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上海版2020届九年级下学期期中英语测试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 词汇用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共9分)1. (1分) (2016七下泰州期中) Look! Mrs. Gao _ (look) so beautiful in her new blouse.2. (1分) (2016九下兴化期末) Broadway has been well-known for its theatres since the early _century. (twenty)3. (1分) (2015八上扬州期中) My father _(出席) an important meeting in Nanjing yesterday.4. (5分) 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词Could you please _ (发送) a postcard to me when youre in Sydney? There used to be lots of sandstorms in Beijing years _ (以前).Our country is paying more attention to peoples _ (健康). More and more _ (西方的) people are interested in Chinese doctors.If You Are the One(非诚勿扰) is one of the most popular _ (节目) on TV now.5. (1分) (2016九下凉州期中) Mom couldnt stand the mess in my room, so she asked me _(clean) it right now.二、 语法与情景会话。 (共25题;共50分)6. (2分) I can play _ guitar and _ piano. A . the; theB . the; /C . /; /D . a; a7. (2分) (2018八上云浮期中) Though Tom is a boy, he can count from one to one hundred. He is very smart. A . threeB . three years oldC . thirdD . three-year-old8. (2分) He can walk_ two legs.A . inB . onC . at9. (2分) (2019七上河源月考) _ my sister, Jane and _ my parents. A . Shes; thatsB . This is; those areC . This is; thatsD . That is; these is10. (2分) Excuse me, could you tell me ?Two. David will go with me.A . who you will go withB . how many tickets you have bookedC . how many tickets did you bookD . when you are leaving for Hangzhou11. (2分) (2016七下龙湾期中) We are all _the lessons for the coming exams. We want to get good grades. A . looking atB . looking forC . going outD . going over12. (2分) (2019广东会考) Does making the sea clean have to do with us? Yes,each of us should play a part _ the environment.A . in improvingB . to improveC . for improvingD . improve13. (2分) We _ have a sports meeting this weekend if it _.A . wont; rainsB . will; rainsC . wont; will rainD . are going to; is going to rain14. (2分) Have you written anything on Chinese traditional medicine so far? _, but I have a plan for it.A . Ever sinceB . Later onC . Not yetD . From now on15. (2分) Air pollution is becoming more and more serious, _ action must be taken to stop it. A . soB . butC . orD . until16. (2分) Enough sleep is good for health. If you for your favorite games, you will be exhausted the next day.A . stay upB . show upC . give up17. (2分) (2016九下兴化期末) - The secretary is already on the way to the company, she?- She was badly hurt in the accident and sent to the hospital.A . hasnt; YesB . hasnt; NoC . isnt; YesD . isnt; No18. (2分) (2018七上紫金期中) How are you? A . How do you do?B . Nice to meet you.C . Fine, thank you.D . How are you?19. (2分) I kept my promise to my daughter by sending her a gift on her birthday. A . talentB . messageC . present20. (2分) Mum, Ive got _ important to tell you. Whats up(怎么了)?A . nothingB . anythingC . somethingD . everything21. (2分) (2018七上龙湖期中) There are two bedrooms in their home. _ is next to their parents. A . Lucy and LilyB . Lucy and LilysC . Lucys and LilysD . Lucys and Lily22. (2分) Im going to _ from Uncle Wang.A . get back itB . get it backC . get out itD . get it out23. (2分) - _ father took part in the charity activity in the neighbourhood yesterday?- Peters.A . Whose B . WhatC . WhichD . Who24. (2分) (2017鄂州) Please tell me something about Yang Liwei.He is a great astronaut of _ all the Chinese are proud.A . thatB . whoseC . whoD . whom25. (2分) I dont like this small bag. Would you please show me_? A . the otherB . otherC . another26. (2分) (2015八上舟山期中) He to sleep already. I him about it tomorrow. A . went; am tellingB . has gone; toldC . went; will tellD . has gone; will tell27. (2分) (2017八上巴南月考) I was at the movie theater at nine oclock yesterday evening. What about you?I _ a TV show at home.A . am watchingB . was watchingC . will watchD . watched28. (2分) (2016八上河北期中) Class was over. All the students stopped and went out. A . writeB . to writeC . writingD . wrote29. (2分) In recent years, many children are made _ what they are not _. A . to do; interested inB . to do; interestedC . do; interestedD . do; interested in30. (2分) Its raining heavily all day, so we _ stay at home.A . canB . mustC . have to三、 选择方框中的动词词组填空。 (共1题;共4分)31. (4分) 将下列单词填入空格,每个单词只能填一次 A. other B. correct C. each D. decisions E. societyWe all have three people within us. One of them is a parent, the other is an adult and the third is a child. The parent: when the parent in our head controls us we _people, we tell them how to behave as our parents told us to behave. The good side of the parent is ca ring for people and passing on the traditions of _. The bad side of the parent is giving more importance to traditions and rules than to the needs of the individual. The adult: the adult in our head looks carefully at information and tries to think of sensible ideas. Our adult is open-minded to new situations and to _people and their feelings and opinions. The good side of the adult is thoughtfulness and openness to new ideas. The bad side of the adult is not making _quickly and not giving importance to enjoyment, etc. 四、 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 (共1题;共2分)32. (2分) 明天我们什么时候出发? When will we _ _ tomorrow?五、 完型填空。 (共1题;共15分)33. (15分) There was a time when I thought my dad didnt know how to be a good father. I couldnt1 him ever saying the words “I love you.” It seems to me his only purpose in life was to say “2” to anywhere I wanted to go and anything I wanted to do, including getting a3. Some parents bought their kids cars when they got their drivers licenses. Not my dad he said that Id have to get a job and buy my own.So that is what I did. I got a job at a very nice restaurant and4 every penny I could and when I had enough to buy my car, I did! The day I brought that car home, my dad was the first one I wanted to5 it off to. “Look, dad, a car of my own. If you ever want a ride, you only need to pay me five dollars.” I offered with a smile.“I see,” was all he said.One day, there was something wrong with my fathers truck. So he needed a6to work. The sun wasnt even up when we left the house, 7it was already getting warm out. It was going to be a hotday. As my dad got out of my car, I 8him, dressed in his work clothes, getting his9 from the truck (车尾箱) of my car. Watching his sun-weathered face, and even from a distance I could tell there were10lines than I ever remembered being there before. I realized how hard my dad works for the family. My father is a cement finisher(水泥修整工).Suddenly, it came up with me that he actually got down on his hands and knees to sweat over hot concrete(混凝土) to make a living for his family. And he did this day in and day out,11hot it got. Never, not once, had I heard him 12about it. To him we were “worth” it. And never once did he ask us to pay for it.When he closed the trunk, his tools set off to the side, he walked over to my window to 13me five dollars. I rolled down the window and said “Good-bye, dad. Keep your five dollars. Its my 14. Dont work too hard. I love you.”His eyesmet mine, then glanced away in the direction of his waiting tools, he 15his throat(喉咙) and said, “Oh, and me, too.(1)A . like B . remember C . forget D . care (2)A . Sorry B . Yes C . No D . Well (3)A . car B . friend C . job D . present (4)A . spent B . earned C . kept D . saved (5)A . take B . put C . turn D . show (6)A . ride B . leave C . trip D . hurry (7)A . as B . although C . but D . since (8)A . helped B . followed C . left D . watched (9)A . tools B . clothes C . luggage D . bag (10)A . fewer B . more C . longer D . less (11)A . whatever B . whenever C . wherever D . however (12)A . talk B . complain C . ask D . speak (13)A . hand B . borrow C . lend D . take (14)A . help B . advice C . treat D . idea (15)A . cleaned B . wiped C . cleared D . felt 六、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共20分)34. (10分) News 1Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, won the World Food Prize on Monday. Yuan developed the worlds first popular and widely known hybrid rice. Hybrid rice plants can make more rice than regular ones.News 2Have you ever got angry at books that are full of mistakes? Dont worry, things will get better soon. Last week, China started checking textbooks, dictionaries and childrens books all over the country. The government said the results of the check would come out at the end of June.News 3People will see a new star in the sky soon. China plants to send a satellite into space by December 2006.It will stay in space for one year. It will go around the moon and take pictures. It must be very expensive, right? Thats for sure,1.4 billion yuan!News 4Have you ever thought of being able to fly around the world in a few hours? One day, maybe you can. Last Saturday, the American X-43A airplane made its first flight. It reached a speed of 8,000 kilometers per hour. This makes it the fastest plane in the world.X-43A is only three to four meters long, but its very heavy. It weighs 1,270 kilograms.(1) The satellite sent by China will move around _.A . the moonB . the earthC . the sunD . the mars(2) The speed of the fastest plane in the world is _.A . 1.4 kilometers per secondB . 43 kilometers per minuteC . 1,270 kilometers per hourD . 8,000 kilometers per hour(3) The checking of textbooks, dictionaries and childrens books will _.A . make a lot of moneyB . make the children sadC . make sure there are no mistakes in themD . make sure the books are not too expensive(4) Which of the following statements about the new star is NOT true?A . It will go around the moon.B . It will stay in space for two years.C . It costs a lot.D . It will go into space by December 2006.(5) Yuan Longping won the World Food Prize because _.A . he likes to eat hybrid riceB . he is a successful fatherC . he grows more rice than othersD . he developed the worlds first popular and widely grown hybrid rice35. (10分) (2016桂林) 阅读理解DHe Jiang, a postgraduate(研究生)in biology. will become the first Chinese student to give a speech in the commencement(毕业典礼)at Harvard University on May 26, 2016.Given the highest honor by the university, He Jiang, who was born in a small village in Hunan province, said, People in China often believe that its useless to study and children from the countryside cannot be successful in the future. However, I cannot agree with them. Education can change a persons life. I hope my experience can encourage the students from the countryside to spare no effort in study and make their dreams come true.Different from many other families in the village, his parents never thought about finding a job in big cities and leaving their two sons at home without their care. His father was strict about their studies. He and his younger brother studied at home while the other kids in the village played in the fields. Unlike his strict father, his mother took her sons side when her husband scolded the boys. She preferred to sit with her sons when they studied rather than chat with other women in the village.Getting the chance to speak at the commencement is no accident. During his first days in Harvard, it was quite difficult for him to follow the professors in class and he was speechless in campus because of his poor English. Instead of giving up, He Jiang spent all his free time on English. He also made friends with natives to improve his speaking English. One year later, he had little difficulty in class and soon became one of the top students in his class. With the encouragement from Professor Diana Eck. He Jiang decided to apply(申请)for the chance to speak at the commencement.“Few Chinese students had applied before, but I wanted to have a try. I just want to realize my idea of letting more people hear the voice from China and telling them that China is not what it used to be. said He Jiang. After beating three students from Harvard Kennedy School in the third and final round, He Jiang made it to get the chance to speak at the commencement.He Jiang will go to Massachusetts Institute of Technology after graduating from Harvard.(1) Where will He Jiang give the speech? A . Harvard University.B . Hunan Province.C . Harvard Kenney School.D . Massachusets Institute of Technology.(2) The underlined part means . A . get ready for studyB . try their best in studyC . enjoy themselves in studyD . be interested in study.(3) Which of the following is true according to the passage? A . He Jiang is the only child in the family.B . Both of He Jiangs parents were very strict with him.C . He Jiangs parents never tried to find a job in a big city.D . He Jiang often played in the fields with other kids in the village.(4) Paragraph 4 mainly tell us . A . how He Jiang got the chanceB . how hardworking He Jiang wasC . why He Jiang applaied for the chanceD . what He Jiang studied in Harvard(5) From the passage, we can know that . A . like father, like sonB . the early birds get wormsC . practice makes perfectD . where there is a will, there is a way七、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)36. (5分) A: Hello, is that Wu Bin speaking?B: Yes. Whos that?A: This is Tian Hong. Are you free this Saturday evening?B:_A: Ive got two tickets to Jay Chous concert._B: Certainly, Id love to. Hes my favorite singer. Its very nice of you._A: Lets meet at the gate of the park at four oclock.B:_I want to buy him a gift.A: OK. Ill get there at three. Shall we go to the shopping center to buy the gift?B: _See you then.A: See you.A: Would you like to go with me? B: Sounds good.C: When and where shall we meet? D: Ill see a movie.E: Could you please get there earlier? F: Yes. Whats up?八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)37. (5分) 书面表达。亲爱的同学, 你生活中有烦恼, 学习有压力吗?那我们应该如何正确面对烦恼,有效缓解心理压力呢?请根据提示以“How to solve our stress”为题写一篇80词左右的短文,开头已给出,不计入字数;语言表达准确规范,语句通顺连贯;提示内容必须用完。提示:1积极参加体育锻炼,有一个健康的身体。2多与老师、家长和朋友交谈, 说出自己的烦恼。3多听听音乐,多看看书。4尽自己最大努力学习,勇敢面对自己的成绩。5. 如果经常压力太大,可以去看看医生。How to solve our stressWe all have some problems and in our lives. How should we solve them?第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 词汇用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共9分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略二、 语法与情景会话。 (共25题;共50分)6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略三、 选择方框中的动词词组填空。 (共1题;共4分)31、答案:略四、 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 (共1题;共2分)32、答案:略五、 完型填空。 (共1题;共15分)33、答案:略六、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共20分)34、答案:略35、答案:略七、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)36、答案:略八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)37、答案:略

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