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海南省八年级上学期英语期末考试试卷B卷 一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Is there _ in our schools newspaper?Yes, two American students will come to our school.A . something newB . everything newC . nothing newD . anything new2. (2分)“ Do you like fruit after dinner? ” Oh, yes. I like _ .” A . applesB . carrotsC . ice-creamD . chicken3. (2分)Try your best to do it and youll _ one day. A . successB . succeedC . successfulD . successes4. (2分) Whats your opinion of Las Vegas? Oh, its very beautiful, Theres a lot more to see in this city, so Ive decided to _ here for another two days.A . leaveB . moveC . arriveD . remain5. (2分)You can_ Tom _597861. A . call, inB . call, ofC . call, atD . E-mail, of6. (2分) Excuse me, can you give me a _? Sure.A . handB . helpC . ballD . save7. (2分) Be quiet, the head teacher Mr. Gu is coming. Dont worry. It _ be him. Mr. Gu is much fatter.A . mustntB . may notC . needntD . cant8. (2分)Its a day. Lets play soccer. A . rainyB . snowyC . sunD . sunny9. (2分)I often eat someandfor breakfast.A . egg, breadB . egg, breadsC . eggs,breadsD . eggs,bread10. (2分)Thanks me!A . for tellB . to tellC . to tellingD . for telling11. (2分)We carefully compared the result of the first experiment with_ of the second one. A . itB . thatC . the onesD . this12. (2分)Our teacher told us_an electric bike. Its too dangerous.A . .to rideB . not to rideC . not ride13. (2分)It wont take long to clean the rooms for the children if we all volunteer A . helpingB . to helpC . helpD . to helping14. (2分)I _ you a ring if I hear anything.A . will giveB . gaveC . have givenD . give15. (2分)I think _ a foreign language is not easy. You should _ it often.A . to learn; to practiceB . learning; practiceC . learn; practicingD . learns; to practice二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共45分)16. (10分)阅读理解Making new friends can be difficult, especially if you are a child in a new neighborhood. It may seem like everyone else has a friend to sit with or to talk to. Dont worry; if youre a nice person, you can make friends too.Step 1. Decide what kind of people you want to play with. Choose (选择) wisely, because youll probably become like them. Pick children that are nice to other people.Step 2. Smile and say something nice to the person you want to be your friend. If you like a persons shoes or think a girl is good at basketball, just say so. Everyone likes compliments.Step 3. Join clubs and teams. If you like sports, try out for some. Put yourself in situations where you are around many children that enjoy the same activities as you. Its easier to develop(发展) friendships when you have the same hobbies.Step 4. Ask questions whenever its appropriate. People love to talk about themselves. Be careful not to ask too personal questions or ask someone too many questions. But asking one or two questions shows youre interested in him or her.(1)The underlined word “wisely” can best be replaced by“ ”. A . cleverlyB . freelyC . clearlyD . quickly(2)he underlined word “compliments” is the closest in meaning to “ ”. A . 恭喜B . 称赞C . 问候D . 道贺(3)What should you do when you make friends with someone? A . Ask how old he or she is.B . Ask him or her too many questions.C . Smile and say something nice to him or her.D . Tell him or her you dont like his or her shoes.(4)Why should we say something nice to someone we want to make friends with? A . Because all people are happy when they are praised.B . Because they like the same sport as we do.C . Because they are interested in us.D . Because they are nice to us.(5)What is mainly talked about in the passage? A . It is difficult to make new friends.B . There are some steps to make new friends.C . Be nice to the people around you.D . Everyone has their hobbies and interests.17. (25分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was 12 years old, Jeff had cancer. The doctors had to cut off most of his right leg to save his life. Every day Jeff puts on a man-made leg. The leg is plastic. With the plastic leg, Jeff can ski, ride a bicycle, swim and play soccer. He can also run.When he was 22 years old, Jeff ran across the United States, from the East to the West. He ran 5,150 kilometers. Thats about 26 kilometers each day. Jeff wore out 36 pairs of running shoes and five plastic legs.On his way, in every city people gave Jeff money. The money which Jeff received was not for Jeff himself. It was for the American Cancer Society(协会). The society used the money to learn more about cancer. At the same time, Jeff talked to people about cancer. He also talked about being disabled.Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things: skiing, swimming, playing soccer and running. He finished college and now he is studying to be a lawyer(律师). Jeff says, “People can do anything they want to do. I want people to know that. I ran not only for disabled people but also for everybody.”(1)Why did the doctors cut off most of Jeffs right leg?(2)How many plastic legs did Jeff wear out when he ran across the United States?(3)What did Jeff talk to people about on his way from the East to the West?(4)Did he only run for the disabled people?(5)What can we learn from this story?18. (10分)Ted lives in a big city .Today hes very happy .Its the first day of school .Ted to go back to school. He wants to see his friends. He is going to meet his new teachers.Ted gets up early in the morning .He washes and puts on his new clothes .Look !He is having breakfast with his parents .Now ,he is ready for school.He goes to school by bike .He meets his friends outside the school gate .They are talking about something .Then the bell (铃声)rings .(铃响)Everyone runs to his or her classroom.(1)Where does Ted live?A . He lives in a small house.B . He lives in a big city .C . He lives on a farm.D . He lives in a school.(2)Does Ted want to go back to school?A . No,he doesntB . Yes ,he wants .C . Yes ,he does .D . Yes ,he doesnt.(3)Who does he want to see ?A . His friendsB . His brotherC . His fatherD . His mother(4)Who is he having breakfast with?A . His fatherB . His brotherC . His motherD . His parents.(5)How does Ted go to school ?A . He goes to school by busB . He goes to school by bike .C . He goes to school by carD . He goes to school on foot .(步行)三、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)19. (1分)The _ tells you how to use the book. (introduce) 四、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)20. (1分)This is my bike. Thats _(hehis) bike. 五、 交际运用部分 (共2题;共10分)21. (5分)情景对话。A: What a nice day! Why not do some outdoor(户外的) exercise?B: OK. _A: Basketball. I think basketball is exciting.What about you?B: I like football. _A: Football and swimming? They are very boring and dangerous.B: Yes, but they are also exciting. _A: Table tennis. Many students in our class like playing table tennis.B: _A: Not really. But I like watching players play table tennis on TV.B: I see. Your favourite sport is basketball._A: Great.A. But now I am learning swimming.B. Do you often play table tennis?C. Whats your favourite sport?D. Which sport is popular in your class?E. Its more dangerous than running.F. Lets go to play basketball.G. What about playing football?22. (5分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。A:Hello,AnnieB:_A : How are you ?B:_And you?A:Im fine tooB:_A:Its a bikeB:_A:BIKEB:_Is it blue?A:No, its greenAWhat colour is it?BHi, TomCWhats this in English?DSpell it, pleaseEIm fine, thank you六、 任务型阅读 (共3题;共15分)23. (5分)下面是某校八年级本学期在进行小组活动时所讨论的英语话题内容。请将话题的字母编号填写到相应的横线上。(有一个话题多余) A. How to learn English B. My hometown C. SportsD. Ways to travel E. Books and plays F. Animals in danger_The WWF is working hard to save pandas-the symbol of animals in danger._A journey by train is more relaxing than by bus, but it costs more money. _It was a small village 30 years ago, but now it has more tall buildings. _You need to listen for key words and main ideas, just the same as reading._The match was difficult and no one could score at all. It was really boring. 24. (5分)任务型阅读。根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。(每个选项只能用一次)。Should mobile phones be allowed at school?_ Some mobile phones are more than just phones-they are being used as radios, cameras and MP4 players, and they are also used to send e-mails or surf the Internet. _People have different ideas about whether students should use mobile phones at school or not, _ If their parents have something important to tell then, they can call their teachers for help. If someones mobile phone rings during a Chinese class, he and his classmates cant concentrate on what the teacher is saying. Some parents also point out that their children often use their mobile phones to download(下载) unhealthy information from the Internet. _Other people believe that we can find some ways to use mobile phones to help students learn better in the classroom, since many of todays mobile phones are like mini computers. And children usually know more than adults about how to use new technology. _What are your answers to the question?A. They are really worried about this.B. Some of them can even be used as mini computers.C. More and more students are using mobile phones at school now.D. Why not use mobile phones in the classroom?E. Some people think that students dont really need mobile phones.25. (5分)有几位同学学遗失了一些物品,请根据以下信息为他们写完布告板上的寻物启示。Peter: I found an ID card. My phone number is 512-8843Jim: I lost a computer game. If you find, call me at 680-7432.Paul: I lost an English dictionary. Who found it, please call 555-0287.Sam: I found a notebook with the name (有名字) “Kevin Clark”. My phone number is 476-3539.Found:Is this your ID card ? Please call Peter. Phone # _.Lost:An English_. My name is Paul. Please call me at 555-0278.Lost:A computer game. My names_.My phone number is 680-7432.Kevin,Is this your_?Please call me at _.Sam.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)写作对于“碰到作业困难时是否像老师请教”,同学们持有不同的观点。请你根据下表内容的提示,用英语写一篇短文。陈述同学们的观点及理由,并谈谈你的观点和理由,发表在校园网的论坛上。观点理由向老师请教老师讲解清楚,易于理解增加与老师交流的机会不向老师请教性格内向,羞于开口怕被同学们嘲笑你的观点及理由:(理由至少两条,不能重复已给的理由)注意:文章必须包括表格中的全部内容,可适当发挥;文章开头已给出,不计入总词数,只需接着写;词数80100个。参考词汇:explain clearly, communicate with, be laughed atThe students of our class have different ideas about whether we ask teachers for help with homework problems第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共45分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、三、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)19-1、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)20-1、五、 交际运用部分 (共2题;共10分)21-1、22-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共3题;共15分)23-1、24-1、25-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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