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沪教版2020届九年级上学期英语10月月考试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)-How beautifully she sings!-So she doesShe has a sweet A . soundB . voiceC . noiseD . singing2. (2分)Many wild animals are _ danger now.Yes. We should protect them and regard them _ our friends.A . in; asB . at; asC . in; forD . at; for3. (2分)We find _ not easy _ fifty English words in one day. A . that; to rememberB . it; to rememberC . that; rememberD . it; remember4. (2分)He is unaware of what happened.We must tell him all about it now.A . doesnt realizeB . has an idea ofC . doesnt agree5. (2分)The more you smile, the _ you will feel. A . happyB . happierC . happilyD . more happily6. (2分)_ terrible noises they are!A . HowB . What aC . What7. (2分)Mr. Black doesnt like the lecture(演讲). It is _. A . interestingB . boringC . fun8. (2分)The head teacher asked _ boys to clean the meeting hall. A . the number ofB . a number ofC . numbers ofD . the numbers of9. (2分)Why dont you like city life?Because I think the traffic is _ and the cost of living is _.A . much; highB . heavy; muchC . heavy; high10. (2分)My mother has a backache in hospital _.A . Whats the matter?B . Im sorry to hear thatC . Im not feeling wellD . Shell be all right soon.11. (2分)I think_ is important for everyone to respect the Special Olympic players. A . thisB . thatC . heD . it12. (2分)We shouldnt watch _ TV because its bad for our _.A . too much, healthyB . much too, heathC . too much, healthD . much too, healthy13. (2分)You will never gain success _ you fully put your effort into your work. A . althoughB . unlessC . ifD . because14. (2分)By the way, wheres Li Xiang? He swimming.A . has goneB . has beenC . has gone toD . has been to15. (2分)Excuse me.I wonder _ there is a bus here to go to Downing Street. Yes,Bus No.223.A . thatB . whenC . whyD . whether二、 完型填空 (共2题;共20分)16. (10分)完型填空。You asked about places to go and things to do in our town. The Downtown Mall is always 1 .Its a2place in the oldest part of town. There are some good stores and restaurants there. 3, Trendy Clothing Store is in Downtown Mall. Its a fun place to shop, and it has the4quality clothes. The shop assistants(售货员) are friendly 5people. My favorite 6in town is Nicks Restaurant. It is close to my house. Its cheap and the hamburgers there are great. I like Dragon City Restaurant, 7. You can eat wonderful noodles there and the beef noodles are the most delicious! You must try the dumplings there, too. But its more expensive than Nicks. The Big Cinema is the best cinema in town. It has the biggest screen and the most8 seats. The Del Ray Complex is also a good place to see movies. It doesnt have the9movies, but the tickets are the cheapest.Anyway, there are lots of things to do and to see here. Come for a10soon!(1)A . ugly B . fun C . dull D . boring (2)A . fishing B . skating C . reading D . shopping (3)A . So that B . For example C . Such as D . In fact (4)A . better B . best C . worse D . worst (5)A . of B . for C . to D . at (6)A . school B . restaurant C . hospital D . park (7)A . too B . also C . either D . neither (8)A . dangerous B . comfortable C . important D . boring (9)A . older B . newer C . newest D . oldest (10)A . visit B . see C . walk D . dinner 17. (10分)完形填空Do you have lots of friends? What do you 1friends and friendship? Are they very important to you? Some of your friends may have different views and interests while some like doing the same 2as you. Do you like the friends different from you 3the same as you? You may like the friends who 4the same interests as you. But I dont really care.I have two good friends, Peter and James. Peter is 5me. I am a quiet boy, and Peter is also quiet. We 6enjoy reading books and surfing the Internet. On weekends, we often go to the library or 7games on the computer together. But James is very different from us. He likes playing ball games, and he is more athletic than us. He is 8more outgoing. He likes talking and often makes 9laugh. You see, friends are not 10to be the same. Do you agree with me?(1)A . talk about B . think of C . thank for D . look at (2)A . interests B . views C . things D . habits (3)A . or B . and C . until D . but (4)A . are B . have C . show D . get (5)A . like B . as C . for D . with (6)A . all B . each C . both D . some (7)A . watch B . work C . read D . play (8)A . a few B . few C . a lot D . little (9)A . him B . her C . them D . us (10)A . important B . necessary C . difficult D . different 三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)根据对话内容,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,估对话完整、合乎情培。A: Wang Ming, I heard there was an earthquake on 8th August in your home town.B: _Ill never forget it.A: _?B: I was doing my homework at home when it happened.A: _?B: My parents were watching TV.A: _?B: Then we ran out of the house quickly.A: _?B: I saw some houses fall down.A: That was really terrible!四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共4题;共44分)19. (10分)阅读理解,根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 This is our classroom. Its a nice big room. The windows are big and the walls (墙) are white. There is one blackboard on the wall. On the back(后面), there is a map. It is a map of China. We have no computer or television in the classroom.There are fifty-six small desks in the classroom. They are for the students. There is a big desk. Its for the teacher. There are some flowers on the teachers desk. They are for our teacher. We like them. They are good teachers.(1)What colour are the walls? A . WhiteB . RedC . BlackD . Blue(2)Whats on the back wall? A . A BlackboardB . A mapC . A pictureD . A window(3)How many small desks are there in the classroom? A . 55B . 56C . 57D . 58(4)Whats on the big desk? A . Some booksB . Some flowersC . A computerD . A television(5)Which is NOT true (不正确的)? A . There is one blackboard on the wall.B . There are fifty-six students in the class.C . This passage (文章) is about a classroomD . There is a computer for the teacher.20. (10分)阅读理解 Have you ever wanted to achieve a goal and ended up doing lots of research on how to achieve it? As you learned more and more. It seemed you knew less and less. That is because when you learned a new concept(概念). You found that there was a lot more to know about it.Usually, people think they need to get more and more information before trying a new idea. There is nothing wrong with learning a lot, but when you let learning get in the way of doing, you will never get going.One of the best ways to learn is to take action and learn from the results that you get from those actions. Dont be afraid of not being perfect and just take the first step. You will go further than those who are still in preparation. Its good to be prepared, but over-preparation in trying to reach a goal wont get you results. The knowledge and skills that you will need will be picked up along the way.If a baby wants to learn how to walk, it doesnt do it by just sitting there and thinking about how to walk. The best way for a baby to walk is to actually get up and start walking. Sure it may fall, but with every fall, it learns what is working and what is not and adjusts(调整)to it. By doing this over and over, it will finally learn to walk. This is the method you should use when you want to achieve your goals as well. It works.Learning more is great but if all youre doing is learning and not taking action, its time to change that. Just take the first step.(1)When you learned something new, you found there was to know about it. A . lessB . nothingC . everythingD . more(2)Which is NOT true according to the passage? A . People need to learn a lot before trying a new idea.B . One of the best ways to learn is to take action.C . Learning has nothing to do with doing.D . Over-preparation is not good for reaching a goal.(3)A baby should when it wants to learn how to walk. A . get up and start walkingB . sit there and think about how to walkC . learn from its parentsD . read books about how to walk(4)We can usually read the passage in . A . a storybookB . a newspaperC . an advertisementD . a guidebook(5)The purpose of the passage is . A . to tell us how to learn moreB . to tell us how to be successfulC . to talk about the importance of doingD . to talk about the importance of learning21. (16分)阅读理解DLife of Pi(少年派的奇幻河流)is to become the first 3D film to open the New York film festival. This years New York film festival runs from September 28 to October 14.The director of this movie is Ang Lee, an American Chinese. The movie speaks of the relationship between humans and nature. Indian boy Priscine Patel is troubled by his first name. And his classmates laugh at him. So he decides to change his name to Pi.Pis father has a zoo and he decides to move to Canada. The family, together with all the zoo animals, sail across the pacific(太平洋). One day, a huge storm hits the ship. The next morning, Pi finds his family have sunk(沉没)with the ship. He is the only person still alive. He finds himself on a lifeboat with several animals, one of which is a tiger called Richard Parker. Soon, all the animals are killed by the tiger. And Pi is left alone with the tiger.As the tiger becomes hungry, Pi starts to fish to feed him. If not, he himself will become the food. The boy and the tiger develop an amazing relationship on the sea. Although he feels hopeless, Pi never gives up. After 227 days, the lifeboat finally lands on a beach in Mexico, but Richard Parker runs away into the forest. The ship company finds Pi and asks him what happened. Pi tells them about Richard Parker, but the company doesnt believe him. Pi then tells another story in which is no tiger.Is there really another story? If so, which one is true? Maybe you will have your answer after watching the Life of Pi.(1)From the article, Life of Pi is _. A . a movie about a Chinese boy and a tigerB . a movie about an Indian boy and a tigerC . a book about a Chinese boy and a tigerD . a book about an Indian boy and a tiger(2)From the article, Life of Pi is _. A . a movie about a Chinese boy and a tigerB . a movie about an Indian boy and a tigerC . a book about a Chinese boy and a tigerD . a book about an Indian boy and a tiger(3)The underlined word sail means _. A . 航行B . 飞行C . 游泳D . 潜水(4)The underlined word sail means _. A . 航行B . 飞行C . 游泳D . 潜水(5)According to this article, which is NOT true? A . The ship has sunk because of a huge storm.B . He is the only person still alive.C . Pi feeds the tiger with fish.D . The lifeboat lands on a beach in Canada.(6)According to this article, which is NOT true? A . The ship has sunk because of a huge storm.B . He is the only person still alive.C . Pi feeds the tiger with fish.D . The lifeboat lands on a beach in Canada.(7)What happened in the end? A . The tiger kills Pi.B . Pi and the tiger live in the forest.C . The tiger runs away into the forest.D . The ship company catch the tiger.(8)What happened in the end? A . The tiger kills Pi.B . Pi and the tiger live in the forest.C . The tiger runs away into the forest.D . The ship company catch the tiger.22. (8分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Many children think mobile phones are cool. They come in fun colors and you can talk with a friend anytime and anywhere.In the USA, more than 90 million people use mobile phones. Many of those people are children. For children, mobile phones are more than phone calls. They are fashionable. Most mobile phone users dont think about the health problems caused by mobile phones. Some scientists say that mobile phones give off radiation(辐射) that might be bad for users. One recent study shows that mobile phone radiation might raise a persons chance of getting some kinds of cancer(癌症).Other scientists say mobile phones are not bad for peoples health. They say that they didnt find any link between mobile phone use and cancer. Scientists say that they can protect themselves from mobile phone radiation. One way is to use an earphone, or people can make shorter calls.(1)Many children like mobile phones because they think mobile phones are _.A . coolB . colourfulC . cheapD . their toys(2)In the USA, who thinks mobile phones are more than phone calls?A . womenB . menC . scientistsD . children(3)The underlined word “give off” in the passage means “_”.A . 发出B . 放弃C . 远离D . 传播(4)To protect themselves from mobile phone radiation, people can _.A . make longer callsB . use an earphoneC . make shorter callsD . both B and C五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。How long does it take to build a new house? It usually takes about six months or more. But each year, thousands of people work together to build new homes in just four months! Who does this wonderful work? Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity is a group that builds homes for families in need. It has branches in different states around the USA. This group works all over the world, too. Volunteers help build the homes. They are unpaid workers. Volunteers can be builders and painters. They can be teachers or bankers. Some are students.Habitat for Humanity has built more than 300,000 houses. More than 1.5 million people live in these houses. Building a home is hard work. Volunteers learn how to put up walls. They use tools and machines. These selfless volunteers work with the family that will live in the house. Everyone works together to make the familys dream come true.Suruchi Srikanth has worked with Habitat for Humanity for four years. She began volunteering in high school. She has built many homes with other volunteers. She takes her responsibilities(责任) seriously. Volunteers know that if they dont help, homes might not get built. They are good citizens(公民) who care about other people.(1)What is Habitat for Humanity?_(2)Does Habitat for Humanity work all over the world?_(3)When did Suruchi Srikanth start working as a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity?_(4)How many houses has Habitat for Humanity built?_(5)What is the passage mainly about?_六、 单词拼写 (共5题;共19分)24. (15分) 单词拼写 (1)Please t_these oranges to your grandparents. (2)J_ is the first month of the year. (3)My father and mother are my p_. (4)Do you n_ a bag for school?No, I dont. I have one already.(5)Here are some photos o_ my family. Do you want to see them? (6)My parents will take me to Beijing this Saturday.H_ a good time!(7)Does anyone k_the right answer to this question? (8)Lets play s_. Its my favorite sport. (9)Monkeys like eating b_. (10)We have breakfast at 7:00, lunch at 12:30 and d_ at 6:30. (11)Jack wants to play games with his friends, b_ his parents would not let him go out. (12)The red bag is not m_. Its Alans. (13)Please have a l_ at this map, and you can find our school in it. (14)This morning Cindy l_ her schoolbag and cant find it anywhere. (15)Good eating h_ are important to our health. 25. (1分)Dont_(高声说)! We need to be quiet26. (1分)S_comes and trees start to tum green 27. (1分)Her father_(去世)two years ago.28. (1分)I like eating fruit_(尤其)oranges and strawberries 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述故事内容。参考词汇:skin果皮, rubbish bin垃圾箱第 25 页 共 25 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完型填空 (共2题;共20分)16-1、17-1、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)18-1、四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共4题;共44分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、21-6、21-7、21-8、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、六、 单词拼写 (共5题;共19分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、24-6、24-7、24-8、24-9、24-10、24-11、24-12、24-13、24-14、24-15、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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