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3a Read the story and write the events in the correct order. 读这个故事,并按正确的顺序写出主要情节。 Ive never been late for school, but yesterday I came very close. My alarm clock didnt go off, 我上学从未迟到过,但昨天我差一点迟到了。我的闹钟没响,and by the time I woke up, my father had already gone into the bathroom and I had to wait for him。to come out. I had to really rush. I took a quick shower, and had some breakfast, and then ran off to the bus stop 所以等我醒来时,我的爸爸已经进入浴室了,我只好等他出来。我匆忙洗了个澡,吃点早餐,然后朝车站跑去. Unfortunately, by the time I got there, the bus had already left. I started walking,不幸的是, 等我到达那里的时候,公共汽车已经开走了。 我开始走。but I knew I couldnt get to school on time. Luckily, my friend Tony and his dad came by in his dads car and they gave me a ride. When I got to school, the final bell was ringing. I only just made it to my class. 但是我知道我不可能按时到校了。 幸运的是,我的朋友托尼和他爸爸乘坐他爸爸的车路过,他们让我搭了车。当我到达学校时,最后的铃声响了。我刚好赶到教室里。1. woke up late起床晚3a答案1. alarm clock didnt go off 2. father went to bathroom 3. woke up lat 4. took shower 5. has some 6. bus left 7. ran to bus stop 8. started walking 9. got a ride with a friend 10. bell ringing 11. got to school 12. go to class.3b Now answer these questions. Describe the circumstances in which these things happened. 现在回答这些问题。描述一下事情发生的情节。 1. Have you ever overslept? 你曾经睡过头过吗?2. Have you ever been late for school?你上学迟到过吗?3. Have you ever forgotten to bring your homework to school?你曾经忘记带作业而去上学吗?4. Have you ever locked your keys in your house?你曾经把钥匙锁在屋里过吗?5. Have you ever forgotten a relatives birthday?你曾经忘记过亲属的生日吗?6. Have you ever forgotten a doctors or dentists appointment?你曾经忘记过和医生或牙医的约定吗?1a Put these words in the correct columns in the chart. (Some words can go in more than one column.) 把这些词填入表格的正确栏目中。(某些词不只放入一个栏目中)fool invite costume embarrassed go off get up get dressed empty 愚弄,蠢人 邀请 服装 尴尬的 闹响 起床 穿衣服 空的,倒空 show up realize change clock exhausted stay up出席 发现 改变,零钱 钟 精疲力竭的 熬夜 Nouns 名词(people, place, things) (人、地、物) Verbs动词 (action words)(行为的词) Adjectives 形容词(words that describe) (描述性的词)fool 蠢人 fool愚弄embarrassed尴尬的costume服装 invite邀请 empty 空的change零钱empty倒空 exhausted精疲力竭的clock 钟go off闹响get up起床get dressed穿衣服show up出席 realize发现 change改变stay up熬夜2b Listen again. Who says each of the phrases below? Write “D” for Dave, “N” for Nick, and “J” for Joe. 再听一遍录音。下列每个词组是谁说的?戴夫说的写作“D”,尼克说的写“N”,乔说的写“J”。1. D a costume party 4. _J_ was exhausted D 一个服装舞会 J 精疲力竭2. _N_ my alarm went off 5. _D_ really embarrassed N 我的警报铃响了 D 的确尴尬3. _J_ stayed up all night 6. _N_ the other kids showed up J 熬了通宵 N 另外些孩子出现2c GROUPWORK 分组活动 Tell the April Fools Day stories. Use the information from the activities above. 用上述活动中的信息,讲述愚人节的故事。 A: What happened to Dave on April Fools Day? 愚人节那天戴夫发生了什么事? B: Well, a friend invited him to a costume party 噢,一位朋友邀请他参加一个服装舞会3a Which of these stories is the most believable? Why? Which is the least believable? Why? Would you be fooled by any of the stories? 这些故事中哪一个最可信?为什么?哪一个最不可信?为什么?你会什么被故事愚弄吗? In 1938, a radio program by actor Orson Welles announced that aliens from Mars had landed 在1938年,一个由演员奥森威尔斯主持的广播节目宣布,来自火星的外星人已经登on the Earth. He described where they had landed and told how they were moving across the 陆地球。 他描述了他们在什么地方登陆, 并告诉人们他们正在怎样席卷美国United Stares. Welles was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story, and panic set 威尔斯的话如此有说服力,以至于有数百人相信了这个故事,所以全国到处off across the whole country. By the time the authorities revealed that the story was a hoax, 一片惊慌。 待到权威机构揭露这个故事是个骗局时thousands of people had field from their homes.已经有数千人逃离了自己的家园。 One April Fools Day, a person in一个愚人节时,一位美国记者宣布,以England announced that there would be no 后不会再有意大利式细面条可以吃了, more spaghetti because the spaghetti 因为意大利的农民已经停止farmers in Italy had stopped growing 种植生产细面条的植物。spaghetti. Many people ran to their local 许多人跑到他们当地的超市supermarket to buy as much spaghetti as去尽可能多的购买意大利式细面条。 they could. By the time people realized 等到人们意识到那个故事是that the story was a hoax, all of the spaghetti个骗局时, 全国的意大利式细面across the country had been bought.条都被买光了。 A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend 一次,一位著名的电视明星邀请他的女友onto his show on April Fools Day. He ask her to 去参加愚人节的演出。 他请求她嫁给marry him. She was thrilled, because she really 他。 她非常激动,因为她真的很想结wanted to get married. However, when she said 婚。 可是,当她说“愿意” “Yes”, he replied “April Fool!” That little joke 时,他回答说:“愚人节的傻瓜!” 那个小玩笑didnt have a very happy ending. The TV star lost 的结局并不令人快乐。 那位电视明星both his girlfriend and his show.既失去了他的女友又搞砸了他的节目。3a答案The first story really happened. The radio program was called “ The War of the Worlds.”3b Write a magazine story about Nick in activities 2a and 2b. Use the notes below. 写出一段2a和2b中关于尼克的故事。注意使用下列注释。What happened first: alarm went off / got up / took a shower / got dressed / went to school 首先发生什么事: 闹铃响了 / 起床 / 洗澡 / 穿衣服 / 去上学/What happened next: got to school / school was empty / an hour later / other kids showed up 接着发生的事: 到学校 / 学校空了 /一小时后 / 另外些孩子出现What he realized: his brother / fooled him 他意识到了: 他的哥哥/ 愚弄了他3b答案On April Fools Day Nicks alarm went off. He got up and took a shower. Then he got dressed and went to school. When he got to school, the building was empty. An hour later the other kids showed up. Then he realized that his brother had fooled him. His brother had set his alarm and hour early.3c Write about a joke you played on someone or a joke someone played on you. Tell what happened first, what happened next, and what you realize. 写出一段你取笑过别人的笑话或别人取笑过你的笑话。说明首先发生什么事了,接着发生什么事了,你达到了什么目的。4 Can You Believe It? 你能相信它吗? Tell your funny story from activity 3c to the class. The class will vote for the: 把你3c中的滑稽故事讲给全班同学听。 班级选出:a. funniest joke最滑稽的笑话b. most embarrassing joke最尴尬的笑话c. most creative joke有创意的笑话 A: Whats your joke? 你的笑话是什么? B: Well, last year, on the first day of school, my sister put a piece of paper on my back that said 噢,去年,在开学的第一天,我的妹妹在我的后背上贴了一张纸,上面写着“请说你好”“Please say hello.” All day at school整整一天在学校SELFCHECK 自我检测课文详译1 Fill in the blanks with the words given. Then make your own sentences with the words. 用所给的词填空,然后用这些词造句。 rush realize invite show up stay up 冲 实现 邀请 出席 熬夜1. I was waiting for the school bus but it didnt come. Then I realized it was Saturday.我一直在等校车,但它没来。后来我才意识到那天是星期六。2. I woke up late this morning. I had to really rush to get to school on time.我今天早上起床晚了。为了按时报到,我真的匆忙赶到学校。3. Theres a good movie on TV tonight but its at l am. I dont want to stay up that late.今晚电视有部好电影,但要到一点钟才演。我不想熬夜到那么晚。4. Sally invited me to her birthday party. Its at her house on Saturday.萨莉邀请我去参加她的生日晚会。晚会周六在她家举办。5. Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didnt show up. 你知道约翰在哪吗?她早该来见我却还没露面。2 Look at the pictures and write about Mings day. 看图,写一段关于明的一天的情况。3 In each line, circle the word that doesnt belong. 在每行中,圈出不合群的单词。1. dentist homework relative fool 3. costume break down show up oversleep 牙医 作业 亲属 蠢人 服装 损坏 出现 睡过头2. embarrassed exhausted happy lock 4. empty go off stay up realize 窘迫的 精疲力竭的 高兴的 锁 空的 闹响 熬夜 发现3答案1. homework 2. lock 3. costume 4.emptyJust for Fun!小幽默! By the time I got home, I realized I had left my umbrella in the classroom. 我到家时,我才知道我把雨伞忘在教室里了。Changing English 变化的英语1 PAIRWORK 结对练习Discuss the questions about English with your partner. 和你的伙伴讨论英语的问题。1. When you want to say something in English, but you dont know the word, what do you do? 当你想用英语说些什么时,可你又不知道单词,你该怎么办?2. Are there any English words that Chinese people use when they speak to each other? 当他们互相交谈时有中国人使用的英语单词吗?3. Can you think of any difference between British and American English? 你能考虑一下英国英语和美国英语间有什么不同吗?2 Find these numbers in the reading and write what theyre for. 在阅读材料中找出这些数字,并写出他们表示什么意思。1950 In this year English started being more popular for science.1950年 在这年英语开始成为科学领域更受欢迎的语言。10.000 number of words in the South African dictionary not found elsewhere in the world 一万 在南非的词典中世界上别的地方所找不到的单词数。 a hundred number of years ago that German was the most popular language foe science 一百 德语成为科学上最流行的语言的年代。one billion number of people learning English 十亿 学习英语的人数375 million the number of native speakers of English 三亿七千五百万 以英语为母语的人数Changing English 变化的英语 Today, one in four people, or a quarter of the worlds population uses English, and as many as 如今,每四人中的一个或者世界人口的四分之一都使用英语。 而且有多达十one billion people are learning it. The worlds 375 million native speakers from Canada to New 亿的人在学英语。 全世界从加拿大到新西兰的三亿七千五百万以英语为母语的Zealand feel lucky. They already know the language everyone wants to learn. 人感到幸运。 他们已经掌握了每个人都想学的语言。New types of English are common wherever English is spoken. Singaporeans speak English, 只要有讲英语的地方,新型英语的出现就很常见。 新加坡人讲新加坡英语。their mixture of Chinese and English. For example, to ask, Where are you going?, they mix 即汉语与英语的混合物。 例如,要问:“你要去哪里?” 他们就会把英语的English words with Chinese grammar. You go where? In India, many people speak Hinglish, a 单词与汉语的语法混合在一起说:“你去哪里?” 在印度,许多人说印度英语,即印地语与mixture of Hindi and English.英语的混合。When you go to Egypt, people always say, “Welcome in Egypt.” Even Egyptian English 当你去埃及时, 人们总是说:“欢迎在埃及。” 甚至埃及的英语老师也这language teachers say this instead of “Welcome to Egypt.” Why do they say this? Its an example 样说来代替“欢迎到埃及来。” 他们为什么这么说呢? 这个例子of how English changes over time and from place to place. Using “in” after “Welcome” is normal 说明英语是怎样由于时间和地点的不同而改变的。 在“欢迎”之后用“在”在埃及是很in Egypt, but it sounds strange to native English speakers.普遍的,但是以英语为母语的人听起来却觉得很奇怪。 Languages are always changing. A hundred years ago, German was the most popular 语言总是在变化的, 一百年前,德语是科学上最流行的语言。language for science. Scientists had to learn German to read the latest information in science 科学家们为了读科技书上的最新信息必须学习德语。books. But by 1950, American inventions and ideas had helped to make English more popular. 可是到了1950年,美国的发明和思想促使英语成为更流行的语言。Some language teachers believe that if China begins to develop important technologies, such as 一些教语言的教师相信如果中国开始发展重要技术, 例如新型new types of computers, then Chinese might become the language every scientist wants to learn. 的计算机, 那么,汉语有可能成为每一位科学家都想学习的语言。Already, many business people are learning Chinese to help them do business in China. 已经有许多商业人士在学汉语来帮助他们在中国做生意。 Some native speakers may not like the changes to their language. It might be difficult to 一些以英语为母语的人可能不希望改变他们的语言。 要听懂新说英语的人understand what new English speakers are saying. Native English speakers often have problems 所说的话可能会很难。 母语为英语的人当他们到其他讲英语的国家when they go to other English-speaking countries. In South Africa, for example, when you ask for 去的时候通常会遇到麻烦。 在南非, 例如,当你问路的时候street directions, you might hear, “Turn right at the next robot.” What does this mean? Robot is the 你或许听到:“在下一个robot处往右拐。” 这是什么意思呢? Robot是South African English word for traffic light. The South African dictionary has 10,000 words that 南非英语中表示交通的词。 在南非的词典中有一万个单词是世界上别的地are not found elsewhere in the world.方所找不到的。 Another thing native English speakers may not like is the competition for jobs. A person who 另外一件以英语为母语的人可能不喜欢的事是找工作时的竞争。 一个把英speaks English as a second language has two very significant skillsspeaking English and 语作为第二语言而讲的人拥有两项非常重要的技能讲英语和他们的母语。speaking their own native language. When two people try for the same position, the one with two 当两个人同时竞争一个岗位时,会两种语言的那languages will often be the one who gets the job.个人往往会争取到工作。3 Match the words and expressions with their meanings. Then make sentences with the words and expressions.把意思相近的词或词组连接起来,然后用他们造句。quarter a. usual一刻 通常的normal b. important正常的 重要的traffic light c. job 交通岗 工作competition d. one in four 竞赛 四分之一significant e. red, yellow and green lights used to control cars at重大的 intersections 在十字路口支配车辆的红、黄、绿灯处 position f. trying to get something not everyone can have职务 尽量得到不是每人都能得到的东西3答案quarter d; normal a; traffic light e; competition f; significant b; position c4 Read the article and decide if these sentences are true of false. Correct the false sentences. 读短文,判断这些句子是正(true)还是误(false),并把错误的句子改正过来。 True False Egypt use the same greeting as everyone else. 埃及人使用与其他人相同的问候语。In South Africa, robots walk on the streets.在南非机器人在大街上行走。English is now the most popular language for science.英语是现在科学领域最流行的语言。Speaking more than one language is a good way to get a job.会讲多种语言是找到工作的良好途径。Hinglish is a mixture of Chinese and English.印度英语是汉语和英语的混合。4答案F Egyptians say Welcome in Egypt.F Traffic lights in South Africa are called robots.TTF Hinglish is a mixture of Hindi and English; a mixture of Chinese and English is called Chinglish.5 GROUPWORK 分组活动 English is made up of words from many different countries. Read the sentences and try to decide what the underlined words mean. Try to match the words with the languages they come from. 英语是由来自好多国家的词汇所组成的。读这些句子,判断划线部分词的意思,并把他们和语言来源的词连接起来。The mattress on my bed is too soft. a. Arabic我床上的垫子太软了。 阿拉伯语When I go to bed I like to wear pink pajamas. b. Turkish当我睡觉时我喜欢穿粉红色睡衣。 土耳其语I dont like flies, but I hate mosquitoes. They always bite me. c. Persian我不喜欢苍蝇, 但我憎恨蚊子。 他们总咬我。 波斯语When I swim, I wear a snorkel. I dont have to lift my head to breathe. d. Hindi 当我游泳的时候,我会戴水下呼吸管。我不必把头抬起来呼吸。 印地语Yoghurt is my favorite breakfast food. e. German酸奶是我最喜欢的食品。 德语We went shopping in a bazaar. It was so crowded! f. Spanish我到集市上买东西。人很多呀! 西班牙语Rich people dont have to drive their cars. They have chauffeurs. g. Italian富有的人不必要自己开车。 他们有雇用的司机。 意大利语She has a very high voice. I think shes a soprano. f. French 她的嗓音非常高。 我想他是一个女高音歌手吧。 法语5答案mattress Arabicpajamas Hindimosquitoes Spanishsnorkel Germanyogurt Turkishbazaar PersianChauffeur French Soprano Italian

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