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仁爱版第二十三中学2020年九年级英语中考第二次模拟考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共10题;共10分)1. (1分)This is UFO. A . aB . anC . TheD . 2. (1分)We dont know her. She is a _ to us. A . relativeB . strangerC . sisterD . classmate3. (1分)Nowadays, _ people like HUAWEI phones better, and about _ of them are adults. A . the number of; four-fifthsB . a number of; four-fifthC . a number of; four-fifthsD . the number of; four-five4. (1分)The pizza smells . Let me have one piece first. A . goodB . badC . well5. (1分)I live far away from my school, _ I have to get up early every day. A . andB . butC . soD . or6. (1分)Dale is my cousin. I often play games with . A . heB . himC . theyD . them7. (1分)I my clothes and then I went to bed. A . washB . am washingC . washedD . will wash8. (1分)I designed a new poster. How do you like it? Wonderful! You should it on the wall.A . put.upB . put.awayC . put.down9. (1分)I will always remember the days _ I spent with you In HongKong. A . whenB . on whichC . on thatD . /10. (1分)Jim looks so sleepy that he keeps nodding his head in class.Just as the saying goes, “_.” It is bad for his health to stay up too late.A . Better late than neverB . Burn the candle at both endsC . No pains, no gainsD . You are never too old to learn二、 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)完形填空。通读下面两篇短文。根据短文内容,从A B C三个选项中选出可填入空白处的正确答案。Last year Tom left school. He came to Taibei to 1a job. He went from one company to 2 but 3wanted him. Now he had little money.He had to go back to his small town. So he came to the station. He felt 4 and tired. It was very late at night and 5was full of people. They were waiting6 tickets of the last train. He bought the last ticket, and he was happy.At that time, a woman with a crying a baby walked to him. She asked him to sell her the ticket. He gave her the ticket. He thought they needed it 7 he did. After the train left, he sat on the bench and didnt know 8 to go. Just then, an old man came and said,“Young man, I saw what happened just now. I have a big company. I need a good young man like 9 . Would you like to work 10 me?”(1)A . find B . see C . look (2)A . the other B . other C . another (3)A . everyone B . no one C . nothing (4)A . happy B . sad C . glad (5)A . the city B . the company C . the station (6)A . to buy B . to sell C . to give (7)A . less than B . more than C . worse than (8)A . what B . why C . where (9)A . the woman B . you C . her (10)A . with B . for C . to 三、 阅读理解(本题有15小题,共30分) (共4题;共30分)12. (3分) I have a good friend at home. Her name is Mimi. She is white and yellow. She is very cute. I play with her when(当的时候) I have time. She likes fish very much. When she is behind (在之后) the sofa or in her box, you cant see her. When I sit on the sofa, she sits with me. In the evening I do my homework at my desk, and she is on the desk. At that time I put her down(放下). Then she sits next to me. Is she a good friend of mine?(1)Who is my good friend at home?A . A boy.B . A cat.C . A fish.D . A tiger.(2)When she is in the box or behind the sofa, you _.A . cant see herB . like herC . play with herD . dont like her(3)When I do my homework, she _.A . does its homeworkB . plays with a ballC . sits on the sofaD . sits on the desk(4)We can see _ in the room.A . a sofaB . a black catC . some good friendsD . a computer(5)I do my homework _.A . in the morningB . in the afternoonC . in the eveningD . at noon13. (8分)阅读理解 Over 80G of the ancient forests have already been destroyed. Thousand-year-old trees are cut down just to make everyday goods. More and more wild animals are in danger now. Wild animals are our friends, and we cannot live without them. If we take no action, more and more wild animals will disappear in the future. It is time for us to save and protect endangered animals. Then what can we do? Here are some steps.Step one: Find out what animals are living near your place. Spend some time learning about the animals.Step two: Help to build more nature reserves and other wilderness areas. Protecting the living areas of wild animals is one of the best ways to help protect endangered animals. You can raise money for them or spend some time helping build nature reserves.Step three: Buy foods and goods that are made from materials which do not harm endangered animals or their living areas.Step tour: Join a local Wild Animals Club. You can take action to protect wild animals. There are many global groups that try to call on people to protect the environment by changing peoples ideas and behaviours. Children, teenagers, teachers and schools from all over the world can help to save the animals. Everyone can do a little to help them, and every little bit of help is important!(1)What should we do first to save and protect endangered animals? A . Spend some money learning about the animals.B . Spend some time learning about the animals.C . Spend some money helping the animals.D . Spend some time helping the animals.(2)Which of the following is NOT mentioned to help the animals in the passage? A . Raising money.B . Spending your time helping build nature reserves.C . Buying environmental-friendly goods.D . Keeping wild animals at home.(3)The writer gives us steps to protect endangered animals. A . threeB . fourC . fiveD . six(4)The writer wrote the article to .A . encourage people to protect endangered animalsB . build more reserves for endangered animalsC . join a local Wild Animals ClubD . raise money for endangered animals14. (8分)阅读理解。Let me tell you something about sharks. Sharks are among the oldest animals in the world. There are over three hundred and fifty different kinds of sharks in the world. Most sharks are about two meters long and live in the seas.A shark can smell something in the water, for example, the blood of animals. That helps them find their food. Sharks mainly eat fish, other sharks and plants in the sea.Most sharks bite people by mistake. They think a person is a large sea animal. When the sun goes down or comes up, sharks are looking for food. So at these times people shouldnt go swimming in the sea.Today people kill sharks for food and their skin. The number of sharks in the world is dropping fast.(1)How many kinds of sharks are there in the world? A . Less than 350.B . More than 350.C . About 200.D . Over 400.(2)What do sharks mainly eat in the sea? A . Fish, other sharks and plants.B . Fish and plants.C . Other sharks and plants.D . Fish and other sharks.(3)Why do most sharks bite people by mistake? A . Because they think a person is dangerous.B . Because they think a person can hurt them.C . Because they think a person is a large sea animal.D . Because they think a person can take away their food.(4)Why shouldnt people go swimming in the sea when the sun goes down or comes up? A . Sharks are everywhere at those times.B . Water is cold then.C . Sharks are looking for a person then.D . Sharks are looking for food then.(5)How is the number of sharks in the world today? A . It is dropping fast.B . It is rising fast.C . It is not changing.D . We dont know.15. (11.0分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。We went for a walk in the fields, my mother, my wife, my1 and I. The2was shining; the birds were singing; patches of green, big and small, light and dark,formed a beautiful3on this piece of land in south China. All of these gave us one thing, the vitality (活力) of life.My mother and I4 in front, followed by my wife and son. Our son suddenly shouted out, A mother and son in front, another mother and son5 We all laughed.DLater, there were different ideas between us: My mother was in poor health, and even a short walk would make her feel very6So she wanted to take the main road, for it was7and smooth,8my son preferred the little path with more interesting things. It was up to me to make the final9 I tried to work out a win-win choice, but10 Finally, I decided against my son. So, I said, Lets take the11 But my mother changed her mind. Wed better take the little path. Youll have to carry me12 your back in places I cant walk across, my mother said to me.Then we picked our way along the little path toward the flowers, the trees, and the pond. They were all bathed in the sun. When13came to a certain place, I crouched (蹲下) down to let my mother get on my back. My wife followed my example and14 our son. Both my wife and I walked15 and carefully because we thought we had the whole world on our backs. (1)A . daughter B . son C . nephew D . cousin (2)A . sun B . moon C . light D . star (3)A . map B . dress C . picture D . face (4)A . ran B . jumped C . laughed D . walked (5)A . behind B . beside C . near D . across (6)A . excited B . tired C . surprised D . happy (7)A . high B . low C . wide D . narrow (8)A . but B . and C . so D . or (9)A . choice B . rule C . law D . decision (10)A . passed B . failed C . agreed D . accepted (11)A . little path B . main road C . middle way D . next path (12)A . in B . at C . on D . with (13)A . they B . you C . he D . we (14)A . carried B . encouraged C . touched D . reminded (15)A . quickly B . comfortably C . slowly D . softly 四、 词汇应用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共2题;共15分)16. (5分)选词填空 turn off save water talk to be quiet be similar(1)When we leave our room, we should _the lights. (2)The two buildings _in style. (3)In our daily life, everyone should_. (4)Would you like to _the lovely girl? (5)When you are in the library, you must_. 17. (10分)请根据短文内容和首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 For a long time, people thought that the floor of the ocean was a very quiet place. Some thought that it was almost without any s_at all. Scientists were surprised when they put a microphone (麦克风) under water and heard all kinds of noises. They heard grunts, growls, snarls and whistles. The b_of the sea sounded like a zoo! The scientists were puzzled (迷惑的) when they found out these noises were c_from fish. Some fish make noise by grinding their teeth. Others scrape their bones together. Still others make noise with the sac of air in their bodies. W_fish make these sounds is somewhat a mystery (谜). Some scientists think that the fish use these noises to s_to one another. Most people believe the sounds have no meaning. Scientists have found out that the dolphin k_the meaning of some sounds. Tests show that it is one of the smartest a_in the sea. People say that they have been able to teach the dolphin many human words. At Marineland of the Pacific, it is said that dolphins have even been taught to sing. They rise to the s_of the water and sing for visitors. At least it sounds somewhat like singing!Who knows? We may be able to talk with the dolphin and learn many secrets of the sea sometime soon. Just think what the dolphin could tell us. We could learn the location of treasure ships u_the sea. We could learn where to find great schools of fish. We might e_learn the location of submarines (潜艇). It could be an exciting moment when we first begin to find out what those voices from the ocean floor are saying. 五、 书面表达(本题有1小题,共20分) (共1题;共20分)18. (20分)假如你所在中学的校刊近期开辟英文专栏,征集发生在大家身边的感人故事。请根据以下提示,为该专栏投稿。(1)在一个寒冷的早晨,你买早餐时看到前面的女孩买了面包和牛奶。(2)女孩要离开时,发现树下有一个老年乞丐,他看上去又冷又饿。(3)女孩走到乞丐身旁,把食物递给了他。(4)乞丐向女孩道谢,女孩微笑着离开。(5)你很感动参考词汇:乞丐 beggar 感动 be moved要求:(1)词数:80 100个。(2)开头已给出,不计入总词数。(3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。On a cold morning, while I was第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共10题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解(本题有15小题,共30分) (共4题;共30分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、四、 词汇应用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共2题;共15分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、五、 书面表达(本题有1小题,共20分) (共1题;共20分)18-1、

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