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人教版(PEP)2019年六年级上册期末测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . -_can we reuse paper? ( )-We can reuse paper to make a box.AHowsBWhatCHow2 . Teachers Day is _.( )AOctober the firstBSeptember the tenthCMay the first3 . Dont walk _the grass. ( )AatBonCin4 . -Can you sing the song in Chinese, Helen? ( )-No, I _.AcantBdontCam notDdoesnt5 . Im interested in _computer games. ( )AplayBplayingCplays6 . I have _ to tell you. ( )Agood somethingBsomething goodCanything goodDgood anything7 . There _many busy roads in the city. ( )AisBamCareDwas8 . Whos that man _ a white shirt?( ) He is my English teacher.AinBonCwearDput on9 . -do you usually go to school? ( )- By bikeAWhenBHowCWhy10 . 上学了,你发现你的书包不见了,你问妈妈:AWheres my pencil case?BIs that my school bag?CWhere is my school bag?DMay I have a school bag?二、阅读选择阅读理解Jack was born in New York. He lived there with his parents for more than ten years. Last year his father came to work in Beijing. China is quite different from America, and Beijing is far away from New York. So Jack wanted to know what kind of life the Chinese people were living. He often wrote to his father to ask some questions about China.Last month, Jack and his mother came to China. How happy he was! Now Jack has some Chinese lessons every day. We all know Chinese is quite different from English. Its not easy for an American boy to learn. But Jack is interested in it and he works very hard. For the first time in Beijing Jack was walking in Changan Street with his mother yesterday. He saw so many people in the street. Most of them were very kind and friendly. He tried to ask them some questions in Chinese. They answered his questions kindly. But sometimes some of them couldnt understand him.When Jack came back to school, he told the story to his friends. They said to him, A lot of Chinese are studying English now. Why didnt you ask them questions in English?11 . Jacks family lived in New York for . ( )Aless than ten yearsBmore than ten yearsCfew yearsDonly a few years12 . Jacks father is working innow. ( )ANew YorkBAmericaCBeijingDShanghai13 . Itsfor Jack to learn Chinese. ( )AeasyBnot easyCinterestingDhardly14 . Jack came to visit China with his mother. ( )Afor the first timeBfor the second timeCfor the third timeDfor the fourth time15 . When Jack was walking in Changan Street with his mother, he wanted to. ( )Aask some questions in EnglishBask some questions in ChineseCask the wayDspeak English to others16 . Jacks friends told him. ( )AChinese couldnt speak English nowBonly a few people in China could speak EnglishCmany Chinese were studying EnglishDno Chinese speak English三、完形填空完形填空The weekend comes again.Millie is _ with her mother.She would like her mother to buy a new _for her.In a clothes shop,she finds an orange one.She tries it on,but it is too_.Shewants a bigger one.However(然而),the bigger one is not _, Millie doesnt like other colours.Her mother says,“Lets go to another shop to have a _.”Then they go out of the shop and into the next one.This shop is very big and there are many kinds_sweaters,Millie likes an orange one and asks, “How_is it? ” “500 yuan”.answers the shopkeeper.They_it is too expensive(贵的)and they dont have so much _ with them.“Would you like a cheaper one?”The shopkeeper asks,Millies mother answers,“No,I will take it tomorrow _ my daughter likes it.”17 . AdancingBstudyingCplayingDshopping18 . AT-shirtBblouseCskirtDsweater19 . AbigBsmallCcheapDexpensive20 . AorangeBwhiteCyellowDblack21 . AswimBdrinkClookDwalk22 . AonBofCinDfor23 . AmanyBoldCmuchDlong24 . AtalkBsayCspeakDtell25 . ApaperBfoodCmoneyDtime26 . AbecauseBsoCifDbut四、填空题根据句意选择正确的单词。27 . How_(do)he_(spend)his weekends?He often_(watch)cartoons.28 . There_ (be) some water in the glass and there _(be) a lot of apples on the table.29 . What _(be) David_ (do)?He is _(sleep) in the room now.30 . I like_ (play) football. He_ (like)_ (watch)TV.31 . Where_ (be) the camera?It _(be) on the desk a moment ago. Now it _(be) in the bag.五、单词拼写32 . are(过去式)_六、任务型阅读33 . 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确。正确的写“T”,错的写“F”。(5%)Hello, Im Lydia. Im eleven. Look, this is my family photo. The man is my father. He is a driver. The woman is my mother. She is not a driver. She is a teacher. And the girl is me. Im a student. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I dont like Chinese. I like English best.(1)Lydia is a boy.(2)Lydias mother is a driver.(3)Lydia goes to school from Monday to Friday.(4)There are four members (成员) in Lydias family.(5)Lydia likes English best.七、句型转换34 . 根据要求完成句子。1.Tom is twelve years old.(对画线部分提问)_2. He is from Canada. (对画线部分提问)_3.She is short (写出对应句)_4.He can run very fast. (变为疑问句)_5. She is a good dancer.(变为否定句)_八、填内容补全对话根据上下文完成对话,每空一词。35 . A: _you ride a bike when you were ten years old, Mrs Brown?B:No,I _.But I could _food.How _you, Mike?A:I couldnt do it _ ,but now I can.36 . A:What _you do last Sunday?B:I _a picnic_ my parents.A: _ you have fun there?B:No,we didnt_any food there.A:Why?B:Because there were some ants on our food.A:Thats too bad.37 . 根据本课内容补全对话。A: 1._B: No, it isnt. Its a train.A: 2._B: Sure .Here are you.A: I have a toy for you.B: 3._九、选内容补全对话根据上下文,选择恰当的单词,将短文补充完整。Animalscountry milkmakeshelpUncle Tom has a big farm in the 38 . . At the weekend, Peter and I often work on the farm. There is much work to do. We 39 . Uncle Tom feed the 40 . on the farm. I like to get some eggs from the hens, but Peter likes to 41 . the cows. There are many fruit trees behind the house. Aunt Linda 42 . some delicious fruit pies for us. We are tired but we are very happy.十、匹配题找朋友。英汉互译。A. a forest parkB. go campingC. read a bookD. take photosE. lots of43 . 许多的;大量的(_)44 . 去野营(_)45 . 拍照(_)46 . 看书(_)47 . 一个森林公园(_)48 . 从II栏中选出I栏对应的答语,并将序号写在题前的括号内。I II(_) 1. Have some fish, please.AIts on the table.(_) 2. Some robots for you.BMe too.(_) 3. I like Chinese.CYes, it is.(_) 4. Where is the rice?DHow yummy!(_) 5. Is it on the table?EThank you.十一、书面表达49 . 书面表达。根据提示写篇小作文,要求:语句通顺,条理清晰。提示:1)去年暑假你去哪儿旅行了?2)怎样到达那儿的?3)在那儿的所见所闻。My vacation_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、单词拼写1、六、任务型阅读1、七、句型转换1、八、填内容补全对话1、2、九、选内容补全对话1、十、匹配题1、2、十一、书面表达1、

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