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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期末考试试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Peter can play _ piano and _ football. A . the; theB . the; /C . /; theD . /; /2. (2分)We have different opinions on many things, so we often with each other. A . argueB . agreeC . angryD . help3. (2分)Do you know how long the meeting has _?A . lastedB . heldC . overD . begun4. (2分)What _ would you like?A medium bowl, please.A . kindB . bowlC . sizeD . noodle5. (2分)Which is more useful, English or Chinese? .A . each ofB . none ofC . both of6. (2分)Dave received a nice present from his friend, but he didnt _ it. A . answerB . sendC . acceptD . follow7. (2分)Jim, what is your father?He is a manager and is responsible for the whole company.A . looks afterB . is in charge ofC . is on duty for8. (2分)Id like a cup of tea _ nothing in it.OK. What else?A . haveB . hasC . withD . and9. (2分)I havent worked the problem out yetWhat am I supposed to do?Try again!Its only_difficultA . a lotB . a bitC . too muchD . too many10. (2分) _does your brother look like?He is tall with straight and black hair.A . WhoB . HowC . WhichD . What11. (2分)Its difficult for girls _ soccer well. A . playB . to playC . playingD . plays12. (2分)All of us felt _ when we saw the girl speak very good English. A . surpriseB . surprisedC . surprisingD . in surprise13. (2分)What _ things can I do for you? A . otherB . elseC . someD . also14. (2分) Where _ the socks? _ on the bed.A . is; ItsB . are; TheyC . are; TheyreD . is; It15. (2分) Why not go to the cinema this afternoon? _A . Thats a good idea.B . Its true.C . Thanks a lot.D . Very well.二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) Danish was a very lazy girl. Her mother always asked her to learn to read, 1she didntIt was disappointingHer mother was 2about thatOne morning,Dinah just 3 and was looking through the windowShe saw her cousin skating on the 4 He was wearing a pair of shoes she had never5 beforeIt was a pair of roller-skates(旱冰鞋)Dinah thought it was interesting to 6 on the streetShe got up quickly and went outsideShe asked her cousin if she 7 try his shoes onHer cousin said to her,”I know that your 8 has been asking you to learn to read,but you havent 1earnedIt is just because you are 9 If you can read by New Years Day,1 will send you a pair of 10 like this”From then on,Dinah read every day and began to like readingOn New Years Day she received a pair of rollerskates from her cousin(1)A . but B . and C . or D . as (2)A . excited B . upset C . surprised D . relaxed (3)A . fell asleep B . got out C . woke up D . came in (4)A . street B . lake C . park D . ice (5)A . visited B . heard C . written D . seen (6)A . walk B . ride C . skate D . dance (7)A . should B . could C . must D . would (8)A . mother B . teacher C . father D . sister (9)A . poor B . brave C . lazy D . young (10)A . jeans B . socks C . glasses D . shoes 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17. (10分)阅读e-mail,根据e-mail的内容选择正确答案。From:11350 cse.eduTo:jennysmithyahoo.comSubject:Party!Jenny, Im going to have a party this Friday in my house. Some friends will be there. Most of them come from their office. My best friend, Tom, will come, too. I want you to meet him. Do you want to come? Well play games and talk. Then well have dinner. Everyone will bring food or drinks. The party is on this Friday. It will begin at 4:00 pm. Itll end(结束) at 8:00 pm or 9:00 pm. Well have a great time! Can you come? I hope so! If you can come, call me or send(发送) me an e-mail. Lisa(1)Who sends this e-mail? A . Jenny.B . Tom.C . Lisa.(2)The party begins at . A . 4:00 amB . 6:00 amC . 4:00 pm(3)Tom is best friend. A . JennysB . LisasC . Anns(4)What is TRUE about the party? A . Its on Saturday.B . It will last(持续) four or five hours.C . People will not bring things.(5)If Jenny wants to go to the party, what should she do first? A . Buy food for the party.B . Call Tom.C . Send an e-mail to Lisa.18. (10分) If we are driving a car or crossing a street, we will stop when the traffic lights turn red. Why do we use red rather than other colors?As we know, scattering (散射) happens when light goes through the air. For the same media, if the wavelength (波长) is long, the scattering will be short. If the wavelength is short, then the scattering will be long.Of all light we can see red has the longest wavelength, so the scattering is the weakest. That means the red light travels far. In fact, it travels farther on rainy days.Using the red light can help drivers in farther areas see the lights. It helps drivers slow down or stop in time. If drivers dont see the red light until they are close, they may not be able to stop the car in time. An accident may happen. Red can also excite people. We can act more quickly when we see the color red.In a word, red light helps drivers stop in time and help prevent accidents.(1)_ has the longest wavelength of all light we can see.A . RedB . GreenC . YellowD . Black(2)Red light travels farther on _ days.A . windyB . sunnyC . rainyD . cloudy(3)Red can make people act more quickly because _.A . red can make people happierB . the scattering of red is very shortC . the scattering of red is very longD . red can make people more excited(4)The underlined word “prevent” means _ in Chinese.A . 逃避B . 防止C . 处理D . 检查(5)The passage mainly tells us _.A . why accidents happenB . how the red light travelsC . why we use red traffic lightsD . how to stop in time at traffic lights四、 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通 (共5题;共25分)19. (3分)根据句子意思, 首字母和汉语注释, 写出适当单词。(1)Tom said that you have a long-running process that it will take you one year to c_.(2)Could you see the boy_(使充满) his bottle with orange juice now?(3)My new house is finished. I need to buy some new f_.20. (1分)Where are you going for the summer v_21. (10分)根据汉语或所给词的正确形式填空。He usually takes a _(淋浴) after he gets up.Are there any_ (警察) in the street?Koalas sleep _(在期间) the day and get up at night.Dont be_(懒惰的) ! You must work hard.Mr. Green is a good teacher. He _ (教) us music.Does Molly enjoy_(read) magazines?There_(be) some fruit on the table.Its 5:30 now. The children_(clean) the classroom.Our teacher is very_(friend) to us. We all love her.This kind of animals likes to eat_ (leaf).22. (1分)Dont _(拒绝) to go there with him, or he will be unhappy. 23. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文大意在每个空格上填上一个形式正确、意思相符的单词。 Last summer Ann _ her leg. She could not even walk. Her parents took her to the _ by taxi and she had to stay there for about two weeksOne day a nurse came to Anns bed and said _ a smile(微笑), Youll be better soon. You can walk again. So dont think only about bad things and dont be so sad. Try to be _! The nurse was very kind and they _ friends.After Ann _ the hospital, she missed the _ very much. She understands that the work of nurses is very important, because they can give _ to patients(病人).Ann is now thinking about her _. She wants to be a nurse and work for sick(生病的) people. Ann knows what she should _ to be a good nurse, and she is studying very hard at school.五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)补全对话A: Good morning! Can I help you?B: Well, Id like some oranges. Do they have much juice?A: Certainly._So they are very juicy.B: Thats great! I like juicy oranges very much.A: OK._B: Id like five, please.A:_B: Four pounds twenty-five.A: Four pounds seventy-five?_How about four pounds?B: Sorry, I cant._A: OK! Heres five pounds.B: Thanks, and heres your change. Thank you for your custom. Bye.A: Bye.A. Each orange is juicy enough for you to make a cup of juice.B. How heavy are they?C. How much are these oranges in total?D. Thats expensive!E. You cant buy such good oranges at the same price anywhere else.F. How many oranges would you like?G. Its possible for you to make a cup of orange juice with every two oranges.六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)请根据下面五个人对应用软件的需求, 参考应用软件(AF)的简介, 为不同的人找到合适的应用软件(其中有一项为多余选项)。_Jenny has no time to take care of her 2-year-old son, so she needs an app for him to learn to speak._Sam has to read some books but he has an eye problem, so he needs some app that can read books aloud to him._Bob finds it difficult to remember the new words from the English books. He wants to improve in a relaxing way._Cathy likes traveling. She needs an app that can make it easier for her to buy train or plane tickets._John is going to have a long train trip. During the trip, he needs some games to kill the time.A. Vocabulary Hero may help you learn more English words while you are playing games.B. Rail Friend can be best helper when you find it hard to buy the train or plain tickets.C. World of Tanks Blitz, an online game while can be the best choice to have fun in the travel.D. Himalayas Reading has millions of books and you can listen to the books you like.E. Baby Bus is a good friend for children under 3 years old to learn to speak.F. Weibo can help you make friends on the Internet and know more about the world.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)根据提供的要点写一篇50字作文。要点:你叫Linda Brown .请你介绍你的姓,名,电话号码(0218258168),介绍家庭成员(父母和一个哥哥,叫Bob)和介绍你的房间,用in. on .under 方位介词介绍你房间的物品和物品的位置。第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通 (共5题;共25分)19-1、19-2、19-3、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)24-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)25-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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