2019春六年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2《The sun is shining》课件3 (新版)外研版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2《The sun is shining》课件3 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2《The sun is shining》课件3 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2《The sun is shining》课件3 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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Module3Unit1 Thesunisshining Thesunisshining shine照耀 shine 现在分词 shining Listenandanswer 1 DidDaminghaveaninterestingdayonSaturday 2 Whatishesending 3 HowmanyphotosdidDamingsend Listenandanswer 1 DidDaminghaveaninterestingdayonSaturday Yes hedid 2 Whatishesending Heissendingsomephotos DearLingling Howareyou IhadaveryinterestingdayonSaturday Wehadapicnicinthepark Iamsendingyousomephotos ImisseveryoneinChina Pleasewritetomesoon Love Daming Lookatthesephotos Photo1 2 Whatcanyoufind 1 Wherearethey 3 What stheweatherlikenow 4 Whataretheydoing Photo2 Photo3 1 Whatcanyoufind 2 What stheweatherlikenow 3 Whataretheydoing Photo2 1 Whatcanyoufind 2 What stheweatherlikenow 3 Whataretheydoing Photo3 1 Whatcanyoufind 2 What stheweatherlikenow 3 Whataretheydoing Listenandrepeat 听音跟读 Thesunisshining wearehappy Thebirdsaresinging they relovely Theducksareswimming they rehungry Itisraining weplaysadly Thebirdsareflying flyingaway Theducksareeatingveryhappily Areyouhappyeveryday Oh yeah We rehappyeveryday Practiseinpairs Inthisphoto itis 天气 Theducks children Inthisphoto theducksareswimming Inthisphoto thefamilyishavingapicnic Inthisphoto thechildrenaremakingasnowman Readandwritedown T or F DearLingling Inthisphoto weareinthemountains Thesunisshiningandthewindisblowing 刮 Thecows 奶牛 aredrinkingwater Thebirdsaresinging Theducksareswimming Therabbitsarejumping SimonandIareplayinghide and seek 捉迷藏 Wearehavingalovelytime Love Daming 1 Theyareinthepark 2 Thecowsareswimming 3 Theducksareeating 4 Therabbitsarejumping 5 SimonandIareplayinghide and seek T F F F T 根据图中的提示 小组讨论后完成卡片 并进行展示 珍爱环境减少污染 Takegoodcareoftheenvironmentandtoreducepollution Homework Whenyouarehomeeverynight pleaselookCarefully Whatareyourfamilydoingfromseventohalfpastseven 观察一下晚上的七点到七点半这段时间 你的家人在做什么 Byebye

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