冀教版(三起点)小学英语四年级上册Unit 4 Lesson 20 At the Shop 同步练习(I)卷

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冀教版(三起点)小学英语四年级上册Unit 4 Lesson 20 At the Shop 同步练习(I)卷_第1页
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冀教版(三起点)小学英语四年级上册Unit 4 Lesson 20 At the Shop 同步练习(I)卷_第2页
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冀教版(三起点)小学英语四年级上册Unit 4 Lesson 20 At the Shop 同步练习(I)卷_第3页
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冀教版(三起点)小学英语四年级上册Unit 4 Lesson 20 At the Shop 同步练习(I)卷小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 物品分类 (共1题;共5分)1. (5分)写出一个同类的单词。 (1)coconut cherry _(2)they we _(3)buy work_(4)water milk_(5)cherries lychees_二、 选词填空。 (共1题;共1分)2. (1分)_a long ruler 三、 我会选。 (共5题;共10分)3. (2分)She some phone calls. A . makeB . haveC . tell4. (2分) A . hobbyB . houseC . homeworkD . hospital5. (2分)A . Yes. Hes my grandfather. B . Yes. Hes my father.6. (2分) give the ball to him. Give it to .A . Not; herB . Dont; herC . Dont; heD . Not; he7. (2分)She _ English at our school . A . teachesB . teachingC . taught四、 交际小能手,根据情景选择正确的答案。 (共5题;共10分)8. (2分)格林老师请你开门,他说: A . Open the door, please.B . Close the door, please.C . Close the window, please.9. (2分)你问:“你姐姐很年轻吗?”应该说: A . Is your sister young?B . Is your brother young?C . Is your mother young?10. (2分)_You are welcomeA . Thank you. B . Can I have an egg?11. (2分)Whats your uncle like?_A . Shes very active.B . Hes very funny.C . He can cook.12. (2分)你的橡皮在铅笔盒里,同桌问你的橡皮是否在铅笔盒里,你应回答:_ A . No,it isnt. B . Yes,it is.五、 选出正确的答语。 (共1题;共5分)13. (5分)根据问句在方框中选择答语。A.Yes, sometimes.B.Miss White.C.Yes, I do.D.He is clever and hard-working .E.He is my new maths teacher.(1)Whos your new English teacher?_(2)Is Ms Wang strict?_(3)Do you know that young lady?_(4)Whos that man?_(5)Whats he like?_六、 连词成句。 (共5题;共21分)14. (5分)you, seven, are, years, old (?)15. (5分)She, teeth, quarter, brushes, seven, her, at, a, past, (.) 16. (1分)likeyouDomilk_ ?17. (5分)classroom , Are, in, the, they?18. (5分)it, now, well, he, very, plays (.)(连词成句) 七、 短文阅读 (共1题;共12分)19. (12分)阅读理解 My HobbyEveryone has his own hobby. For example, someone likes reading, someone likes swimming and someone likes painting. For me, singing songs is my hobby.I started to listen to music many years ago. I often learn to sing by watching TV or listening to the radio. I have two teachersmy mother and my music teacher. My mother teaches me when I am at home on Sundays. My music teacher teaches me in her classes.I am busy with my study, but I still sing songs every day. Now I am a member of the chorus (合唱队) of our school. Ill sing forever. I am sure I can be a good singer.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。(1)Painting is my hobby. (2)I have two teachersmy father and my music teacher. (3)I am not busy with my study. (4)Singing songs _ my hobby. A . isB . areC . be(5)I started to listen to music _. A . few years agoB . not so longC . many years ago(6)I often learn to sing by _. A . watching TVB . listening to the radioC . both A and B第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 物品分类 (共1题;共5分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、二、 选词填空。 (共1题;共1分)2-1、三、 我会选。 (共5题;共10分)3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、四、 交际小能手,根据情景选择正确的答案。 (共5题;共10分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、五、 选出正确的答语。 (共1题;共5分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、六、 连词成句。 (共5题;共21分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、七、 短文阅读 (共1题;共12分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、19-6、

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