robert and many other overseas Chinese learn more about their and .五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)根据句意选用适当的词组完成句子,注意形式的变化。throw away, pulldown, put to good use, bring back, be made of(1)The waste bottle can _, for example, we can use them to build a house.(2)The old man asked us how much food we _into the garbage this morning,(3)The old building _and they wanted to build a new one here.(4)You know that a button early _bones, wood, glass, or plastic.(5)Mike said the next day he _my book that he borrowed from me last week.六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)18. (25分)阅读表达Exam time is the most stressful period of the year. You have worked all school term on your classes and now its the time to prove what you have learned. With so much at stake (处于成败关头), it is easy to get stressed about your exams. However, with the right amount of hard work and focus you can pass your tests easily.When I was in school, I used to get very stressed over my exams. So did my friends. Some people stopped eating and others ate too much! Some gave up and others burned themselves out! The most important thing to remember when studying is not to feel frightened! Take the middle path - stay calm, eat healthy and get a rest. Pushing yourself too hard is just as dangerous as not studying enough. A tired, overworked brain is just as useless as a lazy, empty one!So, what should you do ?Arrange a time each day for study and a time for relaxation .You may have less time to relax than usual, but you still need to let your brain rest for a few moments. Get plenty of sleep .If you are tired, information will not stick in our memory. Finally eat healthy foods that fuel (给加油)your body and mind.It is bad to think too much about your exams. Some students may think that the rest of their life depends on them .Thats not true. Instead, just view the exams as another difficulty you will overcome. You have overcome all kinds of difficulties in you life so far. With the right amount of work and focus, you will pass your exams with flying colours! High school is right around the corner!(1)What is the most stressful period of the year? (No more than 2 words.)(2)How can we pass the tests easily ? (No more than 9 words.)(3)Which is more dangerous, pushing ourselves too hard or not studying enough? (No more than 5words.)(4)Why should we get enough sleep during exam time? (No more than 7 words.)(5)What will you do to deal with exam stress next time?(言之有理即可)七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)Jim来自美国,他目前在宁海县长街镇初级中学读九年级,在中文学习上他遇到了一些困难。他上课听懂老师有困难等。假设你是他的同学Weiwei。请你用英语给他写一封邮件,谈谈如何学好汉语。 注意:1. 邮件需涵盖以上要点,可适当发挥。2. 字数80词左右。Dear Jim,Yours,Weiwei第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、四、 选择合适的选项补全短文 (共1题;共3分)16-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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