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Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?I. Words:1. consider v. 思考,认为,考虑n. consideration2. provide v. 提供;供应;供给3. continue v. 继续,坚持下去4. programming n. 编程(programmer)5. sail v. 航行, 在上航行6. Pacific n. 太平洋7. including prep. 包括,包含 v. include8. translate v. 翻译 n. translator translation9. trek (trekked; trekking) v. 长途跋涉 10. fascinating adj. 迷人的,有极大吸引力的11. thrilling adj. 令人激动的(=exciting) thrilled(=excited) n. thriller 恐怖片12. (in)convenient adj. (不)方便,(不)便利的n. convenience13. report v. 报道 n. reporter14. willing adj. 乐意的,自愿的,心甘情愿的15. tower n. 塔,塔楼16. church(es) n. 教堂17. underground n. 地下的18. Confucius 孔子19. attitude n. 态度20. pack v. 把. 打包/装箱(backpack)21. wine n. 葡萄酒, 酒22. sight n. 风景,名胜(常用pl)= a place of interest23. spotlight n. 公众注意的中心24. general n. 一般事物,一般原则25. firm n. 公司(company)26. spot n. 地点,场所27. jungle n. 热带丛林28. sportspeople n. 爱好运动的人; 运动员(athlete)29. similar adj.相似的,相像的30. conclusion n.结论31. Amazon (南美洲大河)亚马逊河32. Florida n. (美国)佛罗里达州33. cathedral n. 总教堂34. Ace Travel 文中指一旅行社35. lively adj. 充满活力的,生机勃勃的,活泼的 live v. /liv/ 居住 adj. /laiv/ 直播的,活的 living adj. 活着的,有生命的(alive 只能做表语)36. eastern/western/southern/northern (来自)东/西/南/北/方的37. tiring adj. 引起疲劳的,累人的(tired)38. educational adj. 教育的,有教育意义的 n. education 教育39. peaceful adj. 平静的,宁静的,和平的(n. peace和平)40. touristy adj. 游客很多的,游客常去的,适合旅游的 n. tour 观光,巡回(演出); 到旅游41. (in) expensive adj. (不)昂贵的42. dream n. 梦想,幻想 v. 做梦;梦到43. light adj. 轻的(heavy) 浅色的(dark) n. 电灯,光线44. fall n. 瀑布(常用pl)v. 摔倒,落下45. finding n. 发现;发现物(v. find)II. Phrases:1. consider doing sth. 考虑做某事2. be willing to do sth. 乐意(做某事) 3. so that 以便 4. according to 根据5. one of the liveliest cities 最有活力的城市之一6. in general 总的来说,大体上来说7. quite an expensive place=such an expensive place =so expensive a place 消费相当高的一个地方8. provide sb. with sth. / provide sth for sb.为某人提供某物9. continue sth./doing sth./ to do sth.继续做某事 go on to do (继续做另一件事) go on doing sth. / go on with sth.(继续做同一件事)10. quite a few 相当多, 不少11. trek(trekked/trekking)through the jungle穿越丛林 go trekking in the Amazon jungle 穿越亚马逊丛林12. be convenient to do sth 做某事很方便13. take it easy 从容,轻松,不紧张14. sail across the Pacific驾船横渡太平洋15. call sb. back 给某人回电话16. hold on to sth./ doing sth. 继续,坚持,保持做某事17. fantastic sights迷人的景点18. some day(将来)/ one day(过去/将来) 某一天19. take the underground train=take the subway乘地铁20. translate into 把翻译成21. have similar hopes有着相似的梦想/希望22. travel spots 度假的好去处23. pack light/warm clothes 装上薄(浅色)/暖和的衣服24. A be similar to B A 和B相似(A和B为同类事物)(sb.)be familiar with sth. 某人对某事熟悉(sth.)be familiar to sb 某事对某人来说很熟悉25. have a “winners” attitude拥有成功者的心态26. go on a nature tour 自然之旅27. have a great whale watch tour 有一次很棒的鲸鱼秀之旅28. the Amazon Jungle of Brazil 巴西的亚马逊丛林29. Niagara Falls (北美洲)尼亚加拉大瀑布30. the Eiffel Tower (法国巴黎) 埃菲尔铁塔31. Notre Dame Cathedral (法国)巴黎圣母院32. be supposed to do sth. 理应/应该做某事33. dream of/about sth./doing sth. 梦想,幻想,向往34. thousands of 数以千计的,许许多多的35. as soon as possible 尽快地36. depend on 决定于(=Its up to sb./sth.)37. be stressed out=be under a lot of pressure 压力很大38. be away for three weeks离开三个星期39. somewhere warm/relaxing 比较暖和/轻松的地方40. outdoor activities 户外运动41. relax on the beach 在沙滩上休息42. pay for/ spend on/ cost/区别have a good education受到好的教育Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city park.I. Words:1. cheer v. 使振奋 adj. cheerful/cheerless adv. cheerfully2. hunger n.饥饿 adj. hungry-hungrier-hungriest3. repair(大) fix(零部件) mend(小) v. 修理;修补4. pleasure n.愉快;快乐 v. please 请 adj. pleased 感到满意的 pleasant 令人愉快的5. fetch v.= go and bring /get 取来;接来6. imagine v. 想象 n. imagination想象力 adj. imaginable 可以想象的 7. set (set; setting) v. 摆放;放置8. similar adj. 相似9. shut (-shut-shut; shutting) /close v. 关上(门、盖、窗户)10. website n. 站点11. fill v. 装满; 填满12. blind adj. 盲的13. deaf adj. 聋的14. advertisement (ad) n. 广告(活动)v. advertise 登广告15. disabled adj. 残疾的 v. disable 使残疾(able-unable-disable-disabled)16. establish v. 建立;创立;设立17. support v. 支持;帮助18. appreciate v. 感激19. donate v.捐赠;赠送 n. donation 捐赠物;捐款20. strategy (strategies) n. 方法;策略21. sign n. 标牌;招牌 v. 签字;打手势22. commitment n. 奉献;忠诚;辛劳23. elementary /primary adj. 基础的;初级的;小学的24. veterinarian n. 兽医25. call-in 听(观)众来电直播节目26. generous adj. 大方的,慷慨的27. pronoun n. 代词 28. adverb n. 副词29. preposition n.介词30. conjunction n.连词31. organization n. 组织;机构;系统 v. organize adj. organized n. organizer32. carry v. 搬运;携带33. homeless adj.无家可归的34. major adj. 主要的;重大的35. specially adv. 特意的;专门地 special adj. 特别的 n. 特别的人或事物36. coach = train v. 训练;指导 n. 教练37. cannot=cant modal v.II. Phrases:1. put off sth. /doing/put it off (v.+adj.)推迟2. not onlybut(also)不仅而且(就近原则;倒装)3. give out =hand out ( v.+ adv.)分发,发放4. take after =look like(外貌)/be like(性格)与相像(be similar to 和相似)5. set up ( v.+ adv.)=establish =start 建立,创立,开办6. fix up ( v.+ adv.)repair修理,修补7. work out ( v.+ adv.)产生结果,发展,成功,算出8. cheer up ( v.+ adv.)使高兴振作9. put up (signs) ( v.+ adv.) 张贴(标牌) 展示,;搭建;举起10. be proud of=take pride in 为而感到自豪,骄傲11. be home to 是的家园12. put to good/bad use 把加以(好好)利用/没有好好利用13. get to do sth. =start /begin doing / to do着手/开始做某事14. fetch sth. for sb. 替某人取来某物15. give away 赠送,分发give away sth. to sb .=donate sth . to sb.16. a major/great commitment一个重大的,主要的贡献17. disabled people 残疾人18. make it possible for sb to do使得某人有可能做(find)19. fillwith用来填满be filled with =be full of 填满,充满20. help (sb.) out(with) 帮助(某人)脱离困境21. in an after-school study program 在课后学习班22. volunteer (ones time) to do 自愿(付出时间)做23. a student volunteer project 一个学生志愿者项目24. coach a soccer team for little kids训练儿童足球队25. train sb to do 训练某人做26. understand different instructions 明白不同的指示27. a group of 一群;一组 groups of 几群28. a radio interviewer 一位电台记者29. a care center 看护中心 (care about 在乎 care for 喜欢;照顾)30. one day last year(一般过去时) 去年的一天31. part of speech 词性32. run out of = use up 用尽 (主语是人)33. think up ( v.+ adv.)=think of=come up with 想出34. be used/zd/ to do sth. =be used for doing sth.被用来做某事get/be used/st/ to doing 习惯做某事 used /st/ to do过去常常做某事35. thank sb.for /thanks for sth./doing sth.为某事感谢某人appreciate sth. 感激某事36. sick kids 生病的孩子(ill 只作表语,不作定语)37. clean up(v.+ adv.)打扫干净,收拾整齐clean-up n.打扫38. face challenges面对挑战39. at once=in a minute=right away=right now立即,马上40. hang out ( hang-hung -hung) 闲荡Unit 9 When was it invented?I. Words:1. invent v.发明;创造 n. invention inventor6. produce v.生产;制造;产生n. product产品 producer 生产者;制造者;产地 production 产量;生产过程10. create v.创造;创作;创建 adj. creative 有创造力的;创作的n. creature生物15. develop v.(使)发展;(使)成长;(使)发达 n. development adj. developed(发达的); developing(发展中的)16. rise (-rose-risen) v. &n. 上升;达到较高的水平等 18. shoot (-shot-shot) v. 投篮;射击24. adjustable adj. 可调整的 v. adjust59. some time(a little time一些时间) /sometime(某个时间)/ sometimes(副词,有时候)/ some times (a few times 几次)60. pleasant adj.(指物)合意的;令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的v. please.使满意;使愉快-adj. pleasing (指物)令人高兴的;令人满意; pleased(指人)高兴的;满意的;愉快的; n. pleasure 高兴;愉快;乐事61. popularity n. 普及,流行 adj. popular62. mixture n.混合;混合物v. mix63. safe adj. 安全的n. safety II. Phrases:1. be used for doing =be used to do用来做 be/get/become used to doing 习惯于做used to do 过去常常做2. notice sb. do/ doing留意到做(find/watch/see/hear/listen to)3. by mistake 错误的4. in 1950s 在20世纪50年代5. knock into 与相撞6. divide into 把分为(几个部分)7. in the sixth century 在6世纪8. sprinkle sth. on sth. 将某物撒在某物上9. modern inventions 现代发明10. send back 送回11. cut too thick 切得太厚12. in a bad/good mood 心情不好/好13. change the style of your shoes 改变你鞋子的风格14. an ancient Chinese legend 一个中国古老的传说15. boil drinking water 烧开水16. over an open fire在露天火堆上17. the aim of sth/doing sth. 的目的18. the popularity of basketball 篮球的普及19. a hand-held calculator 手持计算器20. personal computers 个人电脑21. battery-operated slippers 电池供电的拖鞋22. this heated ice cream scoop 冰淇淋加热勺23. shoes with adjustable heels 可调后跟的鞋24. moveup and down 上下移动25. microwave oven 微波炉26. light bulb 电灯泡27. from casual to dressy 从休闲到正式28. a flying disk 飞碟29. pie plates比萨盘子30. on a hard wooden floor在坚硬的木地板上31. a net hanging from a metal hoop一张悬挂在铁环上的网32. notuntil 直到才33. by accident=by chance 偶然的34. according to 根据;按照;据所说35. fall into 落入;陷入fall down 摔倒36. take a history class 上历史课37. throw to 扔给(善意行为)38. in this way 这样39. the number of 的数目 a number of =many 许多40. a pleasant smell一股香气be much-loved 很受欢迎的=be popularUnit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.I. Words:4. marry v. 嫁,娶,与结婚 adj. married n. marriage5. *embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的,令人为难的embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,为难的v. embarrass 使(某人)觉得不自然,忸怩,尴尬或害羞n. embarrassment 窘,局促不安,焦急,忧患6. *exhausted adj. 感到极其疲惫的,精辟力竭的 exhausting 令人极其疲惫的,精辟力竭的v. exhaust 使非常疲惫7. *convincing adj. 令人信服的,有说服力的 convinced 感到信服 v. convince 使信服8. *oversleep(overslept-overslept) v. 睡过头,睡得很久9. *fool v. 愚弄,欺骗 n. 愚人,白痴adj. foolish(silly, stupid )傻的,愚蠢的,笨的11. announce v.宣布,宣告n. announcement announcer播音员,广播员17. flee (fledfled) v. 逃,逃走( = escape, run away) Review 610 26. get (got-gotten/got) v. 收到,接到,得到某事物,达到某状况或情况(forget-forgot-forgotten)27. break (broke-broken) v. 碎,破,断,坏,违反,中断28. thrill v. (使) 非常激动,非常紧张thrilling adj. =exciting 令人激动,兴奋 thrilled感到激动, 兴奋29. farm v. 种田,务农,饲养动物 n. 农场n. 农民farmer 30. describe v. 描述,描绘 n. description31. (un)fortunate=(un)lucky adj. (不)幸运的(un)fortunately=(un)luckily (不)幸运地32. invite v. 邀请 invitation n.33. leave v. 离开 leaveleftleftII. Phrases:1. by the time 到时候,到之前2. make it 办成功,做到,赶到3. show up = appear=come along出现 4. fool sb. 愚弄某人be fooled by sb.被愚弄5. run off to sp. 跑掉,迅速离开到某地 =leave for sp. in a hurry6. go off 发出响声7. run all the way to school 一路跑去学校8. come very close 差一点儿(迟到)9. come by 过来,经过10. break down 出毛病,坏掉,(精神)崩溃,瓦解11. give sb. a ride 坐顺风车12. set off 激起,引起13. sell out 卖完,售光(有被动语态)14. stay up all night studying 熬一整夜学习15. marry sb. 和某人结婚 get married (to sb.) 和某人结婚16. no wonder 难怪17. a costume party 一个化装舞会18. change the clock to an hour earlier把钟调早一个小时19. flee from 逃离20. lock the keys in the house 把钥匙锁在家21. forget(forgot-forgtten) a relatives birthday 忘记一个亲戚的生日22. forget a doctors or a dentists appointment忘记医生或牙医的约会23. last April Fools Day 上个愚人节24. move across the United States 在全美蔓延25. invite sb onto the show 邀请某人参加节目26. have/has a happy ending 有一个好的结局27. lose both his show and his girlfriend 不但丢了女朋而且还没有做成节目28. rush to get to school 冲去学校29. the most/least believable 最令人信服的/最不令人信服的30. vote for为投票31. no more/no longer/ notany more/ notany longer再也不,没有32. bothand与neithernor和eitheror的区别33. so that 如此以致于/ so that以便34. get dressed 穿衣服35. on time 按时 in time 及时36. stop growing spaghetti 停止生产意大利面条(stop to do/ doing 区别) 37. a piece of paper/news/information/meat 一张纸(一 则新闻,一条消息,一片肉)38. wake(wokewoken) up 醒来 39. wait for sb. to do sth.等待某人做某事40. leave my backpack at home 把我的包忘在家里Unit 11Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?1、make a telephone call2、get some information about(from sb./)3、save money/exchange money4、go past the bank5、take the elevator to the second floor6、take the second turning to the left=turn left at the second crossing7、kind of =a little9、take a vacation10、dress up as clowns11、take dance lessons12、sound +形容词:sound good(rude)13、make requests politely14、depend on(upon)sb.(sth.)15、lead in (to)16、in a way/in some way/in a new way/in another way17、in order to do sth./in order that从句18、stay out late19、be good at sth.be (become) better at sth.20、sw.(某地)be for sb. to do sth.21、between与among22、区别:both,all,neither,none,either23、at Uncle Bobs (baber)24、such as(后接词组)与for example,(接句子)25、有礼貌地提出请求及其回应。26、由when,while等引导的状语从句,当其主语与主句的主语一致时,可省略其主语及助动词。27、lend 与borrow:lend sth. to sb./borrow sth. from sb.(sw.)Unit 12You are supposed to shake hands.单元知识点归纳:1.be supposed to do sth=should do sth2.the United States3.shake hands with sb.4.meet sb.for the first time5.eat the wrong food6.greet sb. the wrong way7.drop by/drop in8.形式主语(宾语):it9.have a great time on my exchange program in France10.go out of ones way to do sth.(不怕麻烦地,特地做某事)11.make sb.(fee1) at home12.at the dinner table13.cut up14.be (get) used to(介词)15.put your hands in your lap16.find+宾语+宾补find it(形式宾语)+宾补+to do sth.(真正宾语)17.have no reason to be nervous.18.face challenges19.first of all20.give compliments to sb/pay (make) compliments to sb. on sth.21.make a toast at dinner22.make appointments with sb. 23.on Chinese New Year24.in a western restaurant25.questions crowded my mind26.to begin with27.to hold the spoon in my left hand.28.E-mail English29.a new kind of written English30.be used to.save time31.look unfamiliar to sb.32.look like rubbish33.a computer program called ICQ.34.to have online conversations with friends35.be (get) bored.36.in the phrase.37.by the way38.cant stop+v-ing39.cant help v-ing40.in the traditional way41.make faces/make the bed/make mistakes/make fun of sb./make good use of/make noise/make food/make money/42.look like this43.learn sth by oneself44.at the proper time45.send a message to a friend on a mobile phone46.with best wishes47.after all48.be relaxed about sb./sth.49.联系动词:be,get,become,turn,go,sound,look,feel,taste,smell,grow50.到达:get,arrive,reach51.each other 与 one anotherUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.单元知识点归纳:1.rainy days2.make十宾语+宾补(不定式须省to) 3.would rather+动词原形(+than+动词原形)4.so that(表目的;表结果);sothat(表结果);in order+that 从句/in order to do sth.表目的。5.soft colors1ike pink and light blue6.look gook/bad.7.paint sth.red(white)8.play loud music9.heavy (light) traffic10.endangered animals11.join a clean-up campaign12.look out sunglasses13.keep sb./sth. out14.be aimed specifically at sb.aim at15.Its true+that从句16.for instance=for example17.pros and cons18.have sales19.at other times20.lead sb. to sw. lead sb. to do sth.21.at times=sometimes22.to start with23.go to the store with the lowest price24.work hard at English25.leave sb.a note26.be (get)annoyed with sb27.homecooked (made) cookies28.the art of giving (receiving)29.put ontake off30.of course31.to make things easier32.in some cultures33.A saying in England:Its the thought that counts.34.different people have very different thoughts on this subject.35.move to sw.36.have to 与must37.keep 的用法38.true,truely,truth39.hear from sb.=get(receive) a letter from sb.Unit 14Have you packed yet?.单元知识点归纳:1.现在完成时; 过去完成时; 完成进行时。 2.a bathing suit3.a traveI guidebook4.clean out=clean up5.in a minute=in a second=soon=very soon=right now=at once 6.turn on(offup/down)7.get backto you8.take sb. for a walk9. chop wood10.light the fire11.collect water from the village well12.on the farm13.Take care!14.on the music scene15.appear on CCTV16.go on a world tour17.a lead singer18.in the top ten songs19.some day与one day20.good luck to sb. good luck with sth21.be off22.the National Day concert23.play a musical instrument24.say goodbye(sorry,hello,yes, no)to sb.25.The telephone is busy.26.one more thing; more与another27.live outside China28.the local government of Guangdong Province29.the In search of Roots summer camp program30.thousands of overseas Chinese students31.so far=till now32.during the twoweek camp33.the most exeiting part of the trip34.thanks to/thanks for35.go for walks36.I have so many memdries of China to take with me.37.believe strongly in sthsb.38.be looking forword to(介词):look forward to(介词)39.do ones daily activities40.good,well,fine,nice41.feed sb.(sth.)with sth./feed sth. to sb./feed on sth.=live on sth.Unit 15We are trying to save the manatees!.单元知识点归纳:1.主语be +数词+long (tall)2.weigh+数词+单位3.be against (doing) sth.4.sthbe suitable for sb. to do sth5.They are like living textbooks foryoung people.6.educate the public about sth.7.care for sb. (sth.)8.hear ofhear from9.build sth. out of trash.10.过去分词和现在分词作定语的用法。11.win an award from12.in ones spare time13.make sth. out of sth14.be made of(from)15.pull down16.look out of17.the Forbidden City18.the national flag of China19. a business meeting20. make sounds21.take a few flowers as a gift22.save the environment23.get around the city(亲们:英语学习是不断的点滴积累的过程,多思,多问,多总结)come on !

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