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初一英语期末总复习练习(词汇部分)一、 词形转换同音词或字母1to_ 2 you_ 3 I_ 4 are_ 5 no_6 oh _ 7 meet_ 8 hi_ 9 see_ 10bye_11whos_ 12arent_13four_ 14its_ 15his_16knows_17their_ 反义词1good_ 2to_ 3yes_ 4that_ 5old_ 6in_ 7can_8same_ 9small_ 10right_11long_ 12black_13here_ 14tall_ 15come_16take_ 17up_18sit_ 19happy_20these_完全形式或缩写1cant_ 2dont_ 3doesnt_ 4isnt_ 5arent_6number_ 7mister_ 8I will_ 9Im_ 10hes_11theyre_12whats_13This is_14I am not_15 were_16 where are_17who is_ 18 Jane is_句型翻译下列句子1、 早上好!2、 欢迎到中国13、 见到你很高兴。4、 你好。5、 你好吗?很好,谢谢你。6、 再见。7、 你们来自北京吗?是的。8、 他是李明吗?9、 你来自哪里?我来自加拿大。10、 他们是谁?11、 请问你是简吗?12、 你的名字是什么?13、 你的电话号码是什么?14、 这是苹果吗?是的,它是。15、 那些是桔子吗?不,它们不是。16、 这个用英语怎么说?它是一块橡皮擦。17、 你几岁了?我十二岁。18、 你在哪个班?七四班。19、 你怎么拼写eraser?20、 你会拼写eraser吗?21、 谢谢你,不用谢!22、 你有小刀吗?有啊。23、 他有大耳朵。24、 你最喜爱的电影明星是谁?25、 我们在同一个学校,但在不同年级。26、 我们外貌不同。27、 她长得怎样?她像你一样高高的个。28、 这件T恤什么颜色?红色。29、 可是你看上去一样。30、 请把这封信给玛利亚。31、 穿黄色衣服的女孩是玛利亚。32、 他戴着一顶黑帽子,穿着蓝色鞋子。33、 我想这是李明的。34、 请帮我们找到他。35、 你能告诉我你的名字吗/36、 他想参观长城。37、 他说汉语吗?38、 你喜欢英语吗?是的,我很喜欢。、不,我一点也不喜欢。39、 你爸妈是干什么的?他们都是办公室职员。40、 他在哪工作?在一家农场。41、 请坐!42、 这是一张我的全家照。43、 随便吃些鱼吧,孩子们。44、 你早饭通常吃什么?45、 先生,可以点菜了吗?46、 你想喝点东西吗?47、 你想吃点什么?48、 为什么不来的鱼和蛋呢?49、 好主意!50、 给你。51、 请稍等!52、 我想给我女儿买些衣服。53、 夫人,需要帮忙吗?54、 我能试穿吗?55、 它们要多少钱?56、 我随便看看。57、 好的,我们买了。58、 你觉得这绿色的裙子怎样?59、 开玩笑吧?60、 仍然要谢谢你?61、 你想去西山野餐吗?好啊,我乐意。62、 你想和我一起唱歌吗?对不起,我没办法。63、 和我一起放风筝怎样?64、 我很想,可是恐怕我没时间。65、 这个周日你有空吗?有啊,什么事?66、 不要忘记带上你的吉他。67、 可以叫玛利亚接电话吗?对不起,她 不在。68、 你能叫她给我回个电话?69、 几点了?六点半。70、 我们九点在我家见面吧.71、 你最喜爱的动物是什么?72、 该是回家的时候了。73、 你怎么啦?74、 我找不到回家的路了。75、 让我帮你吧。76、 你真的太好了。77、 谢谢你的帮忙。78、 我们到了。 (基础知识部分) Unit 1 单元测试 .单项选择。( )1. _ is he? He is my friend.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhoD. How( )2. Mary and Joy are _ Class One. They are _ the U.S.A.A. from; inB. in; fromC. to; fromD. in; to( )3. _ Yes, Im Mike.A. Whats your name?B. What are you?C. How are you?D. Are you Mike?( )4. Is this _ car? Yes, its _ English car.A. a; anB. a; aC. an; anD. an; a( )5. What are those? _ are cakes.A. ThatB. TheseC. ItD. They( )6. Whats that _ English? Its a desk.A. fromB. toC. inD. /( )7. _ is she? Shes ten.A. How oldB. HowC. WhereD. What( )8. Is her name Kate? _A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isnt.C. Yes, its.D. No, it isnt.( )9. Im in Class 4. Are you in Class 4, _?A. pleaseB. tooC. andD. excuse( )10. This is my teacher, Miss Chen. _ is from Hebei.A. SheB. HeC. HerD. His( )11. Linda is fifteen _ old.A. a yearB. the yearC. yearsD. year( )12. Welcome to our school. _A. OK.B. Thanks.C. Excuse me.D. Hello.( )13. Thank you. _A. Youre welcome.B. Thats OK.C. Thanks.D. A and B.( )14. 当你被介绍认识某人后, 你应该说: “_”。A. Good morning!B. Thank you!C. Nice to meet you!D. How are you?( )15. 当别人称赞你时, 你应该说: “_”。A. Thanks.B. Good.C. Yes.D. No.Unit 2 Topic 1.单项选择。( )1. _ is your teacher? Its Miss Gao.A. WhatB. WhoC. WhereD. How( )2. Tony and I are good friends, but we are in different _.A. classesB. schoolC. gradeD. age( )3. Her hair _ black and long.A. hasB. amC. isD. are( )4. _ Wang Fang have two small eyes?No, she has two big eyes.A. DoesB. DoC. IsD. Are( )5. Mr. Lee is English. He comes from _.A. CanadaB. EnglandC. JapanD. China( )6. Look, the girl has long legs. _A. Thats right.B. Yes, she is.C. Thanks.D. Good.( )7. Does Li Ying have a small mouth? No, she has a wide _.A. itB. themC. oneD. ones( )8. I _ a big nose, but he _ a small nose.A. have; haveB. have; hasC. has; hasD. has; have( )9. They are in _ but in _.A. same grade; different classesB. the same grade; different classesC. same grades; different classD. the same grades; different class( )10. Do the two boys have big noses? _A. Yes, they are.B. No, they arent.C. No, they have big ones.D. Yes, they do.Unit 2 Topic 2.单项选择。( )1. _ orange is _ orange.A. An; /B. /; anC. An; anD. /; /( )2. Whats red and white? Its _.A. orangeB. greyC. greenD. pink( )3. _ is his hair? Its black.A. What classB. What gradeC. What colorD. Where( )4. Does Lucy look like Lily?Yes, she _. They _ the same.A. does; looksB. does; lookC. do; looksD. do; look( )5. What does Yang Ping look like? _A. He is a student.B. He is in China.C. He is twelve.D. He has a big head.( )6. Do you know Alice? _, I dont know her.A. SorryB. YesC. OKD. Thanks( )7. What color _ her shoes? Black.A. amB. isC. areD. be( )8. Excuse me, is Michael in black pants now?No. Hes in _ coat and _ pants now.A. black; a whiteB. a black; whiteC. black; whiteD. a black; a white( )9. Lucy, do you _ your sister, Lily? No, we have different looks.A. lookB. look atC. look the sameD. look like( )10. Thats my bag. Please _. OK.A. give it to meB. give me to itC. give it meD. give me itUnit 2 Topic 3.单项选择。( )1. Is the girl in red Jims sister? _A. Yes, she is.B. Lucys.C. No, Jims sister.D. Yes, Lucys.( )2. These are my pants. His _ yellow.A. is B. amC. areD. /( )3. Does Mary know _? Yes, she knows _.A. yours; meB. your; usC. you; usD. yours; us( )4. Whose cap is this? I _ its Li Mings.A. thinkB. helpC. findD. welcome( )5. _ apples are those? They are mine.A. WhatB. WhoC. WhoseD. These( )6. Is this coat yours?No, my coat is white and blue. This _ is blue. Its Lilys.A. coatB. oneC. colorD. clothes( )7. Are the black shoes _? No. Its _.A. Tom; herB. Toms; herC. Tom; hersD. Toms; hers( )8. My dress _ blue _ yours. I like (喜欢) its (它的) color, but it is too short.A. are; likeB. is; looksC. is; likeD. am; looks like( )9. Ill help you find him, Mary. _A. Not, it doesnt.B. Thats right.C. Thank you.D. Youre welcome.( )10. Please help Jack _ his bike. Its missing(不见了).A. findsB. givesC. findD. giveUnit2单元测试 .单项选择。( )1. _ jacket is this? I think its Mingmings.A. WhoB. WhosC. WhoseD. What( )2. What is _ name?A. his teachersB. her teachersC. his teachersD. her teachers( )3. Is it your dress? No. Its _.A. hersB. herC. myD. him( )4. What color is the T-shirt? Its _.A. an orangeB. orangeC. the orangeD. new( )5. The girl _ black is my sister.A. inB. atC. toD. from( )6. Do Lucy and Lily _ bikesYes. Lucy _ a new bike, but Lily _ an old one.A. has; has; haveB. have; has; hasC. have; has; haveD. has; have; has( )7. Is this Toms bike? _, I dont know.A. OKB. GoodC. YesD. Sorry( )8. Mary is in _ red clothes and her hair _ brown.A. /; isB. a; areC. an; isD. /; are( )9. What color _ your _, Mike?A. is; pantsB. is; pantC. are; pantD. are; pants( )10. Do you look like your sister? No, we _.A. look the sameB. look differentC. look likeD. look at( )11. _ bikes are red. _ are blue.A. We; TheyB. Our; TheirC. Our; TheirsD. We; Their( )12. The dress _ yours.A. lookB. looksC. looks likeD. are( )13. Please give this book _ Jack.A. atB. toC. inD. from( )14. You are nice in this dress. _A. Its right.B. No, it isnt.C. Thank you.D. OK.( )15. Please _ us find his bike.A. thinkB. helpC. guessD. know期中测试.单项选择。( )1. _ are you?Im twenty.A. HowB. How oldC. WhatD. Who( )2. My name _ Jack. Liu Ying and Sun Mei _ my friends.A. is; areB. is; isC. are; isD. is; am( )3. James is an English boy. He _ from England.A. comeB. isntC. comesD. arent( )4. Hi, Lucy. Your skirt is very nice. _A. Yes, its nice.B. Thats OK.C. Youre right.D. Thank you.( )5. _ your sister know Tom? No, she _.A. Do; dontB. Does; doesntC. Do; doD. Does; does( )6. What class are you in? Im in _, _.A. grade seven; class threeB. class Three; grade SevenC. Class Three; Grade SevenD. Grade three; Class seven( )7. What color is your bag? _A. Thats a red bag.B. Its red.C. Thats red.D. Its a red bag.( )8. Is the boy in white clothes your friend, Kangkang?No. _ in black clothes is.A. OneB. ThisC. ThatD. The one( )9. Is that girl Kate Green? Yes, _.A. youre rightB. thats all rightC. he isD. she isnt( )10. _, Tom. Is this your book? No, it isnt. I think its _.A. Excuse me; JackB. Sorry; JacksC. Excuse me; JacksD. Sorry; Jack( )11. Dongdong, _ car is that? Its _.A. whos; herB. whose; mineC. whose; herD. whos; my( )12. What does she look like? _A. Shes a student.B. Shes twelve.C. She has long arms.D. She likes apples.( )13. _ are good friends. Were in the same class.A. Kangkang and IB. I and KangkangC. Kangkang and Li MingD. Kangkang( )14. Do you know the girl _ red?Oh, she is my sister.A. /B. inC. atD. with( )15. _Theyre English books.A. Are these English books?B. Are those English books?C. How do you spell it?D. Whatre these in English? Unit 3 Topic 1.单项选择。( )1.Could I study English _ you?No problem.A. inB. forC. withD. about( )2.What does he _ in the letter?A. saysB. sayC. speakD. tell( )3._ you please tell me your name?Sure. Im Linda.A. DoB. AmC. CouldD. Is( )4.Whos the girl in red?Sorry, I dont know _._ is a new student.A. she; SheB. her; SheC. her; HerD. she; Her( )5.Where does he live?He _ in Shanghai.A. livesB. liveC. is liveD. to live( )6.Li Lei often _ Lin Tao _ his English.A. help; toB. helps; withC. helps; toD. help; with( )7.He doesnt like apples _.A. veryB. muchC. at allD. little( )8.I like the little cat a lot but she likes it _.A. a lotB. a littleC. lotD. much( )9.Sally often helps me study English. And I help her study Chinese. We help _.A. each otherB. othersC. the otherD. other( )10.He _ to visit China.A. wantB. to wantC. dont wantD. wantsUnit 3 Topic 2.单项选择。( )1. My family _ very big.A. amB. isC. areD. does( )2. His father and mother _ teachers.A. are bothB. are allC. both areD. all are( )3. Mrs. Zhang is _ office worker.A. aB. anC. /D. the( )4. _ does he work?In a hospital.A. WhatB. HowC. WhoD. Where( )5. What does Jack do?_A. Hes good.B. Hes fine.C. Hes well.D. Hes a student.( )6. Mom isnt in today. I look _ my little sister.A. atB. afterC. likeD. the same( )7. The man in brown is _ father.A. Lucys and LilysB. Lucys and LilyC. Lucy and LilysD. Lucy and Lily( )8. Come in (进来) and have a seat, please._A. Thanks a lot.B. Thats OK.C. Youre welcome.D. Im glad.( )9. Your mothers brother is your _.A. auntB. uncleC. brotherD. grandfather( )10. Tom and Kate are _.A. brothers and sistersB. brothers and sisterC. brother and sisterD. sisters and brotherUnit 3 Topic 3.单项选择。( )1. Would you like _ eggs?A. anyB. someC. muchD. a lot( )2. She doesnt have _.A. some milksB. any milksC. some milkD. any milk( )3. What would you like _ lunch?A. atB. onC. forD. in( )4. Why not _ some milk?A. eatB. drinkC. to eatD. to drink( )5. What would you like to drink?_A. Some cakes.B. Two glass of orange juice.C. Two glasses of apple juice.D. Two glasses of apple juices.( )6. Wed like _.A. eat somethingB. drink somethingC. something eatD. something to eat( )7. Would you like _ chicken?A. one B. two C. some D. three( )8. _ fish and eggs?A. Why notB. Why dont youC. LetsD. What about( )9. Whats his favorite food?_A. Apples.B. Rice and fish.C. A glass of juice.D. Something to eat.( )10. Lets go home._A. No, we dont.B. We cant.C. Lets go to school.D. OK. Unit 3 单元测试.单项选择。( )1. _ is the letter from?Its from Mike, my pen pal.A.WhereB. HowC. WhoD. What( )2. Tom speaks English. _ Jane _ English, too?A. Do; speaksB. Does; speakC. Do; speakD. Does; speaks( )3. My parents _ high school teachers.A. are bothB. both areC. are allD. all are( )4. Would you like _ juice, please?No, thanks. I dont like _.A. any; itB. some; itC. any; themD. some; them( )5. _ often helps _ with _ English.A. His; her; hersB. She; him; hisC. She; him; herD. He; me; mine( )6. Susan can speak Chinese, _ she doesnt like it at all.A. butB. soC. asD. and( )7. He _ the Great Wall.A. want to visitB. want visitC. wants to visitD. wants visit( )8. What does your father do?_A. He is a teacher.B. He is from China.C. He is fine.D. Hes 40.( )9. Is this a photo _ your family?A. inB. withC. toD. of( )10. He is kind _ me.A. veryB. toC. fromD. friendly( )11. Youre thirsty(口渴). _ have a glass of tea?A. Would you likeB. Would not youC. Why notD. Why( )12. May I have something _ supper?A. to drink forB. drinks forC. to drink inD. drinks at( )13. Id like _ orange juice, please.A. aB. anC. two glass ofD. a glass of( )14. Help _ to the chicken, children.A. youB. yourC. yourselfD. yourselves( )15. Lets _ dinner together.A. to haveB. haveC. hasD. / Unit 4 Topic 1.单项选择。( )1. I like these shoes. Can I _?A. try them on B. try on themC. try it on D. try on it( )2. Dad. Im sorry I cant find the shop._A. Not at all.B. Im not happy.C. Thank you all the same.D. You cant come back.( )3. The dress is very nice and Ill _ it.A. thinkB. takeC. wantD. bring( )4. Thats too expensive(贵的). _ thirty yuan?A. How manyB. How muchC. Why notD. How about( )5. He wants two _ salt and three _ eggs.A. bags; kilos B. bags of; kilosC. bags of; kilos ofD. bags; kilos of( )6. Twenty-two and thirty-seven is _.A. fifty-nineB. fifty nineC. forty-nineD. fifteen( )7. This pair of shoes _ mine. His are over there.A. will beB. isC. areD. be( )8. The box is too heavy._ Let me help you.A. Youre right.B. You cant study it well.C. Dont worry.D. Not at all.( )9. The clothes are one hundred yuan.One hundred yuan! _ you _?A. Do; kiddingB. Do; kidC. Is; kiddingD. Are; kidding( )10. How _ _ the apples?They are five yuan a kilo.A. many; areB. much; isC. many; isD. much; are Unit 4 Topic 2.单项选择。( )1. Dont forget to bring your kite._A. All right.B. Thats all right.C. Yes, I do.D. No, I dont.( )2. Do you have any time this afternoon?Yes. _A. What are you?B. Whats going?C. Whats up?D. Whats matter?( )3. Why not have a picnic _ this Sunday?A. inB. forC. atD. /( )4. Hello, Mike! _ Wang Wei.Mike? There is no Mike here. A. ImB. ThatsC. This isD. Its( )5. Lucy _ cook food for the picnic.A. haveB. have toC. hasD. has to( )6. What about having supper with me?Sorry. _A. Im free.B. I have time.C. Im afraid I have no time.D. I have some time.( )7. Please ask Jane _. Ill wait for her.A. call meB. give me a callC. to call me backD. giving me a call( )8. Can I tell him about it?_A. Sure, thanks.B. Yes, you can.C. Not at all.D. Thats OK.( )9. Would you like to go _ a picnic?A. forB. toC. atD. out( )10. Lets go shopping, OK?That would _ very nice.A. areB. isC. beD. am Unit 4 Topic3.单项选择。( )1. What are your favorite animals?_A. Cute.B. Tigers.C. Zoos.D. Baby.( )2. _ is it?Its six oclock.A. WhatB. What colorC. What timeD. How( )3.“12: 45”reads(读作) _.A. a quarter past twelveB. a quarter to twelveC. twelve forty-fiveD. three quarters past twelve( )4. Mike often gets up _ 6:40 _ the morning.A. in; inB. on; onC. at; atD. at; in( )5. Maria often _ breakfast at seven oclock.A. drinkB. hasC. haveD. eat( )6. Whats wrong _ you?A. aboutB. withC. ofD. on( )7. Its very kind _ him to cook food for his mother.A. forB. toC. ofD. with( )8. Its seven oclock, its time to _.A. goes homeB. go homeC. to go homeD. going home( )9. What time do you get up, Jim?I get up _.A. about six oclockB. at about six oclockC. about at six oclockD. six oclock( )10. _, whats the time, please?Its half past six.A. HiB. SorryC. HelloD. Excuse meUnit 4单元测试 .单项选择。( )1. What are your favorite animals?_A. Cute.B. Tigers.C. Zoos.D. Baby.( )2. _ is it?Its six oclock.A. WhatB. What colorC. What timeD. How( )3.“12: 45”reads(读作) _.A. a quarter past twelveB. a quarter to twelveC. twelve forty-fiveD. three quarters past twelve( )4. Mike often gets up _ 6:40 _ the morning.A. in; inB. on; onC. at; atD. at; in( )5. Maria often _ breakfast at seven oclock.A. drinkB. hasC. haveD. eat( )6. Whats wrong _ you?A. aboutB. withC. ofD. on( )7. Its very kind _ him to cook food for his mother.A. forB. toC. ofD. with( )8. Its seven oclock, its time to _.A. goes homeB. go homeC. to go homeD. going home( )9. What time do you get up, Jim?I get up _.A. about six oclockB. at about six oclockC. about at six oclockD. six oclock( )10. _, whats the time, please?Its half past six.A.

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