人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中阶段性检测试卷(无听力资料)(II )卷

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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中阶段性检测试卷(无听力资料)(II )卷一、 听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分) (共5题;共5分)1. (1分) What pet did the man use to buy? A . B . C . 2. (1分) (2019七上湛江期中) What does the boy like to play? A . B . C . 3. (1分) What kind of table does Peter need? A . B . C . 4. (1分) What does Mary have to do tonight? A . B . C . 5. (1分) What are they doing at the moment? A . B . C . 二、 听录音,选择最佳答语。(每小题1分) (共5题;共5分)6. (1分) (2019七下綦江期末) 听句子,选出最恰当的答语( ) A . Friday.B . Today.C . June 15th.7. (1分) (2019八下北碚期末) 根据你所听到的句子,选出最恰当的答语。 A . No problem.B . Not bad.C . Good luck!8. (1分) 听句子,根据所听到的内容选择最佳答语( ) A . Yes, I can see it.B . Many people.C . Many monkeys.9. (1分) (2019聊城) 听句子,选出作为其恰当反应的最佳选项( ) A . At 5:00 pm.B . For 7 years.C . About ten meters.10. (1分) (2019青海) 听句子,选择最佳答语( ) A . Shell go to America.B . She is cooking.C . She is angry.三、 听录音,选择正确答案。(每小题1分) (共2题;共10分)11. (5分) (2019八下九龙坡月考) 听对话,选择正确的答案。 A . Its so expensive.B . Its healthy.C . Its very interesting.12. (5分) (2015九上金华期中) 听下面一段较长的对话,回答下列两个小题。 (1) Who plans to join the music club this year? A . Jim.B . Emma.C . Allen.(2) What is the boy going to do this year? A . To work hard at Chinese.B . To learn basketball. C . To play in a band.四、 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) (共15题;共15分)13. (1分) Is there _ bookshop near here? Yes. This is Xinghua Jie. Go along _ street and turn left. You can see it then.A . a; aB . a; theC . the; aD . the; the14. (1分) Mum, I watched TV for only forty minutes. Sometimes TV is good for us. Forty minutes enough. Now you must do your homework. A . watch;isB . watching;isC . watched;are15. (1分) 当你不知道某物的英文名称时,可以说“ ”。 A . How are you?B . Good morning.C . Whats this in English?D . Spell it, please.16. (1分) (2018八上江门期中) This coat is _ cheaper. A . veryB . quiteC . littleD . much17. (1分) (2019青岛) The high-speed train Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours. A . fromB . amongC . inD . between18. (1分) Daniel, play with the mobile phone while youre walking on the street. A . dontB . doesntC . wont19. (1分) We can save money _ cooking our own meals instead of eating outside. A . byB . toC . for20. (1分) I am sorry more than people lost their lives in the earthquake(地震) . A . to hear; sixty thousandB . to hear; sixty thousandsC . hear; sixty thousands ofD . hearing; sixty thousand of21. (1分) (2018随州模拟) Are those books_?No,they are not mineThey belong to_A . your;herB . yours;herC . your;hersD . yours;she22. (1分) (2019八下柳州期末) Without friends, people always feel . A . aloneB . lonelyC . happy23. (1分) Beijing is _ old city and its _ capital of China. A . a;anB . an;/C . an;theD . an;a24. (1分) They hope to stand the top of the mountains one day A . atB . onC . toD . in25. (1分) (2019七下苏州期末) Hurry up. The last bus at 11:30 pm. Too late. It 10 minutes ago.A . left; leftB . left; leavesC . leaves; leftD . will leave; leaves26. (1分) (2016江阴模拟) How was your stay in Hong Kong?_. And it was a pity that I couldnt stay there longer.A . Nothing could be worse.B . It was just fantastic.C . A terrible experience.D . What a hard time I had!27. (1分) Lets play tennis! . I need to go to school today.A . That sounds good.B . No, its interesting.C . Yes, thanks.D . Sorry, I cant.五、 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)28. (10分) 完形填空 If you go into the forest with friends, 1with them, If you dont, you may get lost. If you get lost, this is what you should do:Sit down and stay 2you are. Dont try to find your friendslet them3you. You can4them find you by staying in one place. There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. You can shout or whistle(吹口哨)three times. Stop!Then shout or whistle three times5. Any signals(信号)given three times is a call6help. If you dont think that you will get help7night comes, try to make a little8with branches(树枝). Make9a bed with leaves and grass. When you need some water, you have to leave your little branch house to look for it. Dont just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk in order to(为了)go back again easily. When you are lost, the10important thing to do is to stay in one place. (1)A . speak B . talk C . live D . stay (2)A . at B . where C . as D . there (3)A . find B . look for C . worry D . keep (4)A . ask B . help C . tell D . wish (5)A . too B . also C . again D . more (6)A . for B . with C . of D . in (7)A . at B . before C . until D . after (8)A . house B . family C . home D . mother (9)A . himself B . itself C . yourself D . herself (10)A . many B . more C . most D . much 六、 阅读理解。(每小题1.5分,满分30分) (共4题;共30分)29. (7.5分) (2019九下萧山月考) 阅读理解 Love mysteries but cant find the ones that suit you fine? Dont worry! Here are some that young readers around the world highly recommend. There must be one that you will win your heart!Escape from Mr. Lemoncellos Library Mr. Lemoncello is a famous inventor in the town. Twelve kids are invited to visit his new library. However, this isnt a good place to spend the night! The kids must work together to solve the clues and escapes! Its a great book! I had my nose in it all the time!This must be the coolest library in the world! -Kate, 12Price: ¥38.60(hardcover)/¥31.70(e -book)From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Claudia and her brother Jamie ran away from their suburban home to live in the Museum of Art in New York City. They enjoy the mystery of an angel statue that is nearly brought to the museum. Can they solve it?I have read this book twenty times! Its a must read for young fans of puzzles! - Alexa, 11Price: ¥48.70(hardcover)/¥34.60(e -book) The London Eye MysterySalim suddenly disappears. No one knows where he has gone. His cousins, Ted and Kate have to follow clues around London and find him before its too late. Can they make it? An amazing story full of puzzles! It will make you never want to stop turning the pages! - Gabe, 13Price: ¥74.70(hardcover)/¥66.60(e -book)(1) Sam is always interested in stories that take place in museums. He would choose_. A . Mrs. E.L. KonigsburgB . The London Eye MysteryC . Escape from Escape from Mr. Lemoncellos LibraryD . From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. BasilE . Frankwiller(2) In the London Eye Mystery, _. A . twelve kids try to escape from LondonB . two children try to find their missing cousinC . twelve kids try to escape from a new libraryD . two children try to solve the mystery of a statue(3) By saying I had my nose in it all the time! Kate wants to show that_. A . the book was really cheapB . she enjoyed reading the bookC . she liked the smell of the bookD . the book was easy to understand.30. (7.5分) (2019八下宁波月考) 阅读理解 Imagine there is a bank that gives you $86,400 each morning. Every evening the bank deletes (删除) the part that you fail to use during the day. What would you do? Take out every cent, of course!Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning, time gives you 86,400 seconds. Every day it opens a new account for you. Every night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the days savings, the lost is yours.To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed in SSC Exam.To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature (早产的) baby.To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train.To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided (避免) an accident.Make good use of every moment that you have. Remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. Thats why its called The Present.(1) If you want to ask a person who just avoided an accident, you can realize the value of . A . one monthB . one weekC . one minuteD . one second(2) If you want to realize the value of ONE WEEK, . A . you can ask a student who failed in SSC ExamB . you can ask the editor of a weekly newspaperC . you can ask a person who missed the trainD . you can ask the lovers who are waiting to meet(3) In this passage, the writer tries to tell us . A . to value (珍视) friendshipB . to spend time with our familyC . to value our timeD . to know the difference of time units(单位)31. (7.5分) (2019扬州模拟) 阅读理解 GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT:A kids guide to food and nutrition (营养)By William B NoyesAdd to Cart (购物车)Add to Shopping ListTop Customer ReviewsMy kids loved this book!By L. MarkovitzThis book is very easy to understand for kids and helpful if you want them to understand why you want them to eat certain foods. It also explains food groups on a level they can understand. My kids didnt love this book!By Sycamore SewingThe book explains the nutrition you receive and which part of your body it feeds. The book is great except the page that says most of your food should be grains(谷物)and you should get all of your energy from the things like cereal and bagels, it doesnt look right. I just dont agree on it. Recommended (推荐)By EllenI would recommend this to any Mom! It tells Moms what is healthy food. (1) The above reading most probably comes from a . A . bookB . websiteC . magazineD . newspaper(2) Which food group do the underlined words cereal and bagels belong to? A . Grains.B . Meat.C . Vegetables.D . Fruits.(3) According to the above reading, which of the following is TRUE? A . This book is written for kids only.B . Sycamore Sewing is the books writer.C . Not everyone agrees with the ideas in this book.D . This book tells you how to exercise.32. (7.5分) (2019八下天台月考) 阅读理解 Many middle school students dont know how to spend their free time. When they have holidays, they always have nothing to do and feel bored. Some may play computer games all day long and some may stay in bed and sleep all day. Its not a good way. Here is some advice. If you dont like to stay at home, you can go for a picnic or play some sports. In this way, you can take some fresh air and keep healthy. If you like to stay at home, you may enjoy some light music or read a few novels. You can play some indoor games such as chess, cards, and table tennis. You can also plant some trees and flowers in your garden to make your home beautiful. It is also a good way to keep a pet and talk with it. Just develop some hobbies and you will feel much happier after a long holiday. (1) Why do we need to do sports in our free time? A . To keep healthy.B . To make more friends.C . To make our studies better.D . To know about the world.(2) Which is NOT a good way to spend our free time according to the writer? A . Going for a picnic.B . Sleeping all day.C . Playing chess.D . Keeping a pet.(3) What is(are) important to you to spend your free time according to the writer? A . Money.B . Friends.C . Hobbies.D . Trees.七、 选词填空。(5分) (共1题;共5分)33. (5分) 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。(1) The _ of all my mistakes took nearly an hour.(2) Do read the _ before taking the medicine.(3) My beloved mother is always _ as though she never knows tiredness.(4) It was a long _, but we eventually arrived.(5) The job does not require any _ training.(6) A _ is very important in finding a job.(7) He has _ that he didnt finish his homework.(8) The visitor bought _ in the shops while visiting the places of interest.(9) He is _ by his boss because he has done his work well.(10) The poor boy was _ by his parents and had a hard life.八、 根据所给中文写出单词。(5分) (共5题;共5分)34. (1分) If you want to _(乘坐) a train, you should go to a new station.35. (1分) Is there a _ else on the island? No, there is nobody. 36. (1分) What is Lucys sisters job? She is a _ (导游)in Beijing. 37. (1分) Dont talk to anyone about the bad news, _(尤其) my mum. 38. (1分) There are twelve m_ in a year. 九、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)39. (10分) It is difficult _(arrive) for class. It is raining.十、 补全对话(每空1分,共5分) (共1题;共5分)40. (5分) (2017七上衡阳期末) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子, 使对话的意义连贯、完整。A: Hi, Susan. Can I ask you some questions(问题)?B: Sure.A: Whats your family name?B: Its Smith.A: _ ?B: S-M-I-T-H.A: _ ?B: Its 320-7659.A: What are your favorite animals?B: _ .A: I like lions, too. _ ?B: Yes, Id like to. Lets go to the zoo after school.A: OK. See you.B: _ .十一、 英汉互译。(每小题2分,共10分) (共5题;共10分)41. (2分) (2020九上滨州期末) I wonder if the speech is worth listening to. 42. (2分) 翻译下列短语变得更加简单而快捷_ 取得很大进步:_成功地做某事:_ 记住过去_立足现在_ 展望未来_43. (2分) (2020九上滨州期末) 每个人都会犯错误,但是重要的是从中汲取教训。(it isto do) 44. (2分) 英译汉。 (1) A fisherman wearing a hat_(2) lead a poor life_(3) jumps out of the net_(4) ask for a house_(5) How did I marry such a fool!_45. (2分) (2019滨城模拟) Teachers are trying their best to stop the students from going to the internet cafes (网吧). 十二、 书面表达。(共10分) (共1题;共10分)46. (10分) (2018七上潘集期中) 下表是你房间的情况,请根据英语提示,写一篇40词左右的短文。 ThingsWhereThingsWherejacket, quilton the bedTapein the tape playerhat, schoolbagon the sofabooks, dictionaryin the bookcasea set of keysin the drawervolleyball, baseballunder the table第 23 页 共 23 页参考答案一、 听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分) (共5题;共5分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略二、 听录音,选择最佳答语。(每小题1分) (共5题;共5分)6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略三、 听录音,选择正确答案。(每小题1分) (共2题;共10分)11、答案:略12、答案:略四、 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) (共15题;共15分)13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略五、 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)28、答案:略六、 阅读理解。(每小题1.5分,满分30分) (共4题;共30分)29、答案:略30、答案:略31、答案:略32、答案:略七、 选词填空。(5分) (共1题;共5分)33、答案:略八、 根据所给中文写出单词。(5分) (共5题;共5分)34、答案:略35、答案:略36、答案:略37、答案:略38、答案:略九、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)39、答案:略十、 补全对话(每空1分,共5分) (共1题;共5分)40、答案:略十一、 英汉互译。(每小题2分,共10分) (共5题;共10分)41、答案:略42、答案:略43、答案:略44、答案:略45、答案:略十二、 书面表达。(共10分) (共1题;共10分)46、答案:略


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