仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 When was it invented_同步练习1A卷

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仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 When was it invented_同步练习1A卷_第1页
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第 1 页 共 14 页 仁爱科普版九年级上 Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 When was it invented 同步 练习 1A卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 根据英文释义选择单词 共 1题 共 10分 1 10 分 根据短文内容从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空 使短文完整 通顺 before first up send get at plan made take healthier Lily made some New Year s this year she s going to piano lessons and practice every day Next she wants to good grades She s going to study harder and she s going to do all her homework she watches TV Finally she wants to learn French She s going to buy some French CDs and practice French home Lily s sister Lucy some New Year s plans too She wants to become fit so she s going to exercise more and eat food She also wants to improve her Chinese She s going to get a pen pal in China and she is going to e mails in Chinese to her pen pal When she grows she wants to be an engineer So she s going to work harder in her math and science classes 二 单项选择 共 10题 共 20分 2 2 分 I m too tired I want to find somewhere A to relax B relax C relaxing D relaxed 3 2 分 Mum I watched TV for only forty minutes Sometimes TV is good for us 第 2 页 共 14 页 Forty minutes enough Now you must do your homework A watch is B watching was C watched are D watching were 4 2 分 The meat is delicious Yes but don t eat A too much too much B much too too much C too much much too D much too much too 5 2 分 2019八上 合肥月考 Our team in the final match We ve got the first place A lost B beat C won D hit 6 2 分 Do you think our basketball team will win the match Yes we have better players So I them to win A hope B help C expect 7 2 分 During the APEC summit 峰会 Beijing s sky was so blue and clear It 第 3 页 共 14 页 APEC blue But too bad it no longer stays that way A is called B are called C called D calls 8 2 分 I heard that we must have teaching building A another to be built B the other to build C a third built D the other built 9 2 分 2019九上 南山期末 There is no cause for concern Do you mean you will finish the work on time A danger B worry C interest 10 2 分 It took us one week this article by Mo Yan A read written B to read written C reading to write D to read to write 11 2 分 It s difficult for us so many words in a short time A remember 第 4 页 共 14 页 B remembering C to remembering D to remember 三 写出下列句子的同义句 共 1题 共 2分 12 2 分 2017 夹江模拟 快点儿 出租车等着呢 the taxi s waiting 四 用方框中所给的词填空 共 1题 共 8分 13 8分 从下面方框中选择恰当的词填入短文中 使短文通顺正确 每词只用一次 有些词要用适当形 式 when change difficult also help chance same advice Friendship 友谊 is an important part of our life Life is always such as moving to a new place and starting a new job So we often need to make new friends But some people think it is to make new friends Here is some for you If you want to make friends you need to go out at first instead of 代替 staying at home You can join a club because there are many people who have common 共同的 interests It is easy to start a new friendship if you have the interests And you can join a sports team It is a great way to make new friends After joining a club or a sports team you still can t make friends if you don t talk to people You will have a good to make a good friend if you talk to someone you talk to people you should be friendly and smile at them The above 上面的 advice can you make friends But if you want to find the true friendship you should be honest with them 五 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话 其中有两项是多余的 共 1题 共 5分 14 5 分 补全对话 选择 A Jack I hear that you are back from Beijing B Oh it s fantastic It s one of the most interesting places I have ever seen 第 5 页 共 14 页 A B I went to many places but I m interested in the Great Wall most A Could you tell me something about it B Well it is one of the greatest wonders of the world A Tell me some more about it B It s about 7 000 kilometres long and it looks very wonderful A B It s more than 2 000 years old A How old is it B Sounds interesting C How do you like it D It looks like a dragon 龙 E Where did you go 六 根据首字母提示补全单词 共 1题 共 5分 15 5 分 2018七上 长春期中 下面短文介绍 Jim一天的生活 请根据上下文 将短文补充完整 每 空一词 Jim is a student of Rutland P School Every morning his alarm clock rings at 6 00 He jumps out of bed and does some exercises He t a quick shower He has a big b every morning Then he goes to school He usually attends three classes in the morning After lunch he always goes to the library and does his homework there He usually arrives at home at five After supper he w TV news for half an hour He is happy after a d work 七 单项选择 共 10题 共 20分 16 2 分 I d better have a think before I decide A make a wish B make a decision 第 6 页 共 14 页 C do it 17 2 分 2017九上 东丽期末 The maths problem was so difficult that none of us could A try it out B work it out C look it up D work on it 18 2 分 After hearing the scary story the little kid hid behind the door and shook with A stress B surprise C laughter D fear 19 2 分 Mary got an from Lisa the day before yesterday Lisa her to go to her birthday party A invitation invites B invite invitation C invitation invited 20 2 分 The disabled people feel grateful you your help A for to B to for C for for D to to 第 7 页 共 14 页 21 2 分 2017七上 上海期中 Those are very interested in this ancient building A Australia B Australian C Australians D American 22 2 分 Brown made his mind work hard to learn computer technology A of for B up for C from to D up to 23 2 分 2018 牡丹江模拟 Can you sing this English song Of course It many times on the radio A has been taught B has taught C is taught 24 2 分 Turn right the second crossing and the bank is your left A in on B in at C at in D at on 25 2分 2018八下 兴化期末 Some people waste too much water They don t believe that it can some day 第 8 页 共 14 页 A keep out B run out C be run out D hand out 八 根据汉语提示完成句子 共 1题 共 5分 26 5 分 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子 1 穿蓝色衣服会使你感到平静 can make you 2 我们得尽力使他振作起来 We should try to him 3 彩虹有七种颜色 There are seven colours 4 我们正在猜想这首歌曲会让他想到什么 We are guessing 5 有些人希望成功的时候喜欢穿上黄色的衣服 Some people like wearing yellow when they 九 用方框中所给的词填空 共 1题 共 5分 第 9 页 共 14 页 27 5 分 2018 南充 根据短文内容 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 使短文完整正确 每词限用 一次 success scientist it study young Pan Jianwei Father of quantum 量子 was born in Zhejiang in March 1970 After he at the University of Science and Technology of China from 1985 to 1995 Pan went to Vienna in 1996 for further studies and stayed there until 2001 Then he returned to the Chinese university as a physics professor and began to build a quantum science research team at the university The team now includes about 50 most of whom are also returnees from overseas 海归 He became a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 中 科 院 in 2011 Of all the members he was the one In 2015 he was named the standing vice president of the University of Science and Technology of China Under his leadership the world s first quantum satellite 卫星 was launched 发射 in August 2016 Pan Jianwei was recognized by Nature magazine on list of 10 people who mattered in 2017 十 完形填空 共 1题 共 10分 28 10 分 2017八下 江海期末 完形填空 Mr Black works in an office His memory is very poor and often 1 something One day his son had a cold and he had to 2 him to hospital When they got there he remembered that he left his 3 at home He ran to the telephone box 4 and was going to ask his wife to take the money to him But there was a woman in it She was looking up something in the telephone book He had to stand outside to 5 About ten minutes passed she was still in it His son began to cry on a chair in the waiting room He was 6 Another ten minutes passed the woman didn t 7 He was more worried He thought for a while and knocked at the door The door 8 and he went in May I help you to look for the telephone number madam asked Mr Black Thank you sir said the woman I don t 9 anybody up I had a baby last month and I m only 第 10 页 共 14 页 looking for a good 10 for her in the telephone book 1 A forgets B fails C finds D sees 2 A throw B lift C take D help 3 A wife B money C book D son 4 A slowly B carefully C quietly D quickly 5 第 11 页 共 14 页 A sing B sleep C wait D read 6 A excited B worried C interested D relaxed 7 A come in B come out C sit down D stand up 8 A closed B stopped C opened D dropped 9 A gave B call 第 12 页 共 14 页 C wake D pick 10 A name B age C address D birthday 第 13 页 共 14 页 参考答案 一 根据英文释义选择单词 共 1题 共 10分 1 答案 略 二 单项选择 共 10题 共 20分 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 三 写出下列句子的同义句 共 1题 共 2分 12 答案 略 四 用方框中所给的词填空 共 1题 共 8分 13 答案 略 五 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话 其中有两项是多余的 共 1题 共 5分 14 答案 略 六 根据首字母提示补全单词 共 1题 共 5分 15 答案 略 第 14 页 共 14 页 七 单项选择 共 10题 共 20分 16 答案 略 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 19 答案 略 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 22 答案 略 23 答案 略 24 答案 略 25 答案 略 八 根据汉语提示完成句子 共 1题 共 5分 26 答案 略 九 用方框中所给的词填空 共 1题 共 5分 27 答案 略 十 完形填空 共 1题 共 10分 28 答案 略

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