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Unit 2 Growing painsturn up1) 开大,调高:增加速度、音量,强度或流量 Turn up the radio, please!请把收音机开高点, 我听不清楚。2) 出现;到达 Several old friends turned up at the reunion.好几个老朋友出现在聚会上。3) 发现,找到 The papers will turn up sooner or later.文件迟早会找到的。a waste of time/moneywaste adj.&v.It is really a waste of time spending/ to spend all of your spare time chatting.把你所有业余时间花费在聊天上真是浪费时间。Isnt it a waste of money buying/ to buy so many new clothes? 买这么多新衣服,难道不是浪费金钱吗?. force vt. 表示强迫, 迫使 force sb. to do sth. force sb. into doing sth. I was forced to put off my visit. 我被迫推迟访问。 Bad health forced her into taking early retirement.她身体不好,迫不得已提前退休了。 表示迫使进入某种状态,常与介词 into或down 搭配使用 The police forced the thief into the car. hey forced the plane down. n. 表示力量,气力。by force 用武力 They took her away by force. choose选择,挑选,决定;拿定主意过了一会儿,她选定了店里最贵重的一件衣服,并把它递给一个店员。 After a while, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant. 她选择了学化学。She chose to study chemistry.我们选谁当学校足球队长?Whom shall we choose for our school football team leader? 他决定晚点出国。 He chose not to go abroad until later.vacation“假期”,指正式规定的较长的假期,不指假日或节日。 the summerwinter vacation 暑寒假take a vacation 休假three weeks of vacation 三周的假on vacation (在) 度假 He is on vacation in Italy他在意大利度假。 你要到哪儿度假?Where are you going for your vacation?cant wait to do 等不及做 I cant wait to sing for you. 我实在想给你们唱一首歌。 The little boy couldnt wait to eat the delicious fish.这个小男孩实在等不及吃可口的鱼了。相关用法:cant but do sth. 不得不;只好cant help doing sth. 情不自禁地做surprise vt.使惊奇,使意外n.惊奇,令人惊奇的事(1)We are surprised to find the house empty. 我们惊奇地发现那房子空着。(2)To my surprise,the door was unlocked. 使我惊奇的是,房门没锁。(3)What surprised us was that the flowers there were so cheap.使我们惊奇的是那里的花如此便宜。be surprised at对感到意外be surprised to do sth很惊奇地做某事give sb a surprise给某人一个惊奇to ones surprise是某人惊奇的是in surprise惊奇地take by surprise对进行突然袭击surprisingly adv. 出奇地be supposed to (do) 被期望或要求; 应该(= be expected to / be required to do) Everyone is supposed to wear a seat belt in the car. 乘车时每个人都应该系上安全带。The bus is supposed to leave at 5:00, but it hasnt come yet.公交车应该在五点开车,但是到现在还没到呢。Suppose he saw you now, what would you say? I suppose him to be the headmaster.be to do sth.1) 表示将来的打算和安排。The children are to buy some new clothes for the coming Spring Festival.春节将至,孩子们将买几件新衣服。I was to meet Miss Burke at an agreed place.我将在约定的地点与伯克小姐见面。2) 应该做You were to finish your homework in the evening class last night.你昨晚晚自习就应该完成家庭作业。do with =make use of 处理;安排;办;处置;常与what连用。 The boys didnt know what to do with themselves after school ended.男孩儿不知道放学后如何打发时间。What are we to do with this naughty boy?我们将如何处置这个淘气的男孩儿呢?What are you going to do with these old books?=How are you going to deal with these old books?do with/deal with(1)这两个短语有相同的意义。do with与what连用,what作do的宾语;deal with与how连用。(2)另外,deal with还可表示“与某人或某事相处;关于,论及;与有生意往来”之意。Top football players must have excellent ball control,but it is not just what they do with their feet that counts.How will we deal with this problem (处理这个问题)?with+复合宾语常见结构 He stood there with his hand in his pocketwith+宾语+介词短语 He was fast asleep with his mouth openwith+形容词 They sat in silence with the light on for an hourwith+副词 With the guide leading the way, we got out of the forest without any difficultywith+现在分词 He fell asleep with all the windows closed. with+过去分词 With two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekendwith+不定式leave vt.使处于某种状态(1)Youd better leave the living room door open. 你最好让客厅的门开着。(2)He got up slowly leaving the breakfast unfinished. 他起床慢,结果早饭没有吃完。(3)Dont leave him waiting outside in the rain.别让他在外面雨中等着。 leave表示“使处于某种状态”时,常用于“leave宾语宾补”结构,其中宾补这一成分可以由过去分词、现在分词、形容词、介词短语等来充当。leave宾语done 常用来表示宾语所处的状态或表示动作已经完成。leave宾语doing 常用来表示使某人或某物一直做某事。A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending,but the readersmust not be left unsatisfied. in charge 主管, 掌管; 在管辖之下, 由照顾sb. is in charge of sth. 某人负责,掌管, 照顾sth. is in the charge of sb. /in ones charge 在掌管之下, 由经管free of charge=for free1. Mary is in charge of the hospital. The hospital is in the charge of Mary.2. The project is in the charge of Dr Green. Dr Green is in charge of the project.expect 预期,预料,指望 expect sb.sthexpect sb. to do sthexpect to do sthexpect that 我们谁也没预料这种情况。None of us expected it 我在等他的来信。Im expecting his letter 不要对他期望太高Dont expect too much of him. 你预计什么时候回来?When do you expect to be back? 你别指望他会支持你。You cant expect him to support you 我想他会很快回来的。I expect that hell come back soon “她会不会来呢?” “我想会/不会。”“Will she come?” “I expect so/ not.”be hard on sb. 对某人严厉,对某人苛刻继母对白雪公主很苛刻。Stepmother is very hard on Snow White.不要对一个10岁的孩子说这些话,这对他来说太重了些。Dont say that to a ten-year-old boy. You are too hard on him.now that= since “既然”, 放句首, 表显而易见的原因。1. 既然大家都在, 我们就开始吧。Now that everyone is here, lets begin our work.2. 既然你完成了工作, 可以走了。Now that you have finished your work, you can go now.3. 既然这里没有别人, 我们可以无拘束地谈了。Now that we are alone, we can talk freely.forbid vt.禁止;不许(1)The new law forbids smoking in the office. 新法律禁止在办公室吸烟。(2)His parents forbade him to watch television at night. 他的父母不允许他晚上看电视。forbid doing sth./forbid sb.to do sth.类似用法的动词还有:consider,advise,allow,permit等。练习:(1)He was forbidden _ to her. (2010湖北省鄂州市高三上学期摸底考试) Ato talk BTalking Ctalk Dbeing talked (2)大多数公共场合禁止抽烟。Most public places _. 答案:(1)A(2)forbid smokingsuggest vt.提议;建议;指出;表明(1)suggest表“建议”时,后接doing作宾语,不接to do。(2)suggest表“建议”时,后面所接的宾语从句中要用“(should)动词原形”的虚拟语气形式。(3)suggest作“显示,表明,说明”解时,后面的宾语从句用述语气。suggestion n. 建议suggestive adj 提示的,启发的,暗示的I suggest talking to a lawyer before you do anything.我建议你在采取措施之前先同律师谈谈。Id like to suggest that it was Xiao Li who did it.我想指出,那件事是小李干的。The doctor suggested that she (should) lie in bed.医生建议她卧床休息。insist v坚决要求;一定要;坚持;坚决主张;坚持说insist on doing sth坚持做某事insist作“坚持说、坚持认为”时,宾语从句中的谓语用述语气。作“坚决要求”解时,其后的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气,即用“(should)动词原形”。She insisted on going with us.她坚持要和我们一起去。He insisted that she (should) be sent to work in the countryside.他主张派她到农村去工作。Mike insisted that he was right.Mike坚持说他是对的。after all 终究;毕竟(通常放在句首,也可以放在句尾,表示和预期的情况不同,有转折的意味。)Prisoners should be treated with respectthey are also human beings after all.犯人应当受到尊重。毕竟他们也是人。They said they would not come back for lunch,but they came back after all.他们说不回来吃午饭了,但是终究还是回来了。(1)above all 相当于most important of all,意为“最重要的是”。 (2)at all 起加强语气的作用,表示“全然,根本”,可用于疑问句、否定句、条件句中。 (3)in all 意为“总计,总共”,表示数量。,(4)first of all 首先。as though = as if 好像,似乎It looks as though it is going to rain.It sounds as if you had a good time.She loves sisters baby so much as if she were its mother. 用在look, smell, taste, sound等后面,议论可能、真实的事情。The milk tastes as though it is sour. 如果从句表示的意思与事实完全相反,或者纯粹是一种假设,通常用虚拟语气用虚拟语气。 He looked as if he had known the answer. allow sb. sth (答应) 给某人某物allow sb. to do sth. 允许,让.做.allow doing sth. 允许做.本文由52求学网论坛微光整理 52求学网教育论坛 免费学习资料

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