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v New Horizon College EnglishTitleUnit 2Section A: A childs clutter awaits an adults returnSection B: Time slows downInstructionTypes1. Lecture and explanation 2. Discussion 3. Multi-mediaObjective1. To talk about the love between the parents and children 2. To understand the love between the mother and the daughter in the text 3. To apply the phrases and patterns4. Reading Skills5. To write an essay creatively based on the understanding of the text Difficulty&Emphasis1. Key words and expressions2. Know how to analyze and use these devices3. Reading SkillsTeachingProcedure1. Lead-in2. Background Knowledge3. Text Structure4. Detailed Study5. Critical Thinking6. Homeworkv New Horizon College EnglishUnit 1Section AI. Lead-in1. How do you understand the two following quotations?1) There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child. Henry Ward Beecher2) While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. Angela Schwindt2. Survey: How close are you and your parents?To what extent are you close to your parents?3. Watch some videos and discuss the questions below:1) What happened to the father and the son?2) Is there any conflict or disagreement between you and your parents? And what should we do to settle the conflict or disagreement? II. Text StructurePart I (para.1-3) The daughter is leaving home for independence and the mother feels glad on the one hand and expresses her concern / doubt on the other.Part 2 (Para.4-7) The daughter leaves a mess in her rooms and the mother straightens up the rooms.Part 3 (Para.8) After the mother finds a large envelope with all the memorable things the parents gave to the daughter, the mothers attitude changes/reverses completely.III. Detailed Study1. Words in Using1) awaitvt. 1 wait for sth. 等待;等候e.g. The little boy was still awaiting his fathers return when the clock struck 11. 当时钟敲响11 点时,那个小男孩仍在等着他爸爸回来。2 if sth. awaits you, it will happen to you (某事)将降临到身上e.g. The biggest surprise awaiting the birthday girl is that her father is flying to London for her birthday. 那个过生日的女孩即将得到的最大惊喜是她爸爸将飞到伦敦来为她庆祝生日。2) embarrassmentn. 1 C sb. or sth. that causes problems or makes you feel ashamed 让人难堪的人;使人为难的事e.g. He is such an embarrassment to his family. 他让他的家人感到非常难堪。2 U a feeling of being nervous or ashamed because of what people know or think about you 尴尬;难堪;窘迫e.g. To her terrible embarrassment, there were many people around when one ofher high heels broke off. 她一只高跟鞋的鞋跟断了,当时周围有许多人,这让她很尴尬。3) polishn. C, U a chemical substance that you rub onto an object to make it shine 上光剂;擦光剂e.g. The girl was told by her parents to remove the polish from her nails becauseshe was too young for make-up. 女孩的父母让她把指甲油擦掉,因为她还太小,不适合化妆。vt. 1 make sth. smooth, bright, and shiny by rubbing it 擦亮;擦光e.g. He polished his glasses with a handkerchief in order to see more clearly. 他用手帕擦了擦眼镜,以便看得更清楚些。2 improve a piece of writing, a speech, etc. by making slight changes to it before it is completely finished 修改;润色e.g. Your essay is good; you just need to polish it a bit. 你的文章不错,你只要稍加润色就可以了。4) comicn. C (also book) a magazine for children that contains stories told in a series of drawings (儿童)连环漫画册e.g. With the combination of pictures and texts, comics are a good way to getchildren to begin their adventures in reading. 连环漫画册图文并茂是让儿童开始接触阅读的一个好办法。a. amusing you and making you want to laugh 滑稽的;好笑的e.g. Even the misfortune in his personal life was used by him in creating his comic movies. 连他生活中的不幸遭遇也被他用于创作喜剧电影。5) clumsya. 1 not easy to use and often large and heavy (物体)笨重的e.g. The first mobile phones were heavy and clumsy to use, but nowadays they are much easier to handle. 第一代手机用起来很笨重,不过如今的手机用起来方便多了。2 moving in an awkward way and tending to make things fall over 笨拙的;不灵活的e.g. When people get drunk, they become clumsy and cannot speak clearly. 人们喝醉后会变得行动笨拙,说话含糊。6) curlv. form a twisted or curved shape, or make sth. do this 盘绕;缠绕e.g. It seems to me that the best way to relax is to curl up in the sofa with a cup of tea, and watch TV. 对我而言,最好的放松方法就是泡上一杯茶,蜷在沙发上看电视。7) strainvi. pull hard at sth. or push hard against sth. 使劲拉;使劲推;绷紧e.g. The dog strains at the rope fastened to its collar, eager to be off. 那只狗使劲拽着拴在脖子上的绳子,拼命要挣脱。vt. injure a muscle or part of your body by using it too much or making it work too hard 拉伤;扭伤;损伤e.g. I strained a muscle in my back when playing tennis. 我在打网球时拉伤了背上的一块肌肉。n. C, U worry that is caused by having to deal with a problem or work too hard over a long period of time 焦虑;紧张e.g. We know that a long time without change can lead to boredom, and physical and mental strain. 我们知道,长时间没有变化会导致乏味,以及身体和精神上的紧张。8) curbn. C (BrE kerb) the raised edge of a road, between where people can walk and cars can drive 路缘e.g. For the sake of safety, please walk as close to the curb as possible. 为了安全起见,请尽量靠近路缘走路。vt. control or limit sth. in order to prevent it from having a harmful effect 控制;抑制;约束e.g. The government should take steps to curb the rapid rise in housing prices. 政府应采取措施抑制房价的快速上涨。9) stripvt. (also off) 1 remove sth. that is covering the surface of sth. else 剥去;除去e.g. She asked us to strip off the sheets and bring them downstairs when we leave. 她叫我们离开时把床单撤下来并带到楼下。2 take off your clothes or take off sb. elses clothes 脱去(的)衣服e.g. Jack stripped off his sweater and threw it onto the couch. 杰克脱掉毛衣,把它扔到长沙发上。10) reversevt. change sth., such as a decision, judgment, or process so that it is the opposite of what it was before 推翻,彻底改变(决定、判决、过程等)e.g. The Jones had planned to sell their house and move into an apartment, but later they reversed their minds. 琼斯一家打算把房子卖掉,搬到公寓去住,但是他们后来改变了主意。 n. (the ) the exact opposite of what has just been mentioned 相反情况;正相反e.g. Of course I dont dislike youquite the reverse. 我当然不是不喜欢你恰恰相反,我喜欢你。a. (only before noun) ( order/situation/process, etc.) the opposite order, etc. to what is usual or to what has just been stated 相反的(顺序、局势、过程等)e.g. The record showed a reverse trend to that in other countries. 记录显示在其他国家有与之相反的趋势。2. Practical Phrases1) make it1 be successful at sth., e.g. in your job 获得成功e.g. He came to the US and not only made it, but made it big. 他来到美国,不仅成功了,而且还发达了。2 succeed in getting somewhere in time for sth. or when this is difficult (尤指在困难情况下)准时到达,赶上e.g. With blood pouring from his leg, he made it to a nearby house. 他腿上流着血,支撑着走到附近的一所房子。2) free of/fromnot containing or involving sth. unpleasant 无的;摆脱了的e.g. We need to create a relaxing atmosphere, free of tension. 我们需要创造一种没有压力的轻松氛围。3) catch oneself doing sth.suddenly realize one is doing sth. 突然意识到自己在做某事e.g. One day I caught myself smiling for no reason; then I realized I was thinking of you. 有一天我忽然发觉自己正无缘无故地微笑,随后我意识到我那时想到了你。4) throw awayget rid of sth. that you do not want or need 扔掉;丢弃5) after all1 used for saying that sth. is true despite what was said or planned before 终究;最终还是e.g. Maybe she was right after all. 或许最终还是她对。2 used when giving a reason to explain what you have just said 毕竟e.g. Im not really ambitious about making money. After all, money isnt everything. 我对赚钱真没什么雄心大志,毕竟钱不是一切。6) reverse oneself(AmE) change ones opinion or position in an argument (争论中)改变主意/立场e.g. Suddenly, he reversed himself completely. 突然,他完全改变了立场。7) straighten up1 make sth. tidy 把弄整洁e.g. As usual, she helped her mother clear away the dishes and straighten up the room. 跟平时一样,她帮助妈妈清理碗碟,并把屋子收拾整洁。2 stand up straight 直起身e.g. I straightened up and the ache in my back grew worse. 我直起身子,这时背部的疼痛加剧了。8) keep back1 not show your feelings, even though you want to very much 抑制,控制(感情)e.g. When she heard that her mom was seriously ill, she could hardly keep back her tears. 听到妈妈病重的消息,她忍不住流下了眼泪。2 deliberately not tell sb. all that you know about sth. 隐瞒某事e.g. She told us most of the story, but kept back about her uncle. 她把故事的大部分内容告诉了我们,但是没有讲有关她叔叔的事。9) with open armsif you do sth. with open arms, you show that you are happy to see sb. or eager to accept an idea, plan, etc. 热烈地;欣然e.g. When I went to see my boyfriends parents for the first time, they welcomed me with open arms. 我第一次去见男友的父母时受到了他们的热情欢迎3. Functional Pattern1) Sb. catch oneself doing sth.用于表达“突然意识到自己在做某事”。2) The more , the more .用于表达“越越”。 3) Sb. do sth. So/Neither will/do/does/did sb. else. 用于表达“同样的情况也适用于其他人”。IV. Critical Thinking1. If you were the daughter, what response would you have when you read the article?2. Some young people refuse to take their parents advice or even do the opposite as they think they are adults. How do you think about it?3. Some say a good relationship starts with good communication. What can you do to strengthen communication with our parents?4. What is an ideal parent-child relationship in your mind?5. Do you think parents nowadays are expecting too much of their children? Please explain.V. HomeworkExercises on P38-44


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