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2020届高中阶段教育学校招生考试英语模拟试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 完型填空 (共2题;共2分)1. (1分)根据短文理解, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。A fox once said to a cat, I have a whole bag of tricks(诡计). I know 1than a hundred different ways of2away from my enemies-dogs. Thats great, said the cat. As for(至于) me, I have only one trick, but it usually works. Will you please3 me some of yours?, Well, if I am not busy some day, Ill teach you one or two easier ones. Just at that moment they heard something 4. That was a dog. The cat climbed5 a tree quickly. This is my only trick, she called down to the fox. Which trick are you going to6 , Mr Fox? The fox sat there. He used his head7 one of his many good ways.The dog came nearer. The fox thought and8 . At last he found a way to run. Running away was 9 best way. But that was too late. Before he started10, the dog came to him. That was the end of the fox.(1)A . many B . more C . most D . much (2)A . run B . runs C . to run D . running (3)A . teach B . teaches C . taught D . teaching (4)A . comes B . to come C . coming D . is coming (5)A . to B . up C . at D . down (6)A . use B . uses C . used D . using (7)A . think B . think of C . to think of D . thinking (8)A . think B . thinking C . thought D . will think (9)A . an B . a C . / D . the (10)A . run B . to run C . to running D . ran 2. (1分)完形填空My name is Bill Clark. There are four people 1my family. I 2a sister but I dont have a brother. This is my 3. The computer is 4the desk. Books and tapes 5on the bookcase. 6is my schoolbag? Oh, 7is on my bed. My sisters room isnt 8. Her books are everywhere. Look! Here is a photo 9my family. My sister looks 10in her white jacket. We are all very happy.(1)A . at B . in C . on D . of (2)A . meet B . see C . have D . know (3)A . room B . school C . classroom D . picture (4)A . at B . on C . of D . with (5)A . is B . do C . have D . are (6)A . Who B . What C . How D . Where (7)A . it B . he C . they D . she (8)A . fun B . same C . tidy D . boring (9)A . of B . with C . to D . for (10)A . difficult B . well C . nice D . easy 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)3. (10分)阅读理解 Dear Grandma and Grandpa,How are you? I am fine. School is out already. On our last day, we went to a museum. It was fun until we all had to run through the rain to get on the bus. Even that was kind of fun, though. How was your camping trip? Dad says youre just getting back home this Wednesday. Ive been taking good care of Sparky for you. The dog sleeps at the foot of my bed on most nights. He and the cat have even been getting along. Dad says to tell you that our yard is looking good this year. Weve had lots of rain, especially last Friday the last day of schoolWhen are you coming to get Sparky? See you soon. Love,KyleDear Kyle,Our camping trip was wonderful! Weve already decided to come here again next year. From Ohio. We drove south to Kentucky. We enjoy looking at rocks, so we had decided to go to Mammoth Cave National Park. Id never seen so many rocks!Each day, we chose a different cave. We saw narrow(狭窄的)places and huge ones. In one cave, we were underground for more than two miles. Well come to get Sparky next weekend, if thats okay. Love,Grandma and Grandpa(1)What was the weather like on Kyles last school day? A . Windy.B . Rainy.C . Snowy.D . Cloudy.(2)On most nights, Sparky sleeps _. A . with Kyles catB . with Kyles dadC . on Kyles bedD . at the foot of Kyles bed(3)What does the underlined word cave mean in Chinese? A . 峡谷B . 山洞C . 悬崖D . 索道4. (10分)阅读理解 Movie NightPlace:School HallDay:FridayTime:8:00 p.m.-10:00p.m.Movie:Duckweed(乘风破浪)Stars(主演):Deng Chao, Zhao LiyingSchool Art FestivalDo you want to watch different kinds of programs(节目)? Come to the Art Festival in the school hall. You can come with your parents and friends.From9:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. every Saturday.School LibraryDo you have old books, newspapers or magazines(杂志)? Just bring them to the library.Office time:8:30 a.m.-5:00p.m.Basketball GameAttention, please! There is a basketball game between our school and No.3 High School in the gym at 4:30p.m. tomorrow. Please come and watch it.(1)We can on Friday night. A . see a movieB . watch a basketball gameC . give books to the libraryD . come to the Art Festival(2)There is a basketball game between and at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. A . our school; No.1 High schoolB . No.1 High school; No.3 High schoolC . our school; No.3 High schoolD . our school; No.3 Middle school(3)We can give old books to the library. A . at 9:00 a.m. on SundayB . at 6:00 p.m. on MondayC . at 10:00 a.m. on FridayD . at 13:00 p. m. on Friday5. (10分)阅读理解 Eric and Doris King Turner are packing their bags for New Zealand. Theyre busy deciding what to pack and what to leave behind in Britain and are making plans to extend their new home in Nelson. Doris is looking forward to getting the garden into shape and Eric has his heart set on a spot of fly fishing. The difference is that Eric is 102, Doris is 87. Eric thinks hes Britains oldest emigrant. In January next year Eric King Turner and his wife of 12 years will wave goodbye to their neighbors, and set sail from Southampton on the voyage of a lifetime. The ocean liner(远洋客轮)Saga Rose will take six weeks to get to Auckland and the couple are expecting a red-carpet welcome from family. Doris was born in New Zealand but gave up her homeland when the couple met and married in the late 1990s. But New Zealand is close to both their hearts and the attraction of family and friends, and the good fishing helped to persuade them to move. Doris, who has five children and nine grandchildren, supported her husbands application to settle in New Zealand. The paperwork took five months. Eric says. We not only had to produce a marriage certificate(证书)but we had to produce evidence that we were in a long and stable relationship! He also said he was not asked about his age but had to show that he could support himself financially(财政上)in New Zealand. I like New Zealand. The way of life is very much the same as it is here but it is not so crowded. His wife has always been a little bit homesick but has never complained. Now the couple are in the middle of the task of sorting out possessions and selling their flat. (1)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A . They decided to leave all the things behind in Britain.B . The wife always complained about the life in Britain.C . The couple will set up their new home in Nelson.D . Doris and Eric will go to New Zealand to hold the wedding.(2)The underlined word emigrant in Paragraph 1 probably refers to a person who . A . lives in a country foreverB . moves from one place to settle in anotherC . travels around the worldD . visits many places in a country(3)What makes the couples move to New Zealand special? A . Their age.B . The red carpet.C . The ocean liner Saga Rose.D . Their marriage certificate.(4)The best title of the passage may be . A . Better late than neverB . Eric and Doris King-Turner are packing their bagsC . To leave or not to leave, thats the problemD . Eric, 102, leaves Britain with his wife6. (10分)阅读理解 Mothers Day is a holiday for mothers. And on this day, mothers dont work. It is on the second Sunday in May. It is celebrated in the United States, England, Sweden, India, Mexico and some other countries. Little by little, it becomes widely celebrated. On that day, many people send presents of love to their mothers. Those whose mothers are still living often wear a pink or red rose or carnation(康乃馨), while those whose mothers are dead(去世) wear a white one.The idea of a day for mothers are first given by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia(费城). The celebration of the first American Mothers Day was held in Philadelphia on May 10, 1908. Soon the holiday became popular around the country and the world.(1)Mothers Day is on _. A . the second Saturday in MayB . the second Sunday in MayC . May the secondD . May the twelfth(2)When ones mother is still living, she often wears a_ rose or carnation. A . whiteB . pinkC . yellowD . blue(3)The idea of_ for mothers was first given by Miss Anna Jarvis. A . a presentB . a weekC . a dayD . A flower三、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共26分)7. (1分)根据下面的对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出最佳选项,使对话完整通顺。 (Carla and Victor are talking on the way home before the first day of the graduation exams.)A: Good morning, Carla!B: Good morning, Victor! We are leaving junior high school after the exams. I feel very sad.A: Me too.B: _A: Youre welcome.B: _ They gave us too much.A: Yes. Its hard for us to say goodbye. Our school life was unforgettable.B: Youre right. _A: I hope to pass the exams to get into senior high school.B: I trust you because youre the most excellent in our class. But Im going to an art school.A: _ I think youll be successful. By the way, our head teacher told me that we will have a graduation party the next day after the exams. _B: Sure. Thats great. Its the moment we have a gettogether.A. Your plan is pretty good.B. What do you hope to do after you graduate, Victor?C. Thanks for your help during my stay here.D. My time in junior high school was enjoyable.E. Would you like to come?F. Ill miss our teachers and classmates.8. (25分)根据短文内容,从方框中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。 People travelled to see the buildings, the food, the national dresses in foreign countries because they thought they would not be the same as those of their own countries in the past. _They all have their Hilton or Sheraton Hotels everywhere. They all have their McDonalds, their KFCs and their Pizza Huts. Office buildings look the same everywhere, and most city centers are full of office buildings. And of course, people are driving the same brands of Japanese or European cars.Then why is the foreign travel more popular nowadays? What do tourists hope to experience m a foreign country that they can not experience at home? The answer could be that people could be very interested in the past._Most people travel overseas to find out what foreign countries history and culture used to be like, not what they are like today. Tourists visit different kinds of museums in foreign countries so that they can learn their history and culture.Every country also has its own beautiful places for tourists to visit. _It is not just its old buildings, its works of art or beautiful places, but also the people who live in it. This is why a country such as Thailand attracts millions of people. The tourists come mainly because of the friendliness of the people there. It is why the Pacific islands are also so popular. _A. Its a nations history and culture that are main attractions. B. The friendly people make visitors feel welcome.C. Finally, another attraction is its food.D. At present, however, one large city is similar to another.E. Their own special scenery would certainly attract tourists from other countries.F. The culture of a country means a lot.G. People learn about foreign countries by surfing the Internet.四、 单词拼写,根据汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。 (共10题;共10分)9. (1分)The fridge is_(充满的) of food. 10. (1分)I want to be an astronaut. I want to go into space by_(火箭). 11. (1分)Hobbies can help us _(学习) new skills. 12. (1分)As far as we know, safety comes first_(无论什么) you do. 13. (1分)Tom is in the school _(图书馆). 14. (1分)How _ (完美的) the picture is! We all like it. 15. (1分)Is this Ginas pencil?No, that black pencil is h_.16. (1分)Jim _ (总是) asks his teacher some questions. 17. (1分)_(移动)the chair a little nearer. 18. (1分)Would you please give me _ (说明书) of the machine. 五、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)19. (1分)选词填空 can / cant/ does/ doesnt/ do /is/ am/ are/ have/ has(1)A kangaroo _hop. (2)A monkey _ climbing. (3)A lion _swim. (4)My mother _a teacher. (5)_a lion have a big head? 六、 短文改错 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)I want to go to the swim club.(改错) 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)2016年G20峰会花落杭州, 组委会需要招募志愿者若干。假如你叫林涛,请写一封应聘信。应聘条件:1. 为人友善;2. 有英语基础;3. 有做志愿者的经历。写作要求:1.内容须包含上述三个条件并作适当发挥;2. 词数:80左右(首句已给出,不计入总词数);3. 文中不得出现学校和个人的真实信息。参考词汇:be friendly to, be good at, have an experience ofDear sir/madam,I want to be a volunteer for the G20 Summit held in Hangzhou Yours,Lin Tao第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 完型填空 (共2题;共2分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)3-1、3-2、3-3、4-1、4-2、4-3、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、6-1、6-2、6-3、三、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共26分)7-1、8-1、四、 单词拼写,根据汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。 (共10题;共10分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、六、 短文改错 (共1题;共5分)20-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21-1、

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