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沪教版备战2020年中考英语专题复习短语辨析(真题)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分) Mary, may I join in your after-class activity? Of course. You can come every Monday and Friday afternoon.A . put on toB . come on withC . take part in2. (2分)Why is your foreign teachers Chinese so good?Because he China for eight yearsA . has gone toB . has been toC . has come toD . has been in3. (2分)Scrooge _ mean, but now he treats everyone with kindness.A . is used to beB . used to beC . is used to beingD . is used for being4. (2分)I have _ work to do that I cant go out with you .A . much tooB . too muchC . so manyD . so much5. (2分)He _ some signs asking for old bikes. A . put downB . put upC . put offD . put on6. (2分)This pair of trousers is_short for me. A . kindB . kind ofC . kinds ofD . a kind of7. (2分)If you dont know the words, you can _ in a dictionary. A . look up itB . look it upC . look up themD . look them up8. (2分)He thinks its difficult for him deal with the problem by himself. A . too; toB . so; thatC . enough; toD . such; that9. (2分)When things got worse, a superhero came and saved the world _. A . in timeB . on timeC . at timeD . for time10. (2分)My son _ his father, because they are both cheerful.A . looks afterB . takes afterC . runs afterD . looks like11. (2分)Mom, I want to stop learning English. Its too difficult. Dont _ easily. Work hard, and you will study well.A . give upB . pick upC . find outD . put down12. (2分) I hear that Lisa borrows money from you again. Is that true? Yes_, I dont want to lend money to her. She is always short of moneyA . After allB . In additionC . To be honest13. (2分)Jack trained for the tennis match very hard and , he won at last A . from now onB . all the timeC . as a resultD . from time to time14. (2分)Many people think Wen Fang _ her mother.Me, too.A . is likeB . look likeC . be likeD . like15. (2分)What did Tina say? Sorry, I didnt _ what she said.A . pay attention toB . get on withC . hold on toD . look forward to16. (2分)Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can almost every word her teacher says. A . put downB . put outC . put awayD . put off17. (2分) Molly has changed so much! She _ be shy and quiet. Yeah. But now she _ speaking in front of the class.A . used to; is used toB . is used to; used toC . used to; used to18. (2分)My bike is broken. Who can help me_? A . fix up itB . fix it upC . fix itD . fix it off19. (2分)Childrens lives are _ every time they cross this road in the busy traffic.A . in dangerB . out of dangerC . hopeful20. (2分)一 Can you speak any foreign languages?一 Well, I can speak English well, but I just know a bit of French.A . a fewB . a lot ofC . a little21. (2分)In the evening, I at ten oclock. A . get upB . go to schoolC . have lunchD . go to bed22. (2分)The interesting stories made everyone _.A . relaxB . to relaxC . relaxingD . relaxes23. (2分)Please _ your brother when Im on business.My pleasure.A . look atB . look upC . look likeD . look after24. (2分)Dont do any other things while you are doing your homework. So please _ your MP3.A . turn upB . turn downC . turn onD . turn off25. (2分)Although her father can help her, she got the job on her own.How wonderful she is! She doesnt like to depend on her parents.A . as wellB . in the endC . by herself26. (2分)If you study hard , your life will be _ this moment. A . similar toB . good atC . different fromD . good with27. (2分) Do you like pandas? Yes. Theyre _ interesting.A . kind ofB . a kind ofC . kinds ofD . all kinds of28. (2分)Lots of people in our hometown _ the old and they usually offer their seats to them on buses. A . agree withB . worry aboutC . care forD . think over29. (2分)Have you read the book Harry Potter? Sure. Eric is also _ it and we become friends because of that.A . proud ofB . afraid ofC . interested inD . serious about30. (2分)Wed like to stay at home to have a good rest taking a trip during the May Day holiday. A . because ofB . instead ofC . together withD . in order to31. (2分)_ my father _ my mother likes playing table tennis. They prefer playing badminton. A . Neither; norB . Not only; but alsoC . Either; orD . Both; and32. (2分)Please stay here for another night. I hear a storm is Dont worry. Its only 20 minutes drive from here. A . on the wayB . in its wayC . in some wayD . by the way33. (2分)Taking some exercise every day will fat and make you fit. A . turn toB . sell outC . burn offD . put on34. (2分)What are you _?My keys. I cant find them.A . looking atB . looking forC . looking like35. (2分)Is it useful to listen to English songs? Yes.It helps me . A . a lot ofB . lots ofC . lot ofD . a lot36. (2分)Its a difficult time, but we will never _ hope. A . care aboutB . pick upC . think aboutD . give up37. (2分)Hello! Would you please _ me to his secretary if Manager Zhang is not in? With pleasure. Please hold on for a minute.A . look; throughB . go; throughC . hold; throughD . put; through38. (2分) How long have you lived in Shenzhen?I have lived here for two years, and I have _ everything here.A . been bored withB . got close toC . got used to39. (2分)My cousin lives in Australia,and I send every week A . Him to an emailB . him an emailC . an email himD . an e mail at him40. (2分)Dont smoke .Its bad for your health. A . any muchB . any moreC . no moreD . many41. (2分) How long does it take you to prepare for the English exam? It takes me about one week and a half.A . take offB . decide onC . get ready for42. (2分)Wang Fang is the best student in her classHer parents her A . are interested inB . are afraid ofC . are proud ofD . are different from43. (2分)My grandfather _ us stories when I was young. A . was used to tellB . is used to tellingC . used to tellD . used to telling44. (2分)Dont worry. We have _ food in the fridge now. A . a lot ofB . manyC . a fewD . a number of45. (2分) You should let your children take more after-school classes. _, you are right. But they should also have more time to relax.A . To my surpriseB . To a certain degreeC . Whats more46. (2分)Her son _ coke, but now he _ milk.A . used to drink; is used to drinkingB . used to drinking; drinksC . is used to drinking; used to drinkD . is used to drink; is drinking47. (2分)You should _ smoking. Its really bad for your health. A . put upB . give upC . get upD . set up48. (2分)To _ the problem of pollution, I hope everyone will _ the school environmental club and make an effort. A . deal with; joinB . deal with; attendC . help with; join inD . help with; take part in49. (2分)I wonder what happened just now. A . want to knowB . want to guessC . want to plan50. (2分)Cathy sold some of her things in a yard sale and _the money to a childrens home. A . gave awayB . gave upC . gave out第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、

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