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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期末考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) Did Bill have a good time? Yes. He enjoyed very much. A . himB . themselvesC . himselfD . herself2. (2分) Tom Hanks is a famous who has acted in many films. A . artistB . actressC . actor3. (2分) (2019八下广州期中) We need to the railway station on time, or we will miss the train. A . reachB . describeC . practise4. (2分) (2019沈阳) People who always do sports are in spirits than those who dont. A . highB . higherC . tallD . taller5. (2分) He didnt go to Beijing. He went to Shanghai _. A . tooB . thoughC . instead6. (2分) Mary usually goes to school her fathers car. A . byB . inC . withD . on7. (2分) If this article in the newspaper, which section should it ? A . will appear; be belonged toB . is appeared; belong toC . appears; be belonged toD . appears; belong to8. (2分) (2018浙江模拟) I felt it hard to keep up with my classmates. But whenever I want to _, my teacher always encourages me to work harder. A . go onB . give upC . run awayD . give back9. (2分) (2019七下封开期末) Carol, could you please help me_ this map? No problem. Im coming.A . put onB . put upC . cut upD . get up10. (2分) (2019八上长春月考) We arent going to have a class meeting today. .We have some problems to discuss.A . Thats all rightB . I think so.C . Why not?D . I am afraid not.二、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)11. (1分) 补全对话(其中两项多余) A. What about you?B. It has a population of over 8 million.C. Whats the weather like in London?D. So Cambridge is newer than London.E. Where are you from?F. Its never hot in summer or cold in winter.G. Whats the population of Cambridge?A: Its a fine day, isnt it?B: Yes, the weather is so fine for a walk.A: Are you new here?B: Yes. Its my first time to be in this city.A: _B: I am from Cambridge, a small city in the east of England._A: I am from London, the capital of the UK._B: Its about 120, 000.What about London?A: _B: London is much larger than Cambridge. Cambridge is famous for its university.A: London is about 2, 000 years old and its famous for Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge.B: _A: Yes, of course. Welcome to visit my home town, London.B: Thanks, I will.三、 完型填空 (共1题;共1分)12. (1分) (2016八下平南月考) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。When Zoe talks about her dog, Hatti, a big smile always appears on her face. Zoe is thirteen and she was born 1a terrible illness (疾病). The illness stops her from 2like other children. In 2006, Hatti came to her.“I wanted a 3of my own to help not just me but all my family. So I called Dogs for the Disabled, an organization which helps the disabled by 4dogs for them. Things became different after Hatti arrived. Its very 5. It can get many things for me, so my mom doesnt need to be around me all the time. If I need my mom, it can get my mom in a 6 even in the midnight,” said Zoe.“Hatti is my best friend, and it is 7to have it around. I think it makes me laugh every day. I used to be scared 8I was alone, but now Hatti can always stay with me,” said Zoe.Zoes mom Helen 9, “The longer Zoe and Hatti are together, the happier Zoe becomes. Shes becoming more independent (独立的). Im 10glad and I thank Dogs for the Disabled very much.”(1)A . at B . with C . for D . on (2)A . growing up B . giving up C . cleaning up D . putting up (3)A . bird B . cat C . horse D . dog (4)A . training B . walking C . selling D . feeding (5)A . dangerous B . careless C . clever D . lucky (6)A . month B . day C . hour D . minute (7)A . fun B . upset C . available D . serious (8)A . why B . when C . which D . where (9)A . promises B . advises C . says D . changes (10)A . probably B . really C . only D . loudly 四、 阅读理解 (共4题;共46分)13. (1分) (2019九上广州开学考) 阅读短文及文后A-E选项,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。 The salmon (大马哈鱼) is a very strange fish. It is born in a river. But the young salmon takes two years to swim down the rivers towards the Pacific Ocean. _ Then it returns to the river where it was born. A grown-up salmon weighs about 25 pounds and is nearly three feet long. _ When it is almost time to lay eggs,both male and female salmons begin a great journey. Each salmon is heading for the river where it was born. A salmon may be a thousand miles from where its life began. Yet it is able to return to that place._The salmons are food for some other fish. Some are caught by fishermen. The salmons that are left keep swimming. After they enter the rivers, they head upstream(向上游). If rocks and waterfalls are in their way, the salmons leap(跳) over them. _ It leaps by swimming at full speed under water, then rising to the surface. Almost the whole body of a salmon is made of muscles. It is these powerful muscles that make the salmon fit for fast swimming, quick turning, and high leaping out of the water.Some salmons reach the river in summer, others in the early autumn. _A. As the salmons swim, larger fish attack them.B. For another two years it lives in the sea and becomes full grown.C. They have swum hundreds, even thousands of miles to return.D. The female salmon will not lay eggs in the Pacific Ocean.E. A salmon can leap up a fall as high as 10 feet.14. (10分) (2019广州模拟) 阅读理解 Its all about patience(耐性) really.Chinese walkers, who usually walk the red light together, may be surprised at recent research which showed that they are more patient than people abroad.A study looked at more than 1,800 walkers at three busy Shanghai crossings(交叉路口). It found that an average Chinese walker ran out of patience at red lights after 90 seconds. But theres an interesting fact: the average Germans endurance ability(耐性) was around 60 seconds while the British only 45 seconds and the American 40 seconds.People will take no notice of the red lights when the waiting time exceeds(超过) their patience time. A lot of Chinese traffic lights are car-friendly instead of walker-friendly, said Ni Ying, who led the research team. As there are more and more car users in the city, city planners are giving them more convenience on the roads, according to her.The study also found that at some crossings, walkers waited longer than 150 seconds, and at other crossings the wait could be as long as 200 seconds. However, most red lights abroad do not exceed 120 seconds.The study suggested that planners should think about the walking pace(步幅) of people from different age groups, especially middle-aged people and seniors, in order to make the roads more walker-friendly. But the citys traffic police do not agree. They argue that the roads are built not just for the walkers, but also for cars. To give more time for walkers would cut down the time for cars, a traffic policeman said. On a busy traffic day, it can make traffic worse.(1) Who are the most patient among the people from four different countries? A . The Chinese.B . The German.C . The British.D . The American(2) According to the passage, Chinese walkers walk the red light because_. A . they are not afraid of the traffic policeB . they are not friendly to car usersC . there is often something wrong with the red lightsD . the waiting time at the crossings is too long(3) What does them in Paragraph 4 refer to? A . City planners.B . Walkers.C . Car users.D . The research team.(4) How could roads become more friendly to walkers according to the study? A . By taking away the traffic lights.B . By making the roads wider and look nicer.C . By changing the waiting time according to peoples walking pace.D . By stopping the middle-aged people from walking across the roads.(5) Which of the following will the traffic police agree with? A . Its right to give more time to walkers.B . Reducing time for car users will make traffic worse.C . We should encourage people to walk instead of driving.D . We should build more roads to meet the need of different people.15. (10分) 阅读理解 It was about 1:00 in the morning. It was bright light in my neighbors kitchen. I thought he might be having midnight food so I went back to my bed. Soon, there was a burning smell and I realized there must be something wrong. I jumped out of bed at once and went to have a look. I saw fire coming out of his kitchen. I shouted, Fire!Fire!But nobody heard me. I ran quickly to my house and called the Fire Department(消防队) and went back to my neighbors house. I knocked at the door and called my neighbors name, but there was no answer. I tried to break into the house and saved a cat and a chicken. Then I poured water through the kitchen window but it was no use, because the fire was too big. Luckily, the firemen arrived and put out the fire in time. When my neighbor came back, he was sad because his kitchen was burnt down, but he thanked me for calling the Fire Department and saving his pets. A week later, my neighbor invited me to his home for dinner. In his new kitchen, he took a photo of me. Later on, he gave me the photo as a gift. It made me happy. (1) When the writer saw the light in his neighbors kitchen, he thought his neighbor was _. A . cookingB . drinking waterC . playingD . doing the dishes(2) What did the writer do first after he saw fire coming out of his neighbors kitchen? A . He shouted for help.B . He ran into his house quickly.C . He called the Fire Department.D . He knocked at his neighbors door.(3) The writers neighbor kept _ as pets according to the text. A . a dog and a catB . a cat and a birdC . a dog and a birdD . a cat and a chicken(4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? A . The writer put out the fire at last.B . The neighbor was at home when the fire happened.C . The neighbor invited the writer to have dinner.D . The writer took a photo with his neighbor in his new kitchen.(5) We can know from the text that the writer is _. A . outgoingB . famousC . helpfulD . hardworking16. (25分) (2019七上浙江期中) 请从AE选项中选出与各个情景相符合的选项。 A. I found a photo in Classroom 7E. A nice girl and her parents are in it.Call Tom at 518- 1296.B. Hello, Im a boy. Here is my family photo. In it are my father, my mother and I.C. Mary Green is English. Now her parents are teachers at No.1 Middle School, She is in the school, too.D. Who lost a yellow ring? I found it this afternoon. Is it yours? Please callMiss Wang at No.1 Middle School at 625 - 1905.E. In the school library, I found a schoolbag. Is it yours? Please e mail me at tomsina.com._Three people are in the photo of Frank s family._Kate lost a schoolbag in the school library._At No.1 Middle School, a teacher found a ring._Cindy lost a family photo in Classroom 7E. She must find it._Li Tao wants to find the English girl at No.1 Middle School.五、 词汇运用 (共2题;共2分)17. (1分) On a _ (wind/windy) day, you can see leaves shaking _ (slight/slightly) in the park. 18. (1分) (2019九上上海期中) Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each one can only be used once. A. business B. in fact C. probably D. thought E. completelyMaking decisions quickly is not an Arab custom. Arabs like to think for a long time before making a decision. Give yourself lots of time and ask lots of questions when you do_with them. When an Arab says yes, he may mean maybe. When he says maybe, he_means no. You will hardly get a direct no from an Arab because it is_to be impolite. A smile and a nod might seem like an agreement, but_, your host is just being polite. An Arab considers it impolite to disagree with a guest. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分) (2016八上武城开学考) 书面表达。假设你叫Jack。 请根据表格中所提供的信息,写一篇小短文介绍一下你自己。要求:不少于50词。NameJackAge14 years oldHobbies爱好play basketball with his classmatesReason原因interestingbreakfastmilk, bread and eggslunchvegetables, chicken and ricedinnerfruit, ice-cream and hamburgers第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略二、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)11、答案:略三、 完型填空 (共1题;共1分)12、答案:略四、 阅读理解 (共4题;共46分)13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略五、 词汇运用 (共2题;共2分)17、答案:略18、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19、答案:略

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