部编版2019-2020学年四年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(无听力材料)(II )卷

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部编版2019-2020学年四年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(无听力材料)(II )卷小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 Listen and number.(听录音,给下列单词标号 (共4题;共12分)1. (3分)听录音,判断下列图片与录音内容是否相符。 2. (3分)听录音,选择你所听到的单词( ) A . thickB . thinC . those3. (3分)听录音,选择你所听到的单词( ) A . hot B . cloudy4. (3分)听录音,选出你所听到的内容( ) A . neverB . riverC . however二、 Listen and choose.(听录音,选出与所听内容 (共1题;共10分)5. (10分)听句子,选择正确的选项( ) A . Im listening to music! B . Shes listening to music!三、 Listen and judge.(听录音,判断下列句子与所 (共5题;共10分)6. (2分)听录音,选出你所听到的句子( ) A . The red skirt is very cheap. B . The red skirt is very expensive.7. (2分)Its Saturday. 8. (2分)听录音,选出听到内容 A . closeB . openC . clean9. (2分)听录音,根据你听到的问题,选择最合适的答句( ) A . Yes, we did. B . Yes, they did.10. (2分)May I use your ? A . book B . bag四、 Listen and choose.(听录音,给你听到的问句 (共1题;共8分)11. (8分) 五、 Read and match.(将属于同类的两个单词匹配。) (共1题;共6分)12. (6分)把下列单词进行归类。 A. supermarket B. mooncake C. tomorrow D. dictionary E. taxiF. tonight G. ship H. pizza I. hospital J. word book(1)bus_(2)museum_(3)today_(4)comic book_(5)bread_六、 Choose the best answers.(单项选择。 (共8题;共8分)13. (1分)He is clever and _. A . helpB . helpfulC . to help14. (1分)I live on island. A . atB . anC . a15. (1分)Lets_ to school. A . to goB . goingC . go16. (1分)He is from_. A . AustralianB . AustraliaC . Australians17. (1分)The fairy wanted to give the poor man three . A . wishesB . wishC . a wish18. (1分)The tomatoes are so _! A . freshB . tooC . at19. (1分)I _ a nice day yesterday. A . hadB . haveC . has20. (1分)I dont like this soup. Its . A . coldB . yummyC . nice七、 Choose and f1l in the blanks.( (共1题;共9分)21. (9.0分)选词填空,补全句子。 circle are that doing squares(1) Whats _? Its a dot.(2) How many _ are there? There are seven.(3) Whats this? Its a _.(4) What are you_? Im drawing.(5)There _ five lines. 八、 Read and number.(读一读,与下列图片匹配。) (共1题;共9分)22. (9.0分)给下列句子选择对应的图片I have three tomatoes._ A. There is a lamp on the desk._ B. The pig lives on the farm._ C. She is riding the horse now._ D. Amy goes to school at seven oclock._E. 九、 Read and choose.(给下列情景选择相应的内容。 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)_(补问句) It is autumn.十、 Read and order.(将下列句子重新排序,使其成为 (共1题;共8分)24. (8分)按月份先后顺序:_ A . June B . September C . March D . January 十一、 Read and choose.(阅读短文,选择最佳答案。) (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)阅读短文,选择正确答案。Hello, my name is Xiaoyu. Hello,my name is Xiaoyu. Im a pretty girl. There are four people in my family. I have long legs. My favourite sport is running. I run very fast. My brother is tall. He likes playing basketball. My father has long arms. He plays tennis very well. My mother is clever. She is good at playing chess. We are all good players.(1)There are _ people in my family. A . fiveB . fourC . six(2)My favourite sport is _ because I have long legs. A . runningB . playing basketballC . playing chess(3)My brother likes playing basketball because he is _. A . cleverB . tallC . strong(4)My father has _. A . long legsB . long armsC . a big head(5)My mother is a good _ player. A . runningB . basketballC . chess第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 Listen and number.(听录音,给下列单词标号 (共4题;共12分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、二、 Listen and choose.(听录音,选出与所听内容 (共1题;共10分)5-1、三、 Listen and judge.(听录音,判断下列句子与所 (共5题;共10分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、四、 Listen and choose.(听录音,给你听到的问句 (共1题;共8分)11-1、五、 Read and match.(将属于同类的两个单词匹配。) (共1题;共6分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、六、 Choose the best answers.(单项选择。 (共8题;共8分)13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、七、 Choose and f1l in the blanks.( (共1题;共9分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、八、 Read and number.(读一读,与下列图片匹配。) (共1题;共9分)22-1、九、 Read and choose.(给下列情景选择相应的内容。 (共1题;共10分)23-1、十、 Read and order.(将下列句子重新排序,使其成为 (共1题;共8分)24-1、十一、 Read and choose.(阅读短文,选择最佳答案。) (共1题;共10分)25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、

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