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外研版(一起)一年级上册期中测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选出单词中不属于同一类的一项:( )AyellowBpointCblack2 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AtoyBcryCdoll3 . -Whats in the classroom? ( )- _AIts black and white.BMany desks and chairs.CIts near the windows.4 . 找出不同类的单词(_)1.A. rainyB. weatherC. sunny(_)2.A. SaturdayB. JuneC. August(_)3.A. thirteenB. secondC. twenty(_)4.A. fly B. jump C. holiday(_)5.A. ChineseB. AustraliaC. England(_)6.A. rememberB. forgetC. meeting(_)7.A. Hong Kong B. New YorkC. England(_)8.A. specialB. stairC. important(_)9.A. buildB. hotelC. market(_)10.A. talkB. tookC. take5 . Whats your name ? ( ) AHello, Tom.BGood morning, Tom.CMy name is Tom.6 . -Where does the rain come from? ( )-It comes from_Athe vapour (水蒸气)Bthe water in the stream (小溪)Cthe clouds7 . Look at _ trousers. ( )AthisBthatCthose8 . 选择正确英文单词,把序号填在括号里。【小题1】年轻的( )AyoungBold【小题2】多少( )Ahow manyBthere are【小题3】蔬菜( )AvegetablesBfruit【小题4】高的( )AlongBtall【小题5】薯条( )AFrench friesBfrench fries【小题6】年老的( )AyoungBold【小题7】渴( )AhungryBthirsty【小题8】水果( )AvegetablesBfruit【小题9】长的( )AlongBtall【小题10】凉的( )AsourBcold9 . _is it now? ( )Its seven forty-five.AWhats timeBWhat timeCWhats the time10 . 找出每组中不同类的单词。(_)1. A. islandB. cleanC. takeD. play(_)2. A. always B. oftenC. usuallyD. sports(_)3. A. dinnerB. breakfastC. sometimes D. lunch(_)4. A. FridayB. todayC. SundayD. Monday11 . I can make a snowman in _. ( )AsummerBevery seasonCwinter12 . We often go to the _ to eat food. ( )Abus stationBrestaurantCgymDpark13 . Simon is Darmings_.( )AbrotherBfriendCcousin14 . What do we have for breakfast? ( )We have some _.AnoodlesBrobotsCcards15 . A: Who is the girl? ( )B: _AThis is my sister.BShes my sister.CHes my brother.16 . - Did you hear Nancy just now? ( )- Im sorry, but she spoke too _.AhappilyBquietlyCslowlyDloudly17 . We had better send him to _ hospital at noce. ( )A/BaCtheDan选出不同类型的单词。18 . AredBgreenCcolour19 . AmyBmeCyou20 . AshoeBclothCpant21 . AgoBwalkCbike22 . Can you tell _ the Spring Festival? ( )Ame aboutBmy aboutCme ofDmy of23 . ( ) She likes watching TV and singing.AWhats she like?BHow does she like?CWhat are her hobbies?24 . There is ain my room. ( )AplantBphotoCclock25 . Whats wrong with _? ( )AyourByouCyours26 . They are books We can learn some words from them. Theyre the. ( )ApostcardsBword booksCnext week二、判断题27 . Look and tick (T) or cross (F):Look at the masks.(_)28 . 判断所给句子与图片是(T)否(F)一致。( )(1)We are a great friend.( )(2)I am watching football game.( )(3)This is a primary school.( )(4)He is a naughty boy.( )(5)Please write a message in this book.29 . Read, look and tick (T) or cross (F): She wears shorts on hot days. (_)30 . 判断题1.I like pears. ( )2.读一读,判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同。( )rulerunder3.I like watermelons( )4.Do you like bananas? ( )Yes,I do.5.Lets buy some strawberries( )31 . 根据图片,判断句子正(T) 误(F):Amy, lets go home. Its raining.(_)判断下列情景与句子是(T)否(F)相符32 . 朋友问你今天早上打算做什么,你会说:Im going to the supermarket with my parents(_)33 . 你告诉老师你步行来上学,你会说:Icometoschoolbybike. (_)34 . 红灯亮了,你会对身边的小伙伴说;Dontgoatthegreenlight. (_)35 . 你想问路人餐馆在哪儿,你会说:Wherestherestaurant? (_)三、改错36 . 选出句子中错误的一项:Hello, morning, Ms Ma. (_)A B C37 . Read and write(T)or (F): I will visit at my grandparents on Sunday. (_)选出句子中错误的一项, 并在横线上改正。38 . Howareyour, Amy? (_)_A B C39 . IisDaming. (_)_A B C40 . Whatisyou name? (_)_A B C41 . Imfine, thanks you. (_)_A B C42 . Im fine. and how are you? (_)_A B C43 . How manyboys and girlsisthere in your class?A B C_44 . 选出句子中错误的一项:Howareyour? (_)A B C45 . 选出错误的一项并改正。【小题1】She likeapples.A B改正:_【小题2】I am buying things of my father.A B 改正:_【小题3】Where areyour school?A B改正:_【小题4】My books is falling.A B 改正:_【小题5】Am I going tohaving a party?A B 改正:_四、匹配题看图,选择与图片相符的选项,将其序号填在括号里。AIm Bob. I have a new schoolbag. It looks like a monkey. It has big eyes. Whats in it? A toy car and a ball.BHello, Im Tim. I have a big schoolbag. There are many storybooks in my schoolbag. Do you want to read them?CHi, Im Lily. I have a black schoolbag. Guess! Whats in my schoolbag? A pencil box, many storybooks and some notebooks.DHello, my friends. Im Kate. I have a beautiful schoolbag. Its pink. You can see two maths books and an English book in my schoolbag.EHello, Im Ann. I have a new schoolbag. Its a colourful fish. There are two Chinese books and three maths books in it.46 . (_)47 . (_)48 . (_)49 . (_)50 . (_)五、连线题51 . 好朋友,手拉手。1. What colour is the ruler? A Sure.2.Whats this?B Fine, thanks.3.May I have a look?C Its blue.4.Nice to see you.D Its an elephant.5.How are you?E Nice to see you, too.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、二、判断题1、2、3、4、5、6、三、改错1、2、3、4、5、6、四、匹配题1、五、连线题1、


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