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Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.ExercisesI:一、请你用所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。 1. Here are some things they have learned from _(scientist ) studies. 2. Sunglasses are used for _ (keep) out the sun. 3. The students are _ (confuse) about the _ (confuse) problem. 4. Im considering _ (study) in Beijing or Shanghai. 5. I felt _(embarrass) when everyone looked at me.二、根据首字母提示,补写下列单词, 使句意完整。1. We should protect e_ animals. 2. I want to eat something because I am k_ of hungry. 3. How do you feel a_ pollution?4. The cake t_ delicious. Would you pass me one more?5. Many advertisements are aimed specifically a_ teenagers, so you have to be careful.6. I need a pair of warm trousers to keep o_ cold.7. Money is a_ in some situations.8. You can send flowers a_ of time for Mothers birthday.9. Its very important to choose a p_ time to visit friends.10. The map m_ me, so I went the wrong way.三、请你来当翻译家1.他很聪明,知道如何赚更多的钱。 He is very clever and he knows _.2.我不喜欢阴雨天, 因为它常常使我伤感。 I dont like _, because it often _.3.学生应该学会如何学习,否则你会觉得压力太大。Students should learn _, or you will _.4.同潘长江相比, 赵本山很高。 _, Zhao Benshan is very tall.5.我把钥匙忘在家了。I _ home.6.那天我起的很早以便能赶上第一班火车。That day I got up early _.7.给予要比接受好。Its better to _ than _.8.他假装没听见我说话,继续听音乐。 He _ and went on listening to music.9.我可以邀请你吃饭吗? Can I _?10.李明,有你的电话。Li Ming, _.四、试试你的判断力,选择正确答案。1. Loud music may make people _ fast. A. to eat B. eat C. eated D. eats2. I want _ whether hes all right. A. to know B. know C.knowing D. Knows3.Her teacher was annoyed _ Tom because he made a lot of mistakes in the English Test Paper. A. at B. with C. in D. for4.Dont forget _ the tap when you dont use it. A. turn off B. turn on C. to turn on D. to turn off5. The children were made _ homework first. A. do B. to do C. did D. doing6. Dont worry about her,Madam. Your daughter is _ danger now. A. in B. out C. out of D. at7. Its _ to play on the road. Youd better play in a _ place. A. safe, dangerous B. safety, danger C. safe, danger D. dangerous, safe8.I _ an expensive gift for my birthday, but I could not _ it. A. accepted, received B. received, accept C. accepted, receive D. accepted, received9.Loud music makes me _. So I feel very happy. A. energetic B. stressed out C. energy D.stress out10. I cant wait _ the present box. A. open B. to open C. opening D.opened四、读书破万卷 阅读下面三则广告,回答问题。 Come to Austria(奥地利)Soll is a village in the mountains in western Austria. And the Post Hotel is clean and not expensive. It is opened by a local family. From the hotel you can see the whole village, the forests and the mountains. Temperatures in summer are usually 20 to 25 in the daytime, but much cooler by evening. Enjoy Thailand(泰国)! When you visit Bangkok in Thailand, dont miss the early morning river boat trip to the Floating(漂浮) just outside the city. There you will find many kinds of fruits and vegetables. And you can pay for them when you sit in your boat. Dont forget your hat: the sun can be strong and it may be as hot as 40 at noon. Visit Hawaii! Maybe the most beautiful place in Hawaii is Kauai. You can visit its long, sandy beaches in the south and west of the island, and mountains and forests in the north, but dont be surprised if it rains in the centre of the island. Daytime temperatures there are usually around 24 to 26 by the sea, and only a little cooler by late evening.( ) 1.The advertisements above are about _. A. shopping B. food C. travel D. hotels( ) 2. If you go to Bangkok, you can A. Climb Mountains B. enjoy the scenery of the forests C. live in the Post Hotel D. buy fruits while sitting in your boat( ) 3. _ is one better way to prevent the strong sunshine in Bangkok A. Going to the sandy beaches B. wearing a hat C. Climbing up the mountains D. staying in the forests( ) 4.Which place will you choose if you want to visit both mountains and beaches? A. Soll in Austria. B. Bangkok in Thailand.C. the Floating Market.D. Kauai in Hawaii.( ) 5. According to(根据) the advertisements, we know that _. A. the hottest travel place is Soll B. maybe it often rains in the centre of Kauai C. the Floating Market is in the middle of Bangkok D. the Post Hotel in Austria is clean but the price is highUnit13 ExercisesII:I.根据句意用本单元词的适当形式填空:1. Who is o_ of the house?2. He said if he won the lottery,he would give some to s_research3. Soft l_ on stages makes people look good4. I have little k_of computers,so I cant use it freely5In order to s_more customers,fast food restaurants often develop new kind of food.6. Teenagers think they should be allowed to d_their own uniforms.7. This pair of new shoes are u_ to wear8. Now we have to do something to save those e_animals9. Dark glasses can give you a m_ look10. This kind of milk is made e_for banes11. Many advertisements can be m_,so dont believe what you see on TV12. Customers must be c_not to be misled by advertisements13. He is very kind and helpfulFor j_,he is always ready to help those in trouble.14. The computer is such a u tool that we need it almost every day.15. You cant smoke here,look at the sign on the,wall:No S_!II. 单项选择:( )1. _ days make me sadA.Rain B.Raining C.Rainy D.Rainning( ) 2.Soft music often makes him_. Asleepy Bsleeping Casleep Dto sleep( ) 3.What he said made me_ Ato annoy Bannoying Cannoyed Dexciting( ) 4.Id rather_ at home than go to the movie on weekends Astaying Bstay Cto say Dstayed( )5. _ the bus in the rain often makes me angry AWaiting for BWaiting CTo wait DWait for( ) 6.I dont know if he_next week. If he_, Ill let you know. Acomes;comes Bwill come;will come Cwill come;comes Dcomes;will come( ) 7.Everything happened_ we had expected Aif Bwhen Cwhat Das( ) 8.一Hi,PeterWhy are you in such a hurry?一_. ACatch the 7:30 train BTo catch the 7:30 train CCatching the 7:30 train DHave caught the 7:30 train( ) 9.一She didnt come to school yesterday,did she?-_ though she was not feeling well.ANo,she didnt BNo,she did CYes,she didnt DYes,she did( )10. 一 Can you speakFrench? - Yes, but_. Aonly little Bvery much Conly a little Donly a few( ) 11.一What do you think of the movie last night? 一 Wonderful. _. AIve never seen a good one BIve never seen a best one CIve never seen a better one DIve never seen a worse one ( )12. The movie made my daughter_ last night.Ato cry Bcry Ccrying Dcried ( )13. 一 Have you _ had aTwisty Treat? 一Year. And it made me sick. Anever Balready Cusually Dever( )14. Many ads are aimed_ the teenagers. A. to B. at C. for D.with( ) 15.When they came to a forest,they suddenly heard somebody_for help. Acalled Bto call Ccalling D.Catls( )16. I like to listen to quiet music_ I am eating Aas soon as Bunless C.when D.after ( )17. Look at the girls hair,_it is! A.How silky Bwhat shiny CHow useful D.What a mystery( ) 18.What you said_ me very much,could you say it again more slowly? Aaims Bconfuses Cmisleads Dimpressed ( )19. SorryIve kept you_for a long time. Await Bto wait Cwaiting Dwanted ( )20. When prices_,you can go to the store with the lowest price. Ais listed Bare listed Care written Dare madeIII.完成句子:1雨天使我伤感。_ _ make me sad.2大声的音乐使我充满活力,却令他感到紧张。Loud music makes me_,but_ him_ _.3我宁愿去蓝湖餐厅,因为我喜欢听轻柔的音乐。Id_ _ to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to_ _ _music4等她令我生气,她的确很晚。_ _ _ made me angryShe was_ _ 5伤感的电影不会让我哭。它们只会使我想离开。Sad movies dont make me_They just make me_ _ _.6在现代化的世界里,广告无处不在。 In the_ world。advertising_ _7我想买件新的夹克,这件不挡寒。I need a new jacketThis one doesnt_ _ _ _.8顾客们说这家饭店的菜味道难吃极了。 Customers say the food at the restaurant_ _.9当价格列出来时,你可以去价格最低的商店。 When prices_ _,you can go to the store_ _ _ _10努力学好英语能够(给你)带来好工作。_ _ _ English can_ _ a good job11你不要急于买那块表,咱们到另一家商店比较一下价格。 Wait_ you buy that watchLets_ prices in_ store12然而,一些广告可能会混淆或误导你 _ ,some advertisements can be_ or_答案:Unit13 ExercisesI: 一、1.scientific 2.keeping 3.confused confusing 4. studying 5. embarrassed二、1.endangered 2.kind 3.about 4.tastes 5.at 6.out7.acceptable 8.ahead 9.proper10. misled三、1.how to make more money 2. rainy days makes me sad 3.how to study feel stressed out 4.Compared with/to Pan Changjiang 5.left my key 6.so that I could catch the first train 7.give to receive 8.pretended not to hear me 9. invite you to dinner/to have dinner 10. you are wanted on the phone四、1-5 BABDB 6-10 CDBABUnit13 ExercisesII:根据句意用本单元词的适当形式填空:1owner 2scientific 31ighting 4knowledge 5Serve 6design 7Uncomfortable 8endangered 9mysterious 1 0especially 11misleading 12careful 13instance 14 useful 15. Somking 单项选择: 1-5 CACBA 6-10 CDBDC 11-15 CBDBC 16-20 CABCB完成句子: 1Raining days 2energetic,made,feel tensestressed out3rather go,listen to,quietgentlesoft 4Waiting for her,really late5crywant to leave 6modern,is everywhere7keep out the cold 8tastes terrible9are listed,with the lowest price 10Working hard at1ead to11before,compare,another 12However,confusing,misleading


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