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高三语法总复习:非谓语动词思维向导1. 找出句中的非谓语动词并分析其句子成分。1. To see you is glad. = Its glad to see you. 作主语2. I want to see you. _ 3. My hope is to see you. _ 4. I want him to see you._ 5. He is the man to see you._ 6. Im glad to see you._ 7. I went to see you. _ 8. Swimming is his favorite sport. _ 9. He enjoys swimming. _ 10. His favorite sport is swimming. _ 11. I found him swimming in the river. _ 12. He is the man swimming in the river just now. _ 13. Swimming in Summer, we can get cool. _ 14. This cup is broken. _ 15. This is a broken cup. _ 16. I found the cup broken. _ 17. Broken by Tom, the cup cant be used._ Conclusion(小结促学一) 非谓语动词分类:_;_;_动词不定式在句子中可以充当_;动词-ing形式在句子中可以充当_;过去分词在句子中可以充当_。非谓语动词用法思维向导2. 根据句子完成表格1. We stood there, chatting happily.2. That building being built is our library.3. Having studied it carefully, we finally found out a solution to the problem.4. Having been invited, Mr. Smith went there to make a speech though he was busy.5. They pretended not to see us. (一般式表示与谓语的动作同时/发生在它之后.)6. He pretended to be sleeping. (在谓语动词发生的同时,不定式的动作也正在进行)7. She pretended to have known it before. (完成式表示动作发生在谓语动作之前)8. Have you got anything to be sent?9. The book is said to have been published.Conclusion(小结促学二)一、现在分词的时态和语态主动形式被动形式一般式完成式二、不定式的时态和语态一般式进行式完成式主动被动三、done是唯一形式思维向导3. 用所给词的正确形式填空并找出句子的主语。1. _(see) is to believe. =_ (see) is believing.2. _ (play) basketball is my hobby.3. It is a waste of time _ (talk) with him.4. It is a hard job for the police _ (keep) order in an important football match.5. It is very kind of you _(help) him every day.Conclusion(小结促学三)观察上面例句归纳能作主语的非谓语动词有哪些。能作主语的非谓语动词有不定式和动名词。两者的区别是:1. 表示某一具体的动作时,多用_;表示比较抽象的一般的行为倾向时,多用_(这个区别同时存在于二者作宾语和表语中)。2._作主语时通常位于句首(如例句_);3._作主语时,一般可用it作形式主语,而将作主语的动词不定式置于句末(如例句_)。习惯上 Its no use/useless/no good/no help/a waste of time 后接_作主语(如例句_)。思维向导4. 用所给词的正确形式填空并找出句子的表语。1. My job is _ ( teach) English.2. The girl is _ (read) English.3. Seeing is _ (believe). = To see is _(believe).4. What you should do is _(look) after the baby.5. The story was very _ (move) and we were greatly _ (move).Conclusion(小结促学四)观察上面例句归纳能作表语的非谓语动词有哪些。能作表语的非谓语动词有不定式、动名词、现在分词和过去分词。1._作表语,与be动词构成现在进行时(如例句_)。2._都可以作句子的主语和表语,所表示的意思也非常接近(如例句_),但两者也有一定的区别:一般来说,_多表示一般行为和状态(如例句_),而_则强调具体某次动作以及将来要发生的动作(如例句_)。3.现在分词和过去分词作表语时的区别:_作表语,主要表示主语(多指人,也可指物)的心理感受或所处的状态,含有被动的意思;而_作表语多表示主语(多指物,也可指人)所具有的特征,含有主动的意思(如例句_)。思维向导5. 用所给词的正确形式填空并找出句子的宾语。1. My mother is good at _ (cook).2. We are looking forward to _ (hear) from you.3. Would you mind my _ (smoke) here?4. They refused_ (accept) his invitation.5. He forgot_ (post) the letter when he walked past the post office.6. Ill never forget _ (see) him for the first time.7. I find it important _ (learn) English well.8. These desks need _ (repair). = These desks need to_( repair).Conclusion(小结促学五)观察上面例句归纳能作宾语的非谓语动词有哪些。1. 能作宾语的非谓语动词有不定式和动名词。 当不定式作宾语后接宾补时,需用it作形式宾语构成动词+it+宾补+不定式(真正宾语)的句型。2. 跟动名词做宾语的动词有:admit, report, appreciate, deny, explain, mention, resist, stand, stop, imagine, recall, suggest, mind, finish, enjoy, keep, practice, miss, avoid, delay, excuse, escape, consider, advise等3.跟动名词做宾语的动词短语有:think of, aim at, keep on, persist in, be good at, do well in, leave off (停止做),put off(推迟),give up, feel like, cant help(情不自禁),have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth, be fond/tired/afraid/capable of, be worth, spend. (in ) doing, insist on, set about 等4. to用作介词,跟跟动名词做宾语的动词短语有:look forward to, devote to, contribute to (导致) , get used to, pay attention to, be opposed to= object to (反对), get down to (着手做), stick to, lead to, turn to, come close to (差点,险些), etc.5. 常用不定式作宾语的动词有:aim ,ask, dare ,appear, arrange ,demand, help, hesitate, pay, plan, wait, fail, seek, prepare, happen, mean, prove, expect, wish, hope, decide, refuse, offer, learn, agree, choose, promise, pretend, manage, care, determine, afford等6. 可用不定式和动名词作宾语但意思不一样的动词有:stop to do 停下(正在做的事)去做另一件事 stop doing 停下正在做的事forget to do忘记做某事(此事未做) forget doing忘记曾做过某事(此事已做)remember to do记得要做某事(此事未做) remember doing记得某事已做过(此事已做)go on to do继续做另一件事 go on doing接着做同一件事try to do企图想做某事 try doing试着做某事(看看有什么后果发生)mean to do (意思是)想做某事 mean doing 意味着做某事regret to do遗憾地做某事(通常后接say ,tell等动词) regret doing后悔做了某事 be afraid to do sth 不敢做某事 be afraid of doing 害怕发生 危险 be sure to do sth 肯定会(讲话者认为) be sure of doing sth 自信(句子主语自信) agree to do sth 同意做(自己做) agree to sbs doing sth 同意某人做某事(别人做) used to do sth 过去时常做某事 be /become /get used to doing sth 习惯做某事7. 动词need, require, want及形容词worth后加动词的主动形式表被动意义。 例: need repairing= need to be repaired思维向导6. 用所给词的正确形式填空并找出句子的定语。1. There was once a _ (hide) place for people there at war.2. Look at the _ (sleep) baby! How wonderful.3. It is said that cars _ (make) in this factory are now at least as good as those _(make) abroad.4. There still remain a lot of problems in the homework _ (do) by him yesterday.5. He is always the first _ (come) and the last _(leave).6. I have something important _ (tell) you.7. The bridge_ (build) next month is the third bridge across the river.8. The bridge _ (build) now is the third bridge across the river.9. The bridge _ (build) last year is the third bridge across the river.Conclusion(小结促学六)观察上面例句归纳作定语的非谓语动词有哪些。能做定语的非谓语动词有不定式、动词的ing形式(包括动名词和现在分词)、过去分词。1. 动名词作定语时并不强调主动或被动关系,而是说明其所修饰的词的_(如例句_);2. 而分词分为_和_。_作定语时与所修饰的名词构成逻辑上的主动关系,强调动作的_(如例句_);而_作定语时与所修饰的名词为被动关系,所表达的含义有两种情况:仅仅表示_(如例句_),表示_的同时,也表示_。(如例句_)。3. _作定语通常放在所修饰的名词的后面,并且可以表示将来的动作(如例句_)。_作后置定语表示正在进行的动作,与其所修饰的名词有“主谓关系”(如例句_);_作后置定语表示已完成或被动的动作,与其所修饰的名词有“动宾关系”(如例句_)。思维向导7. 用所给词的正确形式填空并找出句子的宾语补足语。1. I saw him_ (fall)off his bike just at that moment.2. I saw him _ (fall) off his bike and hurt his left leg.3. I saw the boy _ (beat) by his father.4. Though he had often made his little sister _ (cry), today he was made _ (cry) by his little sister.Conclusion(小结促学七)观察上面例句归纳能作宾语补足语的非谓语动词有哪些。能作宾语补足语的非谓语动词有不定式、现在分词和过去分词。_强调动作正在进行。_强调动作的过程。此外,不定式在let, make, have, see, hear, watch, notice, listen to, feel后作宾补省略_,但作主补时恢复_(但get sb. to do)。_表被动或完成。思维向导8. 用所给词的正确形式填空1. I have my bike _(repair).2. I have him _(repair)my bike.3. I have him _(stand) outside the classroom for the whole class.4. I have a lot of homework _(do).Conclusion(小结促学八)_让某人做某事_ 让某人一直做某事_让别人做某事;遭遇某事_ 有.要做思维向导9. 用所给词的正确形式填空并找出句子的状语。1. _ (save) the child, he laid down his life.2. He ran so fast as _ (catch) the first bus.3. He got to the station only _ (find) the train had gone.4. He was too excited _ (say) a word.5. He was willing _ (undertake) the difficult task just now.6. The pen looks rather old, but in fact, it is very smooth _ (write) with.Conclusion(小结促学九)观察上面例句归纳句子中非谓语动词的用法。动词不定式在句中可作目的、原因或结果状语。1. 不定式作_状语,常用于以下句型enoughto; tooto; soas to do; such + n. + as to do 和_表示出人意料的结果(如例句_)。2. 为了强调不定式表示目的的作用,可在不定式前加in order to 或so as to,但应注意in order to 位于句首或句中均可,而so as to 不能位于句首(如例句_); 3. 不定式用在表示情绪或态度的形容词后作_状语(如例句_); 4. 不定式可在easy, difficult, hard, comfortable, heavy, light, expensive, nice, fit, safe, interesting, important, dangerous, cheap, good, impossible等形容词后作状语。和主语常为被动关系,但不定式要用_形式,不定式为不及物动词时,应加上适当的介词(如例句_)。思维向导10. 用所给词的正确形式填空并找出句子的状语。1. _ (see) those pictures, she remembered her childhood.2. _ (be) ill, he didnt go to school yesterday.3. His father died, _ (leave) him a lot of money.4. _ (work) hard at your lessons, you will succeed.5. _ (work) hard as he did, he was still unable to earn enough money to buy a car.6. He lay on the grass, _ (stare) at the sky for a long time.Conclusion(小结促学十)观察上面例句归纳句子中非谓语动词的用法。 动词-ing形式可以做状语,修饰动词,在句中可以作时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式或伴随状语。动词-ing形式作时间、原因、条件、让步状语时多位于句首;作结果、伴随情况状语时常位于句末。动词-ing形式作状语,其逻辑主语一般应与句子的主语保持一致。思维向导11. 用所给词的正确形式填空并找出句子的状语。1. _ (see) from the tower, the city looks beautiful.2. _ (move) by the heroic deeds, the children couldnt help crying.3. _ (compare) with other professors, she was an excellent speaker.4. _ (laugh) at by many people, he continued his research.5. The teacher stood there, _ by the students.Conclusion(小结促学十一)观察上面例句归纳句子中非谓语动词的用法。动词-ed形式作状语和动词-ing形式作状语一样,也可以作时间、原因、条件、让步、方式或伴随状语。动词-ed形式在句中作状语或表语时,它的逻辑主语一般来说就是句子的主语,动词-ed形式和主语之间是_关系。Test(达标检测):一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1) We all consider John _(be) an honest boy.2) Our boss forbids _ (chat) during office hours.3) The rules do not permit players_ (step) out of bounds.4) The boy begged to allow him _ (explain).5) The young man imagined _ (live) on a lonely island.6) It was useless to forbid children _ (play) here.7) The man _ (question) in the police station now is a spy8) A man _ (respect) others will be respected9) She can find no one _(make) friends with10) Is there anybody _(answer) the question?11) Half of the guests _ (invite) to the conference were foreigners.12) The thief was caught _ (steal) goods in the supermarket again 13) That is the way_ (operate) the machine14) She was a professor _ (love) by all her students15) I meant to buy an evening paper, but I didnt see anyone _ (sell) them.16) Paul doesnt have to be made _ (learn). He always works hard.17) The patient was warned _ (not eat) after the examine.18) Just now I saw a man _ (walk) in the street, with a little girl _ (seat) on his shoulder19) The lady loved to have her luggage _ (weigh).20) Who did the teacher have _ (clean) the blackboard just now?二、单句改错1. First, he/she is willing to devote some of the spare time to serve the others. 2. As far as Im concerned, we ought to think carefully before buy cars. 3. Thats because competition, or rather, challenge is a driving force made him go forward. 4. As is known, it is interested to teach children to swim while they are still babies. 5. She used to holding me on her knees and sing old songs. 6. It not only helps me realize that I can achieve my potential through hard work, but makes me to know the proverb “Practice makes perfect”. 7. The apartment measures 40 square meters, included a bedroom, a sitting room, a kitchen and a bathroom. 8. When I am tired, he makes me relaxing. 9. The poetry recitation contest was another amazed activity for the students. 10. Its never foolish acknowledge you are in the wrong. 7

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