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人教版九年级上学期期中英语考试试卷A卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) How was _ English test yesterday? Oh , I got_ “A”.A . an; anB . the; anC . the; theD . an; the2. (2分)The little girl cried out when she heard the loud noise.A . in needB . in dangerC . in fearD . in trouble3. (2分)We for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often keeps us . A . were waiting; waitingB . were waiting; waitC . waited; waitingD . waited; wait4. (2分)My brother can _. He wants _ this afternoon.A . dance; danceB . dance; to danceC . to dance; dancingD . dancing; to5. (2分)My sister _ go to bed _ my mother came back last night.A . not untilB . doesnt; untilC . didnt; untilD . arent; until6. (2分)It is still unknown how AI(人工智能)_the way of our life as well as the world. A . changeB . changedC . will changeD . was changing7. (2分)Why have a lot of foreign companies come to participate in the China International Import Expo in Shanghai? I think they just want to _ new market here in China.A . call upB . open upC . grow up8. (2分) Whose is this book written by Yang Jiang? Carols favorite writer is Yang Jiang. It be hers.A . mustntB . mustC . cantD . can9. (2分)No _ here. My grandpa _.A . talk; sleepB . talking; is sleepC . talk; sleepsD . talking; is sleeping10. (2分)Mary, do you have any new ?Yes, I became interested in fishing and painting.A . hobbiesB . programsC . competitionsD . menus11. (2分)Is this dictionary Mings?Yes. Please remember it to him when you finish the words.A . to return; to look upB . to return; looking upC . returning; to look upD . returning; looking up12. (2分)_ do people _ Yancheng Nature Reserve?Birds Home.A . How; sayB . How; tellC . What; callD . What; talk13. (2分)He has _ my dictionary two days.A . borrowed forB . kept forC . lend toD . lent for14. (2分)Are we going to visit the flower show tomorrow? No. The monitor said it _ till the next week.A . was put offB . has been put offC . would put offD . was putting off15. (2分)Would you like me to take you to the new shopping centre? _. Ive been there once.A . No, thanksB . No problemC . Yes, I think soD . Its kind of you.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)完形填空 Students in high schools can be cruel and we certainly refer to a young man named Matt who was in my class. We laughed at him about his 1. He was at least fifty pounds overweight.One day he sat near me in a 2. Someone pushed him and he 3on me and hurt my foot quite badly. With the whole class 4, I had to choose either 5it off or have a fight with him. I chose to fight in order to keep my 6.I shouted, Come on, Matt, lets fight. He said he didnt want to. But peer pressure(同伴的压力)7him into the fight whether he liked it or not. He came toward me with his fists(拳头) in the air. With one 8I bloodied(弄出血) his nose and the classroom became 9. No one dared to say a word. Just then the teacher walked into the classroom, He saw that we were 10and sent us out to the playground.He followed us with a 11on his face and said, I want you two boys to go out there and run that mile holding each others hands. The room broke into laughter. The two of us were 12, but Matt and I went out to the track and ran our mile 13.During the course of our run, I looked at him, with blood still flowing from his nose and his 14slowing him down. It hurt me that here was a person, not all that different from myself. I no longer saw Matt as fat. It was amazing what I learned I was forced to go hand-in-hand with someone for only one mile.For the rest of my life I have never 15a hand against another person. I know it is wrong to do so.(1)A . size B . hairstyle C . voice D . clothes (2)A . town B . class C . park D . hospital (3)A . called B . rode C . fell D . went (4)A . waiting B . singing C . listening D . watching (5)A . laugh B . pay C . put D . take (6)A . promise B . face C . balance D . courage (7)A . brought B . turned C . changed D . forced (8)A . thought B . hit C . suggestion D . dream (9)A . angry B . anxious C . excited D . quiet (10)A . crying B . arguing C . talking D . fighting (11)A . smile B . sadness C . puzzle D . surprise (12)A . brave B . happy C . shy D . satisfied (13)A . shoulder to shoulder B . face to face C . arm in arm D . hand in hand (14)A . failure B . weight C . shame D . feet (15)A . held B . gave C . lent D . raised 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共43分)17. (10分)根据表格内的信息选择正确答案。NameAgeClassNationalityGradeTelephone numberRose122England2(010)72337569Keiko103Japan3(010)72337569Fred115The U.S.A.1(010)7354231(1) How old is Rose? _A . She is 10.B . She is eleven.C . She is twelve.D . He is 13.(2)Where (哪里)is Rose from(来自)?She is from _.A . JapanB . EnglandC . the USAD . English(3)Whats the boys name?His name is _.A . FredB . KeikoC . RoseD . Maria(4) Whats Freds telephone number?_A . (010)7233-7569.B . (010)2639-7567.C . (010)112-8973.D . (010)7355-4231.(5)Keiko is in _. A . Class 2, Grade 2B . Class 5, Grade 1C . Class 3, Grade 3D . Class 1, Grade 318. (10分)One day, in an English class, the students are having their lessons. Their teacher, a young woman is very happy. She sings some nice songs with them and then she goes to the blackboard and writes “SMILES” on it. “This is the longest(最长)word in English,” she says to the class.A girl stands up and says, “It has only six letters. How can it be the longest word in English?”The teacher smiles and says, “Oh, look! There is a mile(英里)between the first letter and the last one.”(1)One day, the students are having _.A . a good timeB . a big mealC . a long meetingD . an English lesson(2)The young woman sings some nice songs with _.A . her childrenB . her studentsC . the teacherD . a girl(3)What does the teacher write on the blackboard?A . A letter.B . A word.C . A song.D . Her name.(4)A girl _ what the teacher says.A . asksB . believes(相信)C . doesntD . doesnt believe(5)Is the word “SMILES” the longest in English?A . Yes.B . No.C . Certainly.D . Sure.19. (8分)阅读理解 Many people enjoy watching movies in a cinema. They think the cinema has a better atmosphere(气氛)to enjoy the movie. However, I think people are happier and freer when watching movies at home.Watching movies at home is more comfortable. To watch movies in a cinema, you have to buy a ticket before you go there for a better seat. However, there is no need for people at home to worry about the ticket. They can enjoy movies at any time they like and with the most comfortable seat. Whats more, people watching movies at home wouldnt have to face any traffic problems.It is free to watch movies at home. In the cinema, we cant go outside and do something else because the movie wont wait for us. Sometimes, if we miss part of the movie, we cant follow the story. At home, we can pause at any time and go back to watch the part.All in all, a cinema is a good place to watch movies, but it isnt the best place to enjoy the movies. I think watching movies at home is the better.(1)What does the writer think of watching movies at home? A . Boring.B . Enjoyable.C . Interesting.D . Difficult.(2)What isnt the reason(理由)for the writers watching movies at home? A . Save more time on the roadB . Dont worry about the ticket.C . Feel freer and happier.D . Have better atmosphere.(3)Which has the same meaning with the underlined word miss? A . Thats all, thank you, Miss Thompson.B . He missed his watch and looked for it everywhere.C . The hotel is just on the road, so you cant miss it.D . When I was in America, I missed my parents very much.(4)What is the best title for the passage? A . Enjoy Watching Movies in a Cinema.B . Better to Watch a Movie in a Cinema or at Home?C . Come to My Home and Watch a Movie.D . Its Better to Watch a Movie than a TV Show.20. (10分)阅读理解( D )Frank is a student. He likes playing with his mobile phone very much. And he keeps the phone with him all the time. His dad thinks he is addicted (上瘾的) to his phone. But Frank doesnt think so. They write to each other.Dear Frank,A report says that almost half of the teenagers depend on their mobile phones too much. I think you are one of them. Thats why I think you should give up your phone. Not forever, just for a while. Your mum and I are worried about you. You keep looking at the phone all the time even at the dinner table. Its not a good idea to use your phone while you are doing your homework. You cant put your heart into your homework at all. And you may make more mistakes. There are many reasons that you should take a break from your phone. Have a try! I am sure you can do it.LoveDadDear dad,I know you are worried. But Im just keeping up with the modern world. My phone helps me a lot in many ways. It helps me with my homework too. I can also do some reading and know the world better with its help. You can find me anywhere at any time as well. Its really hard to connect yourself to the outside world today if you dont have a phone. Social media, games, and apps might seem stupid to you, but they do help me to get closer to my friends.I promise not to use my phone so much, and I wont use it at the dinner table anymore. But giving it up would be a mistake. I really hope we can understand each other and talk more often.LoveFrank(1)How many teenagers are addicted to the phones according to the passage? A . 30%B . 40%C . 50%D . 60%(2)What does Frank think of Social media, games, and apps? A . It is stupid to use them.B . They make him happy.C . They make him clever.D . They help him make friends.(3)According to the passage, Frank promised to _. A . use his phone only at homeB . spend less time on his phone useC . stop using the phone foreverD . only use his phone at the dinner table(4)What can we learn from the passage? A . All teenagers depend on their phones too much.B . Frank agrees with his father after reading the letter.C . Frank sometimes uses his phone to do some reading.D . Franks dad thinks its OK to use the phone at dinner table.(5)The underlined sentence “you should take a break from your phone” in the first letter means _. A . you should stop using the phone for some timeB . you should break your phone and throw it awayC . you mustnt use the mobile phone from now onD . you should have a rest when you are doing homework21. (5分)任务型阅读Your nose has many important jobs, and is always busy.SmellingSmelling helps you gather information about the world around you. A good scent (气体),like flowers, brings you pleasure. A bad scent, like smoke or sour milk, warns you of danger. Most things around you release scent particles (微粒) into the air. These invisible chemicals enter the nose when you breathe. Nerves in the nose send information to the brain to identify a smell. You are able to recognize thousands of smells.BreathingMost of the air you breathe enters through your nose. The nose uses hair and mucus (粘液) to clean dust and germs (细菌) out of the air. The air that enters your nose contains oxygen. Your body uses oxygen to unlock the energy in the food you eat. Even when you sleep, your body needs energy to keep your heart beating and your brain working.TastingYour nose helps you enjoy food. Flavor is a mixture of taste and smell. The smell of the food helps you identify what you are eating. The sense of smell contributes more to (贡献) food flavor than the sense of taste .When you are sick and have a stuffy nose, your food doesnt taste as good because without smell, food loses most of its flavor.Smell memorySmells can bring back memories. Your brain uses a process to create a picture in your mind from the odors(气味)you smell. Smells can affect your feelings because the part of the brain that helps you identify smells is close to the area that affects your emotions, mood and memory. More smell memories are collected as you get older.Your nose has many important jobs, and is more than just a smeller!(1)How many important jobs does a nose do according to the passage?_(2)Smelling helps you recognize thousands of smells, doesnt it?_(3)What does the nose use to clean dust and germs out of air?_(4)What happens to your food if you are sick and have a stuffy nose?_(5)How do smells bring back memories?_四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)Mary is a_(live) child and popular with everyone. 五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)首字母填空. 根据短文内容和首字母填入适当的单词,使短文的意思完整。每格限填写一个单词。Different countries have d_ideas about how to be polite. In Britain, table manners(餐桌礼仪) are important. Its n_polite to make a noise at the table. If you burp(打嗝),you should say “E_me”. British people dont use their fingers to eat m_things, but some food is OK to e_with fingers, such as sandwiches, hamburgers and fruit. Dont talk with food i_your mouth or eat with your mouth open. Its not p_to leave some food on your plate. It shows that you dont l_the food. Even if (即使)the food i_terrible, you should say it is n_.六、 翻译 (共1题;共4分)24. (4分)我想一定是有人捡到了它。 I think somebody _ _ _ it _.第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共43分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)22-1、五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)23-1、六、 翻译 (共1题;共4分)24-1、

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