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2019年人教精通版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Jimsangherejustnow,but_.( )AIdontBIdidntCIwasnt2 . Coal is _useful energy. ( )AaBanC/3 . How many monkeys _ there? ( )Four.AareBisCdo选择与短语相符的图片。4 . a tall giraffe ( )AB5 . a thin monkey ( )AB6 . a fat cat ( )AB7 . -How _ are you?( )-Im ten.AoldBmanyCmuch8 . 找出每组中不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. singB. danceC. can(_) 2. A. springB. skipC. hop(_) 3. A. IB. youC. look(_) 4. A. yesB. swimC. no(_) 5. A. comeB. birdC. like9 . ”USA” 的意思是指_. ( )A中央电视台B英国C美国D加拿大10 . Today is my sisters_ birthday. ( )AelevenBeleventhCelevens11 . - What did you do there? ( )- I .Ago fishingBgoes fishingCwent fishing12 . He is not kind children. ( )AtoBinCon二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Im a pupil. I have got a new dress and a new coat. My favourite animal is the cat and my favourite sport is basketball. I go to school by bike. My father goes to work by bus. How does mum go to work? She walks to work.13 . What am I? ( )AA pupil.BA teacher.CA worker.14 . Have I got a new dress? ( )AYes, I have.BNo, I havent.CI dont know.15 . How do I go to school? ( )ABy car.BBy bus.CBy bike.16 . Whats my favourite animal? ( )ATiger.BCat.CDog.17 . How does my father go to work? ( )ABy bus.BBy bike.CBy car.18 . 阅读理解。Amy and Sarah are good friends. They are from America. They like winter in America because there are many activities in winter. They can make a snowman,go fishing and go skiing with many friends. There are two festivals (节目) in winter. Theyre Christmas Day and Thanksgiving. Amy and Sarah are very happy. But theyre in Beijing now. They like winter in Beijing, too. Because Its beautiful. Its windy and cold. Theyre going to visit the Great Wall, so theyre very happy.( )1. Amy and Sarah are in _ now.A. Canada B. America C. China D. Japan( )2. Why do they like winter in America ?A. Because they can eat many food in winter.B. Because there are many activities in winter.C. Because they can play in the snow.D. Because they can plant flowers.( )3. What are they going to do ?A. They are going to visit the Great Wall.B. They are going to visit the Palace Museum.C. They are going to swim.D. They are going to climb mountains.( )4. They can _ with many friends in America.A. go fishing B. go skiingC. make a snowman D. A, B and C( ) 5. Are Amy and Sarah good friends?A. Yes, they are B .No, they arentC. Yes, she is D. No, they are三、完形填空根据图片或汉语提示选词,补全短文。My name is Tom. Exercise helps make my body_ (强壮的). After I get up, I _for about thirty _ (分钟) in the park. _ (在之前) I go to school, I have_ (早饭). I _to school. After school, I play _for about an_ (小时). I work hard at _. I listen to my _at school. I want to be a good boy. Do you like me?19 . A. strong B. hard C. healthy20 . A. run B. walk C. jump21 . A. minute B. minutes C. minutes22 . A. Before B. After C. Next23 . A. lunch B. breakfast C. dinner24 . A. walk B. walks C. walked25 . A. football B. ping-pong C. basketball26 . A. hours B. hours C. hour27 . A. university B. home C. school28 . A. teacher B. mother C. doctor四、填空题29 . 按要求写单词1.put on (反义词)_2. twelve(序数词) _3.party(复数)_4.lie (现在分词)_5.light(反义词)_6.wash(单三形式)_7.buy(过去式)_8.lose(反义词)_9.fast(比较级)_10.sad(副词)_11.beach(复数) _12.sun(形容词)_13.leaves(单数)_14. nine(序数词)_15. teach(过去式)_五、汉译英30 . 然后他们决定一起做一个纸质的宇宙飞船。Then they _ make a _ spaceship together.31 . 翻译下列句子。1. 你想要一些汤吗?_2. 我想要一些西红柿。_3. 我中午想吃一些土豆。_4. 让我们一起吃午餐。_5. 你想要一些蔬菜吗?_六、填内容补全对话32 . 阅读P26文本内容,根据首字母提示补全单词。May has two s_. They are April and J_. Their names are the _ as their birthday m_. Her little sisters birthday is in June. So her name is _. Aprils birthday is in A_. Shes younger than _.七、匹配题读句子并选出正确的单词.AbuildingsBLondonCtouristsDprincessEsushi33 . They like travelling.They travel for fun.(_)34 . She is fair.She is the daughter of the king.(_)35 . They are tall.People live or work there. (_)36 . Its a kind of food. Japanese people like it.(_)37 . Its the capital of the UK.(_)八、其他按要求完成题目。38 . I go to the park on foot. (就划线部分提问)_39 . Is there a bookstore in your city? (否定回答)_40 . my office near is the post home(连词成句)_41 . You must look right before you cross the road. (译成中文)_42 . He can find the way. (变否定句)_43 . I go to the park by bike. (变一般疑问句)_44 . Usually I go to school by train, because my home is near. (改错)_45 . can No.14 bus you take the(连词成句)_46 . You can go on foot. Its not far. (译成中文)_47 . Im drawing.(划线提问)_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、2、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、汉译英1、2、六、填内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、八、其他1、

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