人教版(PEP)剑桥英语四年级下册Unit 6 Holidays单元测试卷1

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人教版(PEP)剑桥英语四年级下册Unit 6 Holidays单元测试卷1_第1页
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人教版(PEP)剑桥英语四年级下册Unit 6 Holidays单元测试卷1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 从下面每组四个单词中选出一个不同类的词,将其序号在题前括号中【小题1】AcookBwalkCtalkDpark【小题2】AlistenedBrainCplayedDhelped【小题3】AnoodlesBfishClunchDchicken【小题4】AmeatBbreakfastClunchDsupper【小题5】AjumpBdanceClaughDstopped2 . This is my . ( ).AbrothersBsistersCmother3 . 选出下列每组词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. find B. makeC. helpD. dog( ) 2. A. singB. blind C. drawD. dance( ) 3. A. blind B. clever C. help D. nice( ) 4. A. morningB. aroundC. beside D. behind( ) 5. A. ChinaB. exercise C. England D. America( ) 6. A. building B. school C. classroom D. fireman4 . The gloves _ very nice. ( )AisBamCare5 . 找出单词中不同类的选项。( )AcloudyBwindyCcrayonDsnowy二、任务型阅读阅读理解Kate is a girl from America. She speaks English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing now. Her parents are both doctors. Kate is in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays she always plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves China and her Chinese friends.True or false:6 . Kate comes from England. (_)7 . Her father is not a doctor. (_)8 . Her school is not far from her home. (_)9 . She is in China and she loves China.(_)10 . There arent any lessons on Mondays or Fridays. (_)三、汉译英11 . 将汉语翻译成英语1. 假期愉快。_2. 我们该怎么办?_3. 我有一个主意。_4. 尼克和汤姆/他们正在踢足球。_5. 河马正在洗澡。_写出下列词组。12 . 骑自行车_13 . 打乒乓球_14 . 游泳_15 . 踢足球_16 . 看图画书_四、匹配题17 . 交际语匹配。I II(_) 1. Look at my new jacket.AIts a toy car!(_) 2. What colour is your shirt?BNice to meet you.(_) 3. What about a cake?CHow nice!(_) 4. Goodbye, Dad.DHello, Wei Ping.(_) 5. This is Miss Wang.ESee you, Gao Shan.(_) 6. Look, this is my friend, Wei Ping.FOrange.(_) 7. Are you Miss Li?GNo, Im Miss Wang.(_) 8. Whats that? H. Thank you.(_) 9. Orange or yellow? I. Blue.(_) 10. Happy birthday to you! J. No, thank you.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、任务型阅读1、三、汉译英1、2、四、匹配题1、

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