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冀教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)1. (1分)完形填空 Zhang, the father of a Junior 3 student in Nanjing, was sitting at home. Suddenly, he1he had not spoken to his sons teachers all the term. He had not even been invited to a parents meeting!Zhang decided to ask his son2.The answer his son gave him was a big3.Zhangs son had paid a man 25 yuan to be his4at parents meetings.I did5in my exams and I was afraid my father would6, says the boy. I didnt want him to be7with me.The boy is not the8student to have paid a stranger to be his or her father.The boy says that six of his classmates have used their pocket money to do this.Some of them did it9they were afraid their parents would beat them. Others just didnt want to make their parents feel unhappy.Ji Ruifang, a teacher at Nanjing Foreign Language School, says parents are to blame for kids buying fathers.Parents are demanding(要求)too10of their children, she says. Junior students often cannot11their demands. And they dont know12to face their parents when they do badly.Yu Yiqun, an13on teenagers at the Beijing Youth and Children Research Institute(北京青少年研究所), says students should14with theirs parents. Then they will be able to have heart-to-heart talks with them.Be 15with your parents, he says, Try to talk to them often so they can understand your problems.(1)A . understood B . discovered C . offered D . realized (2)A . why B . how C . what D . where (3)A . smile B . reason C . surprise D . meal (4)A . mother B . father C . uncle D . teacher (5)A . well B . badly C . carefully D . wonderfully (6)A . open up B . try out C . clean up D . find out (7)A . terrified B . amazed C . angry D . strict (8)A . same B . right C . only D . clever (9)A . since B . as if C . even though D . because (10)A . high B . hard C . many D . much (11)A . meet B . finish C . correct D . cover (12)A . where B . how C . what D . when (13)A . engineer B . expert C . explorer D . inventor (14)A . get on B . get together C . make friends D . catch up (15)A . honest B . pleased C . quiet D . careful 2. (1分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项。 Joy was working in a factory far away from his home. One day he wanted to send a(n) 1to his wife. But he could not read or 2, and in the daytime he had to work. So he could only 3somebody to write his letter late at night. A letter-writer called Johnson lived near here. But it was 4when he found Johnsons house.Johnson was already in 5. He said, It is late. What do you want? Joy answered, I want you to write a letter to my 6. When Johnson heard that, he was not 7. He thought for a while and then said, Does the letter have to go 8?What does that matter? answered Joy. Well, my writing is very strange, 9can read it except(除了) me. And it will cost you a lot of money 10I have to go a long way to read the letter to you wife. Hearing these words, Joy went away.(1)A . letter B . email C . gift D . message (2)A . read B . listen C . write D . draw (3)A . look after B . look at C . look around D . look for (4)A . snowy B . rainy C . late D . early (5)A . room B . bed C . time D . house (6)A . children B . brother C . parents D . wife (7)A . happy B . bored C . nervous D . excited (8)A . much B . far C . near D . little (9)A . somebody B . anybody C . nobody D . everybody (10)A . when B . unless C . though D . if 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共15分)3. (5分)阅读下列短文, 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Travelling around the world is many peoples dream. It is a great way for people to see new places, meet new people and learn new cultures. However, you may have some trouble during the trip if you dont know the local customs(习俗)or the language. Some people would like to try using gestures to talk with the local people. That is to say, they tell others their thoughts by moving their hands or body parts.Gestures are useful but every country is different in the way their people communicate with each other. So a gesture may be OK in one country but not OK in another.Recently, a company has created a series of useful pictures of gestures around the world, hoping to help people understand different meanings of the gestures in different cultures and avoid making silly mistakes. Just take the OK sign for example. In China, we use it when we want to say everything is all right. However, in other countries such as Greece, Spain or Brazil, people see me OK sign as very rude. Whats more, in some Middle East countries such as Kuwait, me sign stands for the evil(邪恶的) eye.(1)If people have trouble during their trip on a new country, they would like to use _ to talk with local people. A . wordsB . gesturesC . picturesD . phones(2)What has the company created the pictures of gestures around the world? A . Because it wanted to help people avoid making mistakes by using wrong gestures.B . Because it wanted to teach people the importance of body language.C . Because it wanted to teach the meaning of some gestures in their country.D . Because it wanted to help develop its business.(3)Which of me following is NOT true according to the passage? A . Chinese use the sigh OK to express all right.B . The sign OK is often used in Greece, Spain and Brazil.C . The gesture pictures are very useful.D . Its not a good idea to use the sign OK in Kuwait.(4)This passage is mainly about _. A . cultures of different countriesB . how to use body languageC . gestures around the worldD . when to use gestures4. (3分)阅读理解 Many people find it difficult to improve(提高) their reading skills (技能) when they learn English. In fact, its not so difficult if you know the following tips.Reading should be interesting, so be sure you are reading the right book. The book should be not too difficult for you. You can start by reading an easy one.Find some books of your favorite writers and read them all. By doing this you will get used to (适应于) the writing style (风格) of the writer, and you can also learn the vocabulary(词汇) and grammar(语法) from the books. Try reading the same book again and again. You can improve your reading in this way. Every time you read the book, you will find something new.Try to talk about a book with other people. There are lots of online (网上的) book clubs and you can even write your ideas about the book you read.Dont try to read the classic(经典的) at once. Just start with short stories. I started learning English by reading Winnie the Pooh! It was really easy and interesting!(1)What do many people think of improving their reading skills? A . InterestingB . HardC . DifferentD . Special(2)If the book you are reading is really difficult, . A . ask your teacher for helpB . try to find an easy oneC . try to understand(理解) itD . look up every word in a dictionary(3)Why does the writer ask us to read the same book again and again? A . Because we can not understand the book by reading once(一次). B . Because the writer likes reading in this way.C . Because we can find something new each time.D . Because we can learn many words in this way.(4)How many tips does the writer give? A . ThreeB . FourC . FiveD . Six(5)Which of the following is Not the writers idea? A . Starting your reading with the classics.B . Talking about a book with others.C . Choosing(选择) something easy and interesting to read.D . Reading the books of your favourite writers.5. (4分)阅读理解 Each year more than 2,500 people die and 12,600 are injured in home fires just in the United States, with direct property(财产) loss because of home fires at about $7.3 billion every year. Every day Americans experience tile horror(惨状) of fires, but most people dont understand fires.To protect yourself, it is important to learn something about home fires.In less than 30 seconds a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire. It only takes minutes for thick black smoke to fill a house or for it to be in flames. Most deadly fires occur in the home when people are asleep, lf you realize a fire, you wont have time to take valuables because the fire spreads too quickly and the smoke is too thick. The fire uses up the oxygen you need and produces smoke and poisonous(有毒的) gases that kill. Breathing even small amounts of smoke and toxic gases can make you tired and sleepy, and short of breath. The smoke can cause you to be a deep sleeper before the flames reach your door. You may not wake up in time to escape.Room temperatures in a fire can be 100 degrees at floor level and rise to 600 degrees at eye level. Breathing in this super-hot air will burn your lungs. It can melt clothes to your skin. In five minutes, a mom can get so hot that everything in it starts to burn at once.Fires are bright at first, but quickly produce black smoke and complete darkness. If you wake up to a fire you may be blinded, confused about where you are or which direction you should go in and unable to find your way around the home youve lived in for years.Only when we know the true nature of fires can we prepare our families and ourselves.(1)How does the first paragraph develop? A . By listing reasons.B . By giving examples.C . By expressing opinions.D . By raising questions.(2)How does black smoke trouble us? A . Causing us to feel hopeless.B . Making our faces turn black.C . Getting us to lose our ways.D . Forcing us to walk around the home.(3)What does the passage mainly tell us? A . Different processes of home fires.B . Some basic knowledge of home fires.C . Some good ways to prevent home fires.D . Great damage of home fires in the USA6. (3分)阅读理解 Andrew Hollennan, a 12-year-old boy, loved playing in the open land near his home. The land was wet and forested, and made a home for birds, other animals and many different plants. It made the perfect place for him to study and get to know the nature. He had seen some red- tail hawks, red foxes, wood turtles and other animals. He also found special native flowers. Suddenly it was announced that the empty land would be improved by a lot of houses on it.The plants would be removed, the animals would run away and most would probably die. Then the wet soil would be covered with extra grounds. When he heard about the news, he was not happy. He was very worried that the land and water would be polluted.Andrew wrote down clearly all the researches he had down about the area, and how the houses would affect the local environment. He sent letters to members of local government and television reporters. He also called on his neighbors to oppose the building of the houses. Although he was only 12 years old, he had the courage and wisdom of a person much older. Andrews teachers described him as gentle, shy and active. His classmates also admired how much he knew about local animals and plants, and the environment. Each day after school, Andrew went door-to-door, to ask the people to sign, who did not want the houses to be built. In only one month, he got the signatures of 250 people.In the end, the land remained a safe place for birds, animals and plants that belonged there.Andrew won many prizes for his brave and great work to stop the houses being built, and thus help save the environment.(1)The passage is mainly about _. A . 250 people who signed to help AndrewB . a brave boy who cared for the environmentC . the open land that suited animals and plantsD . the research on improving the environment(2)The underlined word oppose in the passage probably means_. A . supportB . dislikeC . disagreeD . prefer(3)Andrew was very worried because _. A . the animals would be killedB . new houses would be built on the open landC . not all the neighbors were going to signD . he was praised by his teachers and classmates.(4)We can infer that _. A . The land would remain as it used to beB . The open land would be built into a parkC . The neighbors would have to move awayD . Andrew would soon work for the government三、 完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 (共5题;共5分)7. (1分)他更喜欢待在家里。 He _at home.8. (1分)你们不在时不必为孩子们担心。 Dont _ _ the children while you are away. 9. (1分)他的爸爸经常在晚上熬夜。 His father often _ _ at night.10. (1分)我一周看一次电影。 I watch movies_.11. (1分)他为什么正在自言自语? Why is he _?四、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)12. (1分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确。每词仅用一次。 friend thin true thing quickA: Mary, do you know Lisa?B: Yes, she is my best friend. We study in the same school.A: What does she look like?B: She has long straight hair. And she is _and taller than me.A: Is she similar to you?B: Yes, she likes to do the same _as me. But wearer different in some ways sometimes.A: In which ways are you different?B: Im more outgoing than Lisa. Im friendlier and I love sports. She is _different from me. She can run more _and jump higher than me.A: Who is more hard-working?B: She is not as hard-working as me. But she is smarter and always gets better grades.A: Can you introduce(介绍) her to me? I want to be _with her.B: OK. I think you can become good friends.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)13. (5分)阅读下面短文,把A-E五个句子填入稳重空缺处,使短文内容完整。 Most people want to be happy, but few of them know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring happiness forever. Aristotle(亚里士多德), a Greek thinker, said, “Happiness depends upon ourselves” _Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier. _such as reading a good book, listening to your favourite music, spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happily._._.Many people go dancing or play sports. People can forget about their problems and only think about the activities.Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. _You can help a friend with his or her lessons, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person.A. They could enjoy simple things in their lives.B. In other words, we make our own happinessC. The first secrect of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life.D. Iu want to feel happier, do good things to help other people.E. The second secrect to living a happy life is to be active.六、 补全对话 (共2题;共2分)14. (1分)根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话,选项中有项是多余的。 Mary: We have three days of Mike Where would you like to go?Mike: _ I havent been there.Mary: _ I would like to go there, too.Mike: _Mary: Yes, I have been there twice since I came to China last year. I can be your guide.Mike: Really? Thats great! I heard that its one of the Eight Wonders of the world._Mary: The Great Wall is about 6, 000 kilometers from east to west.Mike: So long! Chinese people are great!Mary: Many foreign tourists want to visit the Great Wall. And many of them know that He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.Mike: _ I cant wait to go to the Great Wall.Mary: You should try!A. See you later.B. Thats a good idea.C. That sounds interesting.D. How long is the Great Wall?E. Have you been there before?F. What about visiting the Great Wall?15. (1分)从方框中选择正确的句子补全对话,有两个多余选项。 A. He is Li Ming.B. Nice to meet you, too.C. Whats your name?D. Good morning.E. How are you?F. Her name is Kate.G. She is our classmateLi Lin: Good morning, Wang Mei!Wang Mei:_This is my friend, Yang Hao.Li Lin: Nice to meet you, Yang Hao.Yang Hao:_Li Lin: Whos the girl over there? Whats her name?Wang Mei:_Li Lin: Is she a student?Wang Mei:_Li Lin: Whos the boy over there?Wang Mei:_七、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)最近,学校校刊正以shopping in the past and present为题,进行征文活动。请你根据下面的提示,写一篇英语短文投稿。词数80左右。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。 My parents teenage daysnow地点商店商店、网络等时间9: 00 a.m.-9: 00 p. m.任何时间选择少多支付方式现金(cash)现金、手机、电脑Shopping in the past and presentWhen my parents were young,第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共15分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、三、 完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 (共5题;共5分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)12-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)13-1、六、 补全对话 (共2题;共2分)14-1、15-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)16-1、

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