牛津版英语七年级上学期Module 4 Fun time Unit 8 collecting things 同步练习B卷

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牛津版英语七年级上学期Module 4 Fun time Unit 8 collecting things 同步练习B卷_第1页
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牛津版英语七年级上学期Module 4 Fun time Unit 8 collecting things 同步练习B卷一、 选出与划线部分意思相近的一项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分) The boss that he would retire next month and his son would take over his company A . criedB . announcedC . advisedD . suggested2. (2分) Its too bright here.You can switch off some lights.A . take offB . get offC . turn off3. (2分) Im certain I put the book on the table. A . happyB . sureC . glad4. (2分) Many people would like to take holidays in Yunnan during the summer holidays.Yes, because it is cool and beautiful in Yunnan in summer.A . plan toB . want toC . hate to5. (2分) (2017七下蒙阴期末) What does he want to be? He wants to be a teacher, and he hopes his dream can _.A . cut upB . get upC . come outD . come true6. (2分) (2017苏州) Shall we go on Friday or Saturday?Either day is OK. It makes no to me.A . choiceB . changeC . differenceD . decision7. (2分) (2017八上邹平月考) Dad, its such a long way from our home to the park!You mean its _ to take a taxi?A . popularB . necessaryC . possibleD . hard8. (2分) (2017八上苍溪月考) Her idea is _ interesting _ all of us are interested in it. A . so, thatB . Such, thatC . too,toD . as,as二、 单选题 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分) (2015九上安岳月考) My grandfather _ us stories when I was young. A . was used to tellB . is used to tellingC . used to tellD . used to telling10. (2分) The house is big and beautiful.It must _ a lot of money.A . costB . spendC . take11. (2分) (2018广东模拟) If you want to get good scores, you had better the test papers before you hand them in. A . go awayB . go overC . go onD . go by12. (2分) Miss Li is _ kind.She is _ nice teacher that all the students like her. A . so;so aB . such;such aC . so;such aD . such;so a13. (2分) Tom is very . He doesnt like work. A . smartB . cuteC . lazyD . busy14. (2分) Lucy, could you help me, please?A . Thank you! B . Yes. Whats up?C . Id love to.15. (2分) (2018九下江都月考) Do you like vegetable salad?Yes, it _ so nice! Id like to have some more.A . smellsB . tastesC . feelsD . sounds三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) 完形填空This story happened in a small mountain village. One day there was an earthquake. Nothing was destroyed and nobody was hurt. But a huge1fell from a nearby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road.When the earthquake 2, many people came to the road and saw the huge rock. Some of the strongest men tried to lift the rock 3the road. But they couldnt move it. They tried to push it but failed. They tried to 4it with ropes but nothing worked. Well, they all agreed, Theres nothing we can do about it. Well have to change the 5. At this time a boy of 12 years old said, I think I can help you to move the rock.You? they shouted, What are you talking about? The men all 6at the boy.The next morning some people came into the street. One of them shouted, The rock is 7! More people ran out to see. It was right. The rock wasnt in the road any more. It wasnt 8near the road. It is 9, they said, Where did it go?The boy stood in the street, 10, I told you I could move it last night.The boy walked over to where the 11had been and uncovered some earth(泥土). I buried it, he said.The people looked 12. You see, he said, I dug a deep hole next to the rock and I dug a small incline (斜坡)up to the rock and the rock 13down into the hole by itself. I covered it with earth.The crowds shouted, What a 14boy! And some of them said, Why havent we thought of this good15?(1)A . rope B . rock C . tree D . hole (2)A . began B . started C . happened D . stopped (3)A . on B . into C . off D . onto (4)A . push B . lift C . carry D . pull (5)A . road B . rock C . rope D . village (6)A . looked B . laughed C . smiled D . pointed (7)A . gone B . missed C . broken D . stolen (8)A . very B . quite C . even D . still (9)A . stranger B . dangerous C . difficult D . impossible (10)A . looking B . thinking C . laughing D . smiling (11)A . street B . village C . rock D . mountain (12)A . surprised B . surprising C . happy D . relaxed (13)A . lay B . dropped C . walked D . ran (14)A . clever B . strong C . brave D . poor (15)A . boy B . hole C . incline D . way 四、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)17. (8分) Su Su is a 16-year-old Beijinger. She studies at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University. She has just published(发表) her first book,The Enigma of the Universe(宇宙之谜).The Enigma of the Universe tells a story of a girl called April. One day she meets an alien(外星人) boy named Kaka. Kaka takes April on a journey into the universe. Later April finds out a big secret about Kaka.Whats special about this book? Its a book written in both Chinese and English.Su wrote the book when she was 14 years old. She was influenced(影响)by the bookSophies World(苏菲的世界) and the movieThe Truman Show(楚门的世界). Sophie is a girl who is interested in philosophy(哲学). Trumans life is run by television.These stories gave Su an idea for her own book. She decided to write it in English.My English teacher asked us to write something, says Su. I thought Id write about my idea.Su spent a whole summer vacation writing the story.Sometimes I had to stop because I couldnt find the right words, says Su. I used the dictionary all the time.After finishing the English novel, Su had another idea. She decided to translate(翻译) it into Chinese. The job took her just a few days. It was easy because Chinese is mynative language(母语), she says.Su says her story is a mixture ofphilosophy(哲学) anddetective(侦探) story and science fiction.My classmates and I have turned it into a DV play, says Su. I wrote the play and I played April. We will show it in our school soon!(1) What did Su Su write?A . Harry PotterB . Sophies WorldC . The Truman ShowD . The Enigma of the Universe(2) In Which language did Su Su write this book?A . ChineseB . EnglishC . FrenchD . Both Chinese and English(3) How did Su Su write the book?A . She wrote it in Chinese first and then translate it into English.B . She wrote it in English first and then translate it into Chinese.C . She wrote it half in Chinese first and then wrote it half in English.D . She wrote it half in English first and then wrote it half in Chinese(4) What does her book talk about?A . It talks about how to learn English well.B . It is a mixture ofphilosophy(哲学) anddetective(侦探) story and science fiction.C . It talks about how to learn English grammar well.D . It is a mixture oflove.(5) Whats the best title of this passage?A . A clever girlB . An interesting bookC . Su Su and her first bookD . A young writer18. (8分) If you need to call your parents but your phone is not with you, can you remember their numbers?To remember 11 numbers is not difficult. However, because of the smartphone, many of us are losing this ability. Whats more, smartphones weaken(削弱)our skills at giving directions, as well as killing face-to-face communications. Even when friends are having a meal together, its common for most to check their phones.According to a report by Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, an American company, Chinese people spend about 170 minutes on their smartphones daily.Many students are addicted to using smartphones. It does no good to their study. Research by Japans Education Ministry showed children who spend more than four hours a day on their phones perform much worse in school test than those who play with their phones for 30 minutes.Its true that the smartphone has made our lives easier. But many also think they spend too much time on it, and this is bad for their study or work. People are trying to change that.A new app(应用软件)called Forest was introduced this month. It lets users plant a seed that grows into a tree over the next 30 minutes. During the half hour, users cannot use their phones, or the tree will die.A restaurant in Los Angeles, US, gives people a 5% discount (折扣) if they dont check their phones during a meal. Owner Mark Gold said he hopes it gives people a way to enjoy their meal and actually talk with friends and family in person.(1) Many people cant remember their parentss phone numbers because _.A . they dont care about their parentsB . they depend too much on smartphonesC . they find it difficult to remember numbersD . they dont know how to remember numbers(2) Many people cant remember their parentss phone numbers because _.A . they dont care about their parentsB . they depend too much on smartphonesC . they find it difficult to remember numbersD . they dont know how to remember numbers(3) What does the word “addicted probably mean in Chinese?A . 沉迷B . 喜爱C . 习惯D . 擅长(4) What does the word “addicted probably mean in Chinese?A . 沉迷B . 喜爱C . 习惯D . 擅长(5) The app “Forest”is used to _.A . encourage people to plant more treesB . get people to change their smartphonesC . help people better control smartphone usingD . offer people a new game to enjoy themselves(6) The app “Forest”is used to _.A . encourage people to plant more treesB . get people to change their smartphonesC . help people better control smartphone usingD . offer people a new game to enjoy themselves(7) By giving people a 5% discount, Owner Mark Gold wants his customers to _.A . enjoy a cheaper mealB . say no to smart phonesC . check phones after the mealD . improve face-to-face communication(8) By giving people a 5% discount, Owner Mark Gold wants his customers to _.A . enjoy a cheaper mealB . say no to smart phonesC . check phones after the mealD . improve face-to-face communication(9) Whats the best title of the passage?A . Smart or harmful?B . Stop using smartphones?C . Why not try smartphones?D . How to make your phones smart?(10) Whats the best title of the passage?A . Smart or harmful?B . Stop using smartphones?C . Why not try smartphones?D . How to make your phones smart?五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)19. (10分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Its summer holidays. For Jacob, it means having a lot of free time to play with _(he) friends. Usually, he isnt so excited about it, _(连词) this summer is different. This summer, he is going to see Justin Timberlake one of his favourite singersJacob got four tickets to Justin Timberlakes concert after he _(win) an online singing completion (比赛) _. (see) Justin Timberlake is one of his dreams (梦想), so it will something he will never forget.The biggest problem he had was trying _(choose) just three friends to go with him. He _(wish) that all his friends could go. He asked his mother _(介词) help. She told him to choose people who also liked Justin Timberlake. Jacob thought it was _(冠词) good idea, so he chose three friends who liked Justin Timberlake as much as he did. He felt sorry for not_(take) his best friend Andrew, but he knew that Andrew didnt like Justin Timberlake s music that much. Jacobs three friends were all very excited when he _(tell) them the good news.Now the concert is just a week away and Jacob cant wait any longer.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分) (2018九上满洲里期末) 养成良好的生活习惯和学习习惯,对于我们学生成长很有帮助。请根据以下表格提示用英语写一篇短文,发表在学校网站上。良好习惯日常活动生活方面健康饮食;经常锻炼;合理利用时间学习方面课前预习;认真听讲,独立作业益处帮助我们更好地学习知识;使我们提高技能,学会自我控制谈谈你的感受要求:1).语句通顺,书写规范,文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。2).必循运用所有提示语并写出两个以上自己的建议。3).词数在90词左右。A Good Habit, a Successful School Life第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 选出与划线部分意思相近的一项。 (共8题;共16分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略二、 单选题 (共7题;共14分)9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16、答案:略四、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)17、答案:略18、答案:略五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)19、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)20、答案:略

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